130 research outputs found

    Community Review of Southern Ocean Satellite Data Needs

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    This review represents the Southern Ocean community’s satellite data needs for the coming decade. Developed through widespread engagement, and incorporating perspectives from a range of stakeholders (both research and operational), it is designed as an important community-driven strategy paper that provides the rationale and information required for future planning and investment. The Southern Ocean is vast but globally connected, and the communities that require satellite-derived data in the region are diverse. This review includes many observable variables, including sea-ice properties, sea-surface temperature, sea-surface height, atmospheric parameters, marine biology (both micro and macro) and related activities, terrestrial cryospheric connections, sea-surface salinity, and a discussion of coincident and in situ data collection. Recommendations include commitment to data continuity, increase in particular capabilities (sensor types, spatial, temporal), improvements in dissemination of data/products/uncertainties, and innovation in calibration/validation capabilities. Full recommendations are detailed by variable as well as summarized. This review provides a starting point for scientists to understand more about Southern Ocean processes and their global roles, for funders to understand the desires of the community, for commercial operators to safely conduct their activities in the Southern Ocean, and for space agencies to gain greater impact from Southern Ocean-related acquisitions and missions.The authors acknowledge the Climate at the Cryosphere program and the Southern Ocean Observing System for initiating this community effort, WCRP, SCAR, and SCOR for endorsing the effort, and CliC, SOOS, and SCAR for supporting authors’ travel for collaboration on the review. Jamie Shutler’s time on this review was funded by the European Space Agency project OceanFlux Greenhouse Gases Evolution (Contract number 4000112091/14/I-LG)

    Open access data in polar and cryospheric remote sensing

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    This paper aims to introduce the main types and sources of remotely sensed data that are freely available and have cryospheric applications. We describe aerial and satellite photography, satellite-borne visible, near-infrared and thermal infrared sensors, synthetic aperture radar, passive microwave imagers and active microwave scatterometers. We consider the availability and practical utility of archival data, dating back in some cases to the 1920s for aerial photography and the 1960s for satellite imagery, the data that are being collected today and the prospects for future data collection; in all cases, with a focus on data that are openly accessible. Derived data products are increasingly available, and we give examples of such products of particular value in polar and cryospheric research. We also discuss the availability and applicability of free and, where possible, open-source software tools for reading and processing remotely sensed data. The paper concludes with a discussion of open data access within polar and cryospheric sciences, considering trends in data discoverability, access, sharing and use.A. Pope would like to acknowledge support from the Earth Observation Technology Cluster, a knowledge exchange project, funded by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) under its Technology Clusters Programme, the U.S. National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program, Trinity College (Cambridge) and the Dartmouth Visiting Young Scientist program sponsored by the NASA New Hampshire Space Grant.This is the final published version. It's also available from MDPI at http://www.mdpi.com/2072-4292/6/7/6183

    Ocean remote sensing techniques and applications: a review (Part II)

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    As discussed in the first part of this review paper, Remote Sensing (RS) systems are great tools to study various oceanographic parameters. Part I of this study described different passive and active RS systems and six applications of RS in ocean studies, including Ocean Surface Wind (OSW), Ocean Surface Current (OSC), Ocean Wave Height (OWH), Sea Level (SL), Ocean Tide (OT), and Ship Detection (SD). In Part II, the remaining nine important applications of RS systems for ocean environments, including Iceberg, Sea Ice (SI), Sea Surface temperature (SST), Ocean Surface Salinity (OSS), Ocean Color (OC), Ocean Chlorophyll (OCh), Ocean Oil Spill (OOS), Underwater Ocean, and Fishery are comprehensively reviewed and discussed. For each application, the applicable RS systems, their advantages and disadvantages, various RS and Machine Learning (ML) techniques, and several case studies are discussed.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Gaps analysis and requirements specification for the evolution of Copernicus system for polar regions monitoring: addressing the challenges in the horizon 2020-2030

