3,025 research outputs found

    A comparative study of methods for surface area and three-dimensional shape measurement of coral skeletons

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    The three-dimensional morphology and surface area of organisms such as reef-building corals is central to their biology. Consequently, being able to detect and measure this aspect of corals is critical to understanding their interactions with the surrounding environment. This study explores six different methods of three-dimensional shape and surface area measurements using the range of morphology associated with the Scleractinian corals: Goniopora tenuidens, Acropora intermedia, and Porites cylindrica. Wax dipping; foil wrapping; multi-station convergent photogrammetry that used the naturally occurring optical texture for conjugate point matching; stereo photogrammetry that used projected light to provide optical texture; a handheld laser scanner that employed two cameras and a structured light source; and X-ray computer tomography (CT) scanning were applied to each coral skeleton to determine the spatial resolution of surface detection as well as the accuracy of surface area estimate of each method. Compared with X-ray CT wax dipping provided the best estimate of the surface area of coral skeletons that had external corallites, regardless of morphological complexity. Foil wrapping consistently showed a large degree of error on all coral morphologies. The photogrammetry and laser-scanning solutions were effective only on corals with simple morphologies. The two techniques that used projected lighting were both subject to skeletal light scattering, caused by both gross morphology and meso-coral architecture and which degraded signal triangulation, but otherwise provided solutions with good spatial resolution. X-ray CT scanning provided the highest resolution surface area estimates, detecting surface features smaller than 1000 mu m(2)

    Imaging through obscurants using time-correlated single-photon counting in the short-wave infrared

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    Single-photon time-of-flight (ToF) light detection and ranging (LiDAR) systems have emerged in recent years as a candidate technology for high-resolution depth imaging in challenging environments, such as long-range imaging and imaging in scattering media. This Thesis investigates the potential of two ToF single-photon depth imaging systems based on the time-correlated single-photon (TCSPC) technique for imaging targets in highly scattering environments. The high sensitivity and picosecond timing resolution afforded by the TCSPC technique offers high-resolution depth profiling of remote targets while maintaining low optical power levels. Both systems comprised a pulsed picosecond laser source with an operating wavelength of 1550 nm, and employed InGaAs/InP SPAD detectors. The main benefits of operating in the shortwave infrared (SWIR) band include improved atmospheric transmission, reduced solar background, as well as increased laser eye-safety thresholds over visible band sensors. Firstly, a monostatic scanning transceiver unit was used in conjunction with a single-element Peltier-cooled InGaAs/InP SPAD detector to attain sub-centimetre resolution three-dimensional images of long-range targets obscured by camouflage netting or in high levels of scattering media. Secondly, a bistatic system, which employed a 32 × 32 pixel format InGaAs/InP SPAD array was used to obtain rapid depth profiles of targets which were flood-illuminated by a higher power pulsed laser source. The performance of this system was assessed in indoor and outdoor scenarios in the presence of obscurants and high ambient background levels. Bespoke image processing algorithms were developed to reconstruct both the depth and intensity images for data with very low signal returns and short data acquisition times, illustrating the practicality of TCSPC-based LiDAR systems for real-time image acquisition in the SWIR wavelength region - even in the photon-starved regime.The Defence Science and Technology Laboratory ( Dstl) National PhD Schem

    Single-photon detection techniques for underwater imaging

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    This Thesis investigates the potential of a single-photon depth profiling system for imaging in highly scattering underwater environments. This scanning system measured depth using the time-of-flight and the time-correlated single-photon counting (TCSPC) technique. The system comprised a pulsed laser source, a monostatic scanning transceiver, with a silicon single-photon avalanche diode (SPAD) used for detection of the returned optical signal. Spectral transmittance measurements were performed on a number of different water samples in order to characterize the water types used in the experiments. This identified an optimum operational wavelength for each environment selected, which was in the wavelength region of 525 - 690 nm. Then, depth profiles measurements were performed in different scattering conditions, demonstrating high-resolution image re-construction for targets placed at stand-off distances up to nine attenuation lengths, using average optical power in the sub-milliwatt range. Depth and spatial resolution were investigated in several environments, demonstrating a depth resolution in the range of 500 μm to a few millimetres depending on the attenuation level of the medium. The angular resolution of the system was approximately 60 μrad in water with different levels of attenuation, illustrating that the narrow field of view helped preserve spatial resolution in the presence of high levels of forward scattering. Bespoke algorithms were developed for image reconstruction in order to recover depth, intensity and reflectivity information, and to investigate shorter acquisition times, illustrating the practicality of the approach for rapid frame rates. In addition, advanced signal processing approaches were used to investigate the potential of multispectral single-photon depth imaging in target discrimination and recognition, in free-space and underwater environments. Finally, a LiDAR model was developed and validated using experimental data. The model was used to estimate the performance of the system under a variety of scattering conditions and system parameters


