14,950 research outputs found

    Impacts of Mixed-Wettability on Brine Drainage and Supercritical CO2 Storage Efficiency in a 2.5-D Heterogeneous Micromodel

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    Geological carbon storage (GCS) involves unstable drainage processes, the formation of patterns in a morphologically unstable interface between two fluids in a porous medium during drainage. The unstable drainage processes affect CO2 storage efficiency and plume distribution and can be greatly complicated by the mixed-wet nature of rock surfaces common in hydrocarbon reservoirs where supercritical CO2 (scCO2) is used in enhanced oil recovery. We performed scCO2 injection (brine drainage) experiments at 8.5 MPa and 45°C in heterogeneous micromodels, two mixed-wet with varying water- and intermediate-wet patches, and one water-wet. The flow regime changes from capillary fingering through crossover to viscous fingering in the micromodels of the same pore geometry but different wetting surfaces at displacement rates with logCa (capillary number) increasing from −8.1 to −4.4. While the mixed-wet micromodel with uniformly distributed intermediate-wet patches yields ~0.15 scCO2 saturation increase at both capillary fingering and crossover flow regimes (−8.1 ≤ logCa ≤ − 6.1), the one heterogeneous wetting to scCO2 results in ~0.09 saturation increase only at the crossover flow regime (−7.1 ≤ logCa ≤ − 6.1). The interconnected flow paths in the former are quantified and compared to the channelized scCO2 flow through intermediate-wet patches in the latter by topological analysis. At logCa > − 6.1 (near well), the effects of wettability and pore geometry are suppressed by strong viscous force. Both scCO2 saturation and distribution suggest the importance of wettability on CO2 storage efficiency and plume shape in reservoirs and capillary leakage through caprock at GCS conditions

    Impact of pressure dissipation on fluid injection into layered aquifers

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    Carbon dioxide (CO2) capture and subsurface storage is one method for reducing anthropogenic CO2 emissions to mitigate climate change. It is well known that large-scale fluid injection into the subsurface leads to a buildup in pressure that gradually spreads and dissipates through lateral and vertical migration of water. This dissipation can have an important feedback on the shape of the CO2 plume during injection, and the impact of vertical pressure dissipation, in particular, remains poorly understood. Here, we investigate the impact of lateral and vertical pressure dissipation on the injection of CO2 into a layered aquifer system. We develop a compressible, two-phase model that couples pressure dissipation to the propagation of a CO2 gravity current. We show that our vertically integrated, sharp-interface model is capable of efficiently and accurately capturing water migration in a layered aquifer system with an arbitrary number of aquifers. We identify two limiting cases --- `no leakage' and `strong leakage' --- in which we derive analytical expressions for the water pressure field for the corresponding single-phase injection problem. We demonstrate that pressure dissipation acts to suppress the formation of an advancing CO2 tongue during injection, resulting in a plume with a reduced lateral extent. The properties of the seals and the number of aquifers determine the strength of pressure dissipation and subsequent coupling with the CO2 plume. The impact of pressure dissipation on the shape of the CO2 plume is likely to be important for storage efficiency and security

    Design of Gas - Surfactant Injection for Carbon Dioxide Storage in a North Sea Aquifer using Streamline-Based Simulation

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    From invasion percolation to flow in rock fracture networks

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    The main purpose of this work is to simulate two-phase flow in the form of immiscible displacement through anisotropic, three-dimensional (3D) discrete fracture networks (DFN). The considered DFNs are artificially generated, based on a general distribution function or are conditioned on measured data from deep geological investigations. We introduce several modifications to the invasion percolation (MIP) to incorporate fracture inclinations, intersection lines, as well as the hydraulic path length inside the fractures. Additionally a trapping algorithm is implemented that forbids any advance of the invading fluid into a region, where the defending fluid is completely encircled by the invader and has no escape route. We study invasion, saturation, and flow through artificial fracture networks, with varying anisotropy and size and finally compare our findings to well studied, conditioned fracture networks.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figure

    Transport of polymer particles in a oil-water flow in porous media: enhancing oil recovery

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    We study a heuristic, core-scale model for the transport of polymer particles in a two phase (oil and water) porous medium. We are motivated by recent experimental observations which report increased oil recovery when polymers are injected after the initial waterflood. The recovery mechanism is believed to be microscopic diversion of the flow, where injected particles can accumulate in narrow pore throats and clog it, in a process known as a log-jamming effect. The blockage of the narrow pore channels lead to a microscopic diversion of the water flow, causing a redistribution of the local pressure, which again can lead to the mobilization of trapped oil, enhancing its recovery. Our objective herein is to develop a core-scale model that is consistent with the observed production profiles. We show that previously obtained experimental results can be qualitatively explained by a simple two-phase flow model with an additional transport equation for the polymer particles. A key aspect of the formulation is that the microscopic heterogeneity of the rock and a dynamic altering of the permeability must be taken into account in the rate equations.Comment: 20 pages, 9 Figures Submitted to Transport in Porous Medi

