286,720 research outputs found

    Teacher Strategies in Utilizing the Internet as a Learning Resource to Enhance Civic Literacy among 11th-grade Students at SMAN 1 Mojolaban

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    This research aims to investigate the strategies employed by Civics and Citizenship Education (CCE) teachers in utilizing the internet as a learning resource to enhance civic literacy among students. Civic literacy represents students' ability to comprehend, appreciate, and actively participate in the democratic life of society. In this digital era, the internet has become the primary source of information, making it crucial for CCE teachers to effectively harness its potential. The research methodology used was qualitative research with a case study approach. Data were collected through in-depth interviews with CCE teachers who have successfully integrated the internet into civic literacy instruction. The findings of the research indicate that these teachers employ several key strategies, including: Selection of Quality Sources: CCE teachers carefully choose high-quality online sources that align with the civic literacy curriculum. They also teach students information source evaluation skills to identify fake news or biased information. Interactive Learning: Teachers leverage online platforms to create interactive learning experiences. This includes online discussions, collaborative projects, and the use of game-based platforms to explain citizenship concepts. Digital Literacy: Teachers assist students in developing digital literacy by educating them about online ethics, copyright, privacy, and responsibilities in sharing information. Integration of Current Issues: Teachers make use of news and current issues in civic literacy instruction. They guide students in analyzing current news and events related to citizenship. Collaboration with Parents: Teachers collaborate with parents to monitor students' internet usage at home and help them develop digital and civic literacy. This research provides insights into best practices in utilizing the internet as a learning tool to strengthen students' civic literacy. The results can serve as a guide for CCE teachers and education policymakers in their efforts to enhance citizenship understanding and community participation in this digital era. Keywords: strategies; internet; civic literacy

    Using RuneScape for language acquisition purposes in an upper secondary EFL classroom

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    This MA thesis discusses the effects of using an online game on the English language skills of upper secondary school students using the MMORPG RuneScape. Youngsters spend a great deal of their time on playing online games and, as education is often referred to as a key arena for radical change, educators are encouraged to incorporate the Internet into their lessons in a way that matches the students’ interests while also aiding the learning process. The theoretical part of the thesis gives an overview of previous research done in the field, presenting the results of researchers who have used both online and video games to teach English vocabulary as well as the participants’ opinions on the subject. The empirical part of the thesis is based on the case study conducted among 14 students aged 17-18 at Tartu Jaan Poska Gymnasium in which the students played RuneScape once a week for four weeks and were later interviewed to learn about their views on using commercial games in a conventional classroom environment and whether they thought RuneScape was suitable for language learning. The findings of the case study are analyzed in the context of the material provided in the literature review.http://www.ester.ee/record=b4678175*es

    To Play or Not to Play: Non/Participation in Eve Online

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    This dissertation addresses a gap in the academic study of digital games whereby investigations remain focused on current players and the experiences of former or non-players are rarely accounted for. Using EVE Online (EVE), a massively multiplayer online game (MMOG) known for its difficult learning curve and homogenous community as a case study, I conducted an investigation of who does/does not play this particular game and their stated reasons for playing or not. I argue that while EVE is positioned in the MMOG market as a sandbox style game where in-game activities are only limited by a players imagination, in reality only a very particular type of play (and player) is publically acknowledged by EVEs developer (CCP Games), the gaming enthusiast press, and academics investigations of this game, emphasizing just how little is known about who plays EVE beyond the stereotypical imagined player. Drawing on literature from leisure studies to articulate a framework for exploring barriers/constraints to gameplay and theoretically informed by feminist theories of technology, I conducted an Internet-based survey to capture the thoughts and experiences of current, former, and non-EVE players. A total of 981 participants completed the survey. In my analysis of open-ended responses, I found that current players described the game in a way that emphasized its exceptionality, relied heavily on jargon, and assumed their reader was already familiar with EVE, its player community, and its surrounding norms and conventions. Non-players who were familiar with the game described their perceptions of EVE being an unwelcoming community meant they had opted out of playing without ever downloading the trial. Former players fell into three groupings: ex-players who had permanently quit EVE, a group who want to play but felt forced to take a temporary break due to external constraints (e.g. exams at school or financial limitations), and a third group would consider returning if changes to their personal circumstances and/or the game happened in future. Ultimately this research complicates what it means to play or not play MMOG, opening up avenues for future research about how access and barriers to digital game play inevitably shift over time


