1,444 research outputs found

    An integrated decision support system based on simulation and mathematical programming of Petroleum transportation logistics

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    Discrete Event simulation (DES), mathematical programming (MP) and analysis of variance (ANOVA) are among the popular tools in operational research (OR) used in dynamic industry like petroleum industry. The integration of these methods even becomes more significant to managerial application in the industry. The objective of this thesis is to present an integrated decision support system by which a decision maker should be able to choose the optimal number of tanks, tank size and truck arrival rate to maximize average total profit and minimize the total transportation cost for an oil refinery terminal operations. The petroleum transportation management system (PTMS) is developed as a DSS using a discrete-event simulation program with ARENA software, mathematical linear programming (LP) with I-Log software and analysis of variance (ANOVA) with SPSS software, and these models are combined in complex program developed using visual basic software (VB). The simulation model represents the logistics operations from oil arriving to the refinery terminal to the supply points. The model process used as a decision support tool to help in evaluating and improving the comprehensive oil terminal operations. And also understanding and assessing of the different steps in a simulation process. An optimization model was formulated with the objective to minimize the total transportation cost. In the model formulation, hard constraints were considered and the linear programming (LP) technique was used. Result obtained suggests the use of certain types of trucks can reduce the operation costs, if compared to that of the current situation. The reduction of costs is due to the reduction of travelling trips as based on the problem constraints. Overall, output of this study has given positive impacts on the transportation operations. The effect of the changes can help the management of the transportation company to make efficient decisions. Multifactor ANOVA is used to determine whether different levels of the three-factors and their interactions significantly impact the oil refinery terminal's profit. ANOVA is also used to determine the flow rate of oil into the tanks station; tank and truck fill rate and a cost and revenue structure. The final step is to expand the model to cover the whole models (DES, LP and ANOVA) and create the integrated user interface. To sum up the combination of these techniques which allows evaluating the actual feasibility of supply planning considering all operations restrictions and variability of the supply logistics and the total transportation cost. In another words, a DSS have been developed to support a decision maker, who is planning to build a new facility or expand an existing oil refinery terminal, should be able to choose the optimal value for all important factors. The PTMS is able to predict with 99% confidence a set of factor levels that yields the highest average total profit

    Optimal Transportation Fleet Scheduling in Panelized Construction

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    Optimal transportation scheduling is crucial to improve the performance of the panelized construction supply chain. Previous studies lack transportation scheduling approaches for distribution and reverse logistics in panelized construction as a bridge to balance factory and site operations. To address the current gaps, this research proposes a genetic algorithm-based optimization framework to generate optimal distribution and reverse transportation schedules and on-site unloading schedules, considering a diverse transportation fleet (trucks and trailers), multiple sites, multiple panel types, on-site parking limitations, and assembly sequence while ensuring continuity of factory production and on-site operations. The proposed model extends and improves the existing transportation models by considering the distribution and reverse transportation operations and introducing design constraints in the transportation practices of the panelized construction. Results demonstrated that the method achieves transportation fleet efficiency of 98.8% and ensures seamless on-site operations, offering an invaluable planning tool for project managers and enhancing resource allocation for factory and construction sites

    Subproblem Separation in Logic-Based Benders\u27 Decomposition for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Local Congestion

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    Subproblem separation is a common strategy for the acceleration of the logic-based Benders\u27 decomposition (LBBD). However, it has only been applied to problems with an inherently separable subproblem structure. This paper proposes a new method to separate the subproblem using the connected components algorithm. The subproblem separation is applied to the vehicle routing problem with local congestion (VRPLC). Accordingly, new Benders\u27 cuts are derived for the new subproblem formulation. The computational experiments evaluate the effectiveness of subproblem separation for different methods applying new cuts. It is shown that subproblem separation significantly benefits the LBBD scheme

    Optimal Planning of Container Terminal Operations

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    Due to globalization and international trade, moving goods using a mixture of transportation modes has become a norm; today, large vessels transport 95% of the international cargos. In the first part of this thesis, the emphasis is on the sea-land intermodal transport. The availability of different modes of transportation (rail/road/direct) in sea-land intermodal transport and container flows (import, export, transhipment) through the terminal are considered simultaneously within a given planning time horizon. We have also formulated this problem as an Integer Programming (IP) model and the objective is to minimise storage cost, loading and transportation cost from/to the customers. To further understand the computational complexity and performance of the model, we have randomly generated a large number of test instances for extensive experimentation of the algorithm. Since, CPLEX was unable to find the optimal solution for the large test problems; a heuristic algorithm has been devised based on the original IP model to find near „optimal‟ solutions with a relative error of less than 4%. Furthermore, we developed and implemented Lagrangian Relaxation (LR) of the IP formulation of the original problem. The bounds derived from LR were improved using sub-gradient optimisation and computational results are presented. In the second part of the thesis, we consider the combined problems of container assignment and yard crane (YC) deployment within the container terminal. A new IP formulation has been developed using a unified approach with the view to determining optimal container flows and YC requirements within a given planning time horizon. We designed a Branch and Cut (B&C) algorithm to solve the problem to optimality which was computationally evaluated. A novel heuristic approach based on the IP formulation was developed and implemented in C++. Detailed computational results are reported for both the exact and heuristic algorithms using a large number of randomly generated test problems. A practical application of the proposed model in the context of a real case-study is also presented. Finally, a simulation model of container terminal operations based on discrete-event simulation has been developed and implemented with the view of validating the above optimisation model and using it as a test bed for evaluating different operational scenarios

