163 research outputs found

    A Design Pattern to Build Executable DSMLs and associated V&V tools

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    International audienceModel executability is now a key concern in model-driven engineering, mainly to support early validation and verification (V&V). Some approaches allow to weave executability into metamodels, defining executable domain-specific modeling languages (DSMLs). Model validation can then be achieved by simulation and graphical animation through direct interpretation of the conforming models. Other approaches address model executability by model compilation, allowing to reuse the virtual machines or V\&V tools existing in the target domain. Nevertheless, systematic methods are currently not available to help the language designer in the definition of such an execution semantics and related tools. For instance, simulators are mostly hand-crafted in a tool specific manner for each DSML. In this paper, we propose to reify the elements commonly used to support state-based execution in a DSML. We infer a design pattern (called Executable DSML pattern) providing a general reusable solution for the expression of the executability concerns in DSMLs. It favors flexibility and improves reusability in the definition of semantics-based tools for DSMLs. We illustrate how this pattern can be applied to ease the development of V&V tools

    A Design Pattern for Executable DSML

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    Model executability is now a key concern in model-driven engineering, mainly to support early validation and verification (V&V). Some approaches have allowed to weave executability into metamodels, defining executable domain-specific modeling languages (DSML). Then, model validation may be achieved by direct interpretation of the conforming models. Other approaches address model executability by model compilation, allowing to reuse the virtual machines or V&V tools existing in the target domain. Nevertheless, systematic methods are not available to help the language designer in the definition of such an execution semantics and related support tools. For instance, simulators are mostly hand-crafted in a tool specific manner for each DSML. In this paper, we propose to reify the elements commonly used to support execution in a DSML. We infer a design pattern (called Executable DSML pattern) providing a general reusable solution for the expression of the executability concerns in DSML. It favors flexibility and improves reusability in the definition of semantics-based tools for DSML. We illustrate how this pattern can be applied to V&V and models at runtime, and give insights on the development of generic and generative tools for model animators

    A transformation-driven approach to automate feedback verification results

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    International audienceThe integration of formal verification methods in modeling activities is a key issue to ensure the correctness of complex system design models. In this purpose, the most common approach consists in defining a translational semantics mapping the abstract syntax of the designer dedicated Domain-Specific Modeling Language (DSML) to a formal verification dedicated semantic domain in order to reuse the available powerful verification technologies. Formal verification is thus usually achieved using model transformations. However, the verification results are available in the formal domain which significantly impairs their use by the system designer which is usually not an expert of the formal technologies. In this paper, we introduce a novel approach based on Higher-Order transformations that analyze and instrument the transformation that expresses the semantics in order to produce traceability data to automatize the back propagation of verification results to the DSML end-user

    Formal Verification Integration Approach for DSML

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    International audienceThe application of formal methods (especially, model check- ing and static analysis techniques) for the verification of safety critical embedded systems has produced very good results and raised the inter- est of system designers up to the application of these technologies in real size projects. However, these methods usually rely on specific verifica- tion oriented formal languages that most designers do not master. It is thus mandatory to embed the associated tools in automated verification toolchains that allow designers to rely on their usual domain-specific modeling languages (DSMLs) while enjoying the benefits of these power- ful methods. More precisely, we propose a language to formally express system requirements and interpret verification results so that system designers (DSML end-users) avoid the burden of learning some formal verification technologies. Formal verification is achieved through trans- lational semantics. This work is based on a metamodeling pattern for executable DSML that favors the definition of generative tools and thus eases the integration of tools for new DSML

    Towards Language-Oriented Modeling

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    In this habilitation à diriger des recherches (HDR), I review a decade of research work in the fields of Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) and Software Language Engineering (SLE). I propose contributions to support a language-oriented modeling, with the particular focus on enabling early validation & verification (V&V) of software-intensive systems. I first present foundational concepts and engineering facilities which help to capture the core domain knowledge into the various heterogeneous concerns of DSMLs (aka. metamodeling in the small), with a particular focus on executable DSMLs to automate the development of dynamic V&V tools. Then, I propose structural and behavioral DSML interfaces, and associated composition operators to reuse and integrate multiple DSMLs (aka. metamodeling in the large).In these research activities I explore various breakthroughs in terms of modularity and reusability of DSMLs. I also propose an original approach which bridges the gap between the concurrency theory and the algorithm theory, to integrate a formal concurrency model into the execution semantics of DSMLs. All the contributions have been implemented in software platforms — the language workbench Melange and the GEMOC studio – and experienced in real-world case studies to assess their validity. In this context, I also founded the GEMOC initiative, an attempt to federate the community on the grand challenge of the globalization of modeling languages

