3,964 research outputs found

    Study and simulation results for video landmark acquisition and tracking technology (Vilat-2)

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    The results of several investigations and hardware developments which supported new technology for Earth feature recognition and classification are described. Data analysis techniques and procedures were developed for processing the Feature Identification and Location Experiment (FILE) data. This experiment was flown in November 1981, on the second Shuttle flight and a second instrument, designed for aircraft flights, was flown over the United States in 1981. Ground tests were performed to provide the basis for designing a more advanced version (four spectral bands) of the FILE which would be capable of classifying clouds and snow (and possibly ice) as distinct features, in addition to the features classified in the Shuttle experiment (two spectral bands). The Shuttle instrument classifies water, bare land, vegetation, and clouds/snow/ice (grouped)

    Fast Packet Processing on High Performance Architectures

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    The rapid growth of Internet and the fast emergence of new network applications have brought great challenges and complex issues in deploying high-speed and QoS guaranteed IP network. For this reason packet classication and network intrusion detection have assumed a key role in modern communication networks in order to provide Qos and security. In this thesis we describe a number of the most advanced solutions to these tasks. We introduce NetFPGA and Network Processors as reference platforms both for the design and the implementation of the solutions and algorithms described in this thesis. The rise in links capacity reduces the time available to network devices for packet processing. For this reason, we show different solutions which, either by heuristic and randomization or by smart construction of state machine, allow IP lookup, packet classification and deep packet inspection to be fast in real devices based on high speed platforms such as NetFPGA or Network Processors

    An investigative study of a spectrum-matching imaging system Final report

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    Evaluation system for classification of remote objects and materials identified by solar and thermal radiation emissio

