19 research outputs found

    Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Siswa pada Topik Suhu dan Kalor melalui Pembelajaran Cognitive Apprenticeship

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    Problem solving ability is one of the necessary abilities of students in studying physics. Therefore, these capabilities need to be taught to students in a variety of topics. This study aims to explore the students' problem solving ability on heat and temperature through cognitive apprenticeship learning. Subjects in this study were 19 students of class C2 XMIPA SMAN 9 Malang academic year 2015/2016. The research method used was embedded mixed-method experimental models. The results showed: (1) The students' problem solving ability has increased significantly with the average N-Gain score of 0.53 (medium category), and the value of the effect size was -2.57 (very strong category); (2) The students' problem solving ability in general have a positive change in phase useful description, physics approach, mathematical procedures, and logical progression.Kemampuan pemecahan masalah merupakan salah satu kemampuan yang diperlukan siswa dalam mempelajari fisika. Oleh karena itu, kemampuan tersebut perlu diajarkan kepada siswa dalam berbagai topik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi kemampuan pemecahan masalah siswa pada topik suhu dan kalor melalui pembelajaran cognitive Apprenticeship. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah 19 siswa kelas XMIPA C2 SMAN 9 Malang tahun akademik 2015/2016. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah mixed method embedded experimental design. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan (1) kemampuan pemecahan masalah siswa mengalami peningkatan signifikan dengan N-Gain skor rata-rata sebesar 0,53 (kategori sedang), dan nilai effect size sebesar -2.57 (kategori sangat kuat); (2) Kemampuan pemecahan masalah siswa mengalami Perubahan positif pada tahap useful description, physics approach, mathematical procedure, maupun logical progression


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    Video conferencing has been present on software markets for decades. Yet, due to various technical and pedagogical restrictions, it has been relatively rarely used in online education. Following the advent of reliable and high-bandwidth internet protocol connectivity, as well as development of new videoconferencing system, potentials of synchronous computer supported collaborative learning through video conferencing have increased [1] [2]. In ancient Greece, those who werenā€™t interested to participate in public affairs were called ā€œidiotā€, so it may be said that there are a lot of idiots in a world today and the only one who can change things are educational institutions. By supporting synchronous collaborative learning, contemporary education has better chance to develop public citizen and not private individual or ā€œidiotā€. To facilitate such synchronous communication between students and teachers, not as a tool for teacher domination but as a tool for authentic education [3], this study looks into recent applications of the BigBlueButton (BBB) videoconferencing system integrated in open-source virtual learning environment, Moodle. In the capacity of learning technologist, author of this paper has been involved in various aspects of this application from software development, through support to teachers and students, to pedagogy. The paper analyse the main motivators for the implementing synchronous computer supported collaborative learning at the University of Applied Sciences. It briefly introduces the main technical issues in the application of Moodle/BigBlueButton, and explores its pedagogical applications in providing a suitable online environment for democratic education and encouragement of students to become ā€œcritical agents who actively question and negotiate the relationships between theory and practice, critical analysis and common sense and learning and social changeā€ [4].Videokonferencijski sustavi već su desetljećima prisutni na tržiÅ”tu. Međutim, zbog različitih tehničkih i pedagoÅ”kih ograničenja, relativno su se rijetko koristili u online obrazovanju. Pojavom pouzdanog i Å”irokopojasnog pristupa internetu, kao i razvojem novih videokonferencijskih sustava, potencijali sinkronog računalno potpomognutog kolaborativnog učenja (eng. Computer Supported Collaboratice Learning - CSCL) su značajno porasli [1] [2]. U staroj Grčkoj, one koji su imali pravo, a nisu bili zainteresirani za sudjelovanje u javnim poslovima, nazivali su ā€œidiotimaā€, tako da se može reći da danas na svijetu ima puno ā€œidiotaā€, a obrazovne institucije su jedine koje mogu promjeniti stvari. Podržavajući sinkrono kolaborativno učenje, suvremeno obrazovanje ima veće Å”anse da razvije javne građane, a ne privatne osobe ili ā€œidioteā€. Da bi se olakÅ”ala takva vrsta komunikacije između učenika i nastavnika, ne kao sredstvo za dominaciju nastavnika, već kao alat za autentično obrazovanje [3], u radu se gleda na primjenu BigBlueButton (BBB) videokonferencijskog sustava integriranog u open-source virtualno okruženje Moodle. U radu se analiziraju glavni poticatelji za provedbom sinkronog CSCL, te se ukratko uvodi u tehničke probleme u primjeni Moodle/BigBlueButton i istražuje njegove pedagoÅ”ke primjene za pružanje odgovarajućeg mrežnog okruženja za demokratsko obrazovanje i poticanje studenata da promiču dijalog, raspravu i argumente potkrijepljene dokazima, te aktivno pregovaraju odnose između teorije i prakse [4]

