487 research outputs found

    From Personal Data to Service Innovation – Guiding the Design of New Service Opportunities

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    Stimulated by an ongoing digital transformation, companies obtain a new source for digital service innovation: The use of personal data has the potential to build deeper customer relationships and to develop individualized services. However, methodological support for the systematic application of personal data in innovation processes is still scarce. This paper suggests a comprehensive approach for service design tools that enable collaborative design activities by participants with different data skills to identify new service opportunities. This approach includes the systematic development of customer understanding as well as a process to match customer needs to existing personal data resources. Following a design science research approach, we develop design principles for service design tools and build and evaluate a service opportunity canvas as a first instantiation

    How to Create Personas : Three Persona Creation Methodologies with Implications for Practical Employment

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    Background: Personas are a technique for enhanced understanding of users and customers to improve the user-centered design of systems and products. Their creation can be categorized using three persona creation methodologies: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods. Despite the apparent differences in these methodologies, no previous review has systemically compared and contrasted the strengths and weaknesses of each of these methodologies for persona development. Method: This manuscript maps and navigates persona literature to identify the benefits and challenges of these three persona creation methodologies. Furthermore, the strategies and opportunities of the different methodologies are presented. Results: The results summarize the strengths and weaknesses of each of the three principal persona creation methodologies and offer suggestions of the benefits of their employment. Conclusion: In conclusion, we offer insights into the construction and usage of personas for practitioners and researchers, and we propose a framework to determine which persona creation methodology is most suitable for a given context.© 2022 by the Association for Information Systems. Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and full citation on the first page. Copyright for components of this work owned by others than the Association for Information Systems must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers, or to redistribute to lists requires prior specific permission and/or fee. Request permission to publish from: AIS Administrative Office, P.O. Box 2712 Atlanta, GA, 30301-2712 Attn: Reprints, or via email from [email protected]=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    How to Create Personas: Three Persona Creation Methodologies with Implications for Practical Employment

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    Background: Personas are a technique for enhanced understanding of users and customers to improve the user-centered design of systems and products. Their creation can be categorized using three persona creation methodologies: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods. Despite the apparent differences in these methodologies, no previous review has systemically compared and contrasted the strengths and weaknesses of each of these methodologies for persona development. Method: This manuscript maps and navigates persona literature to identify the benefits and challenges of these three persona creation methodologies. Furthermore, the strategies and opportunities of the different methodologies are presented. Results: The results summarize the strengths and weaknesses of each of the three principal persona creation methodologies and offer suggestions of the benefits of their employment. Conclusion: In conclusion, we offer insights into the construction and usage of personas for practitioners and researchers, and we propose a framework to determine which persona creation methodology is most suitable for a given context. Keywords: Algorithmically-Generated Personas, Persona Analytics, Persona Science

    Design Dynamics. Navigating the new Complex Landscape of Omnichannel Fashion Retail

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    The fashion industry is entering the dynamic global competitive market, promoting various actions prioritising design, creativity, sustainability, and technological advancement as pivotal factors. At the same time, it is reimagining its business models to adapt to the changing landscape. The rise of pervasive connectivity, intuitive interfaces and innovative interaction channels has triggered a revolution in fashion retail, reshaping customer behaviour and expectations. The traditional retail framework has evolved into a fully interconnected omnichannel system. This transformation is characterised by the proliferation of physical and virtual channels and touch points and by the adoption of a more flexible and integrated approach. In this dynamic context, design plays a central role, possessing the ability to impart meaning to the production and distribution system. Design-led innovation represents an incremental form of innovation that injects a nuanced range of meaning into the marketplace, extending beyond tangible objects, including discourses, expressions, narratives, visual images, symbols, metaphors, and spaces. The book analyses the multifaceted nature of the fashion retail experience through the lens of the design discipline, aiming to contextualise the evolution of retail within increasingly complex processes, networks and interconnections, both theoretically and practically. The focus is on retail design, delving into the new skills required and the valuable tools needed to apply them in inherently multidisciplinary contexts. Ultimately, the aim is to navigate the intricate terrain of retail evolution and shed light on the evolving role of design in this multifaceted sector

