16,861 research outputs found

    Data-driven Soft Sensors in the Process Industry

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    In the last two decades Soft Sensors established themselves as a valuable alternative to the traditional means for the acquisition of critical process variables, process monitoring and other tasks which are related to process control. This paper discusses characteristics of the process industry data which are critical for the development of data-driven Soft Sensors. These characteristics are common to a large number of process industry fields, like the chemical industry, bioprocess industry, steel industry, etc. The focus of this work is put on the data-driven Soft Sensors because of their growing popularity, already demonstrated usefulness and huge, though yet not completely realised, potential. A comprehensive selection of case studies covering the three most important Soft Sensor application fields, a general introduction to the most popular Soft Sensor modelling techniques as well as a discussion of some open issues in the Soft Sensor development and maintenance and their possible solutions are the main contributions of this work

    White learning methodology: a case study of cancer-related disease factors analysis in real-time PACS environment

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    Bayesian network is a probabilistic model of which the prediction accuracy may not be one of the highest in the machine learning family. Deep learning (DL) on the other hand possess of higher predictive power than many other models. How reliable the result is, how it is deduced, how interpretable the prediction by DL mean to users, remain obscure. DL functions like a black box. As a result, many medical practitioners are reductant to use deep learning as the only tool for critical machine learning application, such as aiding tool for cancer diagnosis. In this paper, a framework of white learning is being proposed which takes advantages of both black box learning and white box learning. Usually, black box learning will give a high standard of accuracy and white box learning will provide an explainable direct acyclic graph. According to our design, there are 3 stages of White Learning, loosely coupled WL, semi coupled WL and tightly coupled WL based on degree of fusion of the white box learning and black box learning. In our design, a case of loosely coupled WL is tested on breast cancer dataset. This approach uses deep learning and an incremental version of Naïve Bayes network. White learning is largely defied as a systemic fusion of machine learning models which result in an explainable Bayes network which could find out the hidden relations between features and class and deep learning which would give a higher accuracy of prediction than other algorithms. We designed a series of experiments for this loosely coupled WL model. The simulation results show that using WL compared to standard black-box deep learning, the levels of accuracy and kappa statistics could be enhanced up to 50%. The performance of WL seems more stable too in extreme conditions such as noise and high dimensional data. The relations by Bayesian network of WL are more concise and stronger in affinity too. The experiments results deliver positive signals that WL is possible to output both high classification accuracy and explainable relations graph between features and class. [Abstract copyright: Copyright © 2020. Published by Elsevier B.V.

    Maintenance models applied to wind turbines. A comprehensive overview

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    Producción CientíficaWind power generation has been the fastest-growing energy alternative in recent years, however, it still has to compete with cheaper fossil energy sources. This is one of the motivations to constantly improve the efficiency of wind turbines and develop new Operation and Maintenance (O&M) methodologies. The decisions regarding O&M are based on different types of models, which cover a wide range of scenarios and variables and share the same goal, which is to minimize the Cost of Energy (COE) and maximize the profitability of a wind farm (WF). In this context, this review aims to identify and classify, from a comprehensive perspective, the different types of models used at the strategic, tactical, and operational decision levels of wind turbine maintenance, emphasizing mathematical models (MatMs). The investigation allows the conclusion that even though the evolution of the models and methodologies is ongoing, decision making in all the areas of the wind industry is currently based on artificial intelligence and machine learning models

    A Framework for the Verification and Validation of Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning Systems

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    An effective verification and validation (V&V) process framework for the white-box and black-box testing of artificial intelligence (AI) machine learning (ML) systems is not readily available. This research uses grounded theory to develop a framework that leads to the most effective and informative white-box and black-box methods for the V&V of AI ML systems. Verification of the system ensures that the system adheres to the requirements and specifications developed and given by the major stakeholders, while validation confirms that the system properly performs with representative users in the intended environment and does not perform in an unexpected manner. Beginning with definitions, descriptions, and examples of ML processes and systems, the research results identify a clear and general process to effectively test these systems. The developed framework ensures the most productive and accurate testing results. Formerly, and occasionally still, the system definition and requirements exist in scattered documents that make it difficult to integrate, trace, and test through V&V. Modern system engineers along with system developers and stakeholders collaborate to produce a full system model using model-based systems engineering (MBSE). MBSE employs a Unified Modeling Language (UML) or System Modeling Language (SysML) representation of the system and its requirements that readily passes from each stakeholder for system information and additional input. The comprehensive and detailed MBSE model allows for direct traceability to the system requirements. xxiv To thoroughly test a ML system, one performs either white-box or black-box testing or both. Black-box testing is a testing method in which the internal model structure, design, and implementation of the system under test is unknown to the test engineer. Testers and analysts are simply looking at performance of the system given input and output. White-box testing is a testing method in which the internal model structure, design, and implementation of the system under test is known to the test engineer. When possible, test engineers and analysts perform both black-box and white-box testing. However, sometimes testers lack authorization to access the internal structure of the system. The researcher captures this decision in the ML framework. No two ML systems are exactly alike and therefore, the testing of each system must be custom to some degree. Even though there is customization, an effective process exists. This research includes some specialized methods, based on grounded theory, to use in the testing of the internal structure and performance. Through the study and organization of proven methods, this research develops an effective ML V&V framework. Systems engineers and analysts are able to simply apply the framework for various white-box and black-box V&V testing circumstances

    A review of model based and data driven methods targeting hardware systems diagnostics

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    System health diagnosis serves as an underpinning enabler for enhanced safety and optimized maintenance tasks in complex assets. In the past four decades, a wide-range of diagnostic methods have been proposed, focusing either on system or component level. Currently, one of the most quickly emerging concepts within the diagnostic community is system level diagnostics. This approach targets in accurately detecting faults and suggesting to the maintainers a component to be replaced in order to restore the system to a healthy state. System level diagnostics is of great value to complex systems whose downtime due to faults is expensive. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive review of the most recent diagnostics approaches applied to hardware systems. The main objective of this paper is to introduce the concept of system level diagnostics and review and evaluate the collated approaches. In order to achieve this, a comprehensive review of the most recent diagnostic methods implemented for hardware systems or components is conducted, highlighting merits and shortfalls

    Ethical Framework for Harnessing the Power of AI in Healthcare and Beyond

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    In the past decade, the deployment of deep learning (Artificial Intelligence (AI)) methods has become pervasive across a spectrum of real-world applications, often in safety-critical contexts. This comprehensive research article rigorously investigates the ethical dimensions intricately linked to the rapid evolution of AI technologies, with a particular focus on the healthcare domain. Delving deeply, it explores a multitude of facets including transparency, adept data management, human oversight, educational imperatives, and international collaboration within the realm of AI advancement. Central to this article is the proposition of a conscientious AI framework, meticulously crafted to accentuate values of transparency, equity, answerability, and a human-centric orientation. The second contribution of the article is the in-depth and thorough discussion of the limitations inherent to AI systems. It astutely identifies potential biases and the intricate challenges of navigating multifaceted contexts. Lastly, the article unequivocally accentuates the pressing need for globally standardized AI ethics principles and frameworks. Simultaneously, it aptly illustrates the adaptability of the ethical framework proposed herein, positioned skillfully to surmount emergent challenges