111 research outputs found

    Geospatial Narratives and their Spatio-Temporal Dynamics: Commonsense Reasoning for High-level Analyses in Geographic Information Systems

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    The modelling, analysis, and visualisation of dynamic geospatial phenomena has been identified as a key developmental challenge for next-generation Geographic Information Systems (GIS). In this context, the envisaged paradigmatic extensions to contemporary foundational GIS technology raises fundamental questions concerning the ontological, formal representational, and (analytical) computational methods that would underlie their spatial information theoretic underpinnings. We present the conceptual overview and architecture for the development of high-level semantic and qualitative analytical capabilities for dynamic geospatial domains. Building on formal methods in the areas of commonsense reasoning, qualitative reasoning, spatial and temporal representation and reasoning, reasoning about actions and change, and computational models of narrative, we identify concrete theoretical and practical challenges that accrue in the context of formal reasoning about `space, events, actions, and change'. With this as a basis, and within the backdrop of an illustrated scenario involving the spatio-temporal dynamics of urban narratives, we address specific problems and solutions techniques chiefly involving `qualitative abstraction', `data integration and spatial consistency', and `practical geospatial abduction'. From a broad topical viewpoint, we propose that next-generation dynamic GIS technology demands a transdisciplinary scientific perspective that brings together Geography, Artificial Intelligence, and Cognitive Science. Keywords: artificial intelligence; cognitive systems; human-computer interaction; geographic information systems; spatio-temporal dynamics; computational models of narrative; geospatial analysis; geospatial modelling; ontology; qualitative spatial modelling and reasoning; spatial assistance systemsComment: ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information (ISSN 2220-9964); Special Issue on: Geospatial Monitoring and Modelling of Environmental Change}. IJGI. Editor: Duccio Rocchini. (pre-print of article in press

    Qualitative reasoning with directional relations

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    AbstractQualitative spatial reasoning (QSR) pursues a symbolic approach to reasoning about a spatial domain. Qualitative calculi are defined to capture domain properties in relation operations, granting a relation algebraic approach to reasoning. QSR has two primary goals: providing a symbolic model for human common-sense level of reasoning and providing efficient means for reasoning. In this paper, we dismantle the hope for efficient reasoning about directional information in infinite spatial domains by showing that it is inherently hard to decide consistency of a set of constraints that represents positions in the plane by specifying directions from reference objects. We assume that these reference objects are not fixed but only constrained through directional relations themselves. Known QSR reasoning methods fail to handle this information

    A survey of qualitative spatial representations

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    Representation and reasoning with qualitative spatial relations is an important problem in artificial intelligence and has wide applications in the fields of geographic information system, computer vision, autonomous robot navigation, natural language understanding, spatial databases and so on. The reasons for this interest in using qualitative spatial relations include cognitive comprehensibility, efficiency and computational facility. This paper summarizes progress in qualitative spatial representation by describing key calculi representing different types of spatial relationships. The paper concludes with a discussion of current research and glimpse of future work

    A Class of df-consistencies for Qualitative Constraint Networks

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    International audienceIn this paper, we introduce a new class of local consis- tencies, called °f-consistencies, for qualitative constraint networks. Each consistency of this class is based on weak composition (°) and a mapping f that provides a covering for each relation. We study the connections ex- isting between some properties of mappings f and the relative inference strength of °f-consistencies. The con- sistency obtained by the usual closure under weak com- position is shown to be the weakest element of the class, and new promising perspectives are shown to be opened by °f-consistencies stronger than weak composition. We also propose a generic algorithm that allows us to com- pute the closure of qualitative constraint networks un- der any "well-behaved" consistency of the class. The experimentation that we have conducted on qualitative constraint networks from the Interval Algebra shows the interest of these new local consistencies, in particular for the consistency problem

    Geospatial images in the acquisition of spatial knowledge for wayfinding

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    Geospatial images such as maps and aerial photographs are important sources of spatial knowledge that people use for wayfinding. The rapid development of geodata acquisition and digital graphics has recently led to rather complete geographic coverage of both traditional and novel types of geospatial images. Divergent types of geospatial images vary in their support of human acquisition of spatial knowledge. However evaluative studies about the acquisition of spatial knowledge from the diversity of geospatial images have been rare. In this article we review a variety of literature about the acquisition of spatial knowledge while paying particular attention to the role of geospatial images. Based on the literature we present a framework of image parameters that characterize the acquisition of spatial knowledge from geospatial images: vantage point number of visible vertical features and visual realism. With the help of the framework we evaluate commonly used geospatial images. In concordance with the previous experiments our evaluation shows that the different types of geospatial images have large differences in the types of spatial knowledge they support and to what extent. However further experimentation is needed in order to better understand the human cognitive needs for geospatial images and to develop more useful geospatial images for wayfinding

    Qualitative Spatial Configuration Queries Towards Next Generation Access Methods for GIS

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    For a long time survey, management, and provision of geographic information in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) have mainly had an authoritative nature. Today the trend is changing and such an authoritative geographic information source is now accompanied by a public and freely available one which is usually referred to as Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI). Actually, the term VGI does not refer only to the mere geographic information, but, more generally, to the whole process which assumes the engagement of volunteers to collect and maintain such information in freely accessible GIS. The quick spread of VGI gives new relevance to a well-known challenge: developing new methods and techniques to ease down the interaction between users and GIS. Indeed, in spite of continuous improvements, GIS mainly provide interfaces tailored for experts, denying the casual user usually a non-expert the possibility to access VGI information. One main obstacle resides in the different ways GIS and humans deal with spatial information: GIS mainly encode spatial information in a quantitative format, whereas human beings typically prefer a qualitative and relational approach. For example, we use expressions like the lake is to the right-hand side of the wood or is there a supermarket close to the university? which qualitatively locate a spatial entity with respect to another. Nowadays, such a gap in representation has to be plugged by the user, who has to learn about the system structure and to encode his requests in a form suitable to the system. Contrarily, enabling gis to explicitly deal with qualitative spatial information allows for shifting the translation effort to the system side. Thus, to facilitate the interaction with human beings, GIS have to be enhanced with tools for efficiently handling qualitative spatial information. The work presented in this thesis addresses the problem of enabling Qualitative Spatial Configuration Queries (QSCQs) in GIS. A QSCQ is a spatial database query which allows for an automatic mapping of spatial descriptions produced by humans: A user naturally expresses his request of spatial information by drawing a sketch map or producing a verbal description. The qualitative information conveyed by such descriptions is automatically extracted and encoded into a QSCQ. The focus of this work is on two main challenges: First, the development of a framework that allows for managing in a spatial database the variety of spatial aspects that might be enclosed in a spatial description produced by a human. Second, the conception of Qualitative Spatial Access Methods (QSAMs): algorithms and data structures tailored for efficiently solving QSCQs. The main objective of a QSAM is that of countering the exponential explosion in terms of storage space occurring when switching from a quantitative to a qualitative spatial representation while keeping query response time acceptable

    Qualitative Spatial Reasoning about Relative Orientation --- A Question of Consistency ---

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    Abstract. After the emergence of Allen s Interval Algebra Qualitative Spatial Reasoning has evolved into a fruitful field of research in artificial intelligence with possible applications in geographic information systems (GIS) and robot navigation Qualitative Spatial Reasoning abstracts from the detailed metric description of space using rich mathematical theories and restricts its language to a finite, often rather small, set of relations that fulfill certain properties. This approach is often deemed to be cognitively adequate . A major question in qualitative spatial reasoning is whether a description of a spatial situation given as a constraint network is consistent. The problem becomes a hard one since the domain of space (often R2 ) is infinite. In contrast many of the interesting problems for constraint satisfaction have a finite domain on which backtracking methods can be used. But because of the infinity of its domains these methods are generally not applicable to Qualitative Spatial Reasoning. Anyhow the method of path consistency or rather its generalization algebraic closure turned out to be helpful to a certain degree for many qualitative spatial calculi. The problem regarding this method is that it depends on the existence of a composition table, and calculating this table is not an easy task. For example the dipole calculus (operating on oriented dipoles) DRAf has 72 base relations and binary composition, hence its composition table has 5184 entries. Finding all these entries by hand is a hard, long and error-prone task. Finding them using a computer is also not easy, since the semantics of DRAf in the Euclidean Plane, its natural domain, rely on non-linear inequalities. This is not a special problem of the DRAf calculus. In fact, all calculi dealing with relative orientation share the property of having semantics based on non-linear inequalities in the Euclidean plane. This not only makes it hard to find a composition table, it also makes it particularly hard to decide consistency for these calculi. As shown in [79] algebraic closure is always just an approximation to consistency for these calculi, but it is the only method that works fast. Methods like Gröbner reasoning can decide consistency for these calculi but only for small constraint networks. Still finding a composition table for DRAf is a fruitful task, since we can use it analyze the properties of composition based reasoning for such a calculus and it is a starting point for the investigation of the quality of the approximation of consistency for this calculus. We utilize a new approach for calculating the composition table for DRAf using condensed semantics, i.e. the domain of the calculus is compressed in such a way that only finitely many possible configurations need to be investigated. In fact, only the configurations need to be investigated that turn out to represent special characteristics for the placement of three lines in the plane. This method turns out to be highly efficient for calculating the composition table of the calculus. Another method of obtaining a composition table is borrowing it via a suitable morphism. Hence, we investigate morphisms between qualitative spatial calculi. Having the composition table is not the end but rather the beginning of the problem. With that table we can compute algebraically closed refinements of constraint networks, but how meaningful is this process? We know that all constraint networks for which such a refinement does not exist are inconsistent, but what about the rest? In fact, they may be consistent or not. If they are all consistent, then we can be happy, since algebraic closure would decide consistency for the calculus at hand. We investigate LR, DRAf and DRAfp and show that for all these calculi algebraic closure does not decide consistency. In fact, for the LR calculus algebraic closure is an extremely bad approximation of consistency. For this calculus we introduce a new method for the approximation of consistency based on triangles, that performs far better than algebraic closure. A major weak spot of the field of Qualitative Spatial Reasoning is the area of applications. It is hard to refute the accusation of qualitative spatial calculi having only few applications so far. As a step into the direction of scrutinizing the applicability of these calculi, we examine the performance of DRA and OPRA in the issue of describing and navigating street networks based on local observations. Especially for OPRA we investigate a factorization of the base relations that is deemed cognitively adequate . Whenever possible we use real-world data in these investigations obtained from OpenStreetMap

    The Point-Descriptor-Precedence representation for point configurations and movements

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    In this paper, we represent (moving) point configurations along a curved directed line qualitatively by means of a system of relational symbols based on two distance descriptors: one representing distance along the curved directed line and the other representing signed orthogonal distance to the curved directed line. The curved directed line represents the direction of the movement of interest. For instance, it could be straight as in the case of driving along a highway or could be curved as in the case of an intersection or a roundabout. Inspired by the Point Calculus, the order between the points on the curved directed line is described by means of a small set of binary relations () acting upon the distance descriptors. We call this representation the Point-Descriptor-Precedence-Static (PDPS) representation at a time point and Point-Descriptor-Precedence-Dynamic (PDPD) representation during a time interval. To illustrate how the proposed approach can be used to represent and analyse curved movements, some basic micro-analysis traffic examples are studied. Finally, we discuss some extensions of our work to highlight the practical benefits of PDP in identifying motion patterns that could be useful in GIS, autonomous vehicles, sports analytics, and gait analysis

    Reasoning with Mixed Qualitative-Quantitative Representations of Spatial Knowledge

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    Drastic transformations in human settlements are caused by extreme events. As a consequence, descriptions of an environment struck by an extreme event, based on spatial data collected before the event, become suddenly unreliable. On the other hand, time critical actions taken for responding to extreme events require up-to-date spatial information. Traditional methods for spatial data collection are not able to provide updated information rapidly enough, calling for the development of new data collection methods. Reports provided by actors involved in the response operations can be considered as an alternative source of spatial information. Indeed, reports often convey spatial descriptions of the environment. The extraction of spatial descriptions from such reports can serve a fundamental role to update existing information which is usually maintained within, and by means of, Geographic Information Systems. However, spatial information conveyed by human reports has qualitative characteristics, that strongly differ from the quantitative nature of spatial information stored in Geographic Information Systems. Methodologies for integrating qualitative and quantitative spatial information are required in order to exploit human reports for updating existing descriptions of spatial knowledge. Although a significant amount of research has been carried on how to represent and reason on qualitative data and qualitative information, relatively little work exists on developing techniques to combine the different methodologies. The work presented in this thesis extends previous works by introducing a hybrid reasoning system--able to deal with mixed qualitative-quantitative representations of spatial knowledge--combining techniques developed separately for qualitative spatial reasoning and quantitative data analysis. The system produces descriptions of the spatial extent of those entities that have been modified by the event (such as collapsed buildings), or that were not existing before the event (such as fire or ash clouds). Furthermore, qualitative descriptions are produced for all entities in the environment. The former descriptions allow for overlaying on a map the information interpreted from human reports, while the latter triggers warning messages to people involved in decision making operations. Three main system functionalities are investigated in this work: The first allows for translating qualitative information into quantitative descriptions. The second aims at translating quantitative information into qualitative relations. Finally, the third allows for performing inference operations with information given partly qualitatively and partly quantitatively for boosting the spatial knowledge the system is able to produce

    Reasoning with Mixed Qualitative-Quantitative Representations of Spatial Knowledge

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    Drastic transformations in human settlements are caused by extreme events. As a consequence, descriptions of an environment struck by an extreme event, based on spatial data collected before the event, become suddenly unreliable. On the other hand, time critical actions taken for responding to extreme events require up-to-date spatial information. Traditional methods for spatial data collection are not able to provide updated information rapidly enough, calling for the development of new data collection methods. Reports provided by actors involved in the response operations can be considered as an alternative source of spatial information. Indeed, reports often convey spatial descriptions of the environment. The extraction of spatial descriptions from such reports can serve a fundamental role to update existing information which is usually maintained within, and by means of, Geographic Information Systems. However, spatial information conveyed by human reports has qualitative characteristics, that strongly differ from the quantitative nature of spatial information stored in Geographic Information Systems. Methodologies for integrating qualitative and quantitative spatial information are required in order to exploit human reports for updating existing descriptions of spatial knowledge. Although a significant amount of research has been carried on how to represent and reason on qualitative data and qualitative information, relatively little work exists on developing techniques to combine the different methodologies. The work presented in this thesis extends previous works by introducing a hybrid reasoning system--able to deal with mixed qualitative-quantitative representations of spatial knowledge--combining techniques developed separately for qualitative spatial reasoning and quantitative data analysis. The system produces descriptions of the spatial extent of those entities that have been modified by the event (such as collapsed buildings), or that were not existing before the event (such as fire or ash clouds). Furthermore, qualitative descriptions are produced for all entities in the environment. The former descriptions allow for overlaying on a map the information interpreted from human reports, while the latter triggers warning messages to people involved in decision making operations. Three main system functionalities are investigated in this work: The first allows for translating qualitative information into quantitative descriptions. The second aims at translating quantitative information into qualitative relations. Finally, the third allows for performing inference operations with information given partly qualitatively and partly quantitatively for boosting the spatial knowledge the system is able to produce
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