    4th Party Logistics Problem Optimizer

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    This thesis considers a pickup and delivery problem with multiple time windows, a complex cost structure and factory constraints. We formulated the problem as a mathematical model and created an instance generator based on real data. We also implemented a heuristic solution method for the problem and ran extensive statistical tests. The mathematical model shows the complexity of the problem and is implemented in AMPL to give a benchmark for the proposed solution method. The instance generator was created based on real anonymized data from a 4th party logistics (4PL) company. The proposed solution method, called the 4th Party Logis- tics Optimizer, is a meta-heuristic approach with industry specific implementations. The solution method is refined through extensive statistical experiments. The ex- periments determine which parts of the solution method have a significant positive impact on the objective value. This leads to a final composition of our solution method. The final solution method is robustly giving near optimal solutions to re- alistic sized instances in seconds, and is a powerful tool for companies facing the proposed adaptation of the pickup and delivery problem.Masteroppgave i informatikkINF399MAMN-PROGMAMN-IN

    Optimal logistics planning for modular construction using two-stage stochastic programming

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    The construction sector is currently undergoing a shift from stick-built construction to modular building systems that take advantage of modern prefabrication techniques. Long established in-situ construction practices are thus being replaced by processes imported from the manufacturing sector, where component fabrication takes place within a factory environment. As a result of this transformation, current construction supply chains, which have focused on the delivery of raw materials to sites, are no longer apt and need to make way to new, strengthened, and time-critical logistics systems. The aim of this study is to establish a mathematical model for the optimisation of logistics processes in modular construction covering three tiers of operation: manufacturing, storage and assembly. Previous studies have indicated that construction site delays constitute the largest cause of schedule deviations. Using the model outlined in this paper we seek to determine how factory manufacturing and inventory management should react to variations in the demand on construction sites. A two-stage stochastic programming model is developed to capture all possible demand variations on site. The model is evaluated using a case study from the residential construction sector. The application shows that the model is effective and can serve as decision support to optimise modular construction logistics

    Solution techniques for a crane sequencing problem

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    In shipyards and power plants, relocating resources (items) from existing positions to newly assigned locations are costly and may represent a significant portion of the overall project budget. Since the crane is the most popular material handling equipment for relocating bulky items, it is essential to develop a good crane route to ensure efficient utilization and lower cost. In this research, minimizing the total travel and loading/unloading costs for the crane to relocate resources in multiple time periods is defined as the crane sequencing problem (CSP). In other words, the objective of the CSP is to find routes such that the cost of crane travel and resource loading/unloading is minimized. However, the CSP considers the capacities of locations and intermediate drops (i.e., preemptions) during a multiple period planning horizon. Therefore, the CSP is a unique problem with many applications and is computationally intractable. A mathematical model is developed to obtain optimal solutions for small size problems. Since large size CSPs are computationally intractable, construction algorithms as well as improvement heuristics (e.g., simulated annealing, hybrid ant systems and tabu search heuristics) are proposed to solve the CSPs. Two sets of test problems with different problem sizes are generated to test the proposed heuristics. In other words, extensive computational experiments are conducted to evaluate the performances of the proposed heuristics

    Scheduling optimization of prefabricated construction projects by genetic algorithm

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    Published: 15 June 2021Prefabricated buildings are the direction of the future development of the construction industry and have received widespread attention. The effective execution of prefabricated construction project scheduling should consider resource constraints and the supply arrangement of prefabricated components. However, the traditional construction resource-constrained project scheduling implementation method cannot simultaneously consider the characteristics of the linkage between component production and on-site assembly construction. It cannot also fully adapt to the scheduling implementation method of the prefabricated construction projects. It is difficult to work out a reasonable project schedule and resource allocation table. In order to determine the relevant schedule parameters that can reflect the actual construction situation of the prefabricated building and meet the scheduling requirements of the prefabricated project, this study proposes a prefabricated construction project scheduling model that considers project resource constraints and prefabricated component supply constraints. Additionally, it improves the design of traditional genetic algorithms (GAs). Research results of the experimental calculation and engineering application show that the proposed project scheduling optimization model and GA are effective and practical, which can help project managers in effectively formulating prefabricated construction project scheduling plans, reasonably allocating resources, reducing completion time, and improving project performance.Linlin Xie, Yajiao Chen and Ruidong Chan
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