    Digital 3D Technologies for Humanities Research and Education: An Overview

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    Digital 3D modelling and visualization technologies have been widely applied to support research in the humanities since the 1980s. Since technological backgrounds, project opportunities, and methodological considerations for application are widely discussed in the literature, one of the next tasks is to validate these techniques within a wider scientific community and establish them in the culture of academic disciplines. This article resulted from a postdoctoral thesis and is intended to provide a comprehensive overview on the use of digital 3D technologies in the humanities with regards to (1) scenarios, user communities, and epistemic challenges; (2) technologies, UX design, and workflows; and (3) framework conditions as legislation, infrastructures, and teaching programs. Although the results are of relevance for 3D modelling in all humanities disciplines, the focus of our studies is on modelling of past architectural and cultural landscape objects via interpretative 3D reconstruction methods

    Digital History and Hermeneutics

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    For doing history in the digital age, we need to investigate the “digital kitchen” as the place where the “raw” is transformed into the “cooked”. The novel field of digital hermeneutics provides a critical and reflexive frame for digital humanities research by acquiring digital literacy and skills. The Doctoral Training Unit "Digital History and Hermeneutics" is applying this new digital practice by reflecting on digital tools and methods

    Aerostructural optimization and aeroelasticity of new generation aircraft

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorThe consolidate growth in the European air traffic and passengers’ number is driving commercial aviation to face important changes, like the need to reduce environmental impact and to satisfy an increasing demand for air transportation, It is a common thought that a technological breakthrough is required to achieve such goal. New technological approaches are being pursued for the new aircraft generation, like distributed propulsion systems, structures characterized by new materials and manufacturing processes and nonconventional wing layouts, such as the blended-wing and the box-wing concepts. Nevertheless, to make such new technologies market competitive a new design approach may be needed. Some of these new concepts, in fact, may be remarkably affected by aeroelastic issues, which need to be taken into account in early design, and their enhanced structural flexibility or their peculiar layout may exacerbate coupling between different disciplines (e.g., flight dynamics and aeroelasticity). Moreover, loads and aerodynamic performances prediction may radically differ with respect to what achieved during conceptual design, if considering plain/rigid configurations only. This dissertation contributes tackling some aspects of the above-mentioned issues. In the first part of this work, a unified flight-dynamic and aeroelastic model for stability analysis is used to address for the first time, with physical insights, the dynamic response of an unconventional box-wing configuration. As observed in previous literature efforts on this configuration, flutter onset is significantly different when considering the aircraft being free in the air or fixed in space. Thanks to the adopted formulation, it is shown how the aerodynamic coupling of elastic and rigid modes has a beneficial effect on the dynamic aeroelastic instability (flutter) onset. However, the different modal properties, consequence of the diverse boundary conditions, when switching from fixed-in-space to free-flying aircraft, also play a relevant role in determining the flutter occurrence. Whereas for the longitudinal case both effects are synergistic, contributing to increase flutter speed, for the lateral-directional case the variation in modal properties has a detrimental and dominating effect, leading to a flutter speed well within the flight envelope. Not only effects of rigid and elastic modes interaction is addressed with respect to the aeroelastic side but the consequent effect on the flexible flight dynamics in terms of deterioration of the flying qualities is quantified. Within the adopted formulation, unsteady aerodynamic forces are modeled by means of an enhanced Doublet Lattice Method, able to take into account terms typically neglected by classic formulations. The work also discusses the relevance of such extra contributions on the dynamic response of the aircraft. In the second part of this work a model for high-fidelity gradient-based aerostructural optimization of wings, assisted by algorithmic differentiation and including aerodynamic and structural nonlinearities, is presented. First, the model is illustrated: a key feature is represented by its enhanced modularity. Each discipline solver, employing algorithmic differentiation for the evaluation of adjoint-based sensitivities, is interfaced at high level by means of a wrapper to both solve the aerostructural primal problem and evaluate discrete-consistent gradients of the coupled problem. Second, to demonstrate the feasibility of the method, a framework is ad-hoc set up, within the open-source SU2 multiphysics suite, with the inclusion of a geometrically nonlinear beam FE and an interface module to deal with non-matching 3D surfaces. Finally, the framework is applied to perform aerostructural optimization of aeroelastic test cases based on the ONERA M6 and NASA CRM wings