    Low-cost and efficient fault detection and diagnosis schemes for modern cores

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    Continuous improvements in transistor scaling together with microarchitectural advances have made possible the widespread adoption of high-performance processors across all market segments. However, the growing reliability threats induced by technology scaling and by the complexity of designs are challenging the production of cheap yet robust systems. Soft error trends are haunting, especially for combinational logic, and parity and ECC codes are therefore becoming insufficient as combinational logic turns into the dominant source of soft errors. Furthermore, experts are warning about the need to also address intermittent and permanent faults during processor runtime, as increasing temperatures and device variations will accelerate inherent aging phenomena. These challenges specially threaten the commodity segments, which impose requirements that existing fault tolerance mechanisms cannot offer. Current techniques based on redundant execution were devised in a time when high penalties were assumed for the sake of high reliability levels. Novel light-weight techniques are therefore needed to enable fault protection in the mass market segments. The complexity of designs is making post-silicon validation extremely expensive. Validation costs exceed design costs, and the number of discovered bugs is growing, both during validation and once products hit the market. Fault localization and diagnosis are the biggest bottlenecks, magnified by huge detection latencies, limited internal observability, and costly server farms to generate test outputs. This thesis explores two directions to address some of the critical challenges introduced by unreliable technologies and by the limitations of current validation approaches. We first explore mechanisms for comprehensively detecting multiple sources of failures in modern processors during their lifetime (including transient, intermittent, permanent and also design bugs). Our solutions embrace a paradigm where fault tolerance is built based on exploiting high-level microarchitectural invariants that are reusable across designs, rather than relying on re-execution or ad-hoc block-level protection. To do so, we decompose the basic functionalities of processors into high-level tasks and propose three novel runtime verification solutions that combined enable global error detection: a computation/register dataflow checker, a memory dataflow checker, and a control flow checker. The techniques use the concept of end-to-end signatures and allow designers to adjust the fault coverage to their needs, by trading-off area, power and performance. Our fault injection studies reveal that our methods provide high coverage levels while causing significantly lower performance, power and area costs than existing techniques. Then, this thesis extends the applicability of the proposed error detection schemes to the validation phases. We present a fault localization and diagnosis solution for the memory dataflow by combining our error detection mechanism, a new low-cost logging mechanism and a diagnosis program. Selected internal activity is continuously traced and kept in a memory-resident log whose capacity can be expanded to suite validation needs. The solution can catch undiscovered bugs, reducing the dependence on simulation farms that compute golden outputs. Upon error detection, the diagnosis algorithm analyzes the log to automatically locate the bug, and also to determine its root cause. Our evaluations show that very high localization coverage and diagnosis accuracy can be obtained at very low performance and area costs. The net result is a simplification of current debugging practices, which are extremely manual, time consuming and cumbersome. Altogether, the integrated solutions proposed in this thesis capacitate the industry to deliver more reliable and correct processors as technology evolves into more complex designs and more vulnerable transistors.El continuo escalado de los transistores junto con los avances microarquitectónicos han posibilitado la presencia de potentes procesadores en todos los segmentos de mercado. Sin embargo, varios problemas de fiabilidad están desafiando la producción de sistemas robustos. Las predicciones de "soft errors" son inquietantes, especialmente para la lógica combinacional: soluciones como ECC o paridad se están volviendo insuficientes a medida que dicha lógica se convierte en la fuente predominante de soft errors. Además, los expertos están alertando acerca de la necesidad de detectar otras fuentes de fallos (causantes de errores permanentes e intermitentes) durante el tiempo de vida de los procesadores. Los segmentos "commodity" son los más vulnerables, ya que imponen unos requisitos que las técnicas actuales de fiabilidad no ofrecen. Estas soluciones (generalmente basadas en re-ejecución) fueron ideadas en un tiempo en el que con tal de alcanzar altos nivel de fiabilidad se asumían grandes costes. Son por tanto necesarias nuevas técnicas que permitan la protección contra fallos en los segmentos más populares. La complejidad de los diseños está encareciendo la validación "post-silicon". Su coste excede el de diseño, y el número de errores descubiertos está aumentando durante la validación y ya en manos de los clientes. La localización y el diagnóstico de errores son los mayores problemas, empeorados por las altas latencias en la manifestación de errores, por la poca observabilidad interna y por el coste de generar las señales esperadas. Esta tesis explora dos direcciones para tratar algunos de los retos causados por la creciente vulnerabilidad hardware y por las limitaciones de los enfoques de validación. Primero exploramos mecanismos para detectar múltiples fuentes de fallos durante el tiempo de vida de los procesadores (errores transitorios, intermitentes, permanentes y de diseño). Nuestras soluciones son de un paradigma donde la fiabilidad se construye explotando invariantes microarquitectónicos genéricos, en lugar de basarse en re-ejecución o en protección ad-hoc. Para ello descomponemos las funcionalidades básicas de un procesador y proponemos tres soluciones de `runtime verification' que combinadas permiten una detección de errores a nivel global. Estas tres soluciones son: un verificador de flujo de datos de registro y de computación, un verificador de flujo de datos de memoria y un verificador de flujo de control. Nuestras técnicas usan el concepto de firmas y permiten a los diseñadores ajustar los niveles de protección a sus necesidades, mediante compensaciones en área, consumo energético y rendimiento. Nuestros estudios de inyección de errores revelan que los métodos propuestos obtienen altos niveles de protección, a la vez que causan menos costes que las soluciones existentes. A continuación, esta tesis explora la aplicabilidad de estos esquemas a las fases de validación. Proponemos una solución de localización y diagnóstico de errores para el flujo de datos de memoria que combina nuestro mecanismo de detección de errores, junto con un mecanismo de logging de bajo coste y un programa de diagnóstico. Cierta actividad interna es continuamente registrada en una zona de memoria cuya capacidad puede ser expandida para satisfacer las necesidades de validación. La solución permite descubrir bugs, reduciendo la necesidad de calcular los resultados esperados. Al detectar un error, el algoritmo de diagnóstico analiza el registro para automáticamente localizar el bug y determinar su causa. Nuestros estudios muestran un alto grado de localización y de precisión de diagnóstico a un coste muy bajo de rendimiento y área. El resultado es una simplificación de las prácticas actuales de depuración, que son enormemente manuales, incómodas y largas. En conjunto, las soluciones de esta tesis capacitan a la industria a producir procesadores más fiables, a medida que la tecnología evoluciona hacia diseños más complejos y más vulnerables

    Platform-based design, test and fast verification flow for mixed-signal systems on chip

