18 research outputs found

    A semantically aware transactional concurrency control for GPGPU computing

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    PhD ThesisThe increased parallel nature of the GPU a ords an opportunity for the exploration of multi-thread computing. With the availability of GPU has recently expanded into the area of general purpose program- ming, a concurrency control is required to exploit parallelism as well as maintaining the correctness of program. Transactional memory, which is a generalised solution for concurrent con ict, meanwhile allow application programmers to develop concurrent code in a more intu- itive manner, is superior to pessimistic concurrency control for general use. The most important component in any transactional memory technique is the policy to solve con icts on shared data, namely the contention management policy. The work presented in this thesis aims to develop a software trans- actional memory model which can solve both concurrent con ict and semantic con ict at the same time for the GPU. The technique di ers from existing CPU approaches on account of the di erent essential ex- ecution paths and hardware basis, plus much more parallel resources are available on the GPU. We demonstrate that both concurrent con- icts and semantic con icts can be resolved in a particular contention management policy for the GPU, with a di erent application of locks and priorities from the CPU. The basic problem and a software transactional memory solution idea is proposed rst. An implementation is then presented based on the execution mode of this model. After that, we extend this system to re- solve semantic con ict at the same time. Results are provided nally, which compare the performance of our solution with an established GPU software transactional memory and a famous CPU transactional memory, at varying levels of concurrent and semantic con icts

    Scene Mapping and Understanding by Robotic Vision

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    The first mechanical Automaton concept was found in a Chinese text written in the 3rd century BC, while Computer Vision was born in the late 1960s. Therefore, visual perception applied to machines (i.e. the Machine Vision) is a young and exciting alliance. When robots came in, the new field of Robotic Vision was born, and these terms began to be erroneously interchanged. In short, we can say that Machine Vision is an engineering domain, which concern the industrial use of Vision. The Robotic Vision, instead, is a research field that tries to incorporate robotics aspects in computer vision algorithms. Visual Servoing, for example, is one of the problems that cannot be solved by computer vision only. Accordingly, a large part of this work deals with boosting popular Computer Vision techniques by exploiting robotics: e.g. the use of kinematics to localize a vision sensor, mounted as the robot end-effector. The remainder of this work is dedicated to the counterparty, i.e. the use of computer vision to solve real robotic problems like grasping objects or navigate avoiding obstacles. Will be presented a brief survey about mapping data structures most widely used in robotics along with SkiMap, a novel sparse data structure created both for robotic mapping and as a general purpose 3D spatial index. Thus, several approaches to implement Object Detection and Manipulation, by exploiting the aforementioned mapping strategies, will be proposed, along with a completely new Machine Teaching facility in order to simply the training procedure of modern Deep Learning networks

    Infrastructure for Performance Monitoring and Analysis of Systems and Applications

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    The growth of High Performance Computer (HPC) systems increases the complexity with respect to understanding resource utilization, system management, and performance issues. HPC performance monitoring tools need to collect information at both the application and system levels to yield a complete performance picture. Existing approaches limit the abilities of the users to do meaningful analysis on actionable timescale. Efficient infrastructures are required to support largescale systems performance data analysis for both run-time troubleshooting and post-run processing modes. In this dissertation, we present methods to fill these gaps in the infrastructure for HPC performance monitoring and analysis. First, we enhance the architecture of a monitoring system to integrate streaming analysis capabilities at arbitrary locations within its data collection, transport, and aggregation facilities. Next, we present an approach to streaming collection of application performance data. We integrate these methods with a monitoring system used on large-scale computational platforms. Finally, we present a new approach for constructing durable transactional linked data structures that takes advantage of byte-addressable non-volatile memory technologies. Transactional data structures are building blocks of in-memory databases that are used by HPC monitoring systems to store and retrieve data efficiently. We evaluate the presented approaches on a series of case studies. The experiment results demonstrate the impact of our tools, while keeping the overhead in an acceptable margin

    Power models, energy models and libraries for energy-efficient concurrent data structures and algorithms

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    EXCESS deliverable D2.3. More information at http://www.excess-project.eu/This deliverable reports the results of the power models, energy models and librariesfor energy-efficient concurrent data structures and algorithms as available by projectmonth 30 of Work Package 2 (WP2). It reports i) the latest results of Task 2.2-2.4 onproviding programming abstractions and libraries for developing energy-efficient datastructures and algorithms and ii) the improved results of Task 2.1 on investigating andmodeling the trade-off between energy and performance of concurrent data structuresand algorithms. The work has been conducted on two main EXCESS platforms: Intelplatforms with recent Intel multicore CPUs and Movidius Myriad platforms

