548 research outputs found

    Site selection of the Colombian antarctic research station based on fuzzy-topsis algorithm

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    By 2025 the Republic of Colombia aims to be an advisory member of the Antarctic Treaty System (ATS) and the installation of a scientific station is necessary to upscale the scientific capabilities. The aim of this paper is showing the results of the implementation of a Fuzzy TOPSIS algorithm for site selection of the Colombian Antarctic Scientific Station. A three-phase methodology was AQ1 proposed, and the obtained results allowed to identify the optimum location for the station, considering key success factors and regulatory constraints


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    The emergency safety barrier is one of the reactive technical safety barriers in industrial facilities. Degrade of emergency safety barriers can lead to a major accident with serious consequences for people, property and the environment. In this context, the purpose of this article is to present a proposed methodology to identify these deficiencies, thus ensuring the effectiveness of the emergency safety barriers. This paper presents an integrated approach that uses fuzzy set theory, extension of failure modes, effects and criticality analysis and the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process method to deal with uncertainty in decision-making related to the prioritization of risk factors. These risk factors are the prioritization of corrective actions associated with the most critical disturbance modes to improve the reliability of emergency safety barriers. In addition, a Liquefied Petroleum Gas production facility was selected as a case study to assess the emergency safety barriers. The results show that the proposed methodology provides the possibility to evaluate the fire-fighting systems. In addition, the fuzzy analytical approach method is the most reliable and accurate. Therefore, some corrective actions are suggested to reduce the failure criticality of the emergency safety barriers and help practitioners prioritize the improvement of the emergency safety barriers of the Liquefied Petroleum Gas storage facility. This paper has an important role in the dysfunctional analysis of the emergency safety barriers related to the others effects of the release of LPG, such as the effects of domino scenarios


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    Building, dimensional and decorative stones from mining and industry are among the significant resources of Iran. Following China and Italy, Iran is in third place of world production, but only has a minor contribution in international trade. One main reason of this problem is negligence regarding the introduction of dependable mines to foreign customers. On the other hand, the frequency of fatal and non-fatal accidents in these mines implies the necessity of more attention to safety parameters. The first stage to attain this aim is identifying the major factors on safety of these mines and ranking the major mines considering these indices. In this paper, a comprehensive model for ranking of mines in the sense of all imposing attributes with an emphasis on safety parameters is presented. In order to validate the model, 19 active mines of the Pyrtak Company in Lorestan province have been used. In this paper, after determining all the parameters of safety in decorative stone mines and weighting these attributes, using AHP-TOPSIS and fuzzy environment, mines have been ranked. After a systematic evaluation of the decorative stone mines, the most appropriate mine is selected.Građevinski, oblikovani i ukrasni kamen te kamenolomi iz kojih se pridobivaju pripadaju važnoj gospodarskoj grani u Iranu. Danas je ta zemlja, nakon Kine i Italije, na trećemu mjestu po pridobivanju takvih sirovina u svijetu. Međutim, u svjetskoj trgovini takvim kamenjem sudjeluje sa znatno manjim udjelom. Jedan je od razloga nedostatak predstavljanja aktivnosti vezanih uz tu gospodarsku granu inozemnim kupcima. Nadalje, broj nesreća, s ozbiljnim i manjim posljedicama, pokazao je kako se njihovu sprječavanju mora posvetiti više pozornosti. Prvi korak u tome je prepoznavanje svih onih faktora koji na to mogu utjecati te rangiranje najvećih kamenoloma po sigurnosnim kriterijima. Stoga je ovdje prikazan opsežan model za rangiranje kamenoloma, u kojemu su izdvojene sve nužne varijable važne za sigurnost rada. U cilju provjere modela analizirano je 19 kamenoloma koje vodi tvrtka Pyrtak u provinciji Lorestan. Nakon određivanja uvjeta u kamenolomima ukrasnoga kamena i određivanja njihova utjecaja primijenjena je metoda AHP-TOPSIS koja se temelji na neizravnoj logici. Kamenolomi su rangirani prema rezultatima te je izdvojen onaj s najprimjerenijim načinom rudarenja