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    Multiview reconstruction, a method for creating 3D models from multiple images from different views, has been a popular topic of research in the eld of computer vision in the last two decades. Increased availability of high-quality cameras led to the development of advanced techniques and algorithms. However, little attention has been paid to multiview reconstruction in underwater conditions. Researchers in a wide variety of elds (e.g. marine biology, archaeology, and geology) could benefit from having 3D models of seafloor and underwater objects. Cameras, designed to operate in air, must be put in protective housings to work underwater. This affects the image formation process. The largest source of underwater image distortion results from refraction of light, which occurs when light rays travel through boundaries between media with different refractive indices. This study addresses methods for accounting for light refraction when using a static rig with multiple cameras. We define a set of procedures to achieve optimal underwater reconstruction results, and we analyze the expected quality of the 3D models\u27 measurements

    A New Sensor System for Accurate 3D Surface Measurements and Modeling of Underwater Objects

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    Featured Application A potential application of the work is the underwater 3D inspection of industrial structures, such as oil and gas pipelines, offshore wind turbine foundations, or anchor chains. Abstract A new underwater 3D scanning device based on structured illumination and designed for continuous capture of object data in motion for deep sea inspection applications is introduced. The sensor permanently captures 3D data of the inspected surface and generates a 3D surface model in real time. Sensor velocities up to 0.7 m/s are directly compensated while capturing camera images for the 3D reconstruction pipeline. The accuracy results of static measurements of special specimens in a water basin with clear water show the high accuracy potential of the scanner in the sub-millimeter range. Measurement examples with a moving sensor show the significance of the proposed motion compensation and the ability to generate a 3D model by merging individual scans. Future application tests in offshore environments will show the practical potential of the sensor for the desired inspection tasks

    Advances in Sonar Technology

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    The demand to explore the largest and also one of the richest parts of our planet, the advances in signal processing promoted by an exponential growth in computation power and a thorough study of sound propagation in the underwater realm, have lead to remarkable advances in sonar technology in the last years.The work on hand is a sum of knowledge of several authors who contributed in various aspects of sonar technology. This book intends to give a broad overview of the advances in sonar technology of the last years that resulted from the research effort of the authors in both sonar systems and their applications. It is intended for scientist and engineers from a variety of backgrounds and even those that never had contact with sonar technology before will find an easy introduction with the topics and principles exposed here

    Computational Imaging for Shape Understanding

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    Geometry is the essential property of real-world scenes. Understanding the shape of the object is critical to many computer vision applications. In this dissertation, we explore using computational imaging approaches to recover the geometry of real-world scenes. Computational imaging is an emerging technique that uses the co-designs of image hardware and computational software to expand the capacity of traditional cameras. To tackle face recognition in the uncontrolled environment, we study 2D color image and 3D shape to deal with body movement and self-occlusion. Especially, we use multiple RGB-D cameras to fuse the varying pose and register the front face in a unified coordinate system. The deep color feature and geodesic distance feature have been used to complete face recognition. To handle the underwater image application, we study the angular-spatial encoding and polarization state encoding of light rays using computational imaging devices. Specifically, we use the light field camera to tackle the challenging problem of underwater 3D reconstruction. We leverage the angular sampling of the light field for robust depth estimation. We also develop a fast ray marching algorithm to improve the efficiency of the algorithm. To deal with arbitrary reflectance, we investigate polarimetric imaging and develop polarimetric Helmholtz stereopsis that uses reciprocal polarimetric image pairs for high-fidelity 3D surface reconstruction. We formulate new reciprocity and diffuse/specular polarimetric constraints to recover surface depths and normals using an optimization framework. To recover the 3D shape in the unknown and uncontrolled natural illumination, we use two circularly polarized spotlights to boost the polarization cues corrupted by the environment lighting, as well as to provide photometric cues. To mitigate the effect of uncontrolled environment light in photometric constraints, we estimate a lighting proxy map and iteratively refine the normal and lighting estimation. Through expensive experiments on the simulated and real images, we demonstrate that our proposed computational imaging methods outperform traditional imaging approaches


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    The surveying and 3D modelling of objects that extend both below and above the water level, such as ships, harbour structures, offshore platforms, are still an open issue. Commonly, a combined and simultaneous survey is the adopted solution, with acoustic/optical sensors respectively in underwater and in air (most common) or optical/optical sensors both below and above the water level. In both cases, the system must be calibrated and a ship is to be used and properly equipped with also a navigation system for the alignment of sequential 3D point clouds. Such a system is usually highly expensive and has been proved to work with still structures. On the other hand for free floating objects it does not provide a very practical solution. In this contribution, a flexible, low-cost alternative for surveying floating objects is presented. The method is essentially based on photogrammetry, employed for surveying and modelling both the emerged and submerged parts of the object. Special targets, named Orientation Devices, are specifically designed and adopted for the successive alignment of the two photogrammetric models (underwater and in air). A typical scenario where the proposed procedure can be particularly suitable and effective is the case of a ship after an accident whose damaged part is underwater and necessitate to be measured (Figure 1). The details of the mathematical procedure are provided in the paper, together with a critical explanation of the results obtained from the adoption of the method for the survey of a small pleasure boat in floating condition