83 research outputs found

    A CA-Based Model for City Traffic Including Bicycles

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    Social work with airports passengers

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    Social work at the airport is in to offer to passengers social services. The main methodological position is that people are under stress, which characterized by a particular set of characteristics in appearance and behavior. In such circumstances passenger attracts in his actions some attention. Only person whom he trusts can help him with the documents or psychologically

    Crossroads 2000 Proceedings, 1998

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    Crossroads 2000 was the second biennial transportation research conference cosponsored by the Center for Transportation Research and Education (CTRE) at Iowa State University and the Iowa Department of Transportation. This proceedings is the set of papers presented at the conference. Twenty-five categories of papers were presented in five concurrent sessions. Reflecting the increasingly critical role of intelligent transportation systems (ITS) in maintaining and enhancing transportation safety and efficiency, one category in each concurrent session addressed an area of ITS. However, papers were included from all areas of interest, ranging from transportation infrastructure design to transportation policy. The proceedings contains 58 papers

    Energy Efficiency: A Guide to Current and Emerging Technologies. Volume 1: Buildings and Transportation

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    Energy Efficiency: A Guide to Current and Emerging Technologies is the fourth and final major CAE project, carried out between 1993 and 1996. It was published in 1996 in two volumes – Volume 1, Buildings and Transportation, dealing with domestic, commercial and industrial buildings and transport, and Volume 2, Primary Production and Industry, dealing with primary production, food processing, forestry processing and manufacturing and minerals. Volume 2 also includes a section on general energy efficiency technologies. The focus of the two volumes is on energy efficiency technologies currently available and applied overseas, but not widely used in New Zealand, and on emerging technologies that are likely to prove practical for New Zealand within the next decade. While the emphasis is on New Zealand experience, the technologies discussed have application worldwide. Barriers that might restrict the use of individual technologies are also discussed

    Nature in Megacities: São Paulo/Brazil - A Case Study

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    Die vorliegende Studie analysiert Umweltdienstleistungen von städtischer Vegetation innerhalb der Stadtgrenzen einer Megacity durch maßstabsübergreifende Modellierung und versucht ihren Nutzen näherungsweise zu quantifizieren. Aus verschiedenen Blickwinkeln werden die Vorteile (sowie die Herausforderungen) von in Städte eingebetteter Natur für die Bevölkerung aufgezeigt. Aus geographischer Sicht wird, hier am Fallbeispiel der Stadt São Paulo/ Brasilien, das Profil der Megastädte in den niedrigen (tropischen) Breiten betrachtet. Im allgemeinen wird die städtische Vegetation dort von Bevölkerung, Regierungen und ökonomischen Strukturen vernachlässigt. Sie ist zwar spärlich vorhanden, wird aber kaum bewusst wahrgenommen.Während der kurzen Geschichte rasanter Verstädterung, die von massiver Umweltzerstörung begleitet ist, wird Stadtgrün im Disput um den Raum in Städten wie São Paulo zum wahren Luxus. Nicht als Rückentwicklung, sondern als Fortschritt, wird gezeigt, daß ein Ideal durch die Verflechtung zwischen Natur und Stadt dargestellt würde. Die näherungsweise Quantifizierung der Variationen zwischen aktuellem Szenario und begrünten Szenarien zeigt die Notwendigkeit das städtische Biom als ein vom Menschen dominiertes Ökosystem neu zu überdenken. Die Nutzen von städtischer Vegetation sind facettenreich. Diese Arbeit detailliert Vegetation als Katalysator des klimatischen und ökologischen Gleichgewichtes. Des weiteren behandlt sie aktuelle Themen wie Klimawandel, Energieeffizienz und thermische Behaglichkeit, sowie die Reinigung der natürlichen Ressourcen Boden, Wasser und Luft. Insbesondere da derzeit keine effizienten technischen Lösungen existieren, um die Umweltleistungen der Vegetation zu ersetzten. Diese Nutzen tragen zur Lebensqualität und in kontrastreichen Megastädten insbesondere zu sozio-ökologischer Gerechtigkeit bei. Die Vegetation hat in Städten zwei wichtige Dimensionen. Die funktionale Seite bringt konkrete, meßbare Umweltnutzen. Aus symbolischer Sicht repräsentiert Vegetation Natur in Städten, sowie ursprüngliche Naturverbundenheit des Menschen. Zusammenfassend verteidigt die Studie die Wichtigkeit und Wertschätzung von Natur und die vereinigten Anstrengung für wirklich grüne Städte, u.a. weil diese Arbeit zeigt, dass finanzielle Investitionen in städtische Vegetation sich direkt auf die Kosten für das Gesundheitssystem und die Infrastruktur auswirken. Die Stadtregierung São Paulo investierte 2008 umgerechnet 122 Millionen Euro (einhundertzweiundzwanzig Millionen Euro) in Stadtgrün (und Umwelt), dass jährlich mindestens 665 Millionen Euro (Sechshunderfünfundsechzig Millionen Euro) einspart. D.h. mit anderen Worten, dass jeder Euro 1 der in Pflanzung und Pflege von Stadtgrün investiert wird, der Gesellschaft, und damit letzendlich den Einwohnern São Paulos, Ausgaben von mindestens 5 Euro für Gesundheit, den Bau von Regenwasserrückhaltebecken, Energie etc. einspart.The present study analysis the environmental benefits of urban vegetation within the municipal boundary of a megacity through multi scale integrated modelling to estimate its benefits approximately. The advantages (and challenges) that Nature, inserted into cities, offers to the population are observed from different viewpoints. As geographical reference the profile of megacities located in low (tropical) latitudes was observed, in a case study on the city of São Paulo/ Brazil. Commonly, urban vegetation is overlooked by local people, governments and economical structures. Although sparse vegetation exists, it is hardly recognized. Along the brief history of rapid urbanization which is accompanied by massive environmental degradation, urban green becomes, in the dispute for space, a true luxury in cities like São Paulo. Not as retrogression but as advance, it demonstrates that the integration between nature and city would be desirable. The approximated quantification of the variations which occur between actual scenario and greened scenarios shows the need to rethink the urban biome as a man-dominated ecosystem. The benefits of the urban vegetation are diverse. This work details plants as agents of climatic and ecosystem balance and performance. It also approaches current issues like climate change, energy efficiency and thermal comfort, as well as the purification of natural resources, through the treatment of water, soil and air. Especially because at present no efficient technical solutions exist, that could substitute the environmental services of the vegetation. These benefits contribute to quality of life and increase socio-environmental equity especially important in high-contrast megacities. The vegetation assumes two important roles in cities. The functional dimension brings concrete and measurable benefits to the environment. From a symbolic vision, vegetation represents Nature in cities, approximating humans to their origins. Conclusively the study defends the importance of the valorization of Nature and of the united efforts for literally green cities because it proves that financial investment in urban vegetation has direct effects on the costs destined to the areas of health and infrastructure. The City of São Paulo, invested in 2008 about US180million(onehundredandeightymilliondollars)inurbangreen(andenvironment)whichtendstosaveUS 180 million (one hundred and eighty million dollars) in urban green (and environment) which tends to save US 980 million (nine hundred and eighty million dollars) of expenses annually. In other words, for each US1investedinplantingandmaintenanceofurbangreen,thesocietysavesatleastUS 1 invested in planting and maintenance of urban green, the society saves at least US 5 of expenses in health, construction of French drains, energy etc

