385 research outputs found

    Microtechnologies for Cell Microenvironment Control and Monitoring

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    A great breadth of questions remains in cellular biology. Some questions cannot be answered using traditional analytical techniques and so demand the development of new tools for research. In the near future, the development of highly integrated microfluidic analytical platforms will enable the acquisition of unknown biological data. These microfluidic systems must allow cell culture under controlled microenvironment and high throughput analysis. For this purpose, the integration of a variable number of newly developed micro- and nano-technologies, which enable control of topography and surface chemistry, soluble factors, mechanical forces and cell-cell contacts, as well as technology for monitoring cell phenotype and genotype with high spatial and temporal resolution will be necessary. These multifunctional devices must be accompanied by appropriate data analysis and management of the expected large datasets generated. The knowledge gained with these platforms has the potential to improve predictive models of the behavior of cells, impacting directly in better therapies for disease treatment. In this review, we give an overview of the microtechnology toolbox available for the design of high throughput microfluidic platforms for cell analysis. We discuss current microtechnologies for cell microenvironment control, different methodologies to create large arrays of cellular systems and finally techniques for monitoring cells in microfluidic devices.E.A.-H. acknowledges funding from the Basque Government, Department of Education, for predoctoral fellowship 2016. M.G.-H. acknowledges funding from the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, PIF16/204 predoctoral fellowship "call for recruitment of research personnel in training". J.E.-E. acknowledges funding from the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, postdoctoral fellowship ESPPOC 16/65 "Call for recruitment and specialization of Doctor Researchers 2016". M.M.D.P. and L.B.-D., acknowledge funding support from University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, UFI11/32, and from Gobierno Vasco under Grupos Consolidados with Grant No. IT998-16. F.B.-L. acknowledges funding support from the Ramon y Cajal Programme (Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad), Spain. F.B.-L. and L.B.-D. acknowledge funding support from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration under Grant agreement No. 604241 as well as Gobierno Vasco, Dpto. Industria, Innovacion, Comercio y Turismo under ELKARTEK 2015 with Grant No. KK-2015/0000088

    Executed movement using EEG signals through a naive bayes classifier

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    Recent years have witnessed a rapid development of brain-computer interface (BCI) technology. An independent BCI is a communication system for controlling a device by human intension, e.g., a computer, a wheelchair or a neuroprosthes is, not depending on the brain’s normal output pathways of peripheral nerves and muscles, but on detectable signals that represent responsive or intentional brain activities. This paper presents a comparative study of the usage of the linear discriminant analysis (LDA) and the naive Bayes (NB) classifiers on describing both right- and left-hand movement through electroencephalographic signal (EEG) acquisition. For the analysis, we considered the following input features: the energy of the segments of a band pass-filtered signal with the frequency band in sensorimotor rhythms and the components of the spectral energy obtained through the Welch method. We also used the common spatial pattern (CSP) filter, so as to increase the discriminatory activity among movement classes. By using the database generated by this experiment, we obtained hit rates up to 70%. The results are compatible with previous studies

    The five Ws (and one H) of super-hydrophobic surfaces in medicine

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    6Super-hydrophobic surfaces (SHSs) are bio-inspired, artificial microfabricated interfaces, in which a pattern of cylindrical micropillars is modified to incorporate details at the nanoscale. For those systems, the integration of different scales translates into superior properties, including the ability of manipulating biological solutions. The five Ws, five Ws and one H or the six Ws (6W), are questions, whose answers are considered basic in information-gathering. They constitute a formula for getting the complete story on a subject. According to the principle of the six Ws, a report can only be considered complete if it answers these questions starting with an interrogative word: who, why, what, where, when, how. Each question should have a factual answer. In what follows, SHSs and some of the most promising applications thereof are reviewed following the scheme of the 6W. We will show how these surfaces can be integrated into bio-photonic devices for the identification and detection of a single molecule. We will describe how SHSs and nanoporous silicon matrices can be combined to yield devices with the capability of harvesting small molecules, where the cut-off size can be adequately controlled. We will describe how this concept is utilized for obtaining a direct TEM image of a DNA molecule. © 2014 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.openopenGentile F.; Coluccio M.L.; Limongi T.; Perozziello G.; Candeloro P.; Di Fabrizio E.Gentile, F.; Coluccio, M. L.; Limongi, T.; Perozziello, G.; Candeloro, P.; Di Fabrizio, E

