885 research outputs found

    Rule base reasoning in the knowledge-based mould design system

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    U članku se prikazuje parametarski, modularni, integrirani CAD/CAE sustav za konstruiranje kalupa, temeljen na značajkama. Predloženi sustav integrira Pro/E s izvorno razvijenim modulom za izračunavanje parametara injekcijskog prešanja, parametara kalupa i izbor kalupa. Sučelje koristi parametarske CAD/CAE značajke iz tipsko-orijentirane baze podataka, što doprinosi jednostavnijem procesu konstruiranja, uređivanja i izmjene podataka. S obzirom na prethodno istraživanje, članak prikazuje mogućnost modeliranja sustava primjenom pravila. U članku se još predstavlja popis inženjerskih metoda koje su se koristile za gradnju sustava zasnovanog na znanju, a metoda zaključivanja na osnovu pravila proizvodnje predstavlja se detaljnije.This paper describes knowledge-based oriented, parametric, modular, and feature-based integrated CAD/CAE system for mould design. The proposed system integrates Pro/E system with developed original module for calculation of parameters of injection moulding and mould design calculation and selection. The system interface uses parametric and CAD/CAE feature-based database to make the process of design, editing, and reviewing smoother. An example is provided to demonstrate our approach in rule-based representation. Also presented the lists of KBE techniques used for building the knowledge-based system and especially production rules reasoning

    Prediction of CAD model defeaturing impact on heat transfer FEA results using machine learning techniques

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    Essential when adapting CAD model for finite element analysis, the defeaturing ensures the feasibility of the simulation and reduces the computation time. Processes for CAD model preparation and defeaturing tools exist but are not always clearly formalized. In this paper, we propose an approach that uses machine learning techniques to design an indicator that predicts the defeaturing impact on the quality of analysis results for heat transfer simulation. The expertise knowledge is embedded in examples of defeaturing process and analysis, which will be used to find an algorithm able to predict a performance indicator. This indicator provides help in decision making to identify features candidates to defeaturing


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    Integrated modeling and analysis methodologies for architecture-level vehicle design.

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    In order to satisfy customer expectations, a ground vehicle must be designed to meet a broad range of performance requirements. A satisfactory vehicle design process implements a set of requirements reflecting necessary, but perhaps not sufficient conditions for assuring success in a highly competitive market. An optimal architecture-level vehicle design configuration is one of the most important of these requirements. A basic layout that is efficient and flexible permits significant reductions in the time needed to complete the product development cycle, with commensurate reductions in cost. Unfortunately, architecture-level design is the most abstract phase of the design process. The high-level concepts that characterize these designs do not lend themselves to traditional analyses normally used to characterize, assess, and optimize designs later in the development cycle. This research addresses the need for architecture-level design abstractions that can be used to support ground vehicle development. The work begins with a rigorous description of hierarchical function-based abstractions representing not the physical configuration of the elements of a vehicle, but their function within the design space. The hierarchical nature of the abstractions lends itself to object orientation - convenient for software implementation purposes - as well as description of components, assemblies, feature groupings based on non-structural interactions, and eventually, full vehicles. Unlike the traditional early-design abstractions, the completeness of our function-based hierarchical abstractions, including their interactions, allows their use as a starting point for the derivation of analysis models. The scope of the research in this dissertation includes development of meshing algorithms for abstract structural models, a rigid-body analysis engine, and a fatigue analysis module. It is expected that the results obtained in this study will move systematic design and analysis to the earliest phases of the vehicle development process, leading to more highly optimized architectures, and eventually, better ground vehicles. This work shows that architecture level abstractions in many cases are better suited for life cycle support than geometric CAD models. Finally, substituting modeling, simulation, and optimization for intuition and guesswork will do much to mitigate the risk inherent in large projects by minimizing the possibility of incorporating irrevocably compromised architecture elements into a vehicle design that no amount of detail-level reengineering can undo

    XVoxel-Based Parametric Design Optimization of Feature Models

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    Parametric optimization is an important product design technique, especially in the context of the modern parametric feature-based CAD paradigm. Realizing its full potential, however, requires a closed loop between CAD and CAE (i.e., CAD/CAE integration) with automatic design modifications and simulation updates. Conventionally the approach of model conversion is often employed to form the loop, but this way of working is hard to automate and requires manual inputs. As a result, the overall optimization process is too laborious to be acceptable. To address this issue, a new method for parametric optimization is introduced in this paper, based on a unified model representation scheme called eXtended Voxels (XVoxels). This scheme hybridizes feature models and voxel models into a new concept of semantic voxels, where the voxel part is responsible for FEM solving, and the semantic part is responsible for high-level information to capture both design and simulation intents. As such, it can establish a direct mapping between design models and analysis models, which in turn enables automatic updates on simulation results for design modifications, and vice versa -- effectively a closed loop between CAD and CAE. In addition, robust and efficient geometric algorithms for manipulating XVoxel models and efficient numerical methods (based on the recent finite cell method) for simulating XVoxel models are provided. The presented method has been validated by a series of case studies of increasing complexity to demonstrate its effectiveness. In particular, a computational efficiency improvement of up to 55.8 times the existing FCM method has been seen.Comment: 22 page