    A Catalog of Reusable Design Decisions for Developing UML/MOF-based Domain-specific Modeling Languages

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    In model-driven development (MDD), domain-specific modeling languages (DSMLs) act as a communication vehicle for aligning the requirements of domain experts with the needs of software engineers. With the rise of the UML as a de facto standard, UML/MOF-based DSMLs are now widely used for MDD. This paper documents design decisions collected from 90 UML/MOF-based DSML projects. These recurring design decisions were gained, on the one hand, by performing a systematic literature review (SLR) on the development of UML/MOF-based DSMLs. Via the SLR, we retrieved 80 related DSML projects for review. On the other hand, we collected decisions from developing ten DSML projects by ourselves. The design decisions are presented in the form of reusable decision records, with each decision record corresponding to a decision point in DSML development processes. Furthermore, we also report on frequently observed (combinations of) decision options as well as on associations between options which may occur within a single decision point or between two decision points. This collection of decision-record documents targets decision makers in DSML development (e.g., DSML engineers, software architects, domain experts).Series: Technical Reports / Institute for Information Systems and New Medi

    Methods and tools for the integration of formal verification in domain-specific languages

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    Les langages dédiés de modélisation (DSMLs) sont de plus en plus utilisés dans les phases amont du développement des systèmes complexes, en particulier pour les systèmes critiques embarqués. L’objectif est de pouvoir raisonner très tôt dans le développement sur ces modèles et, notamment, de conduire des activités de vérification et validation (V and V). Une technique très utilisée est la vérification des modèles comportementaux par exploration exhaustive (model-checking) en utilisant une sémantique de traduction pour construire un modèle formel à partir des modèles métiers pour réutiliser les outils performants disponibles pour les modèles formels. Définir cette sémantique de traduction, exprimer les propriétés formelles à vérifier et analyser les résultats nécessite une expertise dans les méthodes formelles qui freine leur adoption et peut rebuter les concepteurs. Il est donc nécessaire de construire pour chaque DSML, une chaîne d’outils qui masque les aspects formels aux utilisateurs. L’objectif de cette thèse est de faciliter le développement de telles chaînes de vérification. Notre contribution inclut 1) l’expression des propriétés comportementales au niveau métier en s’appuyant sur TOCL (Temporal Object Constraint Language), une extension temporelle du langage OCL; 2) la transformation automatique de ces propriétés en propriétés formelles en réutilisant les éléments clés de la sémantique de traduction; 3) la remontée des résultats de vérification grâce à une transformation d’ordre supérieur et un langage de description de correspondance entre le domaine métier et le domaine formel et 4) le processus associé de mise en oeuvre. Notre approche a été validée par l’expérimentation sur un sous-ensemble du langage de modélisation de processus de développement SPEM, et sur le langage de commande d’automates programmables Ladder Diagram, ainsi que par l’intégration d’un langage formel intermédiaire (FIACRE) dans la chaîne outillée de vérification. Ce dernier point permet de réduire l’écart sémantique entre les DSMLs et les domaines formels. ABSTRACT : Domain specific Modeling Languages (DSMLs) are increasingly used at the early phases in the development of complex systems, in particular, for safety critical systems. The goal is to be able to reason early in the development on these models and, in particular, to fulfill verification and validation activities (V and V). A widely used technique is the exhaustive behavioral model verification using model-checking by providing a translational semantics to build a formal model from DSML conforming models in order to reuse powerful tools available for this formal domain. Defining a translational semantics, expressing formal properties to be assessed and analysing such verification results require such an expertise in formal methods that it restricts their adoption and may discourage the designers. It is thus necessary to build for each DSML, a toolchain which hides formal aspects for DSML end-users. The goal of this thesis consists in easing the development of such verification toolchains. Our contribution includes 1) expressing behavioral properties in the DSML level by relying on TOCL (Temporal Object Constraint Language), a temporal extension of OCL; 2) An automated transformation of these properties on formal properties while reusing the key elements of the translational semantics; 3) the feedback of verification results thanks to a higher-order transformation and a language which defines mappings between DSML and formal levels; 4) the associated process implementation. Our approach was validated by the experimentation on a subset of the development process modeling language SPEM, and on Ladder Diagram language used to specify programmable logic controllers (PLCs), and by the integration of a formal intermediate language (FIACRE) in the verification toolchain. This last point allows to reduce the semantic gap between DSMLs and formal domains