    Imaging With Nature: Compressive Imaging Using a Multiply Scattering Medium

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    The recent theory of compressive sensing leverages upon the structure of signals to acquire them with much fewer measurements than was previously thought necessary, and certainly well below the traditional Nyquist-Shannon sampling rate. However, most implementations developed to take advantage of this framework revolve around controlling the measurements with carefully engineered material or acquisition sequences. Instead, we use the natural randomness of wave propagation through multiply scattering media as an optimal and instantaneous compressive imaging mechanism. Waves reflected from an object are detected after propagation through a well-characterized complex medium. Each local measurement thus contains global information about the object, yielding a purely analog compressive sensing method. We experimentally demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach for optical imaging by using a 300-micrometer thick layer of white paint as the compressive imaging device. Scattering media are thus promising candidates for designing efficient and compact compressive imagers.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figure

    The development of optical nanomachines for studying molecules : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Mechatronics Engineering at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

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    Chapter 3 is ©2020 IEEE. Accepted manuscript is reprinted, with permission, from 2020 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM). Chapter 5 is ©2022 IEEE. Accepted manuscript is reprinted, with permission, from 2022 International Conference on Manipulation, Automation and Robotics at Small Scales (MARSS).Optical tweezers have been used for a number of applications since their invention by Arthur Ashkin in 1986, and are particularly useful for biological and biophysical studies due to their exceptionally high spatial and force-based resolution. The same intense laser focus that allows light to be used as a tool for micro-nanoscale manipulation also has the potential to damage the objects being studied, and the extremely high force resolution is coupled with the limitation of very low forces. There is potential to overcome these drawbacks of optical manipulation through making use of another laser based technique: two-photon absorption polymerisation (TPAP). This thesis has brought these together to demonstrate the uses of optical nanomachines as helpful tools for optical tweezer studies. The project was highly interdisciplinary, concerning the intersection of optical trapping, 3D micromachine design and development, and DNA stretching. The thesis was based around the strategy of first developing microrobots and demonstrating their manipulation using optical tweezers, then adjusting the design for specific applications. Microlevers were developed for lever-assisted DNA stretching and amplification of optical forces. The influence of design features and TPAP parameters on microlever functionality was investigated; particularly the influence of overlapping area and presence of supports, and the effects of differently shaped "trapping handles". These features were important as lever functionality was tested in solutions of different ionic strength, and stable trapping of the levers was required for force amplification. DNA stretching was chosen as a target application for distanced-application of optical forces due to its status as a well-known and characterised example of single-molecule studies with optical tweezers. Amplification of optical forces was also seen as an application that could demonstrate the utility of optical micromachines, and microlevers with a 2:1 lever arm ratio were developed to produce consistent, two-fold amplification of optical forces, in a first for unsupported, pin-jointed optical microrobotics. It is hoped that in the future fully-remote, micromachine-assisted studies will extend optical tweezer studies of laser-sensitive subjects, as well as increasing the forces that can be applied, and the results obtained in this thesis are encouraging. All in all, the thesis confirms the potential of optical micromachines for aiding studies using optical tweezers, and demonstrates concrete progress in both design and application

    Advancements in Sensor Technologies and Control Strategies for Lower-Limb Rehabilitation Exoskeletons: A Comprehensive Review

