596 research outputs found

    Combining brain-computer interfaces and assistive technologies: state-of-the-art and challenges

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    In recent years, new research has brought the field of EEG-based Brain-Computer Interfacing (BCI) out of its infancy and into a phase of relative maturity through many demonstrated prototypes such as brain-controlled wheelchairs, keyboards, and computer games. With this proof-of-concept phase in the past, the time is now ripe to focus on the development of practical BCI technologies that can be brought out of the lab and into real-world applications. In particular, we focus on the prospect of improving the lives of countless disabled individuals through a combination of BCI technology with existing assistive technologies (AT). In pursuit of more practical BCIs for use outside of the lab, in this paper, we identify four application areas where disabled individuals could greatly benefit from advancements in BCI technology, namely,“Communication and Control”, “Motor Substitution”, “Entertainment”, and “Motor Recovery”. We review the current state of the art and possible future developments, while discussing the main research issues in these four areas. In particular, we expect the most progress in the development of technologies such as hybrid BCI architectures, user-machine adaptation algorithms, the exploitation of users’ mental states for BCI reliability and confidence measures, the incorporation of principles in human-computer interaction (HCI) to improve BCI usability, and the development of novel BCI technology including better EEG devices

    Moregrasp: Restoration of Upper Limb Function in Individuals with High Spinal Cord Injury by Multimodal Neuroprostheses for Interaction in Daily Activities

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    The aim of the MoreGrasp project is to develop a noninvasive, multimodal user interface including a brain-computer interface (BCI) for intuitive control of a grasp neuroprosthesis to support individuals with high spinal cord injury (SCI) in everyday activities. We describe the current state of the project, including the EEG system, preliminary results of natural movements decoding in people with SCI, the new electrode concept for the grasp neuroprosthesis, the shared control architecture behind the system and the implementation of a user-centered design

    Enhancement of Robot-Assisted Rehabilitation Outcomes of Post-Stroke Patients Using Movement-Related Cortical Potential

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    Post-stroke rehabilitation is essential for stroke survivors to help them regain independence and to improve their quality of life. Among various rehabilitation strategies, robot-assisted rehabilitation is an efficient method that is utilized more and more in clinical practice for motor recovery of post-stroke patients. However, excessive assistance from robotic devices during rehabilitation sessions can make patients perform motor training passively with minimal outcome. Towards the development of an efficient rehabilitation strategy, it is necessary to ensure the active participation of subjects during training sessions. This thesis uses the Electroencephalography (EEG) signal to extract the Movement-Related Cortical Potential (MRCP) pattern to be used as an indicator of the active engagement of stroke patients during rehabilitation training sessions. The MRCP pattern is also utilized in designing an adaptive rehabilitation training strategy that maximizes patients’ engagement. This project focuses on the hand motor recovery of post-stroke patients using the AMADEO rehabilitation device (Tyromotion GmbH, Austria). AMADEO is specifically developed for patients with fingers and hand motor deficits. The variations in brain activity are analyzed by extracting the MRCP pattern from the acquired EEG data during training sessions. Whereas, physical improvement in hand motor abilities is determined by two methods. One is clinical tests namely Fugl-Meyer Assessment (FMA) and Motor Assessment Scale (MAS) which include FMA-wrist, FMA-hand, MAS-hand movements, and MAS-advanced hand movements’ tests. The other method is the measurement of hand-kinematic parameters using the AMADEO assessment tool which contains hand strength measurements during flexion (force-flexion), and extension (force-extension), and Hand Range of Movement (HROM)

    A study on the effect of Electrical Stimulation during motor imagery learning in Brain-computer interfacing

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    International audienceFunctional Electrical Stimulation (FES) stimulates the affected region of the human body thus providing a neu-roprosthetic interface to non-recovered muscle groups. FES in combination with Brain-computer interfacing (BCI) has a wide scope in rehabilitation because this system can directly link the cerebral motor intention of the users with its corresponding peripheral mucle activations. Such a rehabilitative system would contribute to improve the cortical and peripheral learning and thus, improve the recovery time of the patients. In this paper, we examine the effect of electrical stimulation by FES on the electroencephalography (EEG) during learning of a motor imagery task. The subjects are asked to perform four motor imagery tasks over six sessions and the features from the EEG are extracted using common spatial algorithm and decoded using linear discriminant analysis classifier. Feedback is provided in form of a visual medium and electrical stimulation representing the distance of the features from the hyperplane. Results suggest a significant improvement in the classification accuracy when the subject was induced with electrical stimulation along with visual feedback as compared to the standard visual one

