129 research outputs found

    Policy-Controlled Authenticated Access to LLN-Connected Healthcare Resources.

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    Ubiquitous devices comprising several resource-constrained nodes with sensors, actuators, and networking capabilities are becoming part of many solutions that seek to enhance user's environment smartness and quality of living, prominently including enhanced healthcare services. In such an environment, security issues are of primary concern as a potential resource misuse can severely impact user's privacy or even become life threatening. Access to these resources should be appropriately controlled to ensure that eHealth nodes are adequately protected and the services are available to authorized entities. The intrinsic resource limitations of these nodes, however, make satisfying these requirements a great challenge. This paper proposes and analyzes a service-oriented architecture that provides a policy-based, unified, cross-platform, and flexible access control mechanism, allowing authorized entities to consume services provided by eHealth nodes while protecting their valuable resources. The scheme is XACML driven, although modifications to the related standardized architecture are proposed to satisfy the requirements imposed by nodes that comprise low-power and lossy networks (LLNs). A proof-of-concept implementation is presented, along with the associated performance evaluation, confirming the feasibility of the proposed approach

    Wireless Technologies for IoT in Smart Cities

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    [EN] As cities continue to grow, numerous initiatives for Smart Cities are being conducted. The concept of Smart City encompasses several concepts being governance, economy, management, infrastructure, technology and people. This means that a Smart City can have different communication needs. Wireless technologies such as WiFi, ZigBee, Bluetooth, WiMax, 4G or LTE (Long Term Evolution) have presented themselves as solutions to the communication needs of Smart City initiatives. However, as most of them employ unlicensed bands, interference and coexistence problems are increasing. In this paper, the wireless technologies available nowadays for IoT (Internet of Things) in Smart Cities are presented. Our contribution is a review of wireless technologies, their comparison and the problems that difficult coexistence among them. In order to do so, the characteristics and adequacy of wireless technologies to each domain are considered. The problems derived of over-crowded unlicensed spectrum and coexistence difficulties among each technology are discussed as well. Finally, power consumption concerns are addressed.GarcĂ­a-GarcĂ­a, L.; Jimenez, JM.; Abdullah, MTA.; Lloret, J. (2018). Wireless Technologies for IoT in Smart Cities. Network Protocols and Algorithms. 10(1):23-64. doi:10.5296/npa.v10i1.12798S236410

    Wireless standard-compliant e-health solution for elderly people with multiuser identification

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    One of the main problems in e-health environments for developing an accurate multiuser identification is in the large number of patients, especially with itinerant medical devices and elderly people. This paper aims to contribute with two approaches to be included in ISO/IEEE 11073 family of standards as a standardized procedure for multiuser identification that can be used for a large variety of medical devices, regardless of their brand or model. From this contribution and to validate it, this work proposes a standardized e-health solution, including multiuser identification, implementing it in real health environments for elderly people, and evaluating their usability, interoperability, and adoption in daily living

    Blockchain leveraged decentralized IoT eHealth framework

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    Blockchain technologies recently emerging for eHealth, can facilitate a secure, decentral- ized and patient-driven, record management system. However, Blockchain technologies cannot accommodate the storage of data generated from IoT devices in remote patient management (RPM) settings as this application requires a fast consensus mechanism, care- ful management of keys and enhanced protocols for privacy. In this paper, we propose a Blockchain leveraged decentralized eHealth architecture which comprises three layers: (1) The Sensing layer –Body Area Sensor Networks include medical sensors typically on or in a patient body transmitting data to a smartphone. (2) The NEAR processing layer –Edge Networks consist of devices at one hop from data sensing IoT devices. (3) The FAR pro- cessing layer –Core Networks comprise Cloud or other high computing servers). A Patient Agent (PA) software replicated on the three layers processes medical data to ensure reli- able, secure and private communication. The PA executes a lightweight Blockchain consen- sus mechanism and utilizes a Blockchain leveraged task-offloading algorithm to ensure pa- tient’s privacy while outsourcing tasks. Performance analysis of the decentralized eHealth architecture has been conducted to demonstrate the feasibility of the system in the pro- cessing and storage of RPM data

    Clouds of Things. Data protection and consumer law at the intersection of cloud computing and the Internet of Things in the United Kingdom

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    The article critically analyses the Internet of Things (IoT) and its intersection with cloud computing, the so-called Clouds of Things (CoT). ‘Things’ are understood as any physical entity capable of connectivity that has a direct interface to the physical world (i.e. a sensing and/or actuating capability). From another perspective (especially product liability), Things can be seen as an inextricable mixture of hardware, software, and services. Alongside a clarification of the essentials, the six factors of the CoT complexity are described and light is shed on the regulatory options (regulation, co-regulation, self-regulation, holistic approach, fragmentation). Focussing on the British legal systems, the article reports on the state of the art of CoT deployment in the United Kingdom and deals with some of the main technical and legal issues emerging from CoT. Particularly, the core will be data protection, privacy, and consumer law. Indeed, these themes are considered the most relevant by the regulators. By mastering the relevant legal issues and following the example of the United Kingdom, the Republic of Korea will be able to unleash its extraordinary potential as to the IoT, thus retaining its position as the smartest country in the world

