80 research outputs found


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    The current spectrum allocation cannot satisfy the demand for future wireless communications, which prompts extensive studies in search of feasible solutions for the spectrum scarcity. The burden in terms of the spectral efficiency on the radio frequency terminal is intended to be small by cognitive radio (CR) systems that prefer low power transmission, changeable carrier frequencies, and diverse modulation schemes. However, the recent surge in the application of the CR has been accompanied by an indispensable component: the spectrum sensing, to avoid interference towards the primary user. This requirement leads to a complex strategy for sensing and transmission and an increased demand for signal processing at the secondary user. However, the performance of the spectrum sensing can be extended by a robust modulation classification (MC) scheme to distinguish between a primary user and a secondary user along with the interference identification. For instance, the underlying paradigm that enables a concurrent transmission of the primary and secondary links may need a precise measure of the interference that the secondary users cause to the primary users. An adjustment to the transmission power should be made, if there is a change in the modulation of the primary users, implying a noise oor excess at the primary user location; else, the primary user will be subject to interference and a collision may occur.Alternatively, the interweave paradigm that progresses the spectrum efficiency by reusing the allocated spectrum over a temporary space, requires a classification of the intercepted signal into primary and secondary systems. Moreover, a distinction between noise and interference can be accomplished by modulation classification, if spectrum sensing is impossible. Therefore, modulation classification has been a fruitful area of study for over three decades.In this thesis, the modulation classification algorithms using machine learning are investigated while new methods are proposed. Firstly, a supervised machine learning based modulation classification algorithm is proposed. The higher-order cumulants are selected as features, due to its robustness to noise. Stacked denoising autoencoders,which is an extended edition of the neural network, is chosen as the classifier. On one hand stacked pre-train overcomes the shortcoming of local optimization, on the other, denoising function further enhances the anti-noise performance. The performance of this method is compared with the conventional methods in terms of the classification accuracy and execution speed. Secondly, an unsupervised machine learning based modulation classification algorithm is proposed.The features from time-frequency distribution are extracted. Density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise (DBSCAN) is used as the classifier because it is impossible to decide the number of clusters in advance. The simulation reveals that this method has higher classification accuracy than the conventional methods. Moreover, the training phase is unnecessary for this method. Therefore, it has higher workability then supervised method. Finally, the advantages and dis-advantages of them are summarized.For the future work, algorithm optimization is still a challenging task, because the computation capability of hardware is limited. On one hand, for the supervised machine learning, GPU computation is a potential solution for supervised machine learning, to reduce the execution cost. Altering the modulation pool, the network structure has to be redesigned as well. On the other hand, for the unsupervised machine learning, that shifting the symbols to carrier frequency consumes extra computing resources.電気通信大学201

    Artificial intelligence (AI) methods in optical networks: A comprehensive survey

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    Producción CientíficaArtificial intelligence (AI) is an extensive scientific discipline which enables computer systems to solve problems by emulating complex biological processes such as learning, reasoning and self-correction. This paper presents a comprehensive review of the application of AI techniques for improving performance of optical communication systems and networks. The use of AI-based techniques is first studied in applications related to optical transmission, ranging from the characterization and operation of network components to performance monitoring, mitigation of nonlinearities, and quality of transmission estimation. Then, applications related to optical network control and management are also reviewed, including topics like optical network planning and operation in both transport and access networks. Finally, the paper also presents a summary of opportunities and challenges in optical networking where AI is expected to play a key role in the near future.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (Project EC2014-53071-C3-2-P, TEC2015-71932-REDT

