11 research outputs found


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    Madu merupakan salah satu pemanis alami yang dapat dijadikan sebagai obat dan sumber antioksidan. Namun, madu menjadi salah satu produk pangan yang sering dipalsukan. Perusahaan dan peternak lebah sering mencampurkan madu palsu ke dalam produknya. Bahan yang sering dipakai dalam memalsukan madu adalah pemanis lain dan sirup komersial. Berdasarkan peristiwa tersebut, perlu dicari salah satu metode yang paling tepat untuk mendeteksi adulteran pada madu. Salah satu metode yang sering digunakan baik industri pangan maupun laboratorium adalah Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). FTIR merupakan suatu instrumen yang memanfaatkan interaksi antara dua berkas sinar inframerah dengan sumber material. FTIR bisa digunakan untuk mendeteksi bahan berkualitas tinggi seperti daging, madu, minyak zaitun, saffron, dan oregano. Madu termasuk dalam bahan dengan kualitas tinggi sehingga FTIR sangat cocok untuk mendeteksi adanya adulteran pada madu. Bahan adulteran pada madu yang dapat dideteksi menggunakan FTIR adalah yang berbasis liquid atau sirup, gula monosakarida, gula disakarida, air, cuka, dan campuran dari berbagai jenis adulteran pada madu. Dari berbagai sumber jurnal penelitian, dapat diketahui bahwa cara pemalsuan madu yang dapat dideteksi menggunakan FTIR adalah pencampuran adulteran secara langsung ke dalam madu. Metode FTIR sangat sulit mendeteksi banyak adulteran pada madu yang sudah tercampur satu sama lain. Cara deteksi adulteran pada madu menggunakan FTIR diawali dengan melakukan preparasi sampel terlebih dahulu. Preparasi sampel dilakukan untuk mendapatkan data spektra yang lebih jelas. Sampel madu yang diadulterasi biasanya dipreparasi dengan cara dipanaskan menggunakan waterbath. Setelah dipanaskan, sampel akan dianalisis menggunakan FTIR-ATR. Instrumen FTIR-ATR sangat cocok untuk mendeteksi adulteran pada madu karena kristal ATR tidak larut dalam senyawa organik maupun air. Setelah melakukan perbandingan antar sampel, biasanya muncul dua spektra pada FTIR yaitu spektra adulteran pada madu dan spektra madu asli. Kedua spektra tersebut dibandingkan dan dilihat perbedaan yang paling mencolok berdasarkan rentang bilangan gelombang tertentu. Spektra adulteran pada madu teridentifikasi pada bilangan gelombang 1.500-750 cm-1 karena terdapat gugus gula monosakarida dan disakarida. Metode FTIR biasanya dikombinasikan dengan analisis multivariat untuk membandingkan kemampuan FTIR dalam memprediksi senyawa madu dan pemalsunya. Penggabungan metode analisis multivariat seperti PLS, PCR, dan PCA diharapkan mampu memprediksi keaslian bahan pangan terutama madu. Metode analisis multivariat yang sering digunakan dalam deteksi adulteran pada madu yaitu Partial Least Squares (PLS). Metode ini sering digunakan dalam memprediksi tingkat pemalsuan adulteran gula dalam sampel madu

    Development of Rapid and Accurate Method to Classify Malaysian Honey Samples using UV and Colour Image

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    The purpose of this paper is to classification of three main types of Malaysian honey (Acacia, Kelulut and Tualang) according to their botanical origin using UV–Vis Spectroscopy and digital camera. This paper presented the classification of the honey based on two characteristics from three (3) types of local honey, namely the antioxidant contents and colour variations. The former uses the UV spectroscopy of selected wavelength range, and the latter using RGB digital camera. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was used for both methods to reduce the dimension of extracted data. The Support Vector Machine (SVM) was used for the classification of honey. The assessment was done separately for each of the methods, and also on the fusion of both data after features extraction and association. This paper shows that classification of the fusion method improved significantly compared to single modality Honey classification based on the fusion method was able to achieve 94% accuracy. Hence, the proposed methods have the ability to provide accurate and rapid classification of honey products in terms of origin. The proposed system can be applied in Malaysia honey industry and further improve the quality assessment and provide traceability