    Mobile Health in Remote Patient Monitoring for Chronic Diseases: Principles, Trends, and Challenges

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    Chronic diseases are becoming more widespread. Treatment and monitoring of these diseases require going to hospitals frequently, which increases the burdens of hospitals and patients. Presently, advancements in wearable sensors and communication protocol contribute to enriching the healthcare system in a way that will reshape healthcare services shortly. Remote patient monitoring (RPM) is the foremost of these advancements. RPM systems are based on the collection of patient vital signs extracted using invasive and noninvasive techniques, then sending them in real-time to physicians. These data may help physicians in taking the right decision at the right time. The main objective of this paper is to outline research directions on remote patient monitoring, explain the role of AI in building RPM systems, make an overview of the state of the art of RPM, its advantages, its challenges, and its probable future directions. For studying the literature, five databases have been chosen (i.e., science direct, IEEE-Explore, Springer, PubMed, and science.gov). We followed the (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) PRISMA, which is a standard methodology for systematic reviews and meta-analyses. A total of 56 articles are reviewed based on the combination of a set of selected search terms including RPM, data mining, clinical decision support system, electronic health record, cloud computing, internet of things, and wireless body area network. The result of this study approved the effectiveness of RPM in improving healthcare delivery, increase diagnosis speed, and reduce costs. To this end, we also present the chronic disease monitoring system as a case study to provide enhanced solutions for RPMsThis research work was partially supported by the Sejong University Research Faculty Program (20212023)S

    Anturidatan lÀhettÀminen fyysiseltÀ kaksoselta digitaaliselle kaksoselle

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    A digital twin is a digital counterpart of a physical thing such as a machine. The term digital twin was first introduced in 2010. Thereafter, it has received an extensive amount of interest because of the numerous benefits it is expected to offer throughout the product life cycle. Currently, the concept is developed by the world’s largest companies such as Siemens. The purpose of this thesis is to examine which application layer protocols and communication technologies are the most suitable for the sensor data transmission from a physical twin to a digital twin. In addition, a platform enabling this data transmission is developed. As the concept of a digital twin is relatively new, a comprehensive literature view on the definition of a digital twin in scientific literature is presented. It has been found that the vision of a digital twin has evolved from the concepts of ‘intelligent products’ presented at the beginning of the 2000s. The most widely adopted definition states that a digital twin accurately mirrors the current state of its corresponding twin. However, the definition of a digital twin is not yet standardized and varies in different fields. Based on the literature review, the communication needs of a digital twin are derived. Thereafter, the suitability of HTTP, MQTT, CoAP, XMPP, AMQP, DDS, and OPC UA for sensor data transmission are examined through a literature review. In addition, a review of 4G, 5G, NB-IoT, LoRa, Sigfox, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Z-Wave, ZigBee, and WirelessHART is presented. A platform for the management of the sensors is developed. The platform narrows the gap between the concept and realization of a digital twin by enabling sensor data transmission. The platform allows easy addition of sensors to a physical twin and provides an interface for their configuration remotely over the Internet. It supports multiple sensor types and application protocols and offers both web user iterface and REST API.Digitaalinen kaksonen on fyysisen tuotteen digitaalinen vastinkappale, joka sisĂ€ltÀÀ tiedon sen nykyisestĂ€ tilasta. Digitaalisen kaksosen kĂ€site otettiin ensimmĂ€isen kerran kĂ€yttöön vuonna 2010. Sen jĂ€lkeen digitaalinen kaksonen on saanut paljon huomiota, ja sitĂ€ ovat lĂ€hteneet kehittĂ€mÀÀn maailman suurimmat yritykset, kuten Siemens. TĂ€mĂ€n työn tarkoituksena tutkia, mitkĂ€ sovelluskerroksen protokollat ja langattomat verkot soveltuvat parhaiten anturien kerÀÀmĂ€n datan lĂ€hettĂ€miseen fyysiseltĂ€ kaksoselta digitaaliselle kaksoselle. Sen lisĂ€ksi työssĂ€ esitellÀÀn alusta, joka mahdollistaa tĂ€mĂ€n tiedonsiirron. Digitaalisen kaksosesta esitetÀÀn laaja kirjallisuuskatsaus, joka luo pohjan työn myöhemmille osioille. Digitaalisen kaksosen konsepti pohjautuu 2000-luvun alussa esiteltyihin ajatuksiin â€Ă€lykkĂ€istĂ€ tuotteista”. YleisimmĂ€n kĂ€ytössĂ€ olevan mÀÀritelmĂ€n mukaan digitaalinen kaksonen heijastaa sen fyysisen vastinparin tĂ€mĂ€n hetkistĂ€ tilaa. MÀÀritelmĂ€ kuitenkin vaihtelee eri alojen vĂ€lillĂ€ eikĂ€ se ole vielĂ€ vakiintunut tieteellisessĂ€ kirjallisuudessa. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen avulla johdetaan digitaalisen kaksosen kommunikaatiotarpeet. Sen jĂ€lkeen arvioidaan seuraavien sovelluskerroksen protokollien soveltuvuutta anturidatan lĂ€hettĂ€miseen kirjallisuuskatsauksen avulla: HTTP, MQTT, CoAP, XMPP, AMQP, DDS ja OPC UA. Myös seuraavien langattomien verkkojen soveltuvuutta tiedonsiirtoon tutkitaan: 4G, 5G, NB-IoT, LoRaWAN, Sigfox, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Z-Wave, ZigBee ja WirelessHART. Osana työtĂ€ kehitettiin myös ohjelmistoalusta, joka mahdollistaa anturien hallinnan etĂ€nĂ€ Internetin vĂ€lityksellĂ€. Alusta on pieni askel kohti digitaalisen kaksosen kĂ€ytĂ€n-nön toteutusta, sillĂ€ se mahdollistaa tiedon kerÀÀmisen fyysisestĂ€ vastinkappaleesta. Sen avulla sensorien lisÀÀminen fyysiseen kaksoseen on helppoa, ja se tukee sekĂ€ useita sensorityyppejĂ€ ettĂ€ sovelluskerroksen protokollia. Alusta tukee REST API –rajapintaa ja sisĂ€ltÀÀ web-kĂ€yttöliittymĂ€n

