2,386 research outputs found

    Fuzzy techniques for noise removal in image sequences and interval-valued fuzzy mathematical morphology

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    Image sequences play an important role in today's world. They provide us a lot of information. Videos are for example used for traffic observations, surveillance systems, autonomous navigation and so on. Due to bad acquisition, transmission or recording, the sequences are however usually corrupted by noise, which hampers the functioning of many image processing techniques. A preprocessing module to filter the images often becomes necessary. After an introduction to fuzzy set theory and image processing, in the first main part of the thesis, several fuzzy logic based video filters are proposed: one filter for grayscale video sequences corrupted by additive Gaussian noise and two color extensions of it and two grayscale filters and one color filter for sequences affected by the random valued impulse noise type. In the second main part of the thesis, interval-valued fuzzy mathematical morphology is studied. Mathematical morphology is a theory intended for the analysis of spatial structures that has found application in e.g. edge detection, object recognition, pattern recognition, image segmentation, image magnification… In the thesis, an overview is given of the evolution from binary mathematical morphology over the different grayscale morphology theories to interval-valued fuzzy mathematical morphology and the interval-valued image model. Additionally, the basic properties of the interval-valued fuzzy morphological operators are investigated. Next, also the decomposition of the interval-valued fuzzy morphological operators is investigated. We investigate the relationship between the cut of the result of such operator applied on an interval-valued image and structuring element and the result of the corresponding binary operator applied on the cut of the image and structuring element. These results are first of all interesting because they provide a link between interval-valued fuzzy mathematical morphology and binary mathematical morphology, but such conversion into binary operators also reduces the computation. Finally, also the reverse problem is tackled, i.e., the construction of interval-valued morphological operators from the binary ones. Using the results from a more general study in which the construction of an interval-valued fuzzy set from a nested family of crisp sets is constructed, increasing binary operators (e.g. the binary dilation) are extended to interval-valued fuzzy operators

    Distance Measures for Reduced Ordering Based Vector Filters

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    Reduced ordering based vector filters have proved successful in removing long-tailed noise from color images while preserving edges and fine image details. These filters commonly utilize variants of the Minkowski distance to order the color vectors with the aim of distinguishing between noisy and noise-free vectors. In this paper, we review various alternative distance measures and evaluate their performance on a large and diverse set of images using several effectiveness and efficiency criteria. The results demonstrate that there are in fact strong alternatives to the popular Minkowski metrics

    Effect of cooking time on physical properties of almond milk-based lemak cili api gravy

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    One of the crucial elements in developing or reformulating product is to maintain the quality throughout its entire shelf life. This study aims to determine the effect of different cooking time on the almond milk-based of lemak cili api gravy. Various cooking times of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 minutes were employed to the almond milk-based lemak cili api gravy followed by determination of their effects on physical properties such as total soluble solids content, pH and colour. pH was determined by using a pH meter. Refractometer was used to evaluate the total soluble solids content of almond milk-based lemak cili api gravy. The colours were determined by using spectrophotometer which expressed as L*, a* and b* values. Results showed that almond milk-based lemak cili api gravy has constant values of total soluble solids with pH range of 5 to 6, which can be classified as low acid food. Colour analysis showed that the lightness (L*) and yellowness (b*) are significantly increased while redness (a*) decreased. In conclusion, this study shows that physical properties of almond milk-based lemak cili api gravy changes by increasing the cooking time

    Multispectral object segmentation and retrieval in surveillance video

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    This paper describes a system for object segmentation and feature extraction for surveillance video. Segmentation is performed by a dynamic vision system that fuses information from thermal infrared video with standard CCTV video in order to detect and track objects. Separate background modelling in each modality and dynamic mutual information based thresholding are used to provide initial foreground candidates for tracking. The belief in the validity of these candidates is ascertained using knowledge of foreground pixels and temporal linking of candidates. The transferable belief model is used to combine these sources of information and segment objects. Extracted objects are subsequently tracked using adaptive thermo-visual appearance models. In order to facilitate search and classification of objects in large archives, retrieval features from both modalities are extracted for tracked objects. Overall system performance is demonstrated in a simple retrieval scenari

    Study of segmentation and identification techniques applied to environments with natural illumination and moving objects

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    La presente tesis está enmarcada en el área de visión por computador y en ella se realizan aportaciones encaminados a resolver el problema de segmentar automáticamente objetos en imágenes de escenas adquiridas en entornos donde se está realizando actividad, es decir, aparece movimiento de los elementos que la componen, y con iluminación variable o no controlada. Para llevar a cabo los desarrollos y poder evaluar prestaciones se ha abordado la resolución de dos problemas distintos desde el punto de vista de requerimientos y condiciones de entorno. En primer lugar se aborda el problema de segmentar e identificar, los códigos de los contenedores de camiones con imágenes tomadas en la entrada de un puerto comercial que se encuentra ubicada a la intemperie. En este caso se trata de proponer técnicas de segmentación que permitan extraer objetos concretos, en nuestro caso caracteres en contenedores, procesando imágenes individuales. No sólo supone un reto el trabajar con iluminación natural, sino además el trabajar con elementos deteriorados, con contrastes muy diferentes, etc. Dentro de este contexto, en la tesis se evalúan técnicas presentes en la literatura como LAT, Watershed, algoritmo de Otsu, variación local o umbralizado para segmentar imágenes en niveles de gris. A partir de este estudio, se propone una solución que combina varias de las técnicas anteriores, en un intento de abordar con éxito la extracción de caracteres de contenedores en todas las situaciones ambientales de movimiento e iluminación. El conocimiento a priori del tipo de objetos a segmentar nos permitió diseñar filtros con capacidad discriminante entre el ruido y los caracteres. El sistema propuesto tiene el valor añadido de que no necesita el ajuste de parámetros, por parte del usuario, para adaptarse a las variaciones de iluminación ambientales y consigue un nivel alto en la segmentación e identificación de caracteres.Rosell Ortega, JA. (2011). Study of segmentation and identification techniques applied to environments with natural illumination and moving objects [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/10863Palanci