    Generalidades sobre o mel e parâmetros de qualidade no Brasil: revisão

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi, por meio de revisão de literatura, tematizar o mel e os parâmetros de qualidade no Brasil. O mel é um produto alimentício elaborado pelas abelhas melíferas, através da transformação de substratos depositados nos alvéolos das colmeias. É composto por diversas substâncias naturais que possibilitam múltiplas aplicações funcionais e terapêuticas. No Brasil a produção comercial foi iniciada na década de 1939, contudo a apicultura passou a ser considerada como agronegócio no ano de 1980. A alta demanda do mel, somado ao razoável valor de revenda, acarretou o surgimento de produtos depreciados e adulterados, sendo as irregularidades identificadas por meio da avaliação isotópica do carbono, análises físico- químicas e microbiológicas específicas. O mel é um alimento saudável e nutritivo. Sua produção gera renda, fixa o homem no campo e contribui ao aumento da diversidade biológica do ecossistema. Os órgãos fiscalizadores, contudo, devem ser atuantes para garantir o comércio de méis adequados ao consumo

    Multi-element spectrometric analysis of stingless bee honey in Johor for forensic provenancing application

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    Consumption of stingless bee honey as nutritious food supplement has been gaining popularity in many countries including Malaysia. However, its safe consumption following the possible presence of toxic amounts of trace elements remains unclear. Hence, this cross-sectional research that assessed the concentrations of multielements in purely harvested stingless bee honeys from bee keepers at four geographical locations (five districts) in Johor using inductively coupled plasmaoptical emission spectrometry deserves consideration. Even though the concentrations of As, Pb, Cd and Sb in all the purely harvested stingless bee honeys complied fully with the Malaysian Food Standard, however the Cd concentrations in samples from Kota Tinggi was found to be higher than the suggested value by the US Food and Drug Administration for food supplements. While the concentrations of Cu and Cr in pure stingless bee honey samples from Muar and Kota Tinggi alone exceeded the minimal risk levels (MRLs) for chronic oral exposure, higher concentrations than the prescribed MRL for chronic oral exposure of Se for long term effect as set by US Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) was found in all the pure samples. Except for Ba and Sn, significant variations (p < 0.05) in the concentrations of other elements in pure stingless bee honey samples collected from the five districts of Johor were observed. Statistical approach using Principle Component Analysis (PCA) demonstrated 87.0% correct classification and the classification improved to 96.2% with the use of Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA). This indicates that discrimination was possible for the different geographical regions. Therefore, in view of minimizing threats towards public health and promoting better international acceptance for Malaysian stingless bee honeys, adoption of more stringent maximum permissible limits may prove necessary. Hence, utilization of multi-elements analysis coupled with chemometrics techniques for assigning the provenance of stingless bee honeys for forensic applications is supported

    Fabrication and hemocompatibility assessment of novel polyurethane-based bio-nanofibrous dressing loaded with honey and Carica papaya extract for the management of burn injuries

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    Management of burn injury is an onerous clinical task since it requires continuous monitoring and extensive usage of specialized facilities. Despite rapid improvizations and investments in burn management, >30% of victims hospitalized each year face severe morbidity and mortality. Excessive loss of body fluids, accumulation of exudate, and the development of septic shock are reported to be the main reasons for morbidity in burn victims. To assist burn wound management, a novel polyurethane (PU)-based bio-nanofibrous dressing loaded with honey (HN) and Carica papaya (PA) fruit extract was fabricated using a one-step electrospinning technique. The developed dressing material had a mean fiber diameter of 190±19.93 nm with pore sizes of 4-50 µm to support effective infiltration of nutrients and gas exchange. The successful blending of HN- and PA-based active biomolecules in PU was inferred through changes in surface chemistry. The blend subsequently increased the wettability (14%) and surface energy (24%) of the novel dressing. Ultimately, the presence of hydrophilic biomolecules and high porosity enhanced the water absorption ability of the PU-HN-PA nanofiber samples to 761.67% from 285.13% in PU. Furthermore, the ability of the bio-nanofibrous dressing to support specific protein adsorption (45%), delay thrombus formation, and reduce hemolysis demonstrated its nontoxic and compatible nature with the host tissues. In summary, the excellent physicochemical and hemocompatible properties of the developed PU-HN-PA dressing exhibit its potential in reducing the clinical complications associated with the treatment of burn injuries