    Sustainability assessment of concrete bridge deck designs in coastal environments using neutrosophic criteria weights

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    "This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Structure and Infrastructure Engineering on 02/07/2020, available online: https://doi.org/10.1080/15732479.2019.1676791."[EN] Essential infrastructures such as bridges are designed to provide a long-lasting and intergenerational functionality. In those cases, sustainability becomes of paramount importance when the infrastructure is exposed to aggressive environments, which can jeopardise their durability and lead to significant maintenance demands. The assessment of sustainability is however often complex and uncertain. The present study assesses the sustainability performance of 16 alternative designs of a concrete bridge deck in a coastal environment on the basis of a neutrosophic group analytic hierarchy process (AHP). The use of neutrosophic logic in the field of multi-criteria decision-making, as a generalisation of the widely used fuzzy logic, allows for a proper capture of the vagueness and uncertainties of the judgements emitted by the decision-makers. TOPSIS technique is then used to aggregate the different sustainability criteria. From the results, it is derived that only the simultaneous consideration of the economic, environmental and social life cycle impacts of a design shall lead to adequate sustainable designs. Choices made based on the optimality of a design in only some of the sustainability pillars will lead to erroneous conclusions. The use of concrete with silica fume has resulted in a sustainability performance of 46.3% better than conventional concrete designs.The authors acknowledge the financial support of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, along with FEDER funding (Project: BIA2017-85098-R).Navarro, I.; Yepes, V.; Martí, J. (2020). Sustainability assessment of concrete bridge deck designs in coastal environments using neutrosophic criteria weights. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering. 16(7):949-967. https://doi.org/10.1080/15732479.2019.1676791S949967167Abdel-Basset, M., Manogaran, G., Mohamed, M., & Chilamkurti, N. (2018). Three-way decisions based on neutrosophic sets and AHP-QFD framework for supplier selection problem. Future Generation Computer Systems, 89, 19-30. doi:10.1016/j.future.2018.06.024Abdullah, L., & Najib, L. (2014). Sustainable energy planning decision using the intuitionistic fuzzy analytic hierarchy process: choosing energy technology in Malaysia. International Journal of Sustainable Energy, 35(4), 360-377. doi:10.1080/14786451.2014.907292Ali, M. S., Aslam, M. S., & Mirza, M. S. (2015). A sustainability assessment framework for bridges – a case study: Victoria and Champlain Bridges, Montreal. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 1-14. doi:10.1080/15732479.2015.1120754Allacker, K. 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    Selection of safety officers in an indian construction organization by using grey relational analysis

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    Stakeholders are responsible for implementing the occupational health and safety provisions in an organization. Irrespective of organization, the role of safety department is purely advisory as it coordinates with all the departments, and this is crucial to improve the performance. Selection of safety officer is vital job for any organization; it should not only be based on qualifications of the applicant, the incumbent should also have sufficient exposure in implementing proactive measures. The process of selection is complex and choosing the right safety professional is a vital decision. The safety performance of an organization relies on the systems being implemented by the safety officer. Application of multi criteria decision-making tools is helpful as a selection process. The present study proposes the grey relational analysis(GRA) for selection of the safety officers in an Indian construction organization. This selection method considers fourteen criteria appropriate to the organization and has ranked the results. The data was also analyzed by using technique for order Preference by Similarity to an Ideal solution (TOPSIS) and results of both the methods are strongly correlate

    Evaluation and ranking of insurance companies by combining TOPSIS and the interval fuzzy rough sets