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    This research is providing methodologies to enhance the design phase from architectural space exploration and system study to verification of the whole mixed-signal system. At the beginning of the work, some innovative digital IPs have been designed to develop efficient signal conditioning for sensor systems on-chip that has been included in commercial products. After this phase, the main focus has been addressed to the creation of a re-usable and versatile test of the device after the tape-out which is close to become one of the major cost factor for ICs companies, strongly linking it to model’s test-benches to avoid re-design phases and multi-environment scenarios, producing a very effective approach to a single, fast and reliable multi-level verification environment. All these works generated different publications in scientific literature. The compound scenario concerning the development of sensor systems is presented in Chapter 1, together with an overview of the related market with a particular focus on the latest MEMS and MOEMS technology devices, and their applications in various segments. Chapter 2 introduces the state of the art for sensor interfaces: the generic sensor interface concept (based on sharing the same electronics among similar applications achieving cost saving at the expense of area and performance loss) versus the Platform Based Design methodology, which overcomes the drawbacks of the classic solution by keeping the generality at the highest design layers and customizing the platform for a target sensor achieving optimized performances. An evolution of Platform Based Design achieved by implementation into silicon of the ISIF (Intelligent Sensor InterFace) platform is therefore presented. ISIF is a highly configurable mixed-signal chip which allows designers to perform an effective design space exploration and to evaluate directly on silicon the system performances avoiding the critical and time consuming analysis required by standard platform based approach. In chapter 3 we describe the design of a smart sensor interface for conditioning next generation MOEMS. The adoption of a new, high performance and high integrated technology allow us to integrate not only a versatile platform but also a powerful ARM processor and various IPs providing the possibility to use the platform not only as a conditioning platform but also as a processing unit for the application. In this chapter a description of the various blocks is given, with a particular emphasis on the IP developed in order to grant the highest grade of flexibility with the minimum area occupation. The architectural space evaluation and the application prototyping with ISIF has enabled an effective, rapid and low risk development of a new high performance platform achieving a flexible sensor system for MEMS and MOEMS monitoring and conditioning. The platform has been design to cover very challenging test-benches, like a laser-based projector device. In this way the platform will not only be able to effectively handle the sensor but also all the system that can be built around it, reducing the needed for further electronics and resulting in an efficient test bench for the algorithm developed to drive the system. The high costs in ASIC development are mainly related to re-design phases because of missing complete top-level tests. Analog and digital parts design flows are separately verified. Starting from these considerations, in the last chapter a complete test environment for complex mixed-signal chips is presented. A semi-automatic VHDL-AMS flow to provide totally matching top-level is described and then, an evolution for fast self-checking test development for both model and real chip verification is proposed. By the introduction of a Python interface, the designer can easily perform interactive tests to cover all the features verification (e.g. calibration and trimming) into the design phase and check them all with the same environment on the real chip after the tape-out. This strategy has been tested on a consumer 3D-gyro for consumer application, in collaboration with SensorDynamics AG

    Enhancing Real-time Embedded Image Processing Robustness on Reconfigurable Devices for Critical Applications

