114 research outputs found

    Optimizing Streaming Parallelism on Heterogeneous Many-Core Architectures

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    As many-core accelerators keep integrating more processing units, it becomes increasingly more difficult for a parallel application to make effective use of all available resources. An effective way for improving hardware utilization is to exploit spatial and temporal sharing of the heterogeneous processing units by multiplexing computation and communication tasks - a strategy known as heterogeneous streaming. Achieving effective heterogeneous streaming requires carefully partitioning hardware among tasks, and matching the granularity of task parallelism to the resource partition. However, finding the right resource partitioning and task granularity is extremely challenging, because there is a large number of possible solutions and the optimal solution varies across programs and datasets. This article presents an automatic approach to quickly derive a good solution for hardware resource partition and task granularity for task-based parallel applications on heterogeneous many-core architectures. Our approach employs a performance model to estimate the resulting performance of the target application under a given resource partition and task granularity configuration. The model is used as a utility to quickly search for a good configuration at runtime. Instead of hand-crafting an analytical model that requires expert insights into low-level hardware details, we employ machine learning techniques to automatically learn it. We achieve this by first learning a predictive model offline using training programs. The learnt model can then be used to predict the performance of any unseen program at runtime. We apply our approach to 39 representative parallel applications and evaluate it on two representative heterogeneous many-core platforms: a CPU-XeonPhi platform and a CPU-GPU platform. Compared to the single-stream version, our approach achieves, on average, a 1.6x and 1.1x speedup on the XeonPhi and the GPU platform, respectively. These results translate to over 93% of the performance delivered by a theoretically perfect predictor

    Machine Learning in Compiler Optimization

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    In the last decade, machine learning based compilation has moved from an an obscure research niche to a mainstream activity. In this article, we describe the relationship between machine learning and compiler optimisation and introduce the main concepts of features, models, training and deployment. We then provide a comprehensive survey and provide a road map for the wide variety of different research areas. We conclude with a discussion on open issues in the area and potential research directions. This paper provides both an accessible introduction to the fast moving area of machine learning based compilation and a detailed bibliography of its main achievements

    Productive Programming Systems for Heterogeneous Supercomputers

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    The majority of today's scientific and data analytics workloads are still run on relatively energy inefficient, heavyweight, general-purpose processing cores, often referred to in the literature as latency-oriented architectures. The flexibility of these architectures and the programmer aids included (e.g. large and deep cache hierarchies, branch prediction logic, pre-fetch logic) makes them flexible enough to run a wide range of applications fast. However, we have started to see growth in the use of lightweight, simpler, energy-efficient, and functionally constrained cores. These architectures are commonly referred to as throughput-oriented. Within each shared memory node, the computational backbone of future throughput-oriented HPC machines will consist of large pools of lightweight cores. The first wave of throughput-oriented computing came in the mid 2000's with the use of GPUs for general-purpose and scientific computing. Today we are entering the second wave of throughput-oriented computing, with the introduction of NVIDIA Pascal GPUs, Intel Knights Landing Xeon Phi processors, the Epiphany Co-Processor, the Sunway MPP, and other throughput-oriented architectures that enable pre-exascale computing. However, while the majority of the FLOPS in designs for future HPC systems come from throughput-oriented architectures, they are still commonly paired with latency-oriented cores which handle management functions and lightweight/un-parallelizable computational kernels. Hence, most future HPC machines will be heterogeneous in their processing cores. However, the heterogeneity of future machines will not be limited to the processing elements. Indeed, heterogeneity will also exist in the storage, networking, memory, and software stacks of future supercomputers. As a result, it will be necessary to combine many different programming models and libraries in a single application. How to do so in a programmable and well-performing manner is an open research question. This thesis addresses this question using two approaches. First, we explore using managed runtimes on HPC platforms. As a result of their high-level programming models, these managed runtimes have a long history of supporting data analytics workloads on commodity hardware, but often come with overheads which make them less common in the HPC domain. Managed runtimes are also not supported natively on throughput-oriented architectures. Second, we explore the use of a modular programming model and work-stealing runtime to compose the programming and scheduling of multiple third-party HPC libraries. This approach leverages existing investment in HPC libraries, unifies the scheduling of work on a platform, and is designed to quickly support new programming model and runtime extensions. In support of these two approaches, this thesis also makes novel contributions in tooling for future supercomputers. We demonstrate the value of checkpoints as a software development tool on current and future HPC machines, and present novel techniques in performance prediction across heterogeneous cores