    Strategic Competencies of Prospective Teacher Students Based on Cognitive Style and Gender

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    This study aims to describe the strategic competencies of prospective teacher students based on cognitive style and gender in formulating, representing and solving problems. This type of research was descriptive qualitative. The supporting instruments were the GEFT (Group Embedded Figure Test) and the task of mathematical non routine problem contained several mathematical concepts, namely circles, trigonometry, and triangles. The research subjects consisted of 2 males Field Independent (FI) and 2 females Field Independent (FI), 6 females Field Dependent (FD) and 4 males Field Dependent (FD). Data was collected through documentation of solving mathematical problem and interview results. The data validity method used method triangulation and referencial adequacy checks. Research datas were analyzed by reducing data, presenting data and drawing conclusions. The results showed thatĀ  FI females and malesĀ  were more analytical than FD females and males. FI males and FI females both understood problem situations by drawing, but FI males recognized the circle concept more quickly and confidently than FI females. FI females were more analytical in the process of transferring problem situations into pictures than FI males. FI males and FI females both represented problem situations in pictures and symbols but FI females tended to have more logical pictures and symbols than FI males. FD females tended to understand problem situations by drawing more than FD males, therefore FD females were said to be more analytical in transferring problem situations into pictures compared to FD males. The four types of subjects did not arrive at a correct final solution

    Android Based Multimedia Learning for Vocational High Schools

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    This This research is developing multimedia based on Andorid for vocational high school students in Makassar city. The development model used is an interactive multimedia design development model developed by StephenaM. Alessi & Stanley R. Trollip consists of planning, design and development, as well as attributes that are always present in every stage. The data collection techniques used questionnaires, interviews and documentation which were analyzed descriptive qualitative and quantitative statistics. The results showed 1) the use of the internet in learning has not been maximal, including the use of smartphones, while the development of information and communication technology demands the use of information teccnology in learning, 2) Android-based multimedia that has been developed has been validated by content expert and media expert and declared valid and very proper to be used, 3) the trial results in the individual test are in a score with very proper qualifications so that they are declared valid meanwhile the small group trials are in the very valid and practical. Based on the stages that are passed in Android-based multimedia development in physic subject, product development can be continued at the next stage, namely large group testing and implementation


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    Abstract: This research was a qualitative descriptive that aims to describe the critical thinking process of male and female senior high school students with dependent and independent cognitive style in solving contextual mathematics problems using Polya steps. Classification of students cognitive styles used group embedded figures test (GEFT). The subjects of this research were 4 students of XI year of SMA Negeri 1 Kartasura selected by purposive sampling. Validity of the data used time triangulation and the technique of data analysis were done by: (1) classifying the data into four problem solving steps: (a) understand the problem, (b) make a plan, (c) carry out the plan, and (d) look back at the completed solution, (2) presenting the data in narrative text, and (3) concluding the thinking process of students in each problem solving steps. The results show as follows: (1) Male students with a field dependent cognitive style in understanding: students are able to organize and analyze information or aspects of a problem. In making a plan: students are able to identify the material that is needed in formulating steps or solutions. In carrying out the plan: students are able in the rational thinking and be able to make a valid conclusions. In looking back: students are able to think rationally. (2) Male students with field independent cognitive styles in understanding: students are able to organize and analyze information or aspect of a problem, capable of conceptualizing, understanding an attitude and thinking rationally. In making a plan: the students were able to identify the material that is needed in formulating steps or solutions. In carrying out the plan: students are able to think rationally, to make a valid conclusions, reflective thinking and understanding an attitude. In looking back: students are able to think reflectively. (3) Female students with a field dependent cognitive style in understanding: students are able to organize and analyze information or aspect of a problem. In making a plan: students are able to identify the material that is needed in formulating steps or solutions. In carrying out the plan: students are able in the rational thinking and be able to make a valid conclusions. In looking back: students are able to think rationally. (4) Female students with field independent cognitive styles in understanding: students are able to organize and analyze information or aspect of a problem, capable of conceptualizing, understanding an attitude and thinking rationally. In making a plan: the students are able to identify the material that is needed in formulating or solutions. In carrying out the plan: students are able to think rationally, to make a valid conclusions, reflective thinking and understanding an attitude. In looking back: students are able to think reflectively and rationally. Keywords: Critical thinking Process, Problem Solving, Cognitive Style, Gende