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    Nowadays, image processing is increasingly used in several application fields, such as biomedical, aerospace, or automotive. Within these fields, image processing is used to serve both non-critical and critical tasks. As example, in automotive, cameras are becoming key sensors in increasing car safety, driving assistance and driving comfort. They have been employed for infotainment (non-critical), as well as for some driver assistance tasks (critical), such as Forward Collision Avoidance, Intelligent Speed Control, or Pedestrian Detection. The complexity of these algorithms brings a challenge in real-time image processing systems, requiring high computing capacity, usually not available in processors for embedded systems. Hardware acceleration is therefore crucial, and devices such as Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) best fit the growing demand of computational capabilities. These devices can assist embedded processors by significantly speeding-up computationally intensive software algorithms. Moreover, critical applications introduce strict requirements not only from the real-time constraints, but also from the device reliability and algorithm robustness points of view. Technology scaling is highlighting reliability problems related to aging phenomena, and to the increasing sensitivity of digital devices to external radiation events that can cause transient or even permanent faults. These faults can lead to wrong information processed or, in the worst case, to a dangerous system failure. In this context, the reconfigurable nature of FPGA devices can be exploited to increase the system reliability and robustness by leveraging Dynamic Partial Reconfiguration features. The research work presented in this thesis focuses on the development of techniques for implementing efficient and robust real-time embedded image processing hardware accelerators and systems for mission-critical applications. Three main challenges have been faced and will be discussed, along with proposed solutions, throughout the thesis: (i) achieving real-time performances, (ii) enhancing algorithm robustness, and (iii) increasing overall system's dependability. In order to ensure real-time performances, efficient FPGA-based hardware accelerators implementing selected image processing algorithms have been developed. Functionalities offered by the target technology, and algorithm's characteristics have been constantly taken into account while designing such accelerators, in order to efficiently tailor algorithm's operations to available hardware resources. On the other hand, the key idea for increasing image processing algorithms' robustness is to introduce self-adaptivity features at algorithm level, in order to maintain constant, or improve, the quality of results for a wide range of input conditions, that are not always fully predictable at design-time (e.g., noise level variations). This has been accomplished by measuring at run-time some characteristics of the input images, and then tuning the algorithm parameters based on such estimations. Dynamic reconfiguration features of modern reconfigurable FPGA have been extensively exploited in order to integrate run-time adaptivity into the designed hardware accelerators. Tools and methodologies have been also developed in order to increase the overall system dependability during reconfiguration processes, thus providing safe run-time adaptation mechanisms. In addition, taking into account the target technology and the environments in which the developed hardware accelerators and systems may be employed, dependability issues have been analyzed, leading to the development of a platform for quickly assessing the reliability and characterizing the behavior of hardware accelerators implemented on reconfigurable FPGAs when they are affected by such faults

    AI Solutions for MDS: Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Misuse Detection and Localisation in Telecommunication Environments

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    This report considers the application of Articial Intelligence (AI) techniques to the problem of misuse detection and misuse localisation within telecommunications environments. A broad survey of techniques is provided, that covers inter alia rule based systems, model-based systems, case based reasoning, pattern matching, clustering and feature extraction, articial neural networks, genetic algorithms, arti cial immune systems, agent based systems, data mining and a variety of hybrid approaches. The report then considers the central issue of event correlation, that is at the heart of many misuse detection and localisation systems. The notion of being able to infer misuse by the correlation of individual temporally distributed events within a multiple data stream environment is explored, and a range of techniques, covering model based approaches, `programmed' AI and machine learning paradigms. It is found that, in general, correlation is best achieved via rule based approaches, but that these suffer from a number of drawbacks, such as the difculty of developing and maintaining an appropriate knowledge base, and the lack of ability to generalise from known misuses to new unseen misuses. Two distinct approaches are evident. One attempts to encode knowledge of known misuses, typically within rules, and use this to screen events. This approach cannot generally detect misuses for which it has not been programmed, i.e. it is prone to issuing false negatives. The other attempts to `learn' the features of event patterns that constitute normal behaviour, and, by observing patterns that do not match expected behaviour, detect when a misuse has occurred. This approach is prone to issuing false positives, i.e. inferring misuse from innocent patterns of behaviour that the system was not trained to recognise. Contemporary approaches are seen to favour hybridisation, often combining detection or localisation mechanisms for both abnormal and normal behaviour, the former to capture known cases of misuse, the latter to capture unknown cases. In some systems, these mechanisms even work together to update each other to increase detection rates and lower false positive rates. It is concluded that hybridisation offers the most promising future direction, but that a rule or state based component is likely to remain, being the most natural approach to the correlation of complex events. The challenge, then, is to mitigate the weaknesses of canonical programmed systems such that learning, generalisation and adaptation are more readily facilitated