    Spectrum Sensing Security in Cognitive Radio Networks

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    This thesis explores the use of unsupervised machine learning for spectrum sensing in cognitive radio (CR) networks from a security perspective. CR is an enabling technology for dynamic spectrum access (DSA) because of a CR's ability to reconfigure itself in a smart way. CR can adapt and use unoccupied spectrum with the help of spectrum sensing and DSA. DSA is an efficient way to dynamically allocate white spaces (unutilized spectrum) to other CR users in order to tackle the spectrum scarcity problem and improve spectral efficiency. So far various techniques have been developed to efficiently detect and classify signals in a DSA environment. Neural network techniques, especially those using unsupervised learning have some key advantages over other methods mainly because of the fact that minimal preconfiguration is required to sense the spectrum. However, recent results have shown some possible security vulnerabilities, which can be exploited by adversarial users to gain unrestricted access to spectrum by fooling signal classifiers. It is very important to address these new classes of security threats and challenges in order to make CR a long-term commercially viable concept. This thesis identifies some key security vulnerabilities when unsupervised machine learning is used for spectrum sensing and also proposes mitigation techniques to counter the security threats. The simulation work demonstrates the ability of malicious user to manipulate signals in such a way to confuse signal classifier. The signal classifier is forced by the malicious user to draw incorrect decision boundaries by presenting signal features which are akin to a primary user. Hence, a malicious user is able to classify itself as a primary user and thus gains unrivaled access to the spectrum. First, performance of various classification algorithms are evaluated. K-means and weighted classification algorithms are selected because of their robustness against proposed attacks as compared to other classification algorithm. Second, connection attack, point cluster attack, and random noise attack are shown to have an adverse effect on classification algorithms. In the end, some mitigation techniques are proposed to counter the effect of these attacks

    Cognitive Radio Systems

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    Cognitive radio is a hot research area for future wireless communications in the recent years. In order to increase the spectrum utilization, cognitive radio makes it possible for unlicensed users to access the spectrum unoccupied by licensed users. Cognitive radio let the equipments more intelligent to communicate with each other in a spectrum-aware manner and provide a new approach for the co-existence of multiple wireless systems. The goal of this book is to provide highlights of the current research topics in the field of cognitive radio systems. The book consists of 17 chapters, addressing various problems in cognitive radio systems

    Enabling Technologies for Cognitive Optical Networks

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    Automatic modulation classification using interacting multiple model - Kalman filter for channel estimation

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    YesA rigorous model for automatic modulation classification (AMC) in cognitive radio (CR) systems is proposed in this paper. This is achieved by exploiting the Kalman filter (KF) integrated with an adaptive interacting multiple model (IMM) for resilient estimation of the channel state information (CSI). A novel approach is proposed, in adding up the squareroot singular values (SRSV) of the decomposed channel using the singular value decompositions (SVD) algorithm. This new scheme, termed Frobenius eigenmode transmission (FET), is chiefly intended to maintain the total power of all individual effective eigenmodes, as opposed to keeping only the dominant one. The analysis is applied over multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) antennas in combination with a Rayleigh fading channel using a quasi likelihood ratio test (QLRT) algorithm for AMC. The expectation-maximization (EM) is employed for recursive computation of the underlying estimation and classification algorithms. Novel simulations demonstrate the advantages of the combined IMM-KF structure when compared to the perfectly known channel and maximum likelihood estimate (MLE), in terms of achieving the targeted optimal performance with the desirable benefit of less computational complexity loads

    PHY-layer Security in Cognitive Radio Networks through Learning Deep Generative Models: an AI-based approach