    Bridging the gap between algorithmic and learned index structures

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    Index structures such as B-trees and bloom filters are the well-established petrol engines of database systems. However, these structures do not fully exploit patterns in data distribution. To address this, researchers have suggested using machine learning models as electric engines that can entirely replace index structures. Such a paradigm shift in data system design, however, opens many unsolved design challenges. More research is needed to understand the theoretical guarantees and design efficient support for insertion and deletion. In this thesis, we adopt a different position: index algorithms are good enough, and instead of going back to the drawing board to fit data systems with learned models, we should develop lightweight hybrid engines that build on the benefits of both algorithmic and learned index structures. The indexes that we suggest provide the theoretical performance guarantees and updatability of algorithmic indexes while using position prediction models to leverage the data distributions and thereby improve the performance of the index structure. We investigate the potential for minimal modifications to algorithmic indexes such that they can leverage data distribution similar to how learned indexes work. In this regard, we propose and explore the use of helping models that boost classical index performance using techniques from machine learning. Our suggested approach inherits performance guarantees from its algorithmic baseline index, but at the same time it considers the data distribution to improve performance considerably. We study single-dimensional range indexes, spatial indexes, and stream indexing, and show that the suggested approach results in range indexes that outperform the algorithmic indexes and have comparable performance to the read-only, fully learned indexes and hence can be reliably used as a default index structure in a database engine. Besides, we consider the updatability of the indexes and suggest solutions for updating the index, notably when the data distribution drastically changes over time (e.g., for indexing data streams). In particular, we propose a specific learning-augmented index for indexing a sliding window with timestamps in a data stream. Additionally, we highlight the limitations of learned indexes for low-latency lookup on real- world data distributions. To tackle this issue, we suggest adding an algorithmic enhancement layer to a learned model to correct the prediction error with a small memory latency. This approach enables efficient modelling of the data distribution and resolves the local biases of a learned model at the cost of roughly one memory lookup.Open Acces

    On Design and Applications of Practical Concurrent Data Structures

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    The proliferation of multicore processors is having an enormous impact on software design and development. In order to exploit parallelism available in multicores, there is a need to design and implement abstractions that programmers can use for general purpose applications development. A common abstraction for coordinated access to memory is a concurrent data structure. Concurrent data structures are challenging to design and implement as they are required to be correct, scalable, and practical under various application constraints. In this thesis, we contribute to the design of efficient concurrent data structures, propose new design techniques and improvements to existing implementations. Additionally, we explore the utilization of concurrent data structures in demanding application contexts such as data stream processing.In the first part of the thesis, we focus on data structures that are difficult to parallelize due to inherent sequential bottlenecks. We present a lock-free vector design that efficiently addresses synchronization bottlenecks by utilizing the combining technique. Typical combining techniques are blocking. Our design introduces combining without sacrificing non-blocking progress guarantees. We extend the vector to present a concurrent lock-free unbounded binary heap that implements a priority queue with mutable priorities.In the second part of the thesis, we shift our focus to concurrent search data structures. In order to offer strong progress guarantee, typical implementations of non-blocking search data structures employ a "helping" mechanism. However, helping may result in performance degradation. We propose help-optimality, which expresses optimization in amortized step complexity of concurrent operations. To describe the concept, we revisit the lock-free designs of a linked-list and a binary search tree and present improved algorithms. We design the algorithms without using any language/platform specific constructs; we do not use bit-stealing or runtime type introspection of objects. Thus, our algorithms are portable. We further delve into multi-dimensional data and similarity search. We present the first lock-free multi-dimensional data structure and linearizable nearest neighbor search algorithm. Our algorithm for nearest neighbor search is generic and can be adapted to other data structures.In the last part of the thesis, we explore the utilization of concurrent data structures for deterministic stream processing. We propose solutions to two challenges prevalent in data stream processing: (1) efficient processing on cloud as well as edge devices and (2) deterministic data-parallel processing at high-throughput and low-latency. As a first step, we present a methodology for customization of streaming aggregation on low-power multicore embedded platforms. Then we introduce Viper, a communication module that can be integrated into stream processing engines for the coordination of threads analyzing data in parallel

