9 research outputs found

    TLA+ Proofs

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    TLA+ is a specification language based on standard set theory and temporal logic that has constructs for hierarchical proofs. We describe how to write TLA+ proofs and check them with TLAPS, the TLA+ Proof System. We use Peterson's mutual exclusion algorithm as a simple example to describe the features of TLAPS and show how it and the Toolbox (an IDE for TLA+) help users to manage large, complex proofs.Comment: A shorter version of this article appeared in the proceedings of the conference Formal Methods 2012 (FM 2012, Paris, France, Springer LNCS 7436, pp. 147-154

    Formal verification of a static analyzer: abstract interpretation in type theory

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    International audienceThis invited talk describes the logical foundations and the status of the ongoing Verasco project, whose aim is to formalize and prove sound a static analyzer for the C programming language based on abstract interpretation, using the Coq proof assistant. (Joint work with David Pichardie, Sandrine Blazy, Jacques-Henri Jourdan, and Vincent Laporte.

    A generalized program verification workflow based on loop elimination and SA form

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    This paper presents a minimal model of the functioning of program verification and property checking tools based on (i) the encoding of loops as non-iterating programs, either conservatively, making use of invariants and assume/assert commands, or in a bounded way; and (ii) the use of an intermediate single-assignment (SA) form. The model captures the basic workflow of tools like Boogie, Why3, or CBMC, building on a clear distinction between operational and axiomatic semantics. This allows us to consider separately the soundness of program annotation, loop encoding, translation into SA form, and VC generation, as well as appropriate notions of completeness for each of these processes. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first formalization of a bounded model checking of software technique, including soundness and completeness proofs using Hoare logic; we also give the first completeness proof of a deductive verification technique based on a conservative encoding of invariant-annotated loops with assume/assert in SA form, as well as the first soundness proof based on a program logic.This work is partially financed by the ERDF – European RegionalDevelopment Fund through the Operational Programme for Com-petitiveness and Internationalisation - COMPETE 2020 Programmewithin project ‘POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006961’, and by NationalFunds through the Portuguese funding agency, FCT - Fundação para aCiência e a Tecnologia as part of project ‘UID/EEA/50014/2013’. The first author is also sponsored by FCT grant SFRH/BD/52236/2013

    Logic against Ghosts: Comparison of Two Proof Approaches for a List Module

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    International audienceModern verification projects continue to offer new challenges for formal verification. One of them is the linked list module of Contiki, a popular open-source operating system for the Internet of Things. It has a rich API and uses a particular list representation that make it different from the classical linked list implementations. Being widely used in the OS, the list module is critical for reliability and security. A recent work verified the list module using ghost arrays. This article reports on a new verification effort for this module. Realized in the Frama-C/Wp tool, the new approach relies on logic lists. A logic list provides a convenient high-level view of the linked list. The specifications of all functions are now proved faster and almost all automatically, only a small number of auxiliary lemmas and a couple of assertions being proved interactively in Coq. The proposed specifications are validated by proving a few client functions manipulating lists. During the verification, a more efficient implementation for one function was found and verified. We compare the new approach with the previous effort based on ghost arrays, and discuss the benefits and drawbacks of both techniques

    Scaling Up Automated Verification: A Case Study and a Formalization IDE for Building High Integrity Software

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    Component-based software verification is a difficult challenge because developers must specify components formally and annotate implementations with suitable assertions that are amenable to automation. This research investigates the intrinsic complexity in this challenge using a component-based case study. Simultaneously, this work also seeks to minimize the extrinsic complexities of this challenge through the development and usage of a formalization integrated development environment (F-IDE) built for specifying, developing, and using verified reusable software components. The first contribution is an F-IDE built to support formal specification and automated verification of object-based software for the integrated specification and programming language RESOLVE. The F-IDE is novel, as it integrates a verifying compiler with a user-friendly interface that provides a number of amenities including responsive editing for model-based mathematical contracts and code, assistance for design by contract, verification, responsive error handling, and generation of property-preserving Java code that can be run within the F-IDE. The second contribution is a case study built using the F-IDE that involves an interplay of multiple artifacts encompassing mathematical units, component interfaces, and realizations. The object-based interfaces involved are specified in terms of new mathematical models and non-trivial theories designed to encapsulate data structures and algorithms. The components are designed to be amenable to modular verification and analysis

    A certified multi-prover verification condition generator

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    Deduction-based software verification tools have reached a maturity allowing them to be used in industrial context where a very high level of assurance is required. This raises the question of the level of confidence we can grant to the tools themselves. We present a certified implementation of a verification condition generator. An originality is its genericity with respect to the logical context, which allows us to produce proof obligations for a large class of theorem provers. This implementation is conducted within the Coq proof assistant, and is crafted so that it can be extracted into a standalone executable, independent of Coq, which is another originality

    Contribution à la vérification de programmes C par combinaison de tests et de preuves

