87 research outputs found

    A factored sparse approximate inverse preconditioned conjugate gradient solver on graphics processing units

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    Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) exhibit significantly higher peak performance than conventional CPUs. However, in general only highly parallel algorithms can exploit their potential. In this scenario, the iterative solution to sparse linear systems of equations could be carried out quite efficiently on a GPU as it requires only matrix-by-vector products, dot products, and vector updates. However, to be really effective, any iterative solver needs to be properly preconditioned and this represents a major bottleneck for a successful GPU implementation. Due to its inherent parallelism, the factored sparse approximate inverse (FSAI) preconditioner represents an optimal candidate for the conjugate gradient-like solution of sparse linear systems. However, its GPU implementation requires a nontrivial recasting of multiple computational steps. We present our GPU version of the FSAI preconditioner along with a set of results that show how a noticeable speedup with respect to a highly tuned CPU counterpart is obtained

    Communication-aware sparse patterns for the factorized approximate inverse preconditioner

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    The Conjugate Gradient (CG) method is an iterative solver targeting linear systems of equations Ax=b where A is a symmetric and positive definite matrix. CG convergence properties improve when preconditioning is applied to reduce the condition number of matrix A. While many different options can be found in the literature, the Factorized Sparse Approximate Inverse (FSAI) preconditioner constitutes a highly parallel option based on approximating A-1. This paper proposes the Communication-aware Factorized Sparse Approximate Inverse preconditioner (FSAIE-Comm), a method to generate extensions of the FSAI sparse pattern that are not only cache friendly, but also avoid increasing communication costs in distributed memory systems. We also propose a filtering strategy to reduce inter-process imbalance. We evaluate FSAIE-Comm on a heterogeneous set of 39 matrices achieving an average solution time decrease of 17.98%, 26.44% and 16.74% on three different architectures, respectively, Intel Skylake, Fujitsu A64FX and AMD Zen 2 with respect to FSAI. In addition, we consider a set of 8 large matrices running on up to 32,768 CPU cores, and we achieve an average solution time decrease of 12.59%.Marc Casas is supported by Grant RYC-2017-23269 funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and by “ESF Investing in your future”. This work has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 955606. This work has been supported by the Computación de Altas Prestaciones VIII (BSC-HPC8) project. It has also been partially supported by the EXCELLERAT project funded by the European Commission’s ICT activity of the H2020 Programme under grant agreement number: 823691 and by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Nucleate, Project PID2020-117001GB-I00).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Accelerating advanced preconditioning methods on hybrid architectures

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    Un gran número de problemas, en diversas áreas de la ciencia y la ingeniería, involucran la solución de sistemas dispersos de ecuaciones lineales de gran escala. En muchos de estos escenarios, son además un cuello de botella desde el punto de vista computacional, y por esa razón, su implementación eficiente ha motivado una cantidad enorme de trabajos científicos. Por muchos años, los métodos directos basados en el proceso de la Eliminación Gaussiana han sido la herramienta de referencia para resolver dichos sistemas, pero la dimensión de los problemas abordados actualmente impone serios desafíos a la mayoría de estos algoritmos, considerando sus requerimientos de memoria, su tiempo de cómputo y la complejidad de su implementación. Propulsados por los avances en las técnicas de precondicionado, los métodos iterativos se han vuelto más confiables, y por lo tanto emergen como alternativas a los métodos directos, ofreciendo soluciones de alta calidad a un menor costo computacional. Sin embargo, estos avances muchas veces son relativos a un problema específico, o dotan a los precondicionadores de una complejidad tal, que su aplicación en diversos problemas se vuelve poco práctica en términos de tiempo de ejecución y consumo de memoria. Como respuesta a esta situación, es común la utilización de estrategias de Computación de Alto Desempeño, ya que el desarrollo sostenido de las plataformas de hardware permite la ejecución simultánea de cada vez más operaciones. Un claro ejemplo de esta evolución son las plataformas compuestas por procesadores multi-núcleo y aceleradoras de hardware como las Unidades de Procesamiento Gráfico (GPU). Particularmente, las GPU se han convertido en poderosos procesadores paralelos, capaces de integrar miles de núcleos a precios y consumo energético razonables.Por estas razones, las GPU son ahora una plataforma de hardware de gran importancia para la ciencia y la ingeniería, y su uso eficiente es crucial para alcanzar un buen desempeño en la mayoría de las aplicaciones. Esta tesis se centra en el uso de GPUs para acelerar la solución de sistemas dispersos de ecuaciones lineales usando métodos iterativos precondicionados con técnicas modernas. En particular, se trabaja sobre ILUPACK, que ofrece implementaciones de los métodos iterativos más importantes, y presenta un interesante y moderno precondicionador de tipo ILU multinivel. En este trabajo, se desarrollan versiones del precondicionador y de los métodos incluidos en el paquete, capaces de explotar el paralelismo de datos mediante el uso de GPUs sin afectar las propiedades numéricas del precondicionador. Además, se habilita y analiza el uso de las GPU en versiones paralelas existentes, basadas en paralelismo de tareas para plataformas de memoria compartida y distribuida. Los resultados obtenidos muestran una sensible mejora en el tiempo de ejecución de los métodos abordados, así como la posibilidad de resolver problemas de gran escala de forma eficiente