    Autotuning Stencil Computations with Structural Ordinal Regression Learning

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    Stencil computations expose a large and complex space of equivalent implementations. These computations often rely on autotuning techniques, based on iterative compilation or machine learning (ML), to achieve high performance. Iterative compilation autotuning is a challenging and time-consuming task that may be unaffordable in many scenarios. Meanwhile, traditional ML autotuning approaches exploiting classification algorithms (such as neural networks and support vector machines) face difficulties in capturing all features of large search spaces. This paper proposes a new way of automatically tuning stencil computations based on structural learning. By organizing the training data in a set of partially-sorted samples (i.e., rankings), the problem is formulated as a ranking prediction model, which translates to an ordinal regression problem. Our approach can be coupled with an iterative compilation method or used as a standalone autotuner. We demonstrate its potential by comparing it with state-of-the-art iterative compilation methods on a set of nine stencil codes and by analyzing the quality of the obtained ranking in terms of Kendall rank correlation coefficients

    Approximation and Relaxation Approaches for Parallel and Distributed Machine Learning

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    Large scale machine learning requires tradeoffs. Commonly this tradeoff has led practitioners to choose simpler, less powerful models, e.g. linear models, in order to process more training examples in a limited time. In this work, we introduce parallelism to the training of non-linear models by leveraging a different tradeoff--approximation. We demonstrate various techniques by which non-linear models can be made amenable to larger data sets and significantly more training parallelism by strategically introducing approximation in certain optimization steps. For gradient boosted regression tree ensembles, we replace precise selection of tree splits with a coarse-grained, approximate split selection, yielding both faster sequential training and a significant increase in parallelism, in the distributed setting in particular. For metric learning with nearest neighbor classification, rather than explicitly train a neighborhood structure we leverage the implicit neighborhood structure induced by task-specific random forest classifiers, yielding a highly parallel method for metric learning. For support vector machines, we follow existing work to learn a reduced basis set with extremely high parallelism, particularly on GPUs, via existing linear algebra libraries. We believe these optimization tradeoffs are widely applicable wherever machine learning is put in practice in large scale settings. By carefully introducing approximation, we also introduce significantly higher parallelism and consequently can process more training examples for more iterations than competing exact methods. While seemingly learning the model with less precision, this tradeoff often yields noticeably higher accuracy under a restricted training time budget

    Ant Colony Optimization

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    Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) is the best example of how studies aimed at understanding and modeling the behavior of ants and other social insects can provide inspiration for the development of computational algorithms for the solution of difficult mathematical problems. Introduced by Marco Dorigo in his PhD thesis (1992) and initially applied to the travelling salesman problem, the ACO field has experienced a tremendous growth, standing today as an important nature-inspired stochastic metaheuristic for hard optimization problems. This book presents state-of-the-art ACO methods and is divided into two parts: (I) Techniques, which includes parallel implementations, and (II) Applications, where recent contributions of ACO to diverse fields, such as traffic congestion and control, structural optimization, manufacturing, and genomics are presented

    Partial Face Detection and Illumination Estimation

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    Face Analysis has long been a crucial component of many security applications. In this work, we shall propose and explore some face analysis algorithms which are applicable to two different security problems, namely Active Authentication and Image Tampering Detection. In the first section, we propose two algorithms, “Deep Feature based Face Detection for Mobile Devices” and “DeepSegFace” that are useful in detecting partial faces such as those seem in typical Active Authentication scenarios. In the second section, we propose an algorithm to detect discrepancies in illumination conditions given two face images, and use that as an indication to decide if an image has been tampered by transplanting faces. We also extend the illumination detection algorithm by proposing an adversarial data augmentation scheme. We show the efficacy of the proposed algorithms by evaluating them on multiple datasets

    A Survey on Compiler Autotuning using Machine Learning

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    Since the mid-1990s, researchers have been trying to use machine-learning based approaches to solve a number of different compiler optimization problems. These techniques primarily enhance the quality of the obtained results and, more importantly, make it feasible to tackle two main compiler optimization problems: optimization selection (choosing which optimizations to apply) and phase-ordering (choosing the order of applying optimizations). The compiler optimization space continues to grow due to the advancement of applications, increasing number of compiler optimizations, and new target architectures. Generic optimization passes in compilers cannot fully leverage newly introduced optimizations and, therefore, cannot keep up with the pace of increasing options. This survey summarizes and classifies the recent advances in using machine learning for the compiler optimization field, particularly on the two major problems of (1) selecting the best optimizations and (2) the phase-ordering of optimizations. The survey highlights the approaches taken so far, the obtained results, the fine-grain classification among different approaches and finally, the influential papers of the field.Comment: version 5.0 (updated on September 2018)- Preprint Version For our Accepted Journal @ ACM CSUR 2018 (42 pages) - This survey will be updated quarterly here (Send me your new published papers to be added in the subsequent version) History: Received November 2016; Revised August 2017; Revised February 2018; Accepted March 2018
