307 research outputs found

    A big data approach for sequences indexing on the cloud via burrows wheeler transform

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    Indexing sequence data is important in the context of Precision Medicine, where large amounts of "omics"data have to be daily collected and analyzed in order to categorize patients and identify the most effective therapies. Here we propose an algorithm for the computation of Burrows Wheeler transform relying on Big Data technologies, i.e., Apache Spark and Hadoop. Our approach is the first that distributes the index computation and not only the input dataset, allowing to fully benefit of the available cloud resources. Copyright © 2020 for this paper by its authors

    Prospects and limitations of full-text index structures in genome analysis

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    The combination of incessant advances in sequencing technology producing large amounts of data and innovative bioinformatics approaches, designed to cope with this data flood, has led to new interesting results in the life sciences. Given the magnitude of sequence data to be processed, many bioinformatics tools rely on efficient solutions to a variety of complex string problems. These solutions include fast heuristic algorithms and advanced data structures, generally referred to as index structures. Although the importance of index structures is generally known to the bioinformatics community, the design and potency of these data structures, as well as their properties and limitations, are less understood. Moreover, the last decade has seen a boom in the number of variant index structures featuring complex and diverse memory-time trade-offs. This article brings a comprehensive state-of-the-art overview of the most popular index structures and their recently developed variants. Their features, interrelationships, the trade-offs they impose, but also their practical limitations, are explained and compared


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    As cost and throughput of second-generation sequencers continue to improve, even modestly resourced research laboratories can now perform DNA sequencing experiments that generate hundreds of billions of nucleotides of data, enough to cover the human genome dozens of times over, in about a week for a few thousand dollars. Such data are now being generated rapidly by research groups across the world, and large-scale analyses of these data appear often in high-profile publications such as Nature, Science, and The New England Journal of Medicine. But with these advances comes a serious problem: growth in per-sequencer throughput (currently about 4x per year) is drastically outpacing growth in computer speed (about 2x every 2 years). As the throughput gap widens over time, sequence analysis software is becoming a performance bottleneck, and the costs associated with building and maintaining the needed computing resources is burdensome for research laboratories. This thesis proposes two methods and describes four open source software tools that help to address these issues using novel algorithms and high-performance computing techniques. The proposed approaches build primarily on two insights. First, that the Burrows-Wheeler Transform and the FM Index, previously used for data compression and exact string matching, can be extended to facilitate fast and memory-efficient alignment of DNA sequences to long reference genomes such as the human genome. Second, that these algorithmic advances can be combined with MapReduce and cloud computing to solve comparative genomics problems in a manner that is scalable, fault tolerant, and usable even by small research groups

    Hadooping the genome: The impact of big data tools on biology

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    This essay examines the consequences of the so-called ‘big data’ technologies in biomedicine. Analyzing algorithms and data structures used by biologists can provide insight into how biologists perceive and understand their objects of study. As such, I examine some of the most widely used algorithms in genomics: those used for sequence comparison or sequence mapping. These algorithms are derived from the powerful tools for text searching and indexing that have been developed since the 1950s and now play an important role in online search. In biology, sequence comparison algorithms have been used to assemble genomes, process next-generation sequence data, and, most recently, for ‘precision medicine.’ I argue that the predominance of a specific set of text-matching and pattern-finding tools has influenced problem choice in genomics. It allowed genomics to continue to think of genomes as textual objects and to increasingly lock genomics into ‘big data’-driven text-searching methods. Many ‘big data’ methods are designed for finding patterns in human-written texts. However, genomes and other’ omic data are not human-written and are unlikely to be meaningful in the same way

    Computational pan-genomics: status, promises and challenges

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    International audienceMany disciplines, from human genetics and oncology to plant breeding, microbiology and virology, commonly face the challenge of analyzing rapidly increasing numbers of genomes. In case of Homo sapiens, the number of sequenced genomes will approach hundreds of thousands in the next few years. Simply scaling up established bioinformatics pipelines will not be sufficient for leveraging the full potential of such rich genomic data sets. Instead, novel, qualitatively different computational methods and paradigms are needed. We will witness the rapid extension of computational pan-genomics, a new sub-area of research in computational biology. In this article, we generalize existing definitions and understand a pan-genome as any collection of genomic sequences to be analyzed jointly or to be used as a reference. We examine already available approaches to construct and use pan-genomes, discuss the potential benefits of future technologies and methodologies and review open challenges from the vantage point of the above-mentioned biological disciplines. As a prominent example for a computational paradigm shift, we particularly highlight the transition from the representation of reference genomes as strings to representations as graphs. We outline how this and other challenges from different application domains translate into common computational problems, point out relevant bioinformatics techniques and identify open problems in computer science. With this review, we aim to increase awareness that a joint approach to computational pan-genomics can help address many of the problems currently faced in various domains

    Distributed hybrid-indexing of compressed pan-genomes for scalable and fast sequence alignment

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    Computational pan-genomics utilizes information from multiple individual genomes in large-scale comparative analysis. Genetic variation between case-controls, ethnic groups, or species can be discovered thoroughly using pan-genomes of such subpopulations. Whole-genome sequencing (WGS) data volumes are growing rapidly, making genomic data compression and indexing methods very important. Despite current space-efficient repetitive sequence compression and indexing methods, the deployed compression methods are often sequential, computationally time-consuming, and do not provide efficient sequence alignment performance on vast collections of genomes such as pan-genomes. For performing rapid analytics with the ever-growing genomics data, data compression and indexing methods have to exploit distributed and parallel computing more efficiently. Instead of strict genome data compression methods, we will focus on the efficient construction of a compressed index for pan-genomes. Compressed hybrid-index enables fast sequence alignments to several genomes at once while shrinking the index size significantly compared to traditional indexes. We propose a scalable distributed compressed hybrid-indexing method for large genomic data sets enabling pan-genome-based sequence search and read alignment capabilities. We show the scalability of our tool, DHPGIndex, by executing experiments in a distributed Apache Spark-based computing cluster comprising 448 cores distributed over 26 nodes. The experiments have been performed both with human and bacterial genomes. DHPGIndex built a BLAST index for n = 250 human pan-genome with an 870:1 compression ratio (CR) in 342 minutes and a Bowtie2 index with 157:1 CR in 397 minutes. For n = 1,000 human pan-genome, the BLAST index was built in 1520 minutes with 532:1 CR and the Bowtie2 index in 1938 minutes with 76:1 CR. Bowtie2 aligned 14.6 GB of paired-end reads to the compressed (n = 1,000) index in 31.7 minutes on a single node. Compressing n = 13,375,031 (488 GB) GenBank database to BLAST index resulted in CR of 62:1 in 575 minutes. BLASTing 189,864 Crispr-Cas9 gRNA target sequences (23 MB in total) to the compressed index of human pan-genome (n = 1,000) finished in 45 minutes on a single node. 30 MB mixed bacterial sequences were (n = 599) were blasted to the compressed index of 488 GB GenBank database (n = 13,375,031) in 26 minutes on 25 nodes. 78 MB mixed sequences (n = 4,167) were blasted to the compressed index of 18 GB E. coli sequence database (n = 745,409) in 5.4 minutes on a single node.Peer reviewe

    Computational pan-genomics: status, promises and challenges

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