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    PhD ThesisRecently, Cognitive Radio (CR) has been intended as an intelligent radio endowed with cognition which can be developed by implementing Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques. Specifically, data-driven Self-Awareness (SA) functionalities, such as detection of spectrum abnormalities, can be effectively implemented as shown by the proposed research. One important application is PHY-layer security since it is essential to establish secure wireless communications against external jamming attacks. In this framework, signals are non-stationary and features from such kind of dynamic spectrum, with multiple high sampling rate signals, are then extracted through the Stockwell Transform (ST) with dual-resolution which has been proposed and validated in this work as part of spectrum sensing techniques. Afterwards, analysis of the state-of-the-art about learning dynamic models from observed features describes theoretical aspects of Machine Learning (ML). In particular, following the recent advances of ML, learning deep generative models with several layers of non-linear processing has been selected as AI method for the proposed spectrum abnormality detection in CR for a brain-inspired, data-driven SA. In the proposed approach, the features extracted from the ST representation of the wideband spectrum are organized in a high-dimensional generalized state vector and, then, a generative model is learned and employed to detect any deviation from normal situations in the analysed spectrum (abnormal signals or behaviours). Specifically, conditional GAN (C-GAN), auxiliary classifier GAN (AC-GAN), and deep VAE have been considered as deep generative models. A dataset of a dynamic spectrum with multi-OFDM signals has been generated by using the National Instruments mm-Wave Transceiver which operates at 28 GHz (central carrier frequency) with 800 MHz frequency range. Training of the deep generative model is performed on the generalized state vector representing the mmWave spectrum with normality pattern without any malicious activity. Testing is based on new and independent data samples corresponding to abnormality pattern where the moving signal follows a different behaviour which has not been observed during training. An abnormality indicator is measured and used for the binary classification (normality hypothesis otherwise abnormality hypothesis), while the performance of the generative models is evaluated and compared through ROC curves and accuracy metrics

    multimedia transmission over wireless networks: performance analysis and optimal resource allocation

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    In recent years, multimedia applications such as video telephony, teleconferencing, and video streaming, which are delay sensitive and bandwidth intensive, have started to account for a significant portion of the data traffic in wireless networks. Such multimedia applications require certain quality of service (QoS) guarantees in terms of delay, packet loss, buffer underflows and overflows, and received multimedia quality. It is also important to note that such requirements need to be satisfied in the presence of limited wireless resources, such as power and bandwidth. Therefore, it is critical to conduct a rigorous performance analysis of multimedia transmissions over wireless networks and identify efficient resource allocation strategies. Motivated by these considerations, in the first part of the thesis, performance of hierarchical modulation-based multimedia transmissions is analyzed. Unequal error protection (UEP) of data transmission using hierarchical quadrature amplitude modulation (HQAM) is considered in which high priority (HP) data is protected more than low priority (LP) data. In this setting, two different types of wireless networks are considered. Specifically, multimedia transmission over cognitive radio networks and device-to-device (D2D) cellular wireless networks is addressed. Closed-form bit error rate (BER) expressions are derived and optimal power control strategies are determined. Next, throughput and optimal resource allocation strategies are studied for multimedia transmission under delay QoS and energy efficiency (EE) constraints. A Quality-Rate (QR) distortion model is employed to measure the quality of received video in terms of peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) as a function of video source rate. Effective capacity (EC) is used as the throughput metric under delay QoS constraints. In this analysis, four different wireless networks are taken into consideration: First, D2D underlaid wireless networks are addressed. Efficient transmission mode selection and resource allocation strategies are analyzed with the goal of maximizing the quality of the received video at the receiver in a frequency-division duplexed (FDD) cellular network with a pair of cellular users, one base station and a pair of D2D users under delay QoS and EE constraints. A full-duplex communication scenario with a pair of users and multiple subchannels in which users can have different delay requirements is addressed. Since the optimization problem is not concave or convex due to the presence of interference, optimal power allocation policies that maximize the weighted sum video quality subject to total transmission power level constraint are derived by using monotonic optimization theory. The optimal scheme is compared with two suboptimal strategies. A full-duplex communication scenario with multiple pairs of users in which different users have different delay requirements is addressed. EC is used as the throughput metric in the presence of statistical delay constraints since deterministic delay bounds are difficult to guarantee due to the time-varying nature of wireless fading channels. Optimal resource allocation strategies are determined under bandwidth, power and minimum video quality constraints again using the monotonic optimization framework. A broadcast scenario in which a single transmitter sends multimedia data to multiple receivers is considered. The optimal bandwidth allocation and the optimal power allocation/power control policies that maximize the sum video quality subject to total bandwidth and minimum EE constraints are derived. Five different resource allocation strategies are investigated, and the joint optimization of the bandwidth allocation and power control is shown to provide the best performance. Tradeoff between EE and video quality is also demonstrated. In the final part of the thesis, power control policies are investigated for streaming variable bit rate (VBR) video over wireless links. A deterministic traffic model for stored VBR video, taking into account the frame size, frame rate, and playout buffers is considered. Power control and the transmission mode selection with the goal of maximizing the sum transmission rate while avoiding buffer underflows and overflows under transmit power constraints is exploited in a D2D wireless network. Another system model involving a transmitter (e.g., a base station (BS)) that sends VBR video data to a mobile user equipped with a playout buffer is also adopted. In this setting, both offline and online power control policies are considered in order to minimize the transmission power without playout buffer underflows and overflows. Both dynamic programming and reinforcement learning based algorithms are developed