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    This work was developed as part of the European H2020 ONION (Operational Network of Individual Observation Nodes) project, aiming at identifying the technological opportunity areas to complement the Copernicus space infrastructure in the horizon 2020–2030 for polar region monitoring. The European Earth Observation (EO) infrastructure is assessed through of comprehensive end-user need and data gap analysis. This review was based on the top 10 use cases, identifying 20 measurements with gaps and 13 potential EO technologies to cover the identified gaps. It was found that the top priority is the observation of polar regions to support sustainable and safe commercial activities and the preservation of the environment. Additionally, an analysis of the technological limitations based on measurement requirements was performed. Finally, this analysis was used for the basis of the architecture design of a potential polar mission.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Episodes of Early Pleistocene West Antarctic Ice Sheet Retreat Recorded by Iceberg Alley Sediments

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    Ice loss in the Southern Hemisphere has been greatest over the past 30 years in West Antarctica. The high sensitivity of this region to climate change has motivated geologists to examine marine sedimentary records for evidence of past episodes of West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) instability. Sediments accumulating in the Scotia Sea are useful to examine for this purpose because they receive iceberg-rafted debris (IBRD) sourced from the Pacific- and Atlantic-facing sectors of West Antarctica. Here we report on the sedimentology and provenance of the oldest of three cm-scale coarse-grained layers recovered from this sea at International Ocean Discovery Program Site U1538. These layers are preserved in opal-rich sediments deposited ∼1.2 Ma during a relatively warm regional climate. Our microCT-based analysis of the layer's in-situ fabric confirms its ice-rafted origin. We further infer that it is the product of an intense but short-lived episode of IBRD deposition. Based on the petrography of its sand fraction and the Phanerozoic 40Ar/39Ar ages of hornblende and mica it contains, we conclude that the IBRD it contains was likely sourced from the Weddell Sea and/or Amundsen Sea embayment(s) of West Antarctica. We attribute the high concentrations of IBRD in these layers to “dirty” icebergs calved from the WAIS following its retreat inland from its modern grounding line. These layers also sit at the top of a ∼366-m thick Pliocene and early Pleistocene sequence that is much more dropstone-rich than its overlying sediments. We speculate this fact may reflect that WAIS mass-balance was highly dynamic during the ∼41-kyr (inter)glacial world.Postprin

    Selection of the key earth observation sensors and platforms focusing on applications for Polar Regions in the scope of Copernicus system 2020-2030

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    An optimal payload selection conducted in the frame of the H2020 ONION project (id 687490) is presented based on the ability to cover the observation needs of the Copernicus system in the time period 2020–2030. Payload selection is constrained by the variables that can be measured, the power consumption, and weight of the instrument, and the required accuracy and spatial resolution (horizontal or vertical). It involved 20 measurements with observation gaps according to the user requirements that were detected in the top 10 use cases in the scope of Copernicus space infrastructure, 9 potential applied technologies, and 39 available commercial platforms. Additional Earth Observation (EO) infrastructures are proposed to reduce measurements gaps, based on a weighting system that assigned high relevance for measurements associated to Marine for Weather Forecast over Polar Regions. This study concludes with a rank and mapping of the potential technologies and the suitable commercial platforms to cover most of the requirements of the top ten use cases, analyzing the Marine for Weather Forecast, Sea Ice Monitoring, Fishing Pressure, and Agriculture and Forestry: Hydric stress as the priority use cases.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Tracking changes in the area, thickness, and volume of the Thwaites tabular iceberg "b30" using satellite altimetry and imagery