    Exploring the Roles of Social Participation in Mobile Social Media Learning: A Social Network Analysis

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    Social media is increasingly becoming an essential platform for social connectivity in our daily lives. The availability of mobile technology has further fueled its importance ā€“ making it a ubiquitous tool for social interaction. However, limited studies have been conducted to investigate roles of social participation in this field. Thus, the study investigates roles of social participation in mobile social media learning using the ā€œladder of participation and mastering.ā€ Participants were students taking an educational technology course in a local university. The study was conducted in a four-month period. Data was collected from discussions while learning among the students a social media platform, Facebook groups, on mobile devices. The data was analyzed using a social network analysis tool, NodeXL. Data was analyzed based on egocentric networks, betweeness centrality, and closeness centrality. The findings revealed that there are four roles of social participation in mobile social media, which are: (i) lurkers; (ii) gradually mastering members/passive members; (iii) recognized members; and (iv) coaches. The findings also indicated that over the course of four months, learners can inter-change roles of social participation ā€“ becoming more central or less central in learning discussions. As a result, a roles of social participation continuum for mobile social media learning is proposed. Future research could be conducted in other fields to investigate whether the continuum produced could be used to understand the relationship between mobile social media learning and social participation roles

    Accommodating Students Different Learning Styles with the Use of Technology

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    The understanding of different learning styles is crucial for student academic success. The area of concentration pertaining to this topic includes the cognitive development during the adolescent age group selected. To create a good academic foundation, the teacher must exhibit different forms of learning styles to the students to create awareness and a good academic foundation. With the mass inclusion of technology in our society and education system, this research will attempt to understand the positive and negative effects of technology on effecting the studentsā€™ ability to use their effective learning style. Through the use of literature reviews and interviews with three teachers, this senior capstone examines the availability and access to technology and the effects of incorporating technology in the classroom to accommodate the studentsā€™ different learning styles

    Cognitive apprenticeship in vocational students mathematical decision making skills

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    Exploring the decision-making abilities of undergraduate students, including students from vocational education backgrounds, is the main priority in the achievement of mathematics learning in general and in Calculus courses particularly. Decision-making processes require cognitive guidance through activities describing in detail the systematic steps of each process. It is implicitly said as part of a cognitive apprenticeship procedure. There are claims that students with a vocational education background can develop their academic and practical potential more through a cognitive apprenticeship model. In addition, using video as visual media learning allows students to sharpen their skills. Therefore, the study aims to explore the distinction in achievement and improvement of mathematical decision-making skills between undergraduate students who learn with a Video-assisted Cognitive Apprenticeship approach (CAV), and they are who receive Cognitive Apprenticeship learning (CA) with conventional learning. A quantitative study with the Static-Group Pretest-Posttest Design was employed as a methodology in the research. Based on the research stage, there are differences in achievement and improvement of student decision-making skills with a review of the type of vocational school between undergraduate students

    The Effectiveness of an Accelerated Cohort Program on Grade Point Averages in the Industrial Process Control Technology Program at a Rural Middle Tennessee Community College

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    The purpose of this causal comparative study was to determine the effectiveness of accelerated cohort technical programs on student success, defined by grade point average, for both traditional and adult learners compared to traditional technical programs at the community college level. The study was conducted within the Industrial Process Control Program (IPCT) at a community college satellite campus located in a predominately rural county in middle Tennessee. The sample included 138 students who had successfully completed all remediation requirements and a minimum of one first semester IPCT course between the years of 2011 and 2014. Archival data was collected through cooperation with the community college\u27s Institutional Research Department. The research was conducted utilizing a 2X2 factorial design with testing for significance achieved through the use of a two-way ANOVA with an alpha level of .05. The study found no significant effect or interaction when considering the grade point averages of students regardless of delivery method or age. The study concluded that accelerated cohort programs are a viable alternative to traditional delivery methods. The researcher suggests that further study is needed on multi-site programs and accelerated cohort student motivation