    Electronic noses and tongues to assess food authenticity and adulteration

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    [EN] Background: There is a growing concern for the problem of food authenticity assessment (and hence the detection of food adulteration), since it cheats the consumer and can pose serious risk to health in some instances. Unfortunately, food safety/integrity incidents occur with worrying regularity, and therefore there is clearly a need for the development of new analytical techniques. Scope and approach: In this review, after briefly commenting the principles behind the design of electronic noses and electronic tongues, the most relevant contributions of these sensor systems in food adulteration control and authenticity assessment over the past ten years are discussed. It is also remarked that future developments in the utilization of advanced sensors arrays will lead to superior electronic senses with more capabilities, thus making the authenticity and falsification assessment of food products a faster and more reliable process. Key findings and conclusions: The use of both types of e-devices in this field has been steadily increasing along the present century, mainly due to the fact that their efficiency has been significantly improved as important developments are taking place in the area of data handling and multivariate data analysis methods. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Peris Tortajada, M.; Escuder Gilabert, L. (2016). Electronic noses and tongues to assess food authenticity and adulteration. Trends in Food Science and Technology. 58:40-54. doi:10.106/j.tifs.2016.10.014S40545

    Characterisation of Malaysian honeys and electrochemical detection of gallotannin for pure honey identification

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    Seventeen samples (n = 17) of Malaysian gelam, acacia, nanas, tualang and kelulut honeys were analysed for their physicochemical, biochemical and phytochemical properties to evaluate their influence on floral source and bee type. Comparisons were also made with synthetic honeys to determine a suitable measure for fast identification of pure honey from synthetic honey. Solid phase extraction (SPE) was utilised for isolation of phenolic compounds in honey samples. The phenolic compounds present in the samples were analysed using high performance liquid chromatography-diode array detector (HPLC-DAD) and liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Three electrode systems were utilised for rapid identification of pure Malaysian honeys. Properties of honey were shown to be influenced by the floral source and bee type to the lesser extent. Kelulut honeys were observed of having lower pH, higher free acid, moisture and ash contents as well as higher electrical conductivity (EC), the properties that distinguish Trigona honey from the common Apis honey. Antioxidant properties were different for the five types of honey with Trigona honey dominating most of the antioxidant tests. Up to 16 phenolic compounds were identified using HPLC-DAD system. Similar dominant compounds were observed between tualang and acacia honeys, and between kelulut and gelam honeys, suggesting that the floral source of unifloral honey is an equally important food source for the analysed multifloral honey. More phenolic compounds were detected spectrometrically using full scan method and multiple reaction monitoring (MRM). Plant gallotannin, penta-O-galloyl-β-D-glucose (PGG) was successfully detected at low potential 0.173 V vs Ag/AgCl in pH 7 phosphate buffer solution using glassy carbon electrode (GCE) without any prior electrode activation, chemical modification and pre-concentration at the GCE. The PGG detection in blank pure honey and via standard addition approach in the Malaysian honeys revealed its presence only in the pure honeys. The present study suggested that electrochemical detection of PGG using GCE could be used as a tool for pure honey identification through a rapid and simple method rather than other conventional, highly-technical, expensive and time-consuming analytical techniques

    A Hybrid Sensing Approach for Pure and Adulterated Honey Classification

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    This paper presents a comparison between data from single modality and fusion methods to classify Tualang honey as pure or adulterated using Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) statistical classification approaches. Ten different brands of certified pure Tualang honey were obtained throughout peninsular Malaysia and Sumatera, Indonesia. Various concentrations of two types of sugar solution (beet and cane sugar) were used in this investigation to create honey samples of 20%, 40%, 60% and 80% adulteration concentrations. Honey data extracted from an electronic nose (e-nose) and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) were gathered, analyzed and compared based on fusion methods. Visual observation of classification plots revealed that the PCA approach able to distinct pure and adulterated honey samples better than the LDA technique. Overall, the validated classification results based on FTIR data (88.0%) gave higher classification accuracy than e-nose data (76.5%) using the LDA technique. Honey classification based on normalized low-level and intermediate-level FTIR and e-nose fusion data scored classification accuracies of 92.2% and 88.7%, respectively using the Stepwise LDA method. The results suggested that pure and adulterated honey samples were better classified using FTIR and e-nose fusion data than single modality data