    Brain-computer interface technology and neuroelectrical imaging to improve motor recovery after stroke

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    Stroke is defined as a focal lesion in the brain caused by acute ischemia or hemorrhage. The events that characterize acute stroke as well as the spontaneous recovery process occurring in the subacute phase, demonstrate that the focal damage affects remote interconnected areas. On the other hand, interconnected areas largely contribute to reorganization of the central nervous system (CNS) along the recovery process (plasticity) throughout compensatory or restorative mechanisms which can also lead to unwanted effects (maladaptive plasticity). Such post-stroke brain reorganization occurring spontaneously or within a rehabilitation program, is the object of wide literature in the fields of neuroimaging and neurophysiology. Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) allow recognition, monitoring and reinforcement of specific brain activities as recorded eg. via electroencephalogram (EEG) and use such brain activity to control external devices via a computer. Sensorimotor rhythm (SMR) based BCIs exploit the modulation occurring in the EEG in response to motor imagery (MI) tasks: the subject is asked to perform MI of eg. left or right hand in order to control a cursor on a screen. In the context of post-stroke motor rehabilitation, such recruitment of brain activity within the motor system through MI can be used to harness brain reorganization towards a better functional outcome. Since 2009 my research activity has been focused mainly on BCI applications for upper limb motor rehabilitation after stroke within national (Ministry of Health) and international (EU) projects. I conducted (or participated to) several basic and clinical studies involving both healthy subjects and stroke patients and employing a combination of neurophysiological techniques (EEG, transcranial magnetic stimulation – TMS) and BCI technology (De Vico Fallani et al., 2013; Kaiser et al., 2012; Morone et al., 2015; Pichiorri et al., 2011). Such studies culminated in a randomized controlled trial (RCT) conducted on subacute stroke patients in which we demonstrated that a one-month training with a BCI system, which was specifically designed to support upper limb rehabilitation after stroke, significantly improved functional outcome (upper limb motor function) in the target population. Moreover, we observed changes in brain activity and connectivity (from high-density EEG recordings) occurring in motor related frequency ranges that significantly correlated to the functional outcome in the target group (Pichiorri et al., 2015). Following these promising results, my activity proceeded along two main pathways during the PhD course. On one hand, efforts were made ameliorate the prototypal BCI system used in (Pichiorri et al., 2015); the current system (called Promotœr) is an all-in-one BCI training station with several improvements in usability for both the patient and the therapist (it is easier to use, employs wireless EEG system with reduced number of electrodes) (Colamarino et al., 2017a,b). The Promotœr system is currently employed in add-on to standard rehabilitation therapy in patients admitted at Fondazione Santa Lucia. Preliminary results are available on chronic stroke patients, partially retracing those obtained in the subacute phase (Pichiorri et al., 2015) as well as explorative reports on patients with upper limb motor deficit of central origin other than stroke (eg. spinal cord injury at the cervical level). In the last year, I submitted research projects related to the Promotœr system to private and public institutions. These projects foresee i) the addition of a proprioceptive feedback to the current visual one by means of Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) ii) online evaluation of residual voluntary movement as recorded via electromyography (EMG), and iii) improvements in the BCI control features to integrate concepts derived from recent advancements in brain connectivity. On these themes, I recently obtained a grant from a private Swedish foundation. On the other hand, I conducted further analyses of data collected in the RCT (Pichiorri et al., 2015) to identify possible neurophysiological markers of good motor recovery. Specifically, I focused on interhemispheric connectivity (EEG derived) and its correlation with the integrity of the corticospinal tract (as assessed by TMS) and upper limb function (measured with clinical scales) in subacute stroke patients. The results of these analyses were recently published on an international peer-reviewed journal (Pichiorri et al., 2018). In the first chapter of this thesis, I will provide an updated overview on BCI application in neurorehabilitation (according to the current state-of-the-art). The content of this chapter is part of a wider book chapter, currently in press in Handbook of Clinical Neurology (Pichiorri and Mattia, in press). In the second chapter, I will report on the status of BCI applications for motor rehabilitation of the upper limb according to the approach I developed along my research activity, including ongoing projects and prliminary findings. In the third chapter I will present the results of a neurophysiological study on subacute stroke patients, exploring EEG derived interhemispheric connectivity as a possible neurophysiological correlate of corticospinal tract integrity and functional impairment of the upper limb. Overall this work aims to outline the current and potential role of BCI technology and EEG based neuroimaging in post-stroke rehabilitation mainly in relation to upper limb motor function, nonetheless touching upon possible different applications and contexts in neighboring research fields


