480 research outputs found

    Efficient routing of snow removal vehicles

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    This research addresses the problem of finding a minimum cost set of routes for vehicles in a road network subject to some constraints. Extensions, such as multiple service requirements, and mixed networks have been considered. Variations of this problem exist in many practical applications such as snow removal, refuse collection, mail delivery, etc. An exact algorithm was developed using integer programming to solve small size problems. Since the problem is NP-hard, a heuristic algorithm needs to be developed. An algorithm was developed based on the Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure (GRASP) heuristic, in which each replication consists of applying a construction heuristic to find feasible and good quality solutions, followed by a local search heuristic. A simulated annealing heuristic was developed to improve the solutions obtained from the construction heuristic. The best overall solution was selected from the results of several replications. The heuristic was tested on four sets of problem instances (total of 115 instances) obtained from the literature. The simulated annealing heuristic was able to achieve average improvements of up to 26.36% over the construction results on these problem instances. The results obtained with the developed heuristic were compared to the results obtained with recent heuristics developed by other authors. The developed heuristic improved the best-known solution found by other authors on 18 of the 115 instances and matched the results on 89 of those instances. It worked specially better with larger problems. The average deviations to known lower bounds for all four datasets were found to range between 0.21 and 2.61%

    Thirty years of heterogeneous vehicle routing

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    It has been around thirty years since the heterogeneous vehicle routing problem was introduced, and significant progress has since been made on this problem and its variants. The aim of this survey paper is to classify and review the literature on heterogeneous vehicle routing problems. The paper also presents a comparative analysis of the metaheuristic algorithms that have been proposed for these problems

    Solving Rich Vehicle Routing Problem Using Three Steps Heuristic

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    Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) relates to the problem of providing optimum service with a fleet of vehicles to customers. It is a combinatorial optimization problem. The objective is usually to maximize the profit of the operation. However, for public transportation owned and operated by government, accessibility takes priority over profitability. Accessibility usually reduces profit, while increasing profit tends to reduce accessibility. In this research, we look at how accessibility can be increased without penalizing the profitability. This requires the determination of routes with minimum fuel consumption, maximum number of ports of call and maximum load factor satisfying a number of pre-determined constraints: hard and soft constraints. To solve this problem, we propose a heuristic algorithm. The results from this experiment show that the algorithm proposed has better performance compared to the partitioning set

    Sequential and parallel large neighborhood search algorithms for the periodic location routing problem

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    We propose a large neighborhood search (LNS) algorithm to solve the periodic location routing problem (PLRP). The PLRP combines location and routing decisions over a planning horizon in which customers require visits according to a given frequency and the specific visit days can be chosen. We use parallelization strategies that can exploit the availability of multiple processors. The computational results show that the algorithms obtain better results than previous solution methods on a set of standard benchmark instances from the literature

    Tabu Search: A Comparative Study

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    A GRASPxELS with Depth First Search Split Procedure for the HVRP

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    Split procedures have been proved to be efficient within global framework optimization for routing problems by splitting giant tour into trips. This is done by generating optimal shortest path within an auxiliary graph built from the giant tour. An efficient application has been introduced for the first time by Lacomme et al. (2001) within a metaheuristic approach to solve the Capacitated Arc Routing Problem (CARP) and second for the Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) by Prins (2004). In a further step, the Split procedure embedded in metaheuristics has been extended to address more complex routing problems thanks to a heuristic splitting of the giant tour using the generation of labels on the nodes of the auxiliary graph linked to resource management. Lately, Duhamel et al. (2010) defined a new Split family based on a depth first search approach during labels generation in graph. The efficiency of the new split method has been first evaluated in location routing problem with a GRASP metaheuristic. Duhamel et al. (2010) provided full numerical experiments on this topic

    Multi-echelon distribution systems in city logistics

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    In the last decades , the increasing quality of services requested by the cust omer, yields to the necessity of optimizing the whole distribution process. This goal may be achieved through a smart exploitation of existing resources other than a clever planning of the whole distribution process. For doing that, it is necessary to enha nce goods consolidation. One of the most efficient way to implement it is to adopt Multi - Echelon distribution systems which are very common in City Logistic context, in which they allow to keep large trucks from the city center, with strong environmental a dvantages . The aim of the paper is to review routing problems arising in City Logistics , in which multi - e chelon distribution systems are involved: the Two Echelon Location Routing Problem ( 2E - LRP) , the Two Echelon Vehicle Routing Problem (2E - VRP) and Truck and Trailer Routing Problem (TTRP), and to discuss literature on optimization methods, both exact and heuristic, developed to address these problems
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