    New Sequential and Scalable Parallel Algorithms for Incomplete Factor Preconditioning

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    The solution of large, sparse, linear systems of equations Ax = b is an important kernel, and the dominant term with regard to execution time, in many applications in scientific computing. The large size of the systems of equations being solved currently (millions of unknowns and equations) requires iterative solvers on parallel computers. Preconditioning, which is the process of translating a linear system into a related system that is easier to solve, is widely used to reduce solution time and is sometimes required to ensure convergence. Level-based preconditioning (ILU(ℓ)) has long been used in serial contexts and is widely recognized as robust and effective for a wide range of problems. However, the method has long been regarded as an inherently sequential technique. Parallelism, it has been thought, can be achieved primarily at the expense of increased iterations. We dispute these claims. The first half of this dissertation takes an in-depth look at structurally based ILU(ℓ) symbolic factorization. There are two definitions of fill level, “sum” and “max,” that have been proposed. Hitherto, these definitions have been cast in terms of matrix terminology. We develop a sequence of lemmas and theorems that provide graph theoretic characterizations of both definitions; these characterizations are based on the static graph of a matrix, G(A). Our Incomplete Fill Path Theorem characterizes fill levels per the sum definition; this is the definition that is used in most library implementations of the “classic” ILU(ℓ) factorization algorithm. Our theorem leads to several new graph-search algorithms that compute factors identical, or nearly identical, to those computed by the “classic” algorithm. Our analyses shows that the new algorithms have lower run time complexity than that of the previously existing algorithms for certain classes of matrices that are commonly encountered in scientific applications. The second half of this dissertation presents a Parallel ILU algorithmic framework (PILU). This framework enables scalable parallel ILU preconditioning by combining concepts from domain decomposition and graph ordering. The framework can accommodate ILU(ℓ) factorization as well as threshold-based ILUT methods. A model implementation of the framework, the Euclid library, was developed as part of this dissertation. This library was used to obtain experimental results for Poisson\u27s equation, the Convection-Diffusion equation, and a nonlinear Radiative Transfer problem. The experiments, which were conducted on a variety of platforms with up to 400 CPUs, demonstrate that our approach is highly scalable for arbitrary ILU(ℓ) fill levels

    Performance and Energy Optimization of the Iterative Solution of Sparse Linear Systems on Multicore Processors

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    En esta tesis doctoral se aborda la solución de sistemas dispersos de ecuaciones lineales utilizando métodos iterativos precondicionados basados en subespacios de Krylov. En concreto, se centra en ILUPACK, una biblioteca que implementa precondicionadores de tipo ILU multinivel para la solución eficiente de sistemas lineales dispersos. El incremento en el número de ecuaciones, y la aparición de nuevas arquitecturas, motiva el desarrollo de una versión paralela de ILUPACK que optimice tanto el tiempo de ejecución como el consumo energético en arquitecturas multinúcleo actuales y en clusters de nodos construidos con esta tecnología. El objetivo principal de la tesis es el diseño, implementación y valuación de resolutores paralelos energéticamente eficientes para sistemas lineales dispersos orientados a procesadores multinúcleo así como aceleradores hardware como el Intel Xeon Phi. Para lograr este objetivo, se aprovecha el paralelismo de tareas mediante OmpSs y MPI, y se desarrolla un entorno automático para detectar ineficiencias energéticas.In this dissertation we target the solution of large sparse systems of linear equations using preconditioned iterative methods based on Krylov subspaces. Specifically, we focus on ILUPACK, a library that offers multi-level ILU preconditioners for the effective solution of sparse linear systems. The increase of the number of equations and the introduction of new HPC architectures motivates us to develop a parallel version of ILUPACK which optimizes both execution time and energy consumption on current multicore architectures and clusters of nodes built from this type of technology. Thus, the main goal of this thesis is the design, implementation and evaluation of parallel and energy-efficient iterative sparse linear system solvers for multicore processors as well as recent manycore accelerators such as the Intel Xeon Phi. To fulfill the general objective, we optimize ILUPACK exploiting task parallelism via OmpSs and MPI, and also develope an automatic framework to detect energy inefficiencies