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    Corporate and organizational performance assessment is an important activity for both the managers and other stakeholders, as it provides them with an asset to evaluate their own strengths and weaknesses in relation to the competition, as well as guidelines for selecting appropriate measures to address the existing problems. The issue of criteria selection has been overcome through the literature review and the issue of criteria weights is handled by applying group decision making procedure. The procedure itself consists of using predefined linguistic expressions that are modelled by triangular fuzzy numbers and the aggregation of decision makers' opinion based on the rules of rough sets algebra. The values of the decision matrix are determined by prognosis method and they are described by crisp values. The proposed algorithm is tested on the insurance companies that operate in the Republic of Serbia

    Application of a multiple attribute group decision making (MAGDM) model for selecting appropriate maintenance strategy for marine and offshore machinery operations

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    The process of selecting appropriate maintenance strategy to enhance the operational efficiency of marine and offshore machinery under an uncertain environment is challenging due to the many criteria that need to be considered and modelled. In addition, the design of such complex machinery on-board a vessel consists of many subjective and imprecise parameters contained in different quantitative and qualitative forms. This paper proposes a strategic multi-attribute group decision-making (MAGDM) methodology for the concise and straightforward selection of an appropriate maintenance strategy. The decision support structure allows the use of multiple decision makers to incorporate and aggregate their subjective opinions transparently. In the analysis, a Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Situation (TOPSIS) was employed to rank the maintenance strategies with respect to costs and benefits for their subsequent implementation. The purpose of using MAGDM in this paper is to aggregate and synthesise opinions of experts, thus, guiding them in decision making when they are planning to implement a cost effective maintenance investment. © 2019 Elsevier Lt

    Optimization of Location-Routing for the Waste Household Appliances Recycling Logistics under the Uncertain Condition

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    Waste household appliances and electronic products usually contain harmful substances which need scientific and reasonable collection, classification, processing, recovery and disposal to achieve sustainable and effective recycling and utilization. In recent years, due to the poor management of waste household appliances recycling logistics system, safety accidents occur frequently, which seriously harm the health and life safety of the society. This paper studies the risk management of recycling waste household appliances under uncertain conditions and establishes a risk measurement model under fuzzy population density. Considering the multi-stage and classification diversity of waste household appliances recycling logistics, the multi-objective location routing model and location - routing model are established respectively. Based on the model complexity analysis, the solution method of multi-objective model is designed. Finally, the validity of the model and algorithm is verified by examples and tests

    A survey on applications of neuro-fuzzy models

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    Artificial intelligence techniques such as neuro-fuzzy have been successfully applied in a wide variety of uses to be mentioned as economics, engineering, social science, and business. In order to show the implementations of neuro-fuzzy in engineering the most recent researches in the area of neuro-fuzzy are covered in this paper. As many researchers have effectively utilized neuro-fuzzy in engineering applications, detailed studies are provided in this work for stimulating future researches

    Prioritization of control measures in leakage scenario using Hendershot theory and FBWM-TOPSIS.

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    Currently, there is increasing concern about the safety and leakage of process industries. Therefore, the present study aims to prioritize control measures before and after the leakage scenario by using the Hendershot theory and MCDM techniques. In this study, two proactive and reactive layers were selected before and after leakage of tanks, respectively. Then, criteria and alternatives were selected to perform fuzzy TOPSIS (FTOPSIS) and find the best alternative based on the literature review and Hendershot approach. The linear model of the fuzzy Best-Worst method (FBWM) was constructed and resolved using Lingo 17 software. Subsequently, criteria were assigned weights based on thorough calculations of the inconsistency rate. The weight of study experts was equal to 0.25. The results of FBWM showed that the reliability index with a weight of 0.3727 was ranked first and the inconsistency rate ([Formula: see text]) was calculated to be equal to 0.040. Inherent Safety Design (ISD) (0.899) and passive safety (0.767) also ranked first before and after tank leaks, respectively. Using the FBWM method leads to fewer pairwise comparisons and at the same time more stability. Although ISD and passive strategies are more valid and strict, elements of all strategies are necessary for a comprehensive process safety management program