271 research outputs found

    Quality measures for ETL processes: from goals to implementation

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    Extraction transformation loading (ETL) processes play an increasingly important role for the support of modern business operations. These business processes are centred around artifacts with high variability and diverse lifecycles, which correspond to key business entities. The apparent complexity of these activities has been examined through the prism of business process management, mainly focusing on functional requirements and performance optimization. However, the quality dimension has not yet been thoroughly investigated, and there is a need for a more human-centric approach to bring them closer to business-users requirements. In this paper, we take a first step towards this direction by defining a sound model for ETL process quality characteristics and quantitative measures for each characteristic, based on existing literature. Our model shows dependencies among quality characteristics and can provide the basis for subsequent analysis using goal modeling techniques. We showcase the use of goal modeling for ETL process design through a use case, where we employ the use of a goal model that includes quantitative components (i.e., indicators) for evaluation and analysis of alternative design decisions.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    AcDWH - A patented method for active data warehousing

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    The traditional needs of data warehousing from monthly, weekly or nightly batch processing have evolved to near real-time refreshment cycles of the data, called active data warehousing. While the traditional data warehousing methods have been used to batch load large sets of data in the past, the business need for extremely fresh data in the data warehouse has increased. Previous studies have reviewed different aspects of the process along with the different methods to process data in data warehouses in near real-time fashion. To date, there has been little research of using partitioned staging tables within relational databases, combined with a crafted metadata driven system and parallelized loading processes for active data warehousing. This study provides a throughout description and suitability assessment of the patented AcDWH method for active data warehousing. In addition, this study provides a review and a summary of existing research on the data warehousing area from the era of start of data warehousing in the 1990’s to the year 2020. The review focuses on different parts of the data warehousing process and highlights the differences compared to the AcDWH method. Related to the AcDWH, the usage of partitioned staging tables within a relational database in combination of meta data structures used to manage the system is discussed in detail. In addition, two real-life applications are disclosed and discussed on high level. Potential future extensions to the methodology are discussed, and briefly summarized. The results indicate that the utilization of AcDWH method using parallelized loading pipelines and partitioned staging tables can provide enhanced throughput in the data warehouse loading processes. This is a clear improvement on the study’s field. Previous studies have not been considering using partitioned staging tables in conjunction with the loading processes and pipeline parallelization. Review of existing literature against the AcDWH method together with trial and error -approach show that the results and conclusions of this study are genuine. The results of this study confirm the fact that also technical level inventions within the data warehousing processes have significant contribution to the advance of methodologies. Compared to the previous studies in the field, this study suggests a simple yet novel method to achieve near real-time capabilities in active data warehousing.AcDWH – Patentoitu menetelmä aktiiviseen tietovarastointiin Perinteiset tarpeet tietovarastoinnille kuukausittaisen, viikoittaisen tai yöllisen käsittelyn osalta ovat kehittyneet lähes reaaliaikaista päivitystä vaativaksi aktiiviseksi tietovarastoinniksi. Vaikka perinteisiä menetelmiä on käytetty suurten tietomäärien lataukseen menneisyydessä, liiketoiminnan tarve erittäin ajantasaiselle tiedolle tietovarastoissa on kasvanut. Aikaisemmat tutkimukset ovat tarkastelleet erilaisia prosessin osa-alueita sekä erilaisia menetelmiä tietojen käsittelyyn lähes reaaliaikaisissa tietovarastoissa. Tutkimus partitioitujen relaatiotietokantojen väliaikaistaulujen käytöstä aktiivisessa tietovarastoinnissa yhdessä räätälöidyn metatieto-ohjatun järjestelmän ja rinnakkaislatauksen kanssa on ollut kuitenkin vähäistä. Tämä tutkielma tarjoaa kattavan kuvauksen sekä arvioinnin patentoidun AcDWH-menetelmän käytöstä aktiivisessa tietovarastoinnissa. Työ sisältää katsauksen ja yhteenvedon olemassa olevaan tutkimukseen tietovarastoinnin alueella 1990-luvun alusta vuoteen 2020. Kirjallisuuskatsaus keskittyy eri osa-alueisiin tietovarastointiprosessissa ja havainnollistaa eroja verrattuna AcDWH-menetelmään. AcDWH-menetelmän osalta käsitellään partitioitujen väliaikaistaulujen käyttöä relaatiotietokannassa, yhdessä järjestelmän hallitsemiseen käytettyjen metatietorakenteiden kanssa. Lisäksi kahden reaalielämän järjestelmän sovellukset kuvataan korkealla tasolla. Tutkimuksessa käsitellään myös menetelmän mahdollisia tulevia laajennuksia menetelmään tiivistetysti. Tulokset osoittavat, että AcDWH-menetelmän käyttö rinnakkaisilla latausputkilla ja partitioitujen välitaulujen käytöllä tarjoaa tehokkaan tietovaraston latausprosessin. Tämä on selvä parannus aikaisempaan tutkimukseen verrattuna. Aikaisemmassa tutkimuksessa ei ole käsitelty partitioitujen väliaikaistaulujen käyttöä ja soveltamista latausprosessin rinnakkaistamisessa. Tämän tutkimuksen tulokset vahvistavat, että myös tekniset keksinnöt tietovarastointiprosesseissa ovat merkittävässä roolissa menetelmien kehittymisessä. Aikaisempaan alan tutkimukseen verrattuna tämä tutkimus ehdottaa yksinkertaista mutta uutta menetelmää lähes reaaliaikaisten ominaisuuksien saavuttamiseksi aktiivisessa tietovarastoinnissa

