59 research outputs found

    Determination of optimal tool path in drilling operation using Modified Shuffled Frog Leaping Algorithm

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    Applications like boilerplates, food-industry processing separator, printed circuit boards, drum and trammel screens, etc. consists of a matrix of a large number of holes. The primary issue involved in hole-making operations is a tool travel time. It is often necessary to find the optimal sequence of operations so that the total processing cost of hole-making operations can be minimized. In this work, therefore an attempt is made to reduce the total tool travel of hole-making operations by applying a relatively new optimization algorithm known as modified shuffled frog leaping for determining the optimal sequence of operations. Modification is made in the existing shuffled frog-leaping algorithm by introducing three parameters with their positive values to widen the search capability of existing algorithms. A case study of the printed circuit board is considered in this work to demonstrate the proposed approach. Obtained results of optimization using modified shuffled frog leaping algorithm are compared with those obtained using particle swarm optimization, firefly algorithm and shortest path search algorithm

    Green Vehicle Routing Optimization Based on Carbon Emission and Multiobjective Hybrid Quantum Immune Algorithm

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    © 2018 Xiao-Hong Liu et al. Green Vehicle Routing Optimization Problem (GVROP) is currently a scientific research problem that takes into account the environmental impact and resource efficiency. Therefore, the optimal allocation of resources and the carbon emission in GVROP are becoming more and more important. In order to improve the delivery efficiency and reduce the cost of distribution requirements through intelligent optimization method, a novel multiobjective hybrid quantum immune algorithm based on cloud model (C-HQIA) is put forward. Simultaneously, the computational results have proved that the C-HQIA is an efficient algorithm for the GVROP. We also found that the parameter optimization of the C-HQIA is related to the types of artificial intelligence algorithms. Consequently, the GVROP and the C-HQIA have important theoretical and practical significance

    Swarm Intelligent in Bio-Inspired Perspective: A Summary

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    This paper summarizes the research performed in the field of swarm intelligent in recent years. The classification of swarm intelligence based on behavior is introduced.  The principles of each behaviors, i.e. foraging, aggregating, gathering, preying, echolocation, growth, mating, clustering, climbing, brooding, herding, and jumping are described. 3 algorithms commonly used in swarm intelligent are discussed.  At the end of summary, the applications of the SI algorithms are presented

    Swarm Intelligent in Bio-Inspired Perspective: A Summary

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    This paper summarizes the research performed in the field of swarm intelligent in recent years. The classification of swarm intelligence based on behavior is introduced. The principles of each behaviors, i.e. foraging, aggregating, gathering, preying, echolocation, growth, mating, clustering, climbing, brooding, herding, and jumping are described. 3 algorithms commonly used in swarm intelligent are discussed. At the end of summary, the applications of the SI algorithms are presented

    Analysis of the characteristics and applications of vehicle routing systems

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    El ruteo de vehículos, permite establecer una estrategia para realizar la distribución adecuada de las mercancías, en los diferentes puntos en los cuales lo desee una organización. Esto se logra, a través del diseño de rutas para una flota de vehículos determinada; ya sea homogénea o heterogénea. El estudio de este problema de ruteo, como ha sido considerado, se ha clasificado en diferentes sistemas, de acuerdo a las condiciones del entorno en el cual se desean aplicar. Sin embargo, no todas las tipologías son conocidas a cabalidad por las organizaciones o investigadores, debido a su reciente desarrollo o su poco nivel de aplicación. Es por ello, que en la presente investigación, se plantea realizar un análisis de las características y aplicaciones de los tipos de sistemas de ruteo de vehículos, a través de una revisión bibliográfica de trabajos previos, con el propósito de brindar información sólida y concisa a futuros investigadores. La metodología empleada, conlleva principalmente a una investigación de tipo cualitativa, en la cual se realizó una búsqueda sistemática en bases de datos del problema planteado de los últimos cinco años. A partir de esto, fue posible establecer que durante este período de tiempo, las publicaciones en este campo, presentaron un incremento de aproximadamente el doble, evidenciando el aumento en el interés por el tema objetivo.The vehicle routing allows to establish a strategy for the proper distribution of goods in different points at which you want an organization. This is achieved through the design of routes to a particular fleet vehicle; either homogeneous or heterogeneous. Studying this routing problem, as has been seen, has been classified into different systems, according to the environmental conditions in which is applied. However, not all types are known at all by the organizations or researchers, due to its recent development or some application level. That is why, in this research, we propose an analysis of the characteristics and applications of the types of systems vehicle routing through a literature review of previous works, in order to provide solid and concise information to future researchers. The methodology used primarily involves qualitative research type, in which a systematic search was performed in databases of the problem of the past five years. From this, it was possible to establish that during this period, the publications in this field, showed an increase of about twice, showing increased interest in the subject target