    Efficient Processing of Range Queries in Main Memory

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    Datenbanksysteme verwenden Indexstrukturen, um Suchanfragen zu beschleunigen. Im Laufe der letzten Jahre haben Forscher verschiedene Ansätze zur Indexierung von Datenbanktabellen im Hauptspeicher entworfen. Hauptspeicherindexstrukturen versuchen möglichst häufig Daten zu verwenden, die bereits im Zwischenspeicher der CPU vorrätig sind, anstatt, wie bei traditionellen Datenbanksystemen, die Zugriffe auf den externen Speicher zu optimieren. Die meisten vorgeschlagenen Indexstrukturen für den Hauptspeicher beschränken sich jedoch auf Punktabfragen und vernachlässigen die ebenso wichtigen Bereichsabfragen, die in zahlreichen Anwendungen, wie in der Analyse von Genomdaten, Sensornetzwerken, oder analytischen Datenbanksystemen, zum Einsatz kommen. Diese Dissertation verfolgt als Hauptziel die Fähigkeiten von modernen Hauptspeicherdatenbanksystemen im Ausführen von Bereichsabfragen zu verbessern. Dazu schlagen wir zunächst die Cache-Sensitive Skip List, eine neue aktualisierbare Hauptspeicherindexstruktur, vor, die für die Zwischenspeicher moderner Prozessoren optimiert ist und das Ausführen von Bereichsabfragen auf einzelnen Datenbankspalten ermöglicht. Im zweiten Abschnitt analysieren wir die Performanz von multidimensionalen Bereichsabfragen auf modernen Serverarchitekturen, bei denen Daten im Hauptspeicher hinterlegt sind und Prozessoren über SIMD-Instruktionen und Multithreading verfügen. Um die Relevanz unserer Experimente für praktische Anwendungen zu erhöhen, schlagen wir zudem einen realistischen Benchmark für multidimensionale Bereichsabfragen vor, der auf echten Genomdaten ausgeführt wird. Im letzten Abschnitt der Dissertation präsentieren wir den BB-Tree als neue, hochperformante und speichereffziente Hauptspeicherindexstruktur. Der BB-Tree ermöglicht das Ausführen von multidimensionalen Bereichs- und Punktabfragen und verfügt über einen parallelen Suchoperator, der mehrere Threads verwenden kann, um die Performanz von Suchanfragen zu erhöhen.Database systems employ index structures as means to accelerate search queries. Over the last years, the research community has proposed many different in-memory approaches that optimize cache misses instead of disk I/O, as opposed to disk-based systems, and make use of the grown parallel capabilities of modern CPUs. However, these techniques mainly focus on single-key lookups, but neglect equally important range queries. Range queries are an ubiquitous operator in data management commonly used in numerous domains, such as genomic analysis, sensor networks, or online analytical processing. The main goal of this dissertation is thus to improve the capabilities of main-memory database systems with regard to executing range queries. To this end, we first propose a cache-optimized, updateable main-memory index structure, the cache-sensitive skip list, which targets the execution of range queries on single database columns. Second, we study the performance of multidimensional range queries on modern hardware, where data are stored in main memory and processors support SIMD instructions and multi-threading. We re-evaluate a previous rule of thumb suggesting that, on disk-based systems, scans outperform index structures for selectivities of approximately 15-20% or more. To increase the practical relevance of our analysis, we also contribute a novel benchmark consisting of several realistic multidimensional range queries applied to real- world genomic data. Third, based on the outcomes of our experimental analysis, we devise a novel, fast and space-effcient, main-memory based index structure, the BB- Tree, which supports multidimensional range and point queries and provides a parallel search operator that leverages the multi-threading capabilities of modern CPUs

    Scalable and fault-tolerant data stream processing on multi-core architectures

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    With increasing data volumes and velocity, many applications are shifting from the classical “process-after-store” paradigm to a stream processing model: data is produced and consumed as continuous streams. Stream processing captures latency-sensitive applications as diverse as credit card fraud detection and high-frequency trading. These applications are expressed as queries of algebraic operations (e.g., aggregation) over the most recent data using windows, i.e., finite evolving views over the input streams. To guarantee correct results, streaming applications require precise window semantics (e.g., temporal ordering) for operations that maintain state. While high processing throughput and low latency are performance desiderata for stateful streaming applications, achieving both poses challenges. Computing the state of overlapping windows causes redundant aggregation operations: incremental execution (i.e., reusing previous results) reduces latency but prevents parallelization; at the same time, parallelizing window execution for stateful operations with precise semantics demands ordering guarantees and state access coordination. Finally, streams and state must be recovered to produce consistent and repeatable results in the event of failures. Given the rise of shared-memory multi-core CPU architectures and high-speed networking, we argue that it is possible to address these challenges in a single node without compromising window semantics, performance, or fault-tolerance. In this thesis, we analyze, design, and implement stream processing engines (SPEs) that achieve high performance on multi-core architectures. To this end, we introduce new approaches for in-memory processing that address the previous challenges: (i) for overlapping windows, we provide a family of window aggregation techniques that enable computation sharing based on the algebraic properties of aggregation functions; (ii) for parallel window execution, we balance parallelism and incremental execution by developing abstractions for both and combining them to a novel design; and (iii) for reliable single-node execution, we enable strong fault-tolerance guarantees without sacrificing performance by reducing the required disk I/O bandwidth using a novel persistence model. We combine the above to implement an SPE that processes hundreds of millions of tuples per second with sub-second latencies. These results reveal the opportunity to reduce resource and maintenance footprint by replacing cluster-based SPEs with single-node deployments.Open Acces