    Methods and tools for the integration of formal verification in domain-specific languages

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    Domain specific Modeling Languages (DSMLs) are increasingly used at the early phases in the development of complex systems, in particular, for safety critical systems. The goal is to be able to reason early in the development on these models and, in particular, to fulfill verification and validation activities (V and V). A widely used technique is the exhaustive behavioral model verification using model-checking by providing a translational semantics to build a formal model from DSML conforming models in order to reuse powerful tools available for this formal domain. Defining a translational semantics, expressing formal properties to be assessed and analysing such verification results require such an expertise in formal methods that it restricts their adoption and may discourage the designers. It is thus necessary to build for each DSML, a toolchain which hides formal aspects for DSML end-users. The goal of this thesis consists in easing the development of such verification toolchains. Our contribution includes 1) expressing behavioral properties in the DSML level by relying on TOCL (Temporal Object Constraint Language), a temporal extension of OCL; 2) An automated transformation of these properties on formal properties while reusing the key elements of the translational semantics; 3) the feedback of verification results thanks to a higher-order transformation and a language which defines mappings between DSML and formal levels; 4) the associated process implementation. Our approach was validated by the experimentation on a subset of the development process modeling language SPEM, and on Ladder Diagram language used to specify programmable logic controllers (PLCs), and by the integration of a formal intermediate language (FIACRE) in the verification toolchain. This last point allows to reduce the semantic gap between DSMLs and formal domains

    Multilevel Modeling

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    Domain-specific modeling languages (DSMLs) promise clear advantages over general-purpose modeling languages. However, their design poses a fundamental challenge. While economies of scale advocate the development of DSMLs that can be used in a wide range of cases, modeling productivity demands more specific language concepts tuned to individual requirements. Inspired by the actual use of technical languages (German: “Fachsprachen”), this paper presents a novel multilevel modeling approach to conceptual modeling and to the design of information systems. Unlike traditional language architectures such as Meta Object Facility (MOF), it features a recursive architecture that allows for an arbitrary number of classification levels and, hence, for the design of hierarchies of DSMLs ranging from reference DSMLs to “local” DSMLs. It can not only diminish the conflict inherent in designing DSMLs, but enables the reuse and integration of software artifacts in general. It also helps reduce modeling complexity by relaxing the rigid dichotomy between specialization and instantiation. Furthermore, it integrates a meta-modeling language with a metamodel of a reflective meta-programming language, thereby allowing for executable models. The specification of the language architecture is supplemented by the description of use scenarios that illustrate the potential of multilevel modeling and a critical discussion of its peculiarities

    Reifying Concurrency for Executable Metamodeling

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    International audienceCurrent metamodeling techniques can be used to specify the syntax and semantics of domain specific modeling languages (DSMLs). However, there is currently very little support for explicitly specifying concurrency semantics using metamodels. Often, such semantics are provided through implicit concurrency models embedded in the underlying execution environment supported by the language workbench used to implement the DSMLs. The lack of an explicit concurrency model has several drawbacks: it not only prevents from developing a complete understanding of the behavioral semantics, it also prevents development of effective concurrency-aware analysis techniques, and effective techniques for producing semantic variants in the cases where the semantic base has variation points. This work reifies concurrency as a metamodeling facility, leveraging formalization work from the concurrency theory and models of computation (MoC) community. The essential contribution of this paper is a proposed language workbench for binding domain-specific concepts and models of computation through an explicit event structure at the metamodel level. We illustrate these novel metamodeling facilities for designing two variants of a concurrent and timed final state machine, and provide other experiments to validate the scope of our approach
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