    Optimal sequence of hole-making operations using particle swarm optimization and modified shuffled frog leaping algorithm

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    Tool travel and tool switch scheduling are two major issues in hole-making operations. It is necessary to find the optimal sequence of operations to reduce the total processing cost of hole-making operations. In this work therefore, an attempt is made to use both a recently developed particle swarm optimisation algorithm and a shuffled frog leaping algorithm demonstrating in this way an example of plastic injection mould. The exact value of the minimum total processing cost is obtained by considering all possible combinations of sequences. The results obtained using particle swarm optimisation and shuffled frog leaping algorithm are compared with the minimum total processing cost results obtained by considering all possible combinations of sequences. It is observed that the results obtained using particle swarm optimisation and shuffled frog leaping algorithm are closer to the results of the minimum total processing cost obtained by considering all possible combinations of sequences presented in this work. This clearly shows that particle swarm optimisation and shuffled frog leaping algorithm can be effectively used in optimisation of large scale injection mould hole-making operations

    Proposta de um modelo de roteamento aberto de veículos em uma instituição prestadora de serviços de saúde

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    This research article presents an optimization model based on the application of two heuristics for a real situation of routing a fleet of vehicles of an Institution Provider of Health Services (IPS) to transport their patients. A quantitative study was carried out by applying the heuristics of the nearest neighbor and that of the modified nearest neighbor as this type of routing is of the COVRP type, for its initials in English: capacitated open vehicle routing problem. The cost table, the distance matrix construction algorithm and the heuristic algorithms are presented. The results indicate that the nearest neighbor heuristic offers a solution with a lower cost than that of the modified nearest neighbor since the savings would be 7.34% and 6.05% with respect to the current cost.En este artículo de investigación se  presenta un modelo de optimización basado en la aplicación de dos heurísticas para una situación real de enrutamiento de una flota de vehículos de una Institución Prestadora de Servicios de Salud (IPS) para transportar sus pacientes. Se realizó un estudio cuantitativo mediante la aplicación de las heurísticas del vecino más cercano y la del vecino más cercano modificada ya que este tipo de enrutamiento es del tipo COVRP, por sus siglas en inglés: capacited opened vehicle routing problem. Se presenta la tabla de desglose de los costos, el algoritmo de construcción de la matriz de distancias y los algoritmos para las heurísticas. Los resultados indican que la heurística del vecino más cercano ofrece una solución con un costo menor que la del vecino más cercano modificada ya que los ahorros serían del 7,34% y 6,05% respecto al costo actual.Este artigo de pesquisa apresenta um modelo de otimização baseado na aplicação de duas heurísticas para uma real situação de roteamento de uma frota de veículos de uma Instituição de Prestadores de Serviços de Saúde (IPS) para o transporte de seus pacientes. Um estudo quantitativo foi realizado aplicando as heurísticas do vizinho mais próximo e do vizinho vizinho modificado, uma vez que esse tipo de roteamento é do tipo COVRP, por sua sigla em inglês: capacited open vehicle routing problem. A tabela de decomposição de custos, o algoritmo para a construção da matriz de distância e os algoritmos para as heurísticas são apresentados. Os resultados indicam que a heurística do vizinho mais próximo oferece uma solução com custo menor que o vizinho mais próximo modificado, uma vez que a economia seria de 7,34% e 6,05% em relação ao custo atual