    Automating User-Centered Design of Data-Intensive Processes

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    Business Intelligence (BI) enables organizations to collect and analyze internal and external business data to generate knowledge and business value, and provide decision support at the strategic, tactical, and operational levels. The consolidation of data coming from many sources as a result of managerial and operational business processes, usually referred to as Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) is itself a statically defined process and knowledge workers have little to no control over the characteristics of the presentable data to which they have access. There are two main reasons that dictate the reassessment of this stiff approach in context of modern business environments. The first reason is that the service-oriented nature of today’s business combined with the increasing volume of available data make it impossible for an organization to proactively design efficient data management processes. The second reason is that enterprises can benefit significantly from analyzing the behavior of their business processes fostering their optimization. Hence, we took a first step towards quality-aware ETL process design automation by defining through a systematic literature review a set of ETL process quality characteristics and the relationships between them, as well as by providing quantitative measures for each characteristic. Subsequently, we produced a model that represents ETL process quality characteristics and the dependencies among them and we showcased through the application of a Goal Model with quantitative components (i.e., indicators) how our model can provide the basis for subsequent analysis to reason and make informed ETL design decisions. In addition, we introduced our holistic view for a quality-aware design of ETL processes by presenting a framework for user-centered declarative ETL. This included the definition of an architecture and methodology for the rapid, incremental, qualitative improvement of ETL process models, promoting automation and reducing complexity, as well as a clear separation of business users and IT roles where each user is presented with appropriate views and assigned with fitting tasks. In this direction, we built a tool —POIESIS— which facilitates incremental, quantitative improvement of ETL process models with users being the key participants through well-defined collaborative interfaces. When it comes to evaluating different quality characteristics of the ETL process design, we proposed an automated data generation framework for evaluating ETL processes (i.e., Bijoux). To this end, we classified the operations based on the part of input data they access for processing, which facilitated Bijoux during data generation processes both for identifying the constraints that specific operation semantics imply over input data, as well as for deciding at which level the data should be generated (e.g., single field, single tuple, complete dataset). Bijoux offers data generation capabilities in a modular and configurable manner, which can be used to evaluate the quality of different parts of an ETL process. Moreover, we introduced a methodology that can apply to concrete contexts, building a repository of patterns and rules. This generated knowledge base can be used during the design and maintenance phases of ETL processes, automatically exposing understandable conceptual representations of the processes and providing useful insight for design decisions. Collectively, these contributions have raised the level of abstraction of ETL process components, revealing their quality characteristics in a granular level and allowing for evaluation and automated (re-)design, taking under consideration business users’ quality goals

    Safe and efficient hybrid memory management for Java

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    The 10th Jubilee Conference of PhD Students in Computer Science

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    Intelligent Circuits and Systems

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    ICICS-2020 is the third conference initiated by the School of Electronics and Electrical Engineering at Lovely Professional University that explored recent innovations of researchers working for the development of smart and green technologies in the fields of Energy, Electronics, Communications, Computers, and Control. ICICS provides innovators to identify new opportunities for the social and economic benefits of society.  This conference bridges the gap between academics and R&D institutions, social visionaries, and experts from all strata of society to present their ongoing research activities and foster research relations between them. It provides opportunities for the exchange of new ideas, applications, and experiences in the field of smart technologies and finding global partners for future collaboration. The ICICS-2020 was conducted in two broad categories, Intelligent Circuits & Intelligent Systems and Emerging Technologies in Electrical Engineering

    Systems Engineering: Availability and Reliability

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    Current trends in Industry 4.0 are largely related to issues of reliability and availability. As a result of these trends and the complexity of engineering systems, research and development in this area needs to focus on new solutions in the integration of intelligent machines or systems, with an emphasis on changes in production processes aimed at increasing production efficiency or equipment reliability. The emergence of innovative technologies and new business models based on innovation, cooperation networks, and the enhancement of endogenous resources is assumed to be a strong contribution to the development of competitive economies all around the world. Innovation and engineering, focused on sustainability, reliability, and availability of resources, have a key role in this context. The scope of this Special Issue is closely associated to that of the ICIE’2020 conference. This conference and journal’s Special Issue is to present current innovations and engineering achievements of top world scientists and industrial practitioners in the thematic areas related to reliability and risk assessment, innovations in maintenance strategies, production process scheduling, management and maintenance or systems analysis, simulation, design and modelling