398 research outputs found

    Highly Reliable Quadruple-Node Upset-Tolerant D-Latch

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    This work was supported in part by the Spanish MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033/ FEDER under Grant PID2020-117344RB-I00, and in part by the Regional Government under Grant P20_00265 and Grant P20_00633.As CMOS technology scaling pushes towards the reduction of the length of transistors, electronic circuits face numerous reliability issues, and in particular nodes of D-latches at nano-scale confront multiple-node upset errors due to their operation in harsh radiative environments. In this manuscript, a new high reliable D-latch which can tolerate quadruple-node upsets is presented. The design is based on a low-cost single event double-upset tolerant (LSEDUT) cell and a clock-gating triple-level soft-error interceptive module (CG-SIM). Due to its LSEDUT base, it can tolerate two upsets, but the combination of two LSEDUTs and the triple-level CG-SIM provides the proposed D-latch with remarkable quadruple-node upsets (QNU) tolerance. Applying LSEDUTs for designing a QNU-tolerant D-latch improves considerably its features; in particular, this approach enhances its reliability against process variations, such as threshold voltage and (W/L) transistor variability, compared to previous QNU-tolerant D-latches and double-node-upset tolerant latches. Furthermore, the proposed D-latch not only tolerates QNUs, but it also features a clear advantage in comparison with the previous clock gating-based quadruple-node-upset-tolerant (QNUTL-CG) D-latch: it can mask single event transients. Speci c gures of merit endorse the gains introduced by the new design: compared with the QNUTL-CG D-latch, the improvements of the maximum standard deviations of the gate delay, induced by threshold voltage and (W/L) transistors variability of the proposed D-latch, are 13.8% and 5.7%, respectively. Also, the proposed D-latch has 23% lesser maximum standard deviation in power consumption, resulting from threshold voltage variability, when compared to the QNUTL-CG D-latch.Spanish MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033/ FEDER under Grant PID2020-117344RB-I00Regional Government under Grant P20_00265 and Grant P20_0063

    Rule-Based Design for Low-Cost Double-Node Upset Tolerant Self-Recoverable D-Latch

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    This paper presents a low-cost, self-recoverable, double-node upset tolerant latch aiming at nourishing the lack of these devices in the state of the art, especially featuring self-recoverability while maintaining a low-cost pro le. Thus, this D-latch may be useful for high reliability and high-performance safety-critical applications as it can detect and recover faults happening during holding time in harsh radiation environments. The proposed D-latch design is based on a low-cost single event double-node upset tolerant latch and a rule-based double-node upset (DNU) tolerant latch which provides it with the self-recoverability against DNU, but paired with a low transistor count and high performance. Simulation waveforms support the achievements and demonstrate that this new D-latch is fully self-recoverable against double-node upset. In addition, the minimum improvement of the delay-power-area product of the proposed rule-based design for the low-cost DNU tolerant self-recoverable latch (RB-LDNUR) is 59%, compared with the latest DNU self-recoverable latch on the literature.Spanish Government MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/FEDER PID2020-117344RB-I00Regional Government P20_00265 P20_00633 B-RNM-680-UGR2

    Low-Cost Soft Error Robust Hardened D-Latch for CMOS Technology Circuit

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    In this paper, a Soft Error Hardened D-latch with improved performance is proposed, also featuring Single Event Upset (SEU) and Single Event Transient (SET) immunity. This novel D-latch can tolerate particles as charge injection in different internal nodes, as well as the input and output nodes. The performance of the new circuit has been assessed through different key parameters, such as power consumption, delay, Power-Delay Product (PDP) at various frequencies, voltage, temperature, and process variations. A set of simulations has been set up to benchmark the new proposed D-latch in comparison to previous D-latches, such as the Static D-latch, TPDICE-based D-latch, LSEH-1 and DICE D-latches. A comparison between these simulations proves that the proposed D-latch not only has a better immunity, but also features lower power consumption, delay, PDP, and area footprint. Moreover, the impact of temperature and process variations, such as aspect ratio (W/L) and threshold voltage transistor variability, on the proposed D-latch with regard to previous D-latches is investigated. Specifically, the delay and PDP of the proposed D-latch improves by 60.3% and 3.67%, respectively, when compared to the reference Static D-latch. Furthermore, the standard deviation of the threshold voltage transistor variability impact on the delay improved by 3.2%, while its impact on the power consumption improves by 9.1%. Finally, it is shown that the standard deviation of the (W/L) transistor variability on the power consumption is improved by 56.2%