and featuring relevant structural deflections. Single-point optimizations, employing Euler or RANS flow models, are carried out to find wing optimal outer mold line in terms of aerodynamic efficiency. Results remark the importance of taking into account the aerostructural coupling when performing wing shape optimization.El crecimiento consolidado del tráfico aéreo europeo y del número de pasajeros está impulsando a la aviación comercial a afrontar cambios importantes, como la necesidad de reducir el impacto medioambiental y de satisfacer una demanda creciente de transporte aéreo. Es pensamiento común que, para lograr tal objetivo, se requiere un avance tecnológico importante. Se están buscando nuevos enfoques tecnológicos para la nueva generación de aviones, como sistemas de propulsión distribuida, estructuras caracterizadas por nuevos materiales y procesos de fabricación y diseños de alas no convencionales, como los conceptos de blended wings (alas integradas) y box wings (alas en caja). No obstante, para que el mercado de estas nuevas tecnologías sea competitivo, puede ser necesario un nuevo enfoque de diseño. Algunos de estos nuevos conceptos, de hecho, pueden verse notablemente afectados por problemas aeroelásticos, que deben tenerse en cuenta en el diseño inicial, y su aumentada flexibilidad estructural o su diseño peculiar pueden exacerbar el acoplamiento entre diferentes disciplinas (por ejemplo, dinámica de vuelo y aeroelasticidad). Además, la predicción de cargas y rendimiento aerodinámico puede diferir radicalmente con respecto a lo que se consigue durante el diseño conceptual, si se consideran únicamente configuraciones simples/rígidas. Esta tesis contribuye a abordar algunos aspectos de los temas previamente mencionados. En la primera parte de este trabajo, se utiliza un modelo unificado de dinámica de vuelo y aeroelasticidad dedicado al análisis de estabilidad para abordar por primera vez, con conocimientos físicos, la respuesta dinámica de una configuración box wing no convencional. Como se observó en las contribuciones de la literatura anterior sobre esta configuración, el inicio del flameo es significativamente diferente cuando se considera que la aeronave está libre o fija en el espacio. Gracias a la formulación adoptada, se muestra cómo el acoplamiento aerodinámico de los modos elásticos y rígidos tiene un efecto beneficioso sobre el inicio de la inestabilidad aeroelástica dinámica (flameo). Sin embargo, las diferentes propiedades modales, consecuencia de las diversas condiciones de contorno, al cambiar de aeronave fija en el espacio a libre, también juegan un papel relevante en la determinación de la ocurrencia del flameo. Mientras que para el caso longitudinal ambos efectos son sinérgicos en contribuir aumentando la velocidad de flameo, para el caso latero-direccional la variación en las propiedades modales tiene un efecto prejudicial y dominante, conduciendo a una velocidad de flameo muy dentro de la envolvente de vuelo. No solo se han tratado los efectos de la interacción de los modos rígidos y elásticos con respecto a considerar puramente aquellos aeroelásticos, sino que se ha cuantificado el efecto consiguiente sobre la dinámica de vuelo flexible en términos de deterioro de las cualidades de vuelo. Dentro de la formulación adoptada, las fuerzas aerodinámicas no estacionarias se modelan mediante un doublet lattice method mejorado, capaz de tener en cuenta los términos típicamente despreciados por las formulaciones clásicas. El trabajo también analiza la importancia de estas contribuciones adicionales en la respuesta dinámica de la aeronave. En la segunda parte de este trabajo se presenta un modelo de optimización aeroestructural de alas basado en gradientes de alta fidelidad, asistido por diferenciación algorítmica y que incluye no linealidades de tipo aerodinámico y estructural. En primer lugar, se ilustra el modelo: una característica clave está representada por su modularidad. Cada solucionador de disciplinas, que emplea método adjunto y diferenciación algorítmica para la evaluación de los gradientes, está interconectado a alto nivel por medio de un administrador para resolver tanto el problema primario aeroestructural como para evaluar los gradientes de tipo discreto consistente del problema acoplado. En segundo lugar, para demostrar la viabilidad del método, se construye un marco ad hoc, dentro del paquete SU2 multiphysics, con la inclusión de un elemento finito viga geométricamente no lineal y un módulo de interfaz para tratar con superficies 3D no coincidentes. Por último, el marco se aplica para realizar la optimización aeroestructural de casos de prueba aeroelástica basados en las alas ONERA M6 y NASA CRM y que presentan deformaciones estructurales relevantes. Se llevan a cabo optimizaciones de punto único, empleando modelos fluidodinámicos Euler o RANS, para encontrar la línea de molde exterior óptima del ala en términos de eficiencia aerodinámica. Los resultados destacan la importancia de tener en cuenta el acoplamiento aeroestructural al realizar la optimización de la forma del ala.This work has been supported by the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid through a PIF scholarship, awarded on a competitive basis.Programa de Doctorado en Mecánica de Fluidos por la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid; la Universidad de Jaén; la Universidad de Zaragoza; la Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia; la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid y la Universidad Rovira i VirgiliPresidente: Domenico Quagliarella.- Secretario: Manuel García-Villalba Navaridas.- Vocal: Rubén Moreno Ramo

