43 research outputs found

    Bit Plane Coding Based Steganography Technique for JPEG2000 Images and Videos

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    In this paper, a Bit Plane Coding (BPC) based steganography technique for JPEG2000 images and Motion JPEG2000 video is proposed. Embedding in this technique is performed in the lowest significant bit planes of the wavelet coefficients of a cover image. In JPEG2000 standard, the number of bit planes of wavelet coefficients to be used in encoding is dependent on the compression rate and are used in Tier-2 process of JPEG2000. In the proposed technique, Tier-1 and Tier-2 processes of JPEG2000 and Motion JPEG2000 are executed twice on the encoder side to collect the information about the lowest bit planes of all code blocks of a cover image, which is utilized in embedding and transmitted to the decoder. After embedding secret data, Optimal Pixel Adjustment Process (OPAP) is applied on stego images to enhance its visual quality. Experimental results show that proposed technique provides large embedding capacity and better visual quality of stego images than existing steganography techniques for JPEG2000 compressed images and videos. Extracted secret image is similar to the original secret image

    Non Oblivious Watermarking Technique for JPEG2000 Compressed Images Using Arnold Scrambling of Unequal Size Watermark Blocks

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    In this paper, a watermarking technique for JPEG2000 compressed image is proposed. Scrambling of secret message is performed block-wise using Arnold Transform. Secret message is divided into non-overlapping blocks of unequal size and then Arnold transform is applied on each block and secret key is generated based on the periodicity of each block. Scrambled secret message is embedded into qualified significant wavelet coefficients of a cover image. After embedding the secret message into wavelet coefficients, the remaining processes of JPEG2000 standard are executed to compress the watermarked image at different compression rates. Scaling Factor (SF) is used to embed watermark into wavelet coefficients and the value of SF is stored into COM box of the code stream of JPEG2000 compressed image and this SF value and secret key are used to extract the embedded watermark on the receiver side. The performance of the proposed technique is robust to a variety of attacks like image cropping, salt and pepper noise, and rotation. Proposed technique is compared with the existing watermarking techniques for JPEG2000 compressed images to show its effectiveness

    WAVELET BASED DATA HIDING OF DEM IN THE CONTEXT OF REALTIME 3D VISUALIZATION (Visualisation 3D Temps-Réel à Distance de MNT par Insertion de Données Cachées Basée Ondelettes)

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    The use of aerial photographs, satellite images, scanned maps and digital elevation models necessitates the setting up of strategies for the storage and visualization of these data. In order to obtain a three dimensional visualization it is necessary to drape the images, called textures, onto the terrain geometry, called Digital Elevation Model (DEM). Practically, all these information are stored in three different files: DEM, texture and position/projection of the data in a geo-referential system. In this paper we propose to stock all these information in a single file for the purpose of synchronization. For this we have developed a wavelet-based embedding method for hiding the data in a colored image. The texture images containing hidden DEM data can then be sent from the server to a client in order to effect 3D visualization of terrains. The embedding method is integrable with the JPEG2000 coder to accommodate compression and multi-resolution visualization. Résumé L'utilisation de photographies aériennes, d'images satellites, de cartes scannées et de modèles numériques de terrains amène à mettre en place des stratégies de stockage et de visualisation de ces données. Afin d'obtenir une visualisation en trois dimensions, il est nécessaire de lier ces images appelées textures avec la géométrie du terrain nommée Modèle Numérique de Terrain (MNT). Ces informations sont en pratiques stockées dans trois fichiers différents : MNT, texture, position et projection des données dans un système géo-référencé. Dans cet article, nous proposons de stocker toutes ces informations dans un seul fichier afin de les synchroniser. Nous avons développé pour cela une méthode d'insertion de données cachées basée ondelettes dans une image couleur. Les images de texture contenant les données MNT cachées peuvent ensuite être envoyées du serveur au client afin d'effectuer une visualisation 3D de terrains. Afin de combiner une visualisation en multirésolution et une compression, l'insertion des données cachées est intégrable dans le codeur JPEG 2000

    An Analysis of LSB

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    Locally Adaptive Resolution (LAR) codec