    Proceedings of the 2018 Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering (CSME) International Congress

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    Published proceedings of the 2018 Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering (CSME) International Congress, hosted by York University, 27-30 May 2018

    Liminal Matter: Diffuse, Adaptive Environments for a Future Dundas Square

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    Emerging technologies challenge conventional approaches to the design of contemporary urban public space, both with regard to location and to organisational composition. With the arrival of compact, mobile and real-time wireless connection, entirely new methods and circumstances for communication have developed. The “immaterial” soft systems of physical and digital space are investigated for their potential to become enriched by nascent social and technological conditions. The thesis applies this research as a tool for the re-envisioning of Toronto’s Dundas Square. In its design, the capacity for an embedded, public, and adaptive architectural system to expose the liminal, “invisible” relations that affect the collective environment is explored. The conventional and prevalent understanding that buildings and boundaries are visibly physical, rigid, and primary mitigators of the environment is challenged in favour of a diffuse architecture capable of both sensing existing conditions and calibrating new ones, providing a dynamic sensory framework for relationships between participants and built form. Material and immaterial thresholds are investigated at the scale of the individual and the collective, arriving in two sections of research and design. The Expanded Realms of the Individual first maps the comprehension of dilated physical and energetic boundaries of the human body as a measure of correspondence between other beings, while Synthesis uses this mapping to consider the potential for human relationships in the digital era. Accounting for the various boundaries of sensation in human experience, both built and speculative design work test the possibilities of an adaptive, responsive environment within the public realm. The traditional understanding that architecture serves and that its inhabitants are serviced is placed aside in favour of symbiotic relationships between buildings and bodies. Under these circumstances, exterior and interior delineations are secondary to moments of diffuse spatial circumstances. The typically open, “flexible” design approach to public space is critiqued for its potential to alienate individuals through designing for a designated “average”. The methods and designs contained in this thesis argue for an actively empathetic architecture: a system of instruments and scaffolds that sustain an adaptive learning environment while assisting to forge empathy-driven relationships between architecture and its inhabitants – in other words, an architecture that actively associates itself with the complex narratives and emotions each person experiences daily

    Intelligent system for traffic management based on the application of fuzzy logic

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    Saobraćaj je nesumnjivo jedna od najstarijih oblasti razvoja ljudskog društva. Pored toga što je saobraćaj jedna od najstarijih oblasti, on je i jedna od tehnoloških oblasti koje se ubrzano razvijaju. Posledice razvojne ekspanzije saobraćaja su porast broja saobraćjnih sredstava, saobraćajnih puteva, gustine saobraćajnog protoka i td. Saobraćaj je privredna grana u kojoj je većina procesa stohastičke prirode...Traffic is undoubtedly one of the oldest areas of human society development. In addition to that, traffic is one of the technological areas that are developing rapidly. The consequences of the expansion of traffic areas increase in the number of traffic means, traffic routes, traffic flows and so on. Traffic is an economic branch in which almost all processes are stochastic in nature. Man was trying to regulate the behavior of all traffic participants by introducing written or unwritten rules of conduct, and later laws, in order to edit and tame his natural and unpredictable nature..