    Anthropology Resources For Librarians

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    As of 1989, no one had compiled a bibliography of resources of use to librarians who had a role supporting anthropologists in their institutions. The present lengthy bibliography began as a print list of 25 entries in the November 1989 issue of ANSS Currents. Over the years the list grew and it was published on ANSSWeb when the site was created in 1995. The bibliography has now migrated to a pdf version and contains more than 500 entries in 25 categories. It may be updated periodically as new resources are discovered

    Personalization through a proactive live chat in an e-commerce: The case of Byside’s client, a multinational retail company

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    Retail e-commerce companies currently struggle in managing and optimizing the performance of a proactive live chat software application. It is assumed by companies present in the sector that providing personalized assistance to online visitors brings positive outcomes, however, there is no scientific evidence in this field to prove this assumption. This research aims to bring new insights into the contribution personalization can have regarding the performance of this app. Specifically, it investigates whether increasing personalization on the provided assistance to the online visitor has an impact on the number and value of influenced checkouts. To test the hypothesis that providing more personalized assistance to the online visitor through this application leads to increased sales, the performance results of this app in the Croatian market of a multinational retail client were analyzed. Two five-month periods were observed, one providing nonpersonalized assistance and the other with personalized assistance for online visitors, the results of both periods were analyzed using three independent samples t-tests. The outcomes showed a statistically significant positive effect of the personalized assistance in the application performance results. These results suggest that online visitors who received personalized assistance are more likely to proceed to the checkout funnel and complete the purchase and to perform checkouts with a higher value. On this basis, personalization should be considered when managing or optimizing proactive live chat campaigns in retail e-commerce. The thesis is finalized by outlining its limitations and proposing new avenues of research

    Semantic discovery and reuse of business process patterns

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    Patterns currently play an important role in modern information systems (IS) development and their use has mainly been restricted to the design and implementation phases of the development lifecycle. Given the increasing significance of business modelling in IS development, patterns have the potential of providing a viable solution for promoting reusability of recurrent generalized models in the very early stages of development. As a statement of research-in-progress this paper focuses on business process patterns and proposes an initial methodological framework for the discovery and reuse of business process patterns within the IS development lifecycle. The framework borrows ideas from the domain engineering literature and proposes the use of semantics to drive both the discovery of patterns as well as their reuse