    Machine learning and energy efficient cognitive radio

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    With an explosion of wireless mobile devices and services, system designers are facing a challenge of spectrum scarcity and high energy consumption. Cognitive radio (CR) is a promising solution for fulfilling the growing demand of radio spectrum using dynamic spectrum access. It has the ability of sensing, allocating, sharing and adapting to the radio environment. In this thesis, an analytical performance evaluation of the machine learning and energy efficient cognitive radio systems has been investigated while taking some realistic conditions into account. Firstly, bio-inspired techniques, including re y algorithm (FFA), fish school search (FSS) and particle swarm optimization (PSO), have been utilized in this thesis to evaluate the optimal weighting vectors for cooperative spectrum sensing (CSS) and spectrum allocation in the cognitive radio systems. This evaluation is performed for more realistic signals that suffer from the non-linear distortions, caused by the power amplifiers. The thesis then takes the investigation further by analysing the spectrum occupancy in the cognitive radio systems using different machine learning techniques. Four machine learning algorithms, including naive bayesian classifier (NBC), decision trees (DT), support vector machine (SVM) and hidden markov model (HMM) have been studied to find the best technique with the highest classification accuracy (CA). A detailed comparison of the supervised and unsupervised algorithms in terms of the computational time and classification accuracy has been presented. In addition to this, the thesis investigates the energy efficient cognitive radio systems because energy harvesting enables the perpetual operation of the wireless networks without the need of battery change. In particular, energy can be harvested from the radio waves in the radio frequency spectrum. For ensuring reliable performance, energy prediction has been proposed as a key component for optimizing the energy harvesting because it equips the harvesting nodes with adaptation to the energy availability. Two machine learning techniques, linear regression (LR) and decision trees (DT) have been utilized to predict the harvested energy using real-time power measurements in the radio spectrum. Furthermore, the conventional energy harvesting cognitive radios do not assume any energy harvesting capability at the primary users (PUs). However, this is not the case when primary users are wirelessly powered. In this thesis, a novel framework has been proposed where PUs possess the energy harvesting capabilities and can get benefit from the presence of the secondary user (SU) without any predetermined agreement. The performances of the wireless powered PUs and the SU has also been analysed. Numerical results have been presented to show the accuracy of the analysis. First, it has been observed that bio-inspired techniques outperform the conventional algorithms used for collaborative spectrum sensing and allocation. Second, it has been noticed that SVM is the best algorithm among all the supervised and unsupervised classifiers. Based on this, a new SVM algorithm has been proposed by combining SVM with FFA. It has also been observed that SVM+FFA outperform all other machine leaning classifiers Third, it has been noticed in the energy predictive modelling framework that LR outperforms DT by achieving smaller prediction error. It has also been shown that optimal time and frequency attained using energy predictive model can be used for defining the scheduling policies of the harvesting nodes. Last, it has been shown that wirelessly powered PUs having energy harvesting capabilities can attain energy gain from the transmission of SU and SU can attain the throughput gain from the extra transmission time allocated for energy harvesting PUs