    Reducing Communication in the Solution of Linear Systems

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    There is a growing performance gap between computation and communication on modern computers, making it crucial to develop algorithms with lower latency and bandwidth requirements. Because systems of linear equations are important for numerous scientific and engineering applications, I have studied several approaches for reducing communication in those problems. First, I developed optimizations to dense LU with partial pivoting, which downstream applications can adopt with little to no effort. Second, I consider two techniques to completely replace pivoting in dense LU, which can provide significantly higher speedups, albeit without the same numerical guarantees as partial pivoting. One technique uses randomized preprocessing, while the other is a novel combination of block factorization and additive perturbation. Finally, I investigate using mixed precision in GMRES for solving sparse systems, which reduces the volume of data movement, and thus, the pressure on the memory bandwidth

    Development of scalable linear solvers for engineering applications

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    The numerical simulation of modern engineering problems can easily incorporate millions or even billions of unknowns. In several applications, particularly those with diffusive character, sparse linear systems with symmetric positive definite (SPD) matrices need to be solved, and multilevel methods represent common choices for the role of iterative solvers or preconditioners. The weak scalability showed by those techniques is one of the main reasons for their popularity, since it allows the solution of linear systems with growing size without requiring a substantial increase in the computational time and number of iterations. On the other hand, single-level preconditioners such as the adaptive Factorized Sparse Approximate Inverse (aFSAI) might be attractive for reaching strong scalability due to their simpler setup. In this thesis, we propose four multilevel preconditioners based on aFSAI targeting the efficient solution of ill-conditioned SPD systems through parallel computing. The first two novel methods, namely Block Tridiagonal FSAI (BTFSAI) and Domain Decomposition FSAI (DDFSAI), rely on graph reordering techniques and approximate block factorizations carried out by aFSAI. Then, we introduce an extension of the previous techniques called the Multilevel Factorization with Low-Rank corrections (MFLR) that ensures positive definiteness of the Schur complements as well as improves their approximation with the aid of tall-and-skinny correction matrices. Lastly, we present the adaptive Smoothing and Prolongation Algebraic MultiGrid (aSPAMG) preconditioner belonging to the adaptive AMG family that introduces the use of aFSAI as a flexible smoother; three strategies for uncovering the near-null space of the system matrix and two new approaches to dynamically compute the prolongation operator. We assess the performance of the proposed preconditioners through the solution of a set of model problems along with real-world engineering test cases. Moreover, we perform comparisons to other approaches such as aFSAI, ILU (ILUPACK), and BoomerAMG (HYPRE), showing that our new methods prove comparable, if not superior, in many test cases

    Ginkgo: A Modern Linear Operator Algebra Framework for High Performance Computing

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    © ACM, YYYY. This is the author's version of the work "Anzt, H., Cojean, T., Flegar, G., Göbel, F., Grützmacher, T., Nayak, P., ... & Quintana-Ortí, E. S. (2022). Ginkgo: A modern linear operator algebra framework for high performance computing. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS), 48(1), 1-33". It is posted here by permission of ACM for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, {VOL48, ISS 1, (MAR 2022)} http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/3480935"[EN] In this article, we present GINKGO, a modern C++ math library for scientific high performance computing. While classical linear algebra libraries act on matrix and vector objects, Gnswo's design principle abstracts all functionality as linear operators," motivating the notation of a "linear operator algebra library" GINKGO'S current focus is oriented toward providing sparse linear algebra functionality for high performance graphics processing unit (GPU) architectures, but given the library design, this focus can be easily extended to accommodate other algorithms and hardware architectures. We introduce this sophisticated software architecture that separates core algorithms from architecture-specific backends and provide details on extensibility and sustainability measures. We also demonstrate GINKGO'S usability by providing examples on how to use its functionality inside the MFEM and deal.ii finite element ecosystems. Finally, we offer a practical demonstration of GINKGO'S high performance on state-of-the-art GPU architectures.This work was supported by the "Impuls und Vernetzungsfond of the Helmholtz Association" under grant VH-NG-1241. G. Flegar and E. S. Quintana-Orti were supported by project TIN2017-82972-R of the MINECO and FEDER and the H2020 EU FETHPC Project 732631 "OPRECOMP". This researchwas also supported by the Exascale Computing Project (17-SC-20-SC), a collaborative effort of the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science and the National Nuclear Security Administration. The experiments on the NVIDIA A100 GPU were performed on the HAICORE@KIT partition, funded by the "Impuls und Vernetzungsfond" of the Helmholtz Association. The experiments on the AMD MI100 GPU were performed on Tulip, an early-access platform hosted by HPE.Anzt, H.; Cojean, T.; Flegar, G.; Göbel, F.; Grützmacher, T.; Nayak, P.; Ribizel, T.... (2022). Ginkgo: A Modern Linear Operator Algebra Framework for High Performance Computing. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software. 48(1):1-33. https://doi.org/10.1145/348093513348