    A Combined Metaheuristic Algorithm for the Vehicle Routing Problem and its Open Version

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    Abstract: The Open Vehicle Routing Problem (OVRP) is one of the most important extensions of the vehicle routing problem (VRP) that has many applications in industrial and service. In the VRP, a set of customers with a specified demand of goods are given and a depot where a fleet of identical capacitated vehicles is located. We are also given the ‘‘traveling costs’’ between the depot and all the customers, and between each pair of customers. In the OVRP against to VRP, vehicles are not required to return to the depot after completing service. Because VRP and OVRP belong to NP-hard Problems, an efficient hybrid elite ant system called EACO is proposed for solving them in the paper. In this algorithm, a modified tabu search (TS), a new state transition rule and a modified pheromone updating rule are used for more improving solutions. These modifications lead that the proposed algorithm does not trapped at the local optimum and discovers different parts of the solution space. Computational results on fourteen standard benchmark instances for VRP and OVRP show that EACO finds the best known solutions for most of the instances and is comparable in terms of solutions quality to the best performing published metaheuristics in the literature

    Planning of vehicle routing with backup provisioning using wireless sensor technologies

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    Wireless sensor technologies can be used by intelligent transportation systems to provide innovative services that lead to improvements in road safety and congestion, increasing end-user satisfaction. In this article, we address vehicle routing with backup provisioning, where the possibility of reacting to overloading/overcrowding of vehicles at certain stops is considered. This is based on the availability of vehicle load information, which can be captured using wireless sensor technologies. After discussing the infrastructure and monitoring tool, the problem is mathematically formalized, and a heuristic algorithm using local search procedures is proposed. Results show that planning routes with backup provisioning can allow fast response to overcrowding while reducing costs. Therefore, sustainable urban mobility, with efficient use of resources, can be provided while increasing the quality of service perceived by users.FCT (Foundation for Science and Technology) from Portugal within CEOT (Center for Electronic, Optoelectronic and Telecommunications); [UID/MULTI/00631/2013

    Enhancing the bees algorithm using the traplining metaphor

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    This work aims to improve the performance of the Bees Algorithm (BA), particularly in terms of simplicity, accuracy, and convergence. Three improvements were made in this study as a result of bees’ traplining behaviour. The first improvement was the parameter reduction of the Bees Algorithm. This strategy recruits and assigns worker bees to exploit and explore all patches. Both searching processes are assigned using the Triangular Distribution Random Number Generator. The most promising patches have more workers and are subject to more exploitation than the less productive patches. This technique reduced the original parameters into two parameters. The results show that the Bi-BA is just as efficient as the basic BA, although it has fewer parameters. Following that, another improvement was proposed to increase the diversification performance of the Combinatorial Bees Algorithm (CBA). The technique employs a novel constructive heuristic that considers the distance and the turning angle of the bees’ flight. When foraging for honey, bees generally avoid making a sharp turn. By including this turning angle as the second consideration, it can control CBA’s initial solution diversity. Third, the CBA is strengthened to enable an intensification strategy that avoids falling into a local optima trap. The approach is based on the behaviour of bees when confronted with threats. They will keep away from re-visiting those flowers during the next bout for reasons like predators, rivals, or honey run out. The approach will remove temporarily threatened flowers from the whole tour, eliminating the sharp turn, and reintroduces them again to the habitual tour’s nearest edge. The technique could effectively achieve an equilibrium between exploration and exploitation mechanisms. The results show that the strategy is very competitive compared to other population-based nature-inspired algorithms. Finally, the enhanced Bees Algorithms are demonstrated on two real-world engineering problems, namely, Printed Circuit Board insertion sequencing and vehicles routing problem