1,574 research outputs found

    Millimeter-wave and terahertz imaging techniques

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    This thesis presents the development and assessment of imaging techniques in the millimeterwave (mmW) and terahertz frequency bands. In the first part of the thesis, the development of a 94 GHz passive screener based on a total-power radiometer (TPR) with mechanical beamscanning is presented. Several images have been acquired with the TPR screener demonstrator, either in indoor and outdoor environments, serving as a testbed to acquire the know-how required to perform the research presented in the following parts of the thesis. In the second part of the thesis, a theoretical research on the performance of near-field passive screeners is described. This part stands out the tradeoff between spatial and radiometric resolutions taking into account the image distortion produced by placing the scenario in the near-field range of the radiometer array. In addition, the impact of the decorrelation effect in the image has been also studied simulating the reconstruction technique of a synthetic aperture radiometer. Guidelines to choose the proper radiometer depending on the application, the scenario, the acquisition speed and the tolerated image distortion are given in this part. In the third part of the thesis, the development of a correlation technique with optical processing applicable to millimeter-wave interferometric radiometers is described. The technique is capable of correlating wide-bandwidth signals in the optical domain with no loss of radiometric sensitivity. The theoretical development of the method as well as measurements validating the suitability to correlate radiometric signals are presented in this part. In the final part of the thesis, the frequency band of the imaging problem is increased to frequencies beyond 100 GHz, covering the THz band. In this case the research is centered in tomographic techniques that include spectral information of the samples in the reconstructed images. The tomographic algorithm can provide detection and identification of chemical compounds that present a certain spectral footprint in the THz frequency band.Postprint (published version

    Convergence and stability assessment of Newton-Kantorovich reconstrutin algorithms for microwve tomography

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    For newly developed iterative Newton-Kantorovitch reconstruction techniques, the quality of the final image depends on both experimental and model noise. Experimental noise is inherent to any experimental acquisition scheme, while model noise refers to the accuracy of the numerical model, used in the reconstruction process, to reproduce the experimental setup. This paper provides a systematic assessment of the major sources of experimental and model noise on the quality of the final image. This assessment is conducted from experimental data obtained with a microwave circular scanner operating at 2.33 GHz. Targets to be imaged include realistic biological structures, such as a human forearm, as well as calibrated samples for the sake of accuracy evaluation. The results provide a quantitative estimation of the effect of experimental factors, such as temperature of the immersion medium, frequency, signal-to-noise ratio, and various numerical parameters.Peer Reviewe

    Contribution to the Design AND Implementation of a Microwave Tomography System for Breast Cancer Detection