    Développement de circuits logiques programmables résistants aux alas logiques en technologie CMOS submicrométrique

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    The electronics associated to the particle detectors of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), under construction at CERN, will operate in a very harsh radiation environment. Most of the microelectronics components developed for the first generation of LHC experiments have been designed with very precise experiment-specific goals and are hardly adaptable to other applications. Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) components cannot be used in the vicinity of particle collision due to their poor radiation tolerance. This thesis is a contribution to the effort to cover the need for radiation-tolerant SEU-robust programmable components for application in High Energy Physics (HEP) experiments. Two components are under development: a Programmable Logic Device (PLD) and a Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). The PLD is a fuse-based, 10-input, 8-I/O general architecture device in 0.25 micron CMOS technology. The FPGA under development is instead a 32x32 logic block array, equivalent to ~25k gates, in 0.13 micron CMOS. This work focussed also on the research for an SEU-robust register in both the mentioned technologies. The SEU-robust register is employed as a user data flip-flop in the FPGA and PLD designs and as a configuration cell as well in the FPGA design

    A low power and soft error resilience guard-gated Quartro-based flip-flop in 45 nm CMOS technology

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    Abstract Conventional flip‐flops are more vulnerable to particle strikes in a radiation environment. To overcome this disadvantage, in the literature, many radiation‐hardened flip‐flops (FFs) based on techniques like triple modular redundancy, dual interlocked cell, Quatro and guard‐gated Quatro cell, and so on, are discussed. The flip‐flop realized using radiation hardened by design Quatro cell is named as the improved version of Quatro flip‐flop (IVQFF). Single event upset (SEU) at inverter stages of master/slave and at output are the two drawbacks of IVQFF. This study proposes a guard‐gated Quatro FF (GQFF) using guard‐gated Quatro cell and Muller C‐element. To overcome the SEU at inverter stages of IVQFF, in GQFF, the inverter stages are realized in a parallel fashion. A dual‐input Muller C‐element is connected to the GQFF output stage to mask the SEU and thus maintain the correct output. The proposed GQFF tolerates both single node upset (SNU) and double node upset (DNU). It also achieves low power. To prove the efficacy, GQFF and the existing FFs are implemented in 45 nm Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) technology. From the simulation results, it may be noted that the GQFF is 100% immune to SNUs and 50% immune to DNUs

    STAHL: A Novel Scan-Test-Aware Hardened Latch Design

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    As modern technology nodes become more susceptible to soft errors, many radiation hardened latch designs have been proposed. However, redundant circuitry used to tolerate soft errors in such hardened latches also reduces the test coverage of cell-internal manufacturing defects. To avoid potential test escapes that lead to soft error vulnerability and reliability issues, this paper proposes a novel Scan-Test-Aware Hardened Latch (STAHL). Simulation results show that STAHL has superior defect coverage compared to previous hardened latches while maintaining full radiation hardening in function mode.24th IEEE European Test Symposium (ETS\u2719), May 27-31, 2019, Baden-Baden, German