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    Icebergs account for half of all ice loss from Antarctica and, once released, present a hazard to maritime operations. Their melting leads to a redistribution of cold fresh water around the Southern Ocean which, in turn, influences water circulation, promotes sea ice formation, and fosters primary production. In this study, we combine CryoSat-2 satellite altimetry with MODIS and Sentinel-1 satellite imagery and meteorological data to track changes in the area, freeboard, thickness, and volume of the B30 tabular iceberg between 2012 and 2018. We track the iceberg elevation when it was attached to Thwaites Glacier and on a further 106 occasions after it calved using Level 1b CryoSat data, which ensures that measurements recorded in different acquisition modes and within different geographical zones are consistently processed. From these data, we map the iceberg's freeboard and estimate its thickness taking snowfall and changes in snow and ice density into account. We compute changes in freeboard and thickness relative to the initial average for each overpass and compare these to estimates from precisely located tracks using the satellite imagery. This comparison shows good agreement (correlation coefficient 0.87) and suggests that colocation reduces the freeboard uncertainty by 1.6 m. We also demonstrate that the snow layer has a significant impact on iceberg thickness change. Changes in the iceberg area are measured by tracing its perimeter, and we show that alternative estimates based on arc lengths recorded in satellite altimetry profiles and on measurements of the semi-major and semi-minor axes also capture the trend, though with a 48 % overestimate and a 15 % underestimate, respectively. Since it calved, the area of B30 has decreased from 1500±60 to 426±27 km2, its mean freeboard has fallen from 49.0±4.6 to 38.8±2.2 m, and its mean thickness has reduced from 315±36 to 198±14 m. The combined loss amounts to an 80%±16 % reduction in volume, two thirds (69%±14 %) of which is due to fragmentation and the remainder (31%±11 %) of which is due to basal melting

    Observing the disintegration of the A68A iceberg from space

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    Icebergs impact the physical and biological properties of the ocean where they drift, depending on the degree of melting. We use satellite imagery and altimetry to quantify the area, thickness, and volume change of the massive A68A iceberg from its calving off the Larsen-C Ice Shelf in July 2017 until January 2021, when it disintegrated. A68A thinned from 235 ± 9 to 168 ± 10 m, on average, and lost 802 ± 34 Gt of ice in 3.5 years, 254 ± 17 Gt of which was through basal melting (a lower bound for the immediate fresh water input into the ocean). Basal melting peaked at 7.2 ± 2.3 m/month in the Northern Scotia Sea and an estimated 152 ± 61 Gt of freshwater was released off South Georgia, potentially altering the local ocean properties, plankton occurrence and conditions for predators

    Quantifying dissolution rates of Antarctic icebergs in open water

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    At any one time 130 000 icebergs are afloat in the Southern Ocean; 97% of these are too small to be registered in current satellite-based databases, yet the melting of these small icebergs provides a major input to the Southern Ocean. We use a unique set of visual size observations of 53 000 icebergs in the South Atlantic Ocean, the SCAR International Iceberg Database, to derive average iceberg dissolution rates. Fracture into two parts is the dominant dissolution process for tabular icebergs, with an average half-life of 30 days for icebergs <4 km length and 60 days for larger icebergs. Complete shatter producing many icebergs <1 km length is rare. A side attrition rate of 0.23 m d−1 combined with drift speed of 6 km d−1, or any proportional change in both numbers fits the observed changes in iceberg distribution. The largest injection into the Southern Ocean of fresh water and any iceberg-transported material takes place in a ~2.3 × 10⁶ km2 zone extending east-northeast from the Antarctic Peninsula to the Greenwich meridian. The iceberg contribution to salinities and temperatures, with maximum contribution north of the Weddell Sea, differs in some regions, from those indicated by tracking large icebergs

    Benthic communities of the Weddell Sea : Past, present and future

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    The present thesis tackles different aspects of the past, present and future of high Antarctic benthic communities of the Weddell Sea. It first compares methodological approaches to sample benthos, showing the complementarity of two quantitative techniques. Then reviews knowledge on bentho-pelagic coupling on Antarctic shelves, showing that bentho-pelagic coupling differs considerably based on local characteristics. This methodological and conceptual knowledge is uses to study the benthic communities in the hard to access Filchner Region (southern Weddell Sea), describing two novel communities, and shows the influence of environmental drivers over benthic distribution. The final topic is the temporal dynamics of benthos. For this, a long-term study which considers a unique 26-year time series of benthic data from the southeastern Weddell Sea is used. Here, benthic communities appear severely affected by a decrease of productivity, and increase of scouring potential, especially after the year 2000