    Gas transfer through clay barriers

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    Gas transport through clay-rocks can occur by different processes that can be basically subdivided into pressure-driven flow of a bulk gas phase and transport of dissolved gas either by molecular diffusion or advective water flow (Figure 1, Marschall et al., 2005). The relative importance of these transport mechanisms depends on the boundary conditions and the scale of the system. Pressure-driven volume flow (“Darcy flow”) of gas is the most efficient transport mechanism. It requires, however, pressure gradients that are sufficiently large to overcome capillary forces in the typically water-saturated rocks (purely gas-saturated argillaceous rocks are not considered in the present context). These pressure gradients may form as a consequence of the gravity field (buoyancy, compaction) or by gas generation processes (thermogenic, microbial, radiolytic). Dissolved gas may be transported by water flow along a hydraulic gradient. This process is not affected by capillary forces but constrained by the solubility of the gas. It has much lower transport efficiency than bulk gas phase flow. Molecular diffusion of dissolved gas, finally, is occurring essentially without constraints, ubiquitously and perpetually. Effective diffusion distances are, however, proportional to the square root of time, which limits the relevance of this transport process to the range of tens to hundreds of metres on a geological time scale (millions of years). 2 Process understanding and the quantification of the controlling parameters, like diffusion coefficients, capillary gas breakthrough pressures and effective gas permeability coefficients, is of great importance for up-scaling purposes in different research disciplines and applications. During the past decades, gas migration through fully water-saturated geological clay-rich barriers has been investigated extensively (Thomas et al., 1968, Pusch and Forsberg, 1983; Horseman et al., 1999; Galle, 2000; Hildenbrand et al., 2002; Marschall et al., 2005; Davy et al., 2009; Harrington et al., 2009, 2012a, 2014). All of these studies aimed at the analysis of experimental data determined for different materials (rocks of different lithotype, composition, compaction state) and pressure/temperature conditions. The clay-rocks investigated in these studies, ranged from unconsolidated to indurated clays and shales, all characterised by small pores (2-100 nm) and very low hydraulic conductivity (K < 10-12 m·s-1) or permeability coefficients (k < 10-19 m²). Studies concerning radioactive waste disposal include investigations of both the natural host rock formation and synthetic/engineered backfill material at a depth of a few hundred meters (IAEA, 2003, 2009). Within a geological disposal facility, hydrogen is generated by anaerobic corrosion of metals and through radiolysis of water (Rodwell et al., 1999; Yu and Weetjens, 2009). Additionally, methane and carbon dioxide are generated by microbial degradation of organic wastes (Rodwell et al., 1999; Ortiz et al., 2002; Johnson, 2006; Yu and Weetjens, 2009). The focus of carbon capture and storage (CCS) studies is on the analysis of the long-term sealing efficiency of lithologies above depleted reservoirs or saline aquifers, typically at larger depths (hundreds to thousands of meters). During the last decade, several studies were published on the sealing integrity of clay-rocks to carbon dioxide (Hildenbrand et al., 2004; Li et al., 2005; Hangx et al., 2009; Harrington et al., 2009; Skurtveit et al., 2012; Amann-Hildenbrand et al., 2013). In the context of petroleum system analysis, a significant volume of research has been undertaken regarding gas/oil expulsion mechanisms from sources rocks during burial history (Tissot & Pellet, 1971; Appold & Nunn, 2002), secondary migration (Luo et al., 2008) and the capillary sealing capacity of caprocks overlying natural gas accumulations (Berg, 1975; Schowalter, 1979; Krooss, 1992; Schlömer and Kross, 2004; Li et al., 2005; Berne et al., 2010). Recently, more attention has been paid to investigations of the transport efficiency of shales in the context of oil/gas shale production (Bustin et al., 2008; Eseme et al., 2012; Amann-Hildenbrand et al., 2012; Ghanizadeh et al., 2013, 2014). Analysis of the migration mechanisms within partly unlithified strata becomes important when explaining the 3 origin of overpressure zones, sub-seafloor gas domes and gas seepages (Hovland & Judd, 1988; Boudreau, 2012). The conduction of experiments and data evaluation/interpretation requires a profound process understanding and a high level of experience. The acquisition and preparation of adequate samples for laboratory experiments usually constitutes a major challenge and may have serious impact on the representativeness of the experimental results. Information on the success/failure rate of the sample preparation procedure should therefore be provided. Sample specimens “surviving” this procedure are subjected to various experimental protocols to derive information on their gas transport properties. The present overview first presents the theoretical background of gas diffusion and advective flow, each followed by a literature review (sections 2 and 3). Different experimental methods are described in sections 4.1 and 4.2. Details are provided on selected experiments performed at the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre (SCK-CEN, Belgium), Ecole Centrale de Lille (France), British Geological Survey (UK), and at RWTH-Aachen University (Germany) (section 4.3). Experimental data are discussed with respect to different petrophysical parameters outlined above: i) gas diffusion, ii) evolution of gas breakthrough, iii) dilation-controlled flow, and iv) effective gas permeability after breakthrough. These experiments were conducted under different pressure and temperature conditions, depending on sample type, burial depth and research focus (e.g. radioactive waste disposal, natural gas exploration, or carbon dioxide storage). The interpretation of the experimental results can be difficult and sometimes a clear discrimination between different mechanisms (and the controlling parameters) is not possible. This holds, for instance, for gas breakthrough experiments where the observed transport can be interpreted as intermittent, continuous, capillary- or dilation-controlled flow. Also, low gas flow rates through samples on the length-scale of centimetres can be equally explained by effective two-phase flow or diffusion of dissolved gas