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    Software verification often relies on a formal specification encoding the program properties to check. Formally specifying and deductively verifying programs is difficult and time consuming and requires some knowledge about theorem provers. Indeed, a proof failure for a program can be due to a non-compliance between the code and its specification, a loop or callee contrat being insufficient to prove another property, or a prover incapacity. It is often difficult for the user to decide which one of these three reasons causes a given proof failure. Indeed, this feedback is not (or rarely) provided by the theorem prover thus requires a thorough review of the code and the specification.This thesis develops a method to automatically diagnose proof failures and facilitate the specification and verification task. This work takes place within the analysis framework for C programs FRAMA-C, that provides the specification language ACSL, the deductive verification plugin WP, and the structural test generator PATHCRAWLER. The proposed method consists in diagnosing proof failures using structural test generation on an instrumented version of the program under verification.La vérification de logiciels repose le plus souvent sur une spécification formelle encodant les propriétés du programme à vérifier. La tâche de spécification et de vérification déductive des programmes est longue et difficile et nécessite une connaissance des outils de preuve de programmes. En effet, un échec de preuve de programme peut être dû à une non-conformité du code par rapport à sa spécification, à un contrat de boucle ou de fonction appelée trop faible pour prouver une autre propriété, ou à une incapacité du prouveur. Il est souvent difficile pour l’utilisateurde décider laquelle de ces trois raisons est la cause de l’échec de la preuve car cette information n’est pas (ou rarement) donnée par le prouveur et requiert donc une revue approfondie du code et de la spécification.L’objectif de cette thèse est de fournir une méthode de diagnostic automatique des échecs de preuve afin d’améliorer le processus de spécification et de preuve des programmes C. Nous nous plaçons dans le cadre de la plate-forme d’analyse des programmes C FRAMA-C, qui fournit un langage de spécification unique ACSL, un greffon de vérification déductive WP et un générateur de tests structurels PATHCRAWLER. La méthode que nous proposons consiste à diagnostiquer les échecs de preuve en utilisant la génération de tests structurels sur une version instrumentée du programme d’origine

    Preuves par raffinement de programmes avec pointeurs

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    Le but de cette thèse est de spécifier et prouver des programmes avec pointeurs, tels que des programmes C, en utilisant des techniques de raffinement. L approche proposée permet de faire un compromis entre les techniques complexes qui existent dans la littérature et ce qui est utilisable dans l industrie, en conciliant légèreté des annotations et restrictions sur les alias. Nous définissons, dans un premier temps, un langage d étude, qui s inspire du langage C, et dans lequel le seul type de données mutable possible est le type des structures, auquel on accède uniquement à travers des pointeurs. Afin de structurer nos programmes, nous munissons notre langage d une notion de module et des concepts issus de la théorie du raffinement tels que les variables abstraites que nous formalisons par des champs modèle, et les invariants de collage. Ceci nous permet d écrire des programmes structurés en composants. L introduction des invariants de données dans notre langage soulève des problématiques liées au partage de pointeurs. En effet, en cas d alias, on risque de ne plus pouvoir garantir la validité de l invariant de données d une structure. Nous interdisons, alors l aliasing (le partage de référence) dans notre langage. Pour contrôler les accès à la mémoire, nous définissons un système de type, basé sur la notion de régions. Cette contribution s inspire de la théorie du raffinement et a pour but, de rendre les programmes les plus modulaires possible et leurs preuves les plus automatiques possible. Nous définissons, sur ce langage, un mécanisme de génération d obligations de preuve en proposant un calcul de plus faible précondition incorporant du raffinement. Nous prouvons ensuite, la correction de ce mécanisme de génération d obligations de preuve par une méthode originale, fondée sur la notion de sémantique bloquante, qui s apparente à une preuve de type soundness et qui consiste donc, à prouver la préservation puis le progrès de ce calcul. Nous étendons, dans un deuxième temps, notre langage en levant partiellement la restriction liée au partage de références. Nous permettons, notamment, le partage de références lorsqu aucun invariant de données n est associé au type structure référencé. De plus, nous introduisons le type des tableaux, ainsi que les variables globales et l affectation qui ne font pas partie du langage noyau. Pour chacune des extensions citées ci-dessus, nous étendons la définition et la preuve de correction du calcul de plus faible précondition en conséquence. Nous proposons enfin, une implantation de cette approche sous forme d un greffon de Frama-C (http://frama-c.com/). Nous expérimentons notre implantation sur des exemples de modules implantant des structures de données complexes, en particulier des défis issus du challenge VACID0 (http://vacid. codeplex.com/), à savoir les tableaux creux (Sparse Array) et les tas binaires.The purpose of this thesis is to specify and prove programs with pointers, such as C programs, using refinement techniques. The proposed approach allows a compromise between the complexe methods that exist in the literature and what is used in industry, reconciling lightness annotations and restrictions on the alias. We define, firstly, a language study, based on the C language, in which the only type of mutable data allowed is the type of structures, which can be accessed only through pointers. In order to structure our programs, we bring our language with a module notion and concepts issue from a refinement theory such as abstract variables that we formalize by model fields and gluing invariants. This allows us to write programs structured by components. Introducing invariants in our language raises issues related to aliasing. Indeed, in presence of alias, we might not be able to guarantee the validity of the invariant data structure. We forbid then the aliasing in our language. To control memory access, we define a type system based on the concept of regions. This contribution is based on the theory and refinement. It aims to make programs as modular as possible and proofs as automatic as possible. We define on this language, a mechanism for generation of proof obligations by proposing a weakest precondition calculus incorporating refinement. Next we prove the correction of this proof obligations generation mechnaism by an original method based on the concept of blocking semantic, which is similar to a proof of type soundness, and consists therefore, to proove the preservation and the progress of the defined calculus. Secondly, we extend our language by, partially, lifting the restrictions related to aliasing. We allow, in particular, sharing when no invariant is associated to the referenced data structure. In addition, we introduce the type of arrays, global variables, and assignment that are not part of the core language. For each of the extensions mentioned above, we extend the definition and correctness proof of the weakest precondition calculus accordingly. Finally, we propose an implementation of this approach as a Frama-C plugin(http ://frama-c.com/). We experimente our implantation on examples of modules implementing complex data structures, especially the challenges from the challenge VACID0 (http ://vacid. Codeplex.com /), namely sparse srrays and binary heaps.PARIS11-SCD-Bib. électronique (914719901) / SudocSudocFranceF