    Internet of Things Applications - From Research and Innovation to Market Deployment

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    The book aims to provide a broad overview of various topics of Internet of Things from the research, innovation and development priorities to enabling technologies, nanoelectronics, cyber physical systems, architecture, interoperability and industrial applications. It is intended to be a standalone book in a series that covers the Internet of Things activities of the IERC – Internet of Things European Research Cluster from technology to international cooperation and the global "state of play".The book builds on the ideas put forward by the European research Cluster on the Internet of Things Strategic Research Agenda and presents global views and state of the art results on the challenges facing the research, development and deployment of IoT at the global level. Internet of Things is creating a revolutionary new paradigm, with opportunities in every industry from Health Care, Pharmaceuticals, Food and Beverage, Agriculture, Computer, Electronics Telecommunications, Automotive, Aeronautics, Transportation Energy and Retail to apply the massive potential of the IoT to achieving real-world solutions. The beneficiaries will include as well semiconductor companies, device and product companies, infrastructure software companies, application software companies, consulting companies, telecommunication and cloud service providers. IoT will create new revenues annually for these stakeholders, and potentially create substantial market share shakeups due to increased technology competition. The IoT will fuel technology innovation by creating the means for machines to communicate many different types of information with one another while contributing in the increased value of information created by the number of interconnections among things and the transformation of the processed information into knowledge shared into the Internet of Everything. The success of IoT depends strongly on enabling technology development, market acceptance and standardization, which provides interoperability, compatibility, reliability, and effective operations on a global scale. The connected devices are part of ecosystems connecting people, processes, data, and things which are communicating in the cloud using the increased storage and computing power and pushing for standardization of communication and metadata. In this context security, privacy, safety, trust have to be address by the product manufacturers through the life cycle of their products from design to the support processes. The IoT developments address the whole IoT spectrum - from devices at the edge to cloud and datacentres on the backend and everything in between, through ecosystems are created by industry, research and application stakeholders that enable real-world use cases to accelerate the Internet of Things and establish open interoperability standards and common architectures for IoT solutions. Enabling technologies such as nanoelectronics, sensors/actuators, cyber-physical systems, intelligent device management, smart gateways, telematics, smart network infrastructure, cloud computing and software technologies will create new products, new services, new interfaces by creating smart environments and smart spaces with applications ranging from Smart Cities, smart transport, buildings, energy, grid, to smart health and life. Technical topics discussed in the book include: ‱ Introduction‱ Internet of Things Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda‱ Internet of Things in the industrial context: Time for deployment.‱ Integration of heterogeneous smart objects, applications and services‱ Evolution from device to semantic and business interoperability‱ Software define and virtualization of network resources‱ Innovation through interoperability and standardisation when everything is connected anytime at anyplace‱ Dynamic context-aware scalable and trust-based IoT Security, Privacy framework‱ Federated Cloud service management and the Internet of Things‱ Internet of Things Application

    An Extended Ambient Intelligence Implementation for Enhanced Human-Space Interaction

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