12 research outputs found

    Application of Musical Computing to Creating a Dynamic Reconfigurable Multilayered Chamber Orchestra Composition

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    With increasing virtualization and the recognition that today’s virtual computers are faster than hardware computers of 10 years ago, modes of computation are now limited only by the imagination. Pulsed Melodic Affective Processing (PMAP) is an unconventional computation protocol that makes affective computation more human-friendly by making it audible. Data sounds like the emotion it carries. PMAP has been demonstrated in nonmusical applications, e.g. quantum computer entanglement and stock market trading. This article presents a musical application and demonstration of PMAP: a dynamic reconfigurable score for acoustic orchestral performance, in which the orchestra acts as a PMAP half-adder to add two numbers. </jats:p

    A Hybrid Computer Case Study for Unconventional Virtual Computing

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    Improvements in computer efficiency are not always due to increasing computation speed. The mouse and GUI approach to OS’s actually slowed down computation, but sped up computing. This paper highlights the concept of Unconventional Virtual Computation (UVC). With the increasing virtualization of computers, and the recognition that this year’s virtual computers are as fast as the hardware computers of 10 years ago, it becomes clear that we are only limited in our modes of computation by our imagination. A form of UVC is presented called Pulsed Melodic Affective Processing, which utilizes melodies to perform affective computations. PMAP makes computation more human-friendly by making it audible – a PMAP data stream sounds like the emotion it represents. A hybrid computation system is presented combining UVC PMAP with a Photonic Quantum Computer, in which the PMAP musico-logic circuit keeps the QC in a state of entanglement

    A flexible model for dynamic linking in Java and C#

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    Dynamic linking supports flexible code deployment, allowing partially linked code to link further code on the fly, as needed. Thus, end-users enjoy the advantage of automatically receiving any updates, without any need for any explicit actions on their side, such as re-compilation, or re-linking. On the down side, two executions of a program may link in different versions of code, which in some cases causes subtle errors, and may mystify end-users. Dynamic linking in Java and C# are similar: the same linking phases are involved, soundness is based on similar ideas, and executions which do not throw linking errors give the same result. They are, however, not identical: the linking phases are combined differently, and take place in different order. Consequently, linking errors may be detected at different times by Java and C# runtime systems. We develop a non-deterministic model, which describes the behaviour of both Java and C# program executions. The nondeterminism allows us to describe the design space, to distill the similarities between the two languages, and to use one proof of soundness for both. We also prove that all execution strategies are equivalent with respect to terminating executions that do not throw link errors: they give the same results

    Experiments in Sound and Music Quantum Computing

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    This chapter is an introduction to quantum computing in sound and music. This is done through a series of examples of research applying quantum computing and principles to musical systems. By this process, the key elements that differentiate quantum physical systems from classical physical systems will be introduced and what this implies for computation, sound, and music. This will also allow an explanation of the two main types of quantum computers being utilized inside and outside of academia

    Secrecy for Mobile Implementations of Security Protocols

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    Mobile code technology offers interesting possibilities to the practitioner, but also raises strong concerns about security. One aspect of security is secrecy, the preservation of confidential information. This thesis investigates the modelling, specification and verification of secrecy in mobile applications which access and transmit confidential information through a possibly compromised medium (e.g. the Internet). These applications can be expected to communicate secret information using a security protocol, a mechanism to guarantee that the transmitted data does not reach unauthorized entities. The central idea is therefore to relate the secrecy properties of the application to those of the protocol it implements, through the definition of a ``confidential protocol implementation'' relation. The argument takes an indirect form, showing that a confidential implementation transmits secret data only in the ways indicated by the protocol. We define the implementation relation using labelled transition semantics, bisimulations and relabelling functions. To justify its technical definition, we relate this property to a notion of noninterference for nondeterministic systems derived from Cohen's definition of Selective Independency. We also provide simple and local conditions that greatly simplify its verification, and report on our experiments on an architecture showing how the proposed formulations could be used in practice to enforce secrecy of mobile code

    Flow logic for language-based safety and security

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    A Formal Framework for the Java Bytecode Language and Verifier

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    This paper presents a sound type system for a large subset of the Java bytecode language including classes, interfaces, constructors, methods, exceptions, and bytecode subroutines. This work serves as the foundation for developing a formal specification of the bytecode language and the Java Virtual Machine&apos;s bytecode verifier. We also describe a prototype implementation of a type checker for our system and discuss some of the other applications of this work. For example, we show how to extend our work to examine other program properties, such as the correct use of object locks. 1 Introduction The bytecode language, which we refer to as JVML, is the platform independent representation of compiled Java programs. In order to prevent devious applets from causing security problems stemming from type errors, the Java Virtual Machine bytecode verifier performs a number of consistency checks on bytecode before it is executed [LY96]. This paper presents a type system that may serve as the fou..

    Die Sicherheitsaspekte von mobilem Code

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