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    Lower-limb rehabilitation exoskeletons offer a transformative approach to enhancing recovery in patients with movement disorders affecting the lower extremities. This comprehensive systematic review delves into the literature on sensor technologies and the control strategies integrated into these exoskeletons, evaluating their capacity to address user needs and scrutinizing their structural designs regarding sensor distribution as well as control algorithms. The review examines various sensing modalities, including electromyography (EMG), force, displacement, and other innovative sensor types, employed in these devices to facilitate accurate and responsive motion control. Furthermore, the review explores the strengths and limitations of a diverse array of lower-limb rehabilitation-exoskeleton designs, highlighting areas of improvement and potential avenues for further development. In addition, the review investigates the latest control algorithms and analysis methods that have been utilized in conjunction with these sensor systems to optimize exoskeleton performance and ensure safe and effective user interactions. By building a deeper understanding of the diverse sensor technologies and monitoring systems, this review aims to contribute to the ongoing advancement of lower-limb rehabilitation exoskeletons, ultimately improving the quality of life for patients with mobility impairments

    Current Status and Emerging Trends in Colorectal Cancer Screening and Diagnostics

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    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a prevalent and potentially fatal disease categorized based on its high incidences and mortality rates, which raised the need for effective diagnostic strategies for the early detection and management of CRC. While there are several conventional cancer diagnostics available, they have certain limitations that hinder their effectiveness. Significant research efforts are currently being dedicated to elucidating novel methodologies that aim at comprehending the intricate molecular mechanism that underlies CRC. Recently, microfluidic diagnostics have emerged as a pivotal solution, offering non-invasive approaches to real-time monitoring of disease progression and treatment response. Microfluidic devices enable the integration of multiple sample preparation steps into a single platform, which speeds up processing and improves sensitivity. Such advancements in diagnostic technologies hold immense promise for revolutionizing the field of CRC diagnosis and enabling efficient detection and monitoring strategies. This article elucidates several of the latest developments in microfluidic technology for CRC diagnostics. In addition to the advancements in microfluidic technology for CRC diagnostics, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) holds great promise for further enhancing diagnostic capabilities. Advancements in microfluidic systems and AI-driven approaches can revolutionize colorectal cancer diagnostics, offering accurate, efficient, and personalized strategies to improve patient outcomes and transform cancer management

    Nanorobotics in Medicine: A Systematic Review of Advances, Challenges, and Future Prospects

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    Nanorobotics offers an emerging frontier in biomedicine, holding the potential to revolutionize diagnostic and therapeutic applications through its unique capabilities in manipulating biological systems at the nanoscale. Following PRISMA guidelines, a comprehensive literature search was conducted using IEEE Xplore and PubMed databases, resulting in the identification and analysis of a total of 414 papers. The studies were filtered to include only those that addressed both nanorobotics and direct medical applications. Our analysis traces the technology's evolution, highlighting its growing prominence in medicine as evidenced by the increasing number of publications over time. Applications ranged from targeted drug delivery and single-cell manipulation to minimally invasive surgery and biosensing. Despite the promise, limitations such as biocompatibility, precise control, and ethical concerns were also identified. This review aims to offer a thorough overview of the state of nanorobotics in medicine, drawing attention to current challenges and opportunities, and providing directions for future research in this rapidly advancing field

    Implementation of an embedded system into the Internet of Robotic Things

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    The article describes the use of embedded systems in the Industrial Internet of Things and its benefits for industrial robots. For this purpose, the article presents a case study, which deals with an embedded system using an advanced microcontroller designed to be placed directly on the robot. The proposed system is being used to collect information about industrial robot parameters that impact its behavior and its long-term condition. The device measures the robot’s surroundings parameters and its vibrations while working. Besides that, it also has an enormous potential to collect other parameters such as air pollution or humidity. The collected data are stored on the cloud platform and processed and analysed. The embedded system proposed in this article is conceived to be small and mobile, as it is a wireless system that can be easily applied to any industrial robot.Web of Science141art. no. 11