    Object detection, recognition and re-identification in video footage

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    There has been a significant number of security concerns in recent times; as a result, security cameras have been installed to monitor activities and to prevent crimes in most public places. These analysis are done either through video analytic or forensic analysis operations on human observations. To this end, within the research context of this thesis, a proactive machine vision based military recognition system has been developed to help monitor activities in the military environment. The proposed object detection, recognition and re-identification systems have been presented in this thesis. A novel technique for military personnel recognition is presented in this thesis. Initially the detected camouflaged personnel are segmented using a grabcut segmentation algorithm. Since in general a camouflaged personnel's uniform appears to be similar both at the top and the bottom of the body, an image patch is initially extracted from the segmented foreground image and used as the region of interest. Subsequently the colour and texture features are extracted from each patch and used for classification. A second approach for personnel recognition is proposed through the recognition of the badge on the cap of a military person. A feature matching metric based on the extracted Speed Up Robust Features (SURF) from the badge on a personnel's cap enabled the recognition of the personnel's arm of service. A state-of-the-art technique for recognising vehicle types irrespective of their view angle is also presented in this thesis. Vehicles are initially detected and segmented using a Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) based foreground/background segmentation algorithm. A Canny Edge Detection (CED) stage, followed by morphological operations are used as pre-processing stage to help enhance foreground vehicular object detection and segmentation. Subsequently, Region, Histogram Oriented Gradient (HOG) and Local Binary Pattern (LBP) features are extracted from the refined foreground vehicle object and used as features for vehicle type recognition. Two different datasets with variant views of front/rear and angle are used and combined for testing the proposed technique. For night-time video analytics and forensics, the thesis presents a novel approach to pedestrian detection and vehicle type recognition. A novel feature acquisition technique named, CENTROG, is proposed for pedestrian detection and vehicle type recognition in this thesis. Thermal images containing pedestrians and vehicular objects are used to analyse the performance of the proposed algorithms. The video is initially segmented using a GMM based foreground object segmentation algorithm. A CED based pre-processing step is used to enhance segmentation accuracy prior using Census Transforms for initial feature extraction. HOG features are then extracted from the Census transformed images and used for detection and recognition respectively of human and vehicular objects in thermal images. Finally, a novel technique for people re-identification is proposed in this thesis based on using low-level colour features and mid-level attributes. The low-level colour histogram bin values were normalised to 0 and 1. A publicly available dataset (VIPeR) and a self constructed dataset have been used in the experiments conducted with 7 clothing attributes and low-level colour histogram features. These 7 attributes are detected using features extracted from 5 different regions of a detected human object using an SVM classifier. The low-level colour features were extracted from the regions of a detected human object. These 5 regions are obtained by human object segmentation and subsequent body part sub-division. People are re-identified by computing the Euclidean distance between a probe and the gallery image sets. The experiments conducted using SVM classifier and Euclidean distance has proven that the proposed techniques attained all of the aforementioned goals. The colour and texture features proposed for camouflage military personnel recognition surpasses the state-of-the-art methods. Similarly, experiments prove that combining features performed best when recognising vehicles in different views subsequent to initial training based on multi-views. In the same vein, the proposed CENTROG technique performed better than the state-of-the-art CENTRIST technique for both pedestrian detection and vehicle type recognition at night-time using thermal images. Finally, we show that the proposed 7 mid-level attributes and the low-level features results in improved performance accuracy for people re-identification

    High Performance Information Filtering on Many-core Processors

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    The increasing amount of information accessible to a user digitally makes search difficult, time consuming and unsatisfactory. This has led to the development of active information filtering (recommendation) systems that learn a user’s preference and filter out the most relevant information using sophisticated machine learning techniques. To be scalable and effective, such systems are currently deployed in cloud infrastructures consisting of general-purpose computers. The emergence of many-core processors as compute nodes in cloud infrastructures necessitates a revisit of the computational model, run-time, memory hierarchy and I/O pipelines to fully exploit available concurrency within these processors. This research proposes algorithms & architectures to enhance the performance of content-based (CB) and collaborative information filtering (CF) on many-core processors. To validate these methods, we use Nvidia’s Tesla, Fermi and Kepler GPUs and Intel’s experimental single chip cloud computer (SCC) as the target platforms. We observe that ~290x speedup and up to 97% energy savings over conventional sequential approaches. Finally, we propose and validate a novel reconfigurable SoC architecture which combines the best features of GPUs & SCC. This has been validated to show ~98K speedup over SCC and ~15K speedup over GPU

    NASA Tech Briefs, September 2001

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    Topics include: special coverage section on sensors, and sections on electronic components systems, software, materials, machinery/automation, manufacturing/fabrication, bio-medical, book and reports, and a special section of Photonics Tech Briefs