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    Microelectronic devices and systems have been extensively utilized in a variety of radiation environments, ranging from the low-earth orbit to the ground level. A high-energy particle from such an environment may cause voltage/current transients, thereby inducing Single Event Effect (SEE) errors in an Integrated Circuit (IC). Ever since the first SEE error was reported in 1975, this community has made tremendous progress in investigating the mechanisms of SEE and exploring radiation tolerant techniques. However, as the IC technology advances, the existing hardening techniques have been rendered less effective because of the reduced spacing and charge sharing between devices. The Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA) roadmap has identified radiation-induced soft errors as the major threat to the reliable operation of electronic systems in the future. In digital systems, hardening techniques of their core components, such as latches, logic, and clock network, need to be addressed. Two single event tolerant latch designs taking advantage of feedback transistors are presented and evaluated in both single event resilience and overhead. These feedback transistors are turned OFF in the hold mode, thereby yielding a very large resistance. This, in turn, results in a larger feedback delay and higher single event tolerance. On the other hand, these extra transistors are turned ON when the cell is in the write mode. As a result, no significant write delay is introduced. Both designs demonstrate higher upset threshold and lower cross-section when compared to the reference cells. Dynamic logic circuits have intrinsic single event issues in each stage of the operations. The worst case occurs when the output is evaluated logic high, where the pull-up networks are turned OFF. In this case, the circuit fails to recover the output by pulling the output up to the supply rail. A capacitor added to the feedback path increases the node capacitance of the output and the feedback delay, thereby increasing the single event critical charge. Another differential structure that has two differential inputs and outputs eliminates single event upset issues at the expense of an increased number of transistors. Clock networks in advanced technology nodes may cause significant errors in an IC as the devices are more sensitive to single event strikes. Clock mesh is a widely used clocking scheme in a digital system. It was fabricated in a 28nm technology and evaluated through the use of heavy ions and laser irradiation experiments. Superior resistance to radiation strikes was demonstrated during these tests. In addition to mitigating single event issues by using hardened designs, built-in current sensors can be used to detect single event induced currents in the n-well and, if implemented, subsequently execute fault correction actions. These sensors were simulated and fabricated in a 28nm CMOS process. Simulation, as well as, experimental results, substantiates the validity of this sensor design. This manifests itself as an alternative to existing hardening techniques. In conclusion, this work investigates single event effects in digital systems, especially those in deep-submicron or advanced technology nodes. New hardened latch, dynamic logic, clock, and current sensor designs have been presented and evaluated. Through the use of these designs, the single event tolerance of a digital system can be achieved at the expense of varying overhead in terms of area, power, and delay

    High-Performance Robust Latches

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    First, a new high-performance robust latch (referred to as HiPeR latch) is presented that is insensitive to transient faults affecting its internal and output nodes by design, independently of the size of its transistors. Then, a modified version of the HiPeR latch (referred as HiPeR-CG) is proposed that is suitable to be used together with clock gating. Both proposed latches are faster than the latches most recently presented in the literature, while providing better or comparable robustness to transient faults, at comparable or lower costs in terms of area and power, respectively. Therefore, thanks to the good trade-offs in terms of performance, robustness, and cost, our proposed latches are particularly suitable to be adopted on critical paths

    Radiation Tolerant Electronics, Volume II

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    Research on radiation tolerant electronics has increased rapidly over the last few years, resulting in many interesting approaches to model radiation effects and design radiation hardened integrated circuits and embedded systems. This research is strongly driven by the growing need for radiation hardened electronics for space applications, high-energy physics experiments such as those on the large hadron collider at CERN, and many terrestrial nuclear applications, including nuclear energy and safety management. With the progressive scaling of integrated circuit technologies and the growing complexity of electronic systems, their ionizing radiation susceptibility has raised many exciting challenges, which are expected to drive research in the coming decade.After the success of the first Special Issue on Radiation Tolerant Electronics, the current Special Issue features thirteen articles highlighting recent breakthroughs in radiation tolerant integrated circuit design, fault tolerance in FPGAs, radiation effects in semiconductor materials and advanced IC technologies and modelling of radiation effects