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    The JPEG committee has initiated a study of potential technologies dedicated to future generation image compression systems. The idea is to design a new norm of image compression, named JPEG AIC (Advanced Image Coding), together with advanced evaluation methodologies, closely matching to human vision system characteristics. JPEG AIC thus aimed at defining a complete coding system able to address advanced functionalities such as lossy to lossless compression, scalability (spatial, temporal, depth, quality, complexity, component, granularity...), robustness, embed-ability, content description for image handling at object level... The chosen compression method would have to fit perceptual metrics defined by the JPEG community within the JPEG AIC project. In this context, we propose the Locally Adaptive Resolution (LAR) codec as a contribution to the relative call for technologies, tending to fit all of previous functionalities. This method is a coding solution that simultaneously proposes a relevant representation of the image. This property is exploited through various complementary coding schemes in order to design a highly scalable encoder. The LAR method has been initially introduced for lossy image coding. This efficient image compression solution relies on a content-based system driven by a specific quadtree representation, based on the assumption that an image can be represented as layers of basic information and local texture. Multiresolution versions of this codec have shown their efficiency, from low bit rates up to lossless compressed images. An original hierarchical self-extracting region representation has also been elaborated: a segmentation process is realized at both coder and decoder, leading to a free segmentation map. This later can be further exploited for color region encoding, image handling at region level. Moreover, the inherent structure of the LAR codec can be used for advanced functionalities such as content securization purposes. In particular, dedicated Unequal Error Protection systems have been produced and tested for transmission over the Internet or wireless channels. Hierarchical selective encryption techniques have been adapted to our coding scheme. Data hiding system based on the LAR multiresolution description allows efficient content protection. Thanks to the modularity of our coding scheme, complexity can be adjusted to address various embedded systems. For example, basic version of the LAR coder has been implemented onto FPGA platform while respecting real-time constraints. Pyramidal LAR solution and hierarchical segmentation process have also been prototyped on DSPs heterogeneous architectures. This chapter first introduces JPEG AIC scope and details associated requirements. Then we develop the technical features, of the LAR system, and show the originality of the proposed scheme, both in terms of functionalities and services. In particular, we show that the LAR coder remains efficient for natural images, medical images, and art images

    WG1N5315 - Response to Call for AIC evaluation methodologies and compression technologies for medical images: LAR Codec

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    This document presents the LAR image codec as a response to Call for AIC evaluation methodologies and compression technologies for medical images.This document describes the IETR response to the specific call for contributions of medical imaging technologies to be considered for AIC. The philosophy behind our coder is not to outperform JPEG2000 in compression; our goal is to propose an open source, royalty free, alternative image coder with integrated services. While keeping the compression performances in the same range as JPEG2000 but with lower complexity, our coder also provides services such as scalability, cryptography, data hiding, lossy to lossless compression, region of interest, free region representation and coding

    Steganography Approach to Image Authentication Using Pulse Coupled Neural Network

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    This paper introduces a model for the authentication of large-scale images. The crucial element of the proposed model is the optimized Pulse Coupled Neural Network. This neural network generates position matrices based on which the embedding of authentication data into cover images is applied. Emphasis is placed on the minimalization of the stego image entropy change. Stego image entropy is consequently compared with the reference entropy of the cover image. The security of the suggested solution is granted by the neural network weights initialized with a steganographic key and by the encryption of accompanying steganographic data using the AES-256 algorithm. The integrity of the images is verified through the SHA-256 hash function. The integration of the accompanying and authentication data directly into the stego image and the authentication of the large images are the main contributions of the work

    Preserving data integrity of encoded medical images: the LAR compression framework

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    International audienceThrough the development of medical imaging systems and their integration into a complete information system, the need for advanced joint coding and network services becomes predominant. PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication System) aims to acquire, store and compress, retrieve, present and distribute medical images. These systems have to be accessible via the Internet or wireless channels. Thus protection processes against transmission errors have to be added to get a powerful joint source-channel coding tool. Moreover, these sensitive data require confidentiality and privacy for both archiving and transmission purposes, leading to use cryptography and data embedding solutions. This chapter introduces data integrity protection and developed dedicated tools of content protection and secure bitstream transmission for medical encoded image purposes. In particular, the LAR image coding method is defined together with advanced securization services

    Efficient Compression and Encryption for Digital Data Transmission

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    We live in a digital era in which communication is largely based on the exchange of digital information on data networks. Communication is often pictured as a sender that transmits a digital file to a receiver. This file travels from a source to a destination and, to have a quick and immediate communication, we need an encoding strategy that should be efficient and easy yet secure. This communication could be based on a layout articulated in two operations that are heterogeneous and in some case conflicting but that are needed to be applied to the original file to have efficiency and security. These two operations are data compression and encryption. The aim of this work is to study the combination of compression and encryption techniques in digital documents. In this paper we will test the combinations of some of the state-of-the-art compression and cryptography techniques in various kinds of digital data