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    Healthy sensorimotor integration – or how our touch influences our movements – is critical to efficiently interact with our environment. Yet, many aspects of this process are still poorly understood. Importantly, several movement disorders are often considered as originating from purely motor impairments, while a sensory origin could also lead to a similar set of symptoms. To alleviate these issues, we hereby propose a novel biologically-based model of the sensorimotor loop, known as the SMILE model. After describing both the functional, and the corresponding neuroanatomical versions of the SMILE, we tested several aspects of its motor component through functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). Both experimental studies resulted in coherent outcomes with respect to the SMILE predictions, but they also provided novel scientific outcomes about such broad topics as the sub-phases of motor imagery, the neural processing of bodily representations, or the extend of the role of the extrastriate body area. In the final sections of this manuscript, we describe some potential clinical application of the SMILE. The first one presents the identification of plausible neuroanatomical origins for focal hand dystonia, a yet poorly understood sensorimotor disorder. The last chapter then covers possible improvements on brain-machine interfaces, driven by a better understanding of the sensorimotor system. -- La façon dont votre sens du toucher et vos mouvements interagissent est connue sous le nom d’intégration sensorimotrice. Ce procédé est essentiel pour une interaction normale avec tout ce qui nous entoure. Cependant, plusieurs aspects de ce processus sont encore méconnus. Plus important encore, l’origine de certaines déficiences motrices encore trop peu comprises sont parfois considérées comme purement motrice, alors qu’une origine sensorielle pourrait mener à un même ensemble de symptômes. Afin d’améliorer cette situation, nous proposons ici un nouveau modèle d’intégration sensorimotrice, dénommé « SMILE », basé sur les connaissances de neurobiologie actuelles. Dans ce manuscrit, nous commençons par décrire les caractéristiques fonctionnelles et neuroanatomiques du SMILE. Plusieurs expériences sont ensuite effectuées, via l’imagerie par résonance magnétique fonctionnelle (IRMf), et la stimulation magnétique transcranienne (SMT), afin de tester différents aspects de la composante motrice du SMILE. Si les résultats de ces expériences corroborent les prédictions du SMILE, elles ont aussi mis en évidences d’autres résultats scientifiques intéressants et novateurs, dans des domaines aussi divers que les sous-phases de l’imagination motrice, les processus cérébraux liés aux représentations corporelles, ou encore l’extension du rôle de l’extrastriate body area. Dans les dernières parties de ce manuscrit, nous dévoilons quelques applications cliniques potentielles de notre modèle. Nous utilisons le SMILE afin de proposer deux origines cérébrales plausibles de la dystonie focale de la main. Le dernier chapitre présente comment certaines technologies existantes, telles que les interfaces cerveaux-machines, pourraient bénéficier d’une meilleure compréhension du système sensorimoteur

    Brain-machine interfaces for rehabilitation in stroke: A review

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    BACKGROUND: Motor paralysis after stroke has devastating consequences for the patients, families and caregivers. Although therapies have improved in the recent years, traditional rehabilitation still fails in patients with severe paralysis. Brain-machine interfaces (BMI) have emerged as a promising tool to guide motor rehabilitation interventions as they can be applied to patients with no residual movement. OBJECTIVE: This paper reviews the efficiency of BMI technologies to facilitate neuroplasticity and motor recovery after stroke. METHODS: We provide an overview of the existing rehabilitation therapies for stroke, the rationale behind the use of BMIs for motor rehabilitation, the current state of the art and the results achieved so far with BMI-based interventions, as well as the future perspectives of neural-machine interfaces. RESULTS: Since the first pilot study by Buch and colleagues in 2008, several controlled clinical studies have been conducted, demonstrating the efficacy of BMIs to facilitate functional recovery in completely paralyzed stroke patients with noninvasive technologies such as the electroencephalogram (EEG). CONCLUSIONS: Despite encouraging results, motor rehabilitation based on BMIs is still in a preliminary stage, and further improvements are required to boost its efficacy. Invasive and hybrid approaches are promising and might set the stage for the next generation of stroke rehabilitation therapies.This study was funded by the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung BMBF MOTORBIC (FKZ13GW0053)andAMORSA(FKZ16SV7754), the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), the fortüne-Program of the University of Tübingen (2422-0-0 and 2452-0-0), and the Basque GovernmentScienceProgram(EXOTEK:KK2016/00083). NIL was supported by the Basque Government’s scholarship for predoctoral students