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    ABSTRAK Penulis bertujuan mendeskripsikan “Analisis Dampak Game Online Terhadap Konsentrasi Belajar Peserta Didik Di Smk Miftahul Ulum Bandar Lampung”.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian studi kasus. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik pengumpulan wawancara, dokumentasi dan observasi.Data primer diperoleh langsung dari responden mengenaiDampak Game Online Terhadap Konsentrasi Belajar Peserta Didik. Berdasarkan analisis data diketahui siswa yang bermain game online mendapatkan nilai ulangan harian kurang dari nilai setandar KKM kelas XI TKJ. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa diketahui dampak positif yang diperoleh dari terlalu sering memainkan game online seperti merasa senang, bangga dengan hasil yang dicapai dari bermain game online, mengurangi rasa bosan, memperluas pertemanan di game online, mengisi waktu luang. Sedangkan dampak negatif yang diperoleh seperti kesulitan dalam membagi waktu, sering berkata kasar, tidak mampu berkonsentrasi dalam hal lain, tidur sampai larut malam, menghabiskan paket internet, mengganggu waktu saat jampelajaran, kurang aktif dalam belajar. Dari hasil wawancara siswa mengalami dampak game online terhadap konsentrasi belajar dipengaruhi dari waktu yang seharusnya digunakan untuk belajar siswa cenderung menggunakan waktu tersebut untuk bermain game online, dan berpengaruh saat belajar dikelas, tidur hinnga larut malam membuat siswa mengantuk didalam kelas, memikirikan hal-hal yang berhubungan dengan game membuat tidak berkonsentrasi. Kata Kunci: game online, konsentrasi belajar iv ABSTRACT Learning Concentration of Students at Miftahul Ulum Middle School Bandar Lampung ". This research is a qualitative research with a case study type of research. This study uses interviews, documentation and observation collection techniques. Primary data was obtained directly from respondents regarding the Impact of Online Games on Student Learning Concentration. Based on data analysis, it is known that students who play online games get daily test scores less than the KKM standard for class XI TKJ. Based on the results of the study, it is known that there are positive impacts that are obtained from playing online games too often such as feeling happy, proud of the results achieved from playing online games, reducing boredom, expanding friendships in online games, filling free time. Meanwhile, the negative impacts such as difficulties in allocating time, often speaking harshly, not being able to concentrate on other things, sleeping late, spending internet packages, disturbing time during class hours, being less active in studying. From the results of interviews, students experienced the impact of online games on learning concentration. It was influenced by the time that should be used for learning. Students tended to use that time to play online games, and when studying in class, sleeping late at night made students sleepy in class, thinking about things that associated with the game makes it not concentrate. Keywords: online games, study concentratio

    Evolutionary Solutions and Internet Applications for Algorithmic Game Theory

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    The growing pervasiveness of the internet has created a new class of algorithmic problems: those in which the strategic interaction of autonomous, self-interested entities must be accounted for. So motivated, we seek to (1) use game theoretic models and techniques to study practical problems in load balancing, data streams and internet traffic congestion, and (2) demonstrate the usefulness of evolutionary game theory's adaptive learning model as an analytical and evaluative tool.First we consider the evolutionary game theory concept of stochastic stability, and propose the price of stochastic anarchy as an alternative to the price of anarchy for quantifying the cost of having no central authority. Unlike Nash equilibria, stochastically stable states are the result of natural dynamics of large populations of computationally bounded agents, and are resilient to small perturbations from ideal play. To illustrate the utility of stochastic stability, we study the load balancing game on related machines, which has an unbounded price of anarchy, even in the case of two jobs and two machines. We show that in contrast, even in the general case, the price of stochastic anarchy is bounded.Next, we propose auction-based mechanisms for admission control of continuous queries to a Data Stream Management System. When submitting a query, each user also submits a bid: how much she is willing to pay for her query to run. Our mechanisms must admit queries and set payments in a way that maximizes system revenue while incentivizing customers to use the system honestly. We propose several manipulation-resistant payment mechanisms and prove that one guarantees a profit close to a standard profit benchmark, and the others perform well experimentally.Finally, we study the long standing problem of congestion control at bottleneck routers on the internet. We examine the effectiveness of commonly-used queuing policies when each network endpoint is self-interested and has no information about the other endpoints' actions or preferences. By employing evolutionary game theory, we find that while bottleneck routers face heavy congestion at stochastically stable states under policies being currently deployed, a practical policy that was recently proposed yields fair and efficient conditions with no congestion

    Living and Learning With New Media: Summary of Findings From the Digital Youth Project

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    Summarizes findings from a three-year study of how new media have been integrated into youth behaviors and have changed the dynamics of media literacy, learning, and authoritative knowledge. Outlines implications for educators, parents, and policy makers