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    Abstract This thesis represents a contribution to the design and implementation of a microwave tomography system applied to breast cancer detection. Microwave tomography is an imaging technique that aims to reconstruct the permittivity and conductivity of an unknown object from measurements of its scattered field. This technique has been used in a variety of applications such as non-destructive testing, geophysical surveys and biomedical imaging. Here, we will concentrate in the breast cancer detection, where this technique has received a lot of attention in the recent years. A microwave tomography system usually involves two separate parts, a measurement system capable of performing accurate measurements of the scattered field and a set of algorithms for solving the inverse problem of retrieving the permittivity and conductivity spatial distribution of the unknown object from the scattered field measurements. This inverse problem is particularly difficult to solve, since it is non-linear and ill posed. In order to achieve a good reconstruction of the object, we need to illuminate it under several independent conditions, such as different antenna positions, frequencies or polarizations. In this thesis, we concentrate in the design of an efficient illumination configuration that tries to maximize the quality of the reconstructed images. After a literature review, it is observed that most of the proposed measurement systems share a common configuration, where in order to maximize the comfort of the patient; the antennas are arranged in a cylindrical or hemi-spherical configuration. On the other hand, the most popular method for breast cancer detection is mammography, where an X-ray image of the compressed breast at two different projections is performed. Taking this into account, two alternative configurations based on a compression of the breast are proposed, the camera and waveguide configurations. The main hypothesis behind this proposition is that a compression of the breast will allow placing the receivers very close to the breast where it is possible to measure the evanescent component of the scattered field and thus allow an enhancement of the quality of the reconstructed images. In order to prove this hypothesis, a rigorous study of the proposed configurations against a classical circular tomography setup is performed, and we determine under what conditions the reconstructed images can be enhanced. Next, the placement of the receiving antennas very close to the object under test, poses some challenges for an accurate measurement of the scattered fields, since the measurement probe itself can distort the quantity to be measured. For this purpose, an enhanced version of a previously designed near-field probe based on the modulated scattering technique is designed and validated. The probe is then used in the practical implementation of the proposed waveguide configuration. polarisations à l’intérieur du guide d’onde.----------Résumé Cette thèse représente une contribution à la conception et mise en œuvre d’un système de tomographie micro-onde pour la détection du cancer du sein. La tomographie micro-onde est une technique d’imagerie donc le but est de reconstruire la permittivité et la conductivité d’un objet inconnu à partir des mesures du champ diffusé par l’objet. Cette technique a été utilisée dans une variété d'applications comme le control non-destructif, la géophysique et l’imagerie biomédicale. Dans cette thèse, l'emphase sera mise sur la détection du cancer du sein, où cette technique a reçu énormément d’attention dans les années précédentes. Un système de tomographie micro-onde est normalement composé de deux parties séparées; un système de mesures capable de fournir des mesures précises du champ diffusé et une série d’algorithmes capable de retrouver la distribution spatiale de la permittivité et la conductivité de l’objet inconnu à partir des mesures du champ diffusé. Ce problème inverse est particulièrement difficile à résoudre, puisqu’il est non-linéaire et mal posé. Dans le but d’obtenir une bonne reconstruction de l’objet, il est nécessaire d’illuminer l’objet sous une série de conditions indépendantes, comme différentes positions d’antenne, des fréquences ou des polarisations. Dans cette thèse, l'emphase sera mise sur la conception d’une configuration d’illumination efficace qui essaie de maximiser la qualité des images reconstruites. Après une revue de littérature, on observe que la plupart des systèmes de mesures partagent une configuration commune o\`u les antennes sont placées sur une configuration cylindrique ou hémisphérique pour maximiser le confort de la patiente. D’un autre coté, la méthode la plus populaire pour le dépistage du cancer du sein est la mammographie, o\`u on utilise une image à rayons X du sein compressé en deux projections. En prenant compte de ce fait, on propose deux configurations alternatives basées sur la compression du sein, les configurations caméra et guide d’onde. L’hypothèse derrière cette proposition est que la compression du sein permet de placer les capteurs très près de ce dernier donc il est possible de mesurer la composante évanescente du champ diffusé, ce qui pourrait permettre l'amélioration de la qualité des images reconstruites. Afin de prouver cette hypothèse, une étude rigoureuse des configurations proposées et sa comparaison avec une configuration classique de tomographie circulaire est réalisée. Grace à cette étude on détermine les conditions qui permettent d’améliorer les images reconstruites. Le placement des capteurs très proche de l’objet sous test représente un défi pour une mesure précise des champs diffusés, puisque le capteur lui-même peut perturber le signal à mesurer. Pour cette raison, une version améliorée d’une sonde de mesure en champ proche basé sur la technique de diffusion modulée est conçue et validée. La sonde est utilisée pour la mise en œuvre de la configuration guide d’onde proposée. Un réseau d’antennes est développé pour l’excitation de différents modes avec différente

    Real-time and portable microwave imaging system

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    Microwave and millimeter wave imaging has shown tremendous utility in a wide variety of applications. These techniques are primarily based on measuring coherent electric field distribution on the target being imaged. Mechanically scanned systems are the simple and low cost solution in microwave imaging. However, these systems are typically bulky and slow. This dissertation presents a design for a 2D switched imaging array that utilizes modulated scattering techniques for spatial multiplexing of the signal. The system was designed to be compact, coherent, possessing high dynamic range, and capable of video frame rate imaging. Various aspects of the system design were optimized to achieve the design objectives. The 2D imaging system as designed and described in this dissertation utilized PIN diode loaded resonant elliptical slot antennas as array elements. The slot antennas allow for incorporating the switching into the antennas thus reducing the cost and size of the array. Furthermore, these slots are integrated in a simple low loss waveguide network. Moreover, the sensitivity and dynamic range of this system is improved by utilizing a custom designed heterodyne receiver and matched filter. This dissertation also presents an analysis on the properties of this system. The performance of the multiