165 research outputs found

    Topological Design of Survivable Networks

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    In the field of telecommunications there are several ways of establishing links between different physical places that must be connected according to the characteristics and the type of service they should provide. Two main considerations to be taken into account and which require the attention of the network planners are, in one hand the economic effort necessary to build the network, and in the other hand the resilience of the network to remain operative in the event of failure of any of its components. A third consideration, which is very important when quality of services required, such as video streaming or communications between real-time systems, is the diameter constrained reliability. In this thesis we study a set of problems that involve such considerations. Firstly, we model a new combinatorial optimization problem called Capacitated m-Two Node Survivable Star Problem (CmTNSSP). In such problem we optimize the costs of constructing a network composed of 2-node-connected components that converge in a central node and whose terminals can belong to these connected 2-node structures or be connected to them by simple edges. The CmTNSSP is a relaxation of the Capacitated Ring Star Problem (CmRSP), where the cycles of the latter can be replaced by arbitrary 2-node-connected graphs. According to previous studies, some of the structural properties of 2-node-connected graphs can be used to show a potential improvement in construction costs, over solutions that exclusively use cycles. Considering that the CmTNSSP belongs to the class of NP-Hard computational problems, a GRASP-VND metaheuristic was proposed and implemented for its approximate resolution, and a comparison of results was made between both problems (CmRSP and CmTNSSP) for a series of instances. Some local searches are based on exact Integer Linear Programming formulations. The results obtained show that the proposed metaheuristic reaches satisfactory levels of accuracy, attaining the global optimum in several instances. Next, we introduce the Capacitated m Ring Star Problem under Diameter Constrained Reliability (CmRSP-DCR) wherein DCR is considered as an additional restriction, limiting the number of hops between nodes of the CmRSP problem and establishing a minimum level of network reliability. This is especially useful in networks that should guarantee minimum delays and quality of service. The solutions found in this problem can be improved by applying some of the results obtained in the study of the CmTNSSP. Finally, we introduce a variant of the CmTNSSP named Capacitated Two-Node Survivable Tree Problem, motivated by another combinatorial optimization problem most recently treated in the literature, called Capacitated Ring Tree Problem (CRTP). In the CRTP, an additional restriction is added with respect to CmRSP, where the terminal nodes are of two different types and tree structures are also allowed. Each node in the CRTP may be connected exclusively in one cycle, or may be part of a cycle or a tree indistinctly, depending on the type of node. In the variant we introduced, the cycles are replaced by 2-node-connected structures. This study proposes and implements a GRASP-VND metaheuristic with specific local searches for this type of structures and adapts some of the exact local searches used in the resolution CmTNSSP. A comparison of the results between the optimal solutions obtained for the CRTP and the CTNSTP is made. The results achieved show the robustness and efficiency of the metaheuristi

    The capacitated m two node survivable star problem

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    The problem addressed in this paper attempts to efficiently solve a network design with redundant connections, often used by telephone operators and internet services. This network connects customers with one master node and sets some rules that shape its construction, such as number of customers, number of components and types of links, in order to meet operational needs and technical constraints. We propose a combinatorial optimization problem called CmTNSSP (Capacitated m Two- Node-Survivable Star Problem), a relaxation of CmRSP (Capacitated m Ring Star Problem). In this variant of CmRSP the rings are not constrained to be cycles; instead, they can be two node connected components. The contributions of this paper are (a) introduction and definition of a new problem (b) the specification of a mathematical programming model of the problem to be treated, and (c) the approximate resolution thereof through a GRASP metaheuristic, which alternates local searches that obtain incrementally better solutions, and exact resolution local searches based on mathematical programming models, particularly Integer Linear Programming ones. Computational results obtained by developed algorithms show robustness and competitiveness when compared to results of the literature relative to benchmark instances. Likewise, the experiments show the relevance of considering the specific variant of the problem studied in this work

    Sequential and parallel large neighborhood search algorithms for the periodic location routing problem

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    We propose a large neighborhood search (LNS) algorithm to solve the periodic location routing problem (PLRP). The PLRP combines location and routing decisions over a planning horizon in which customers require visits according to a given frequency and the specific visit days can be chosen. We use parallelization strategies that can exploit the availability of multiple processors. The computational results show that the algorithms obtain better results than previous solution methods on a set of standard benchmark instances from the literature

    Algoritmos e formulações matemáticas para problemas de roteamento em arcos

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    Orientador: Fábio Luiz UsbertiTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Problemas de roteamento em arcos têm por objetivo determinar rotas de custo mínimo que visitam um subconjunto de arcos de um grafo, com uma ou mais restrições adicionais. Esta tese estuda três problemas NP-difíceis de roteamento em arcos: (1) o problema de roteamento em arcos capacitado (CARP); (2) o problema de roteamento em arcos capacitado e aberto (OCARP); e (3) o problema do carteiro chinês com cobertura (CCPP). Apresentamos formulações matemáticas e métodos exatos e heurísticos para tratar computacionalmente esses problemas: (i) uma heurística construtiva gulosa e randomizada é proposta para o CARP; (ii) uma metaheurística de algoritmos genéticos híbrido e dois métodos de limitantes inferiores por programação linear inteira, um branch-and-cut e um baseado em redes de fluxos, são propostos para o OCARP; e (iii) um método exato branch-and-cut com desigualdades válidas e uma heurística construtiva são propostos para o CCPP. Extensivos experimentos computacionais utilizando instâncias de benchmark foram executados para demonstrar o desempenho dos métodos propostos em relação aos métodos da literatura, considerando tanto a qualidade das soluções obtidas quanto o tempo de processamento. Nossos resultados mostram que os métodos propostos são estado da arte. Os problemas estudados apresentam aplicações práticas relevantes: o CARP tem aplicações em coleta de lixo urbano e remoção de neve de estradas; o OCARP tem aplicações em roteamento de leituristas e na definição de caminhos de corte em chapas metálicas; e o CCPP tem aplicações em roteamento de leituristas com o uso de tecnologia wireless. A solução desses problemas remete à diminuição de custos logísticos, melhorando a competitividade das empresasAbstract: Arc routing problems aim to find minimum cost routes that visit a subset of arcs of a graph, with one or more side constraints. This thesis studies three NP-hard arc routing problems: (1) the capacitated arc routing problem (CARP); (2) the open capacitated arc routing problem (OCARP); and (3) the covering Chinese postman problem (CCPP). We present mathematical formulations and heuristic and exact methods to computationally solve these problems: (i) a greedy and randomized constructive heuristic is proposed for the CARP; (ii) a hybrid genetic algorithm metaheuristic and two linear integer programming lower bound methods, one based on branch-and-cut and one based on flow networks, are proposed for the OCARP; and (iii) an exact branch-and-cut method with valid inequalities and a constructive heuristic are proposed for the CCPP. Extensive computational experiments using benchmark instances were performed to demonstrate the performance of the proposed methods in comparison to the previous methods, regarding both quality of solutions and processing time. Our results show that the proposed methods are state-of-the-art. The studied problems have many relevant practical applications: the CARP has applications on urban waste collection and snow removal; the OCARP has applications on the routing of meter readers and the cutting of metal sheets; and last, the CCPP has applications on automated meter readers routing. The solution of these problems leads to the reduction of logistics costs, improving businesses competitivenessDoutoradoCiência da ComputaçãoDoutor em Ciência da Computação2016/00315-0FAPES

    Models and algorithms for the capacitated location-routing problem

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    Le problème de localisation-routage avec capacités (PLRC) apparaît comme un problème clé dans la conception de réseaux de distribution de marchandises. Il généralisele problème de localisation avec capacités (PLC) ainsi que le problème de tournées de véhicules à multiples dépôts (PTVMD), le premier en ajoutant des décisions liées au routage et le deuxième en ajoutant des décisions liées à la localisation des dépôts. Dans cette thèse on dévelope des outils pour résoudre le PLRC à l’aide de la programmation mathématique. Dans le chapitre 3, on introduit trois nouveaux modèles pour le PLRC basés sur des flots de véhicules et des flots de commodités, et on montre comment ceux-ci dominent, en termes de la qualité de la borne inférieure, la formulation originale à deux indices [19]. Des nouvelles inégalités valides ont été dévelopées et ajoutées aux modèles, de même que des inégalités connues. De nouveaux algorithmes de séparation ont aussi été dévelopés qui dans la plupart de cas généralisent ceux trouvés dans la litterature. Les résultats numériques montrent que ces modèles de flot sont en fait utiles pour résoudre des instances de petite à moyenne taille. Dans le chapitre 4, on présente une nouvelle méthode de génération de colonnes basée sur une formulation de partition d’ensemble. Le sous-problème consiste en un problème de plus court chemin avec capacités (PCCC). En particulier, on utilise une relaxation de ce problème dans laquelle il est possible de produire des routes avec des cycles de longueur trois ou plus. Ceci est complété par des nouvelles coupes qui permettent de réduire encore davantage le saut d’intégralité en même temps que de défavoriser l’apparition de cycles dans les routes. Ces résultats suggèrent que cette méthode fournit la meilleure méthode exacte pour le PLRC. Dans le chapitre 5, on introduit une nouvelle méthode heuristique pour le PLRC. Premièrement, on démarre une méthode randomisée de type GRASP pour trouver un premier ensemble de solutions de bonne qualité. Les solutions de cet ensemble sont alors combinées de façon à les améliorer. Finalement, on démarre une méthode de type détruir et réparer basée sur la résolution d’un nouveau modèle de localisation et réaffectation qui généralise le problème de réaffectaction [48].The capacitated location-routing problem (CLRP) arises as a key problem in the design of distribution networks. It generalizes both the capacitated facility location problem (CFLP) and the multiple depot vehicle routing problem (MDVRP), the first by considering additional routing decisions and the second by adding the location decision variables. In this thesis we use different mathematical programming tools to develop and specialize new models and algorithms for solving the CLRP. In Chapter 3, three new models are presented for the CLRP based on vehicle-flow and commodity-flow formulations, all of which are shown to dominate, in terms of the linear relaxation lower bound, the original two-index vehicle-flow formulation [19]. Known valid inequalities are complemented with some new ones and included using separation algorithms that in many cases generalize extisting ones found in the literature. Computational experiments suggest that flow models can be efficient for dealing with small or medium size instances of the CLRP (50 customers or less). In Chapter 4, a new branch-and-cut-and-price exact algorithm is introduced for the CLRP based on a set-partitioning formulation. The pricing problem is a shortest path problem with resource constraints (SPPRC). In particular, we consider a relaxation of such problem in which routes are allowed to contain cycles of length three or more. This is complemented with the development of new valid inequalities that are shown to be effective for closing the optimality gap as well as to restrict the appearance of cycles. Computational experience supports the fact that this method is now the best exact method for the CLRP. In Chapter 5, we introduce a new metaheuristic with the aim of finding good quality solutions in short or moderate computing times. First, a bundle of good solutions is generated with the help of a greedy randomized adaptive search procedure (GRASP). Following this, a blending procedure is applied with the aim of producing a better upper bound as a combination of all the others in the bundle. An iterative destroy-and-repair method is then applied using a location-reallocation model that generalizes the reallocation model due to de Franceschi et al. [48]

    Internet of Things in urban waste collection

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    Nowadays, the waste collection management has an important role in urban areas. This paper faces this issue and proposes the application of a metaheuristic for the optimization of a weekly schedule and routing of the waste collection activities in an urban area. Differently to several contributions in literature, fixed periodic routes are not imposed. The results significantly improve the performance of the company involved, both in terms of resources used and costs saving

    A Partial Allocation Local Search Matheuristic for Solving the School Bus Routing Problem with Bus Stop Selection

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    This paper addresses the school bus routing problem with bus stop selection, which jointly handles the problems of determining the set of bus stops to visit, allocating each student to one of these bus stops and computing the routes that visit the selected bus stops, so that the total routing cost is minimized and the walking distance of the students is limited by a given value. A fast and efficient matheuristic is developed based on an innovative approach that first partially allocates the students to a set of active stops that they can reach, and computes a set of routes that minimizes the routing cost. Then, a refining process is performed to complete the allocation and to adapt the routes until a feasible solution is obtained. The algorithm is tested on a set of benchmark instances. The computational results show the efficiency of the algorithm in terms of the quality of the solutions yielded and the computing time

    An updated annotated bibliography on arc routing problems

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    The number of arc routing publications has increased significantly in the last decade. Such an increase justifies a second annotated bibliography, a sequel to Corberán and Prins (Networks 56 (2010), 50–69), discussing arc routing studies from 2010 onwards. These studies are grouped into three main sections: single vehicle problems, multiple vehicle problems and applications. Each main section catalogs problems according to their specifics. Section 2 is therefore composed of four subsections, namely: the Chinese Postman Problem, the Rural Postman Problem, the General Routing Problem (GRP) and Arc Routing Problems (ARPs) with profits. Section 3, devoted to the multiple vehicle case, begins with three subsections on the Capacitated Arc Routing Problem (CARP) and then delves into several variants of multiple ARPs, ending with GRPs and problems with profits. Section 4 is devoted to applications, including distribution and collection routes, outdoor activities, post-disaster operations, road cleaning and marking. As new applications emerge and existing applications continue to be used and adapted, the future of arc routing research looks promising.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Matheuristics: using mathematics for heuristic design

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    Matheuristics are heuristic algorithms based on mathematical tools such as the ones provided by mathematical programming, that are structurally general enough to be applied to different problems with little adaptations to their abstract structure. The result can be metaheuristic hybrids having components derived from the mathematical model of the problems of interest, but the mathematical techniques themselves can define general heuristic solution frameworks. In this paper, we focus our attention on mathematical programming and its contributions to developing effective heuristics. We briefly describe the mathematical tools available and then some matheuristic approaches, reporting some representative examples from the literature. We also take the opportunity to provide some ideas for possible future development