    A survey on 3D CAD model quality assurance and testing

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    [EN] A new taxonomy of issues related to CAD model quality is presented, which distinguishes between explicit and procedural models. For each type of model, morphologic, syntactic, and semantic errors are characterized. The taxonomy was validated successfully when used to classify quality testing tools, which are aimed at detecting and repairing data errors that may affect the simplification, interoperability, and reusability of CAD models. The study shows that low semantic level errors that hamper simplification are reasonably covered in explicit representations, although many CAD quality testers are still unaffordable for Small and Medium Enterprises, both in terms of cost and training time. Interoperability has been reasonably solved by standards like STEP AP 203 and AP214, but model reusability is not feasible in explicit representations. Procedural representations are promising, as interactive modeling editors automatically prevent most morphologic errors derived from unsuitable modeling strategies. Interoperability problems between procedural representations are expected to decrease dramatically with STEP AP242. Higher semantic aspects of quality such as assurance of design intent, however, are hardly supported by current CAD quality testers. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the European Regional Development Fund, through the ANNOTA project (Ref. TIN2013-46036-C3-1-R).González-Lluch, C.; Company, P.; Contero, M.; Camba, J.; Plumed, R. (2017). A survey on 3D CAD model quality assurance and testing. Computer-Aided Design. 83:64-79. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cad.2016.10.003S64798

    A multi-agent approach for design consistency checking

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    The last decade has seen an explosion of interest to advanced product development methods, such as Computer Integrated Manufacture, Extended Enterprise and Concurrent Engineering. As a result of the globalization and future distribution of design and manufacturing facilities, the cooperation amongst partners is becoming more challenging due to the fact that the design process tends to be sequential and requires communication networks for planning design activities and/or a great deal of travel to/from designers' workplaces. In a virtual environment, teams of designers work together and use the Internet/Intranet for communication. The design is a multi-disciplinary task that involves several stages. These stages include input data analysis, conceptual design, basic structural design, detail design, production design, manufacturing processes analysis, and documentation. As a result, the virtual team, normally, is very changeable in term of designers' participation. Moreover, the environment itself changes over time. This leads to a potential increase in the number of design. A methodology of Intelligent Distributed Mismatch Control (IDMC) is proposed to alleviate some of the related difficulties. This thesis looks at the Intelligent Distributed Mismatch Control, in the context of the European Aerospace Industry, and suggests a methodology for a conceptual framework based on a multi-agent architecture. This multi-agent architecture is a kernel of an Intelligent Distributed Mismatch Control System (IDMCS) that aims at ensuring that the overall design is consistent and acceptable to all participating partners. A Methodology of Intelligent Distributed Mismatch Control is introduced and successfully implemented to detect design mismatches in complex design environments. A description of the research models and methods for intelligent mismatch control, a taxonomy of design mismatches, and an investigation into potential applications, such as aerospace design, are presented. The Multi-agent framework for mismatch control is developed and described. Based on the methodology used for the IDMC application, a formal framework for a multi-agent system is developed. The Methods and Principles are trialed out using an Aerospace Distributed Design application, namely the design of an A340 wing box. The ontology of knowledge for agent-based Intelligent Distributed Mismatch Control System is introduced, as well as the distributed collaborative environment for consortium based projects


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    Rigid body simulation is an integral part of Virtual Environments (VE) for autonomous planning, training, and design tasks. The underlying physics-based simulation of VE must be accurate and computationally fast enough for the intended application, which unfortunately are conflicting requirements. Two ways to perform fast and high fidelity physics-based simulation are: (1) model simplification, and (2) parallel computation. Model simplification can be used to allow simulation at an interactive rate while introducing an acceptable level of error. Currently, manual model simplification is the most common way of performing simulation speedup but it is time consuming. Hence, in order to reduce the development time of VEs, automated model simplification is needed. The dissertation presents an automated model simplification approach based on geometric reasoning, spatial decomposition, and temporal coherence. Geometric reasoning is used to develop an accessibility based algorithm for removing portions of geometric models that do not play any role in rigid body to rigid body interaction simulation. Removing such inaccessible portions of the interacting rigid body models has no influence on the simulation accuracy but reduces computation time significantly. Spatial decomposition is used to develop a clustering algorithm that reduces the number of fluid pressure computations resulting in significant speedup of rigid body and fluid interaction simulation. Temporal coherence algorithm reuses the computed force values from rigid body to fluid interaction based on the coherence of fluid surrounding the rigid body. The simulations are further sped up by performing computing on graphics processing unit (GPU). The dissertation also presents the issues pertaining to the development of parallel algorithms for rigid body simulations both on multi-core processors and GPU. The developed algorithms have enabled real-time, high fidelity, six degrees of freedom, and time domain simulation of unmanned sea surface vehicles (USSV) and can be used for autonomous motion planning, tele-operation, and learning from demonstration applications

    Prediction of CAD model defeaturing impact on heat transfer FEA results using machine learning techniques

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    Essential when adapting CAD model for finite element analysis, the defeaturing ensures the feasibility of the simulation and reduces the computation time. Processes for CAD model preparation and defeaturing tools exist but are not always clearly formalized. In this paper, we propose an approach that uses machine learning techniques to design an indicator that predicts the defeaturing impact on the quality of analysis results for heat transfer simulation. The expertise knowledge is embedded in examples of defeaturing process and analysis, which will be used to find an algorithm able to predict a performance indicator. This indicator provides help in decision making to identify features candidates to defeaturing