    Support vector machines to detect physiological patterns for EEG and EMG-based human-computer interaction:a review

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    Support vector machines (SVMs) are widely used classifiers for detecting physiological patterns in human-computer interaction (HCI). Their success is due to their versatility, robustness and large availability of free dedicated toolboxes. Frequently in the literature, insufficient details about the SVM implementation and/or parameters selection are reported, making it impossible to reproduce study analysis and results. In order to perform an optimized classification and report a proper description of the results, it is necessary to have a comprehensive critical overview of the applications of SVM. The aim of this paper is to provide a review of the usage of SVM in the determination of brain and muscle patterns for HCI, by focusing on electroencephalography (EEG) and electromyography (EMG) techniques. In particular, an overview of the basic principles of SVM theory is outlined, together with a description of several relevant literature implementations. Furthermore, details concerning reviewed papers are listed in tables and statistics of SVM use in the literature are presented. Suitability of SVM for HCI is discussed and critical comparisons with other classifiers are reported

    A hybrid brain-computer interface based on motor intention and visual working memory

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    Non-invasive electroencephalography (EEG) based brain-computer interface (BCI) is able to provide alternative means for people with disabilities to communicate with and control over external assistive devices. A hybrid BCI is designed and developed for following two types of system (control and monitor). Our first goal is to create a signal decoding strategy that allows people with limited motor control to have more command over potential prosthetic devices. Eight healthy subjects were recruited to perform visual cues directed reaching tasks. Eye and motion artifacts were identified and removed to ensure that the subjects\u27 visual fixation to the target locations would have little or no impact on the final result. We applied a Fisher Linear Discriminate (FLD) analysis for single-trial classification of the EEG to decode the intended arm movement in the left, right, and forward directions (before the onsets of actual movements). The mean EEG signal amplitude near the PPC region 271-310 ms after visual stimulation was found to be the dominant feature for best classification results. A signal scaling factor developed was found to improve the classification accuracy from 60.11% to 93.91% in the two-class (left versus right) scenario. This result demonstrated great promises for BCI neuroprosthetics applications, as motor intention decoding can be served as a prelude to the classification of imagined motor movement to assist in motor disable rehabilitation, such as prosthetic limb or wheelchair control. The second goal is to develop the adaptive training for patients with low visual working memory (VWM) capacity to improve cognitive abilities and healthy individuals who seek to enhance their intellectual performance. VWM plays a critical role in preserving and processing information. It is associated with attention, perception and reasoning, and its capacity can be used as a predictor of cognitive abilities. Recent evidence has suggested that with training, one can enhance the VWM capacity and attention over time. Not only can these studies reveal the characteristics of VWM load and the influences of training, they may also provide effective rehabilitative means for patients with low VWM capacity. However, few studies have investigated VWM over a long period of time, beyond 5-weeks. In this study, a combined behavioral approach and EEG was used to investigate VWM load, gain, and transfer. The results reveal that VWM capacity is directly correlated to the reaction time and contralateral delay amplitude (CDA). The approximate magic number 4 was observed through the event-related potentials (ERPs) waveforms, where the average capacity is 2.8-item from 15 participants. In addition, the findings indicate that VWM capacity can be improved through adaptive training. Furthermore, after training exercises, participants from the training group are able to improve their performance accuracies dramatically compared to the control group. Adaptive training gains on non-trained tasks can also be observed at 12 weeks after training. Therefore, we conclude that all participants can benefit from training gains, and augmented VWM capacity can be sustained over a long period of time. Our results suggest that this form of training can significantly improve cognitive function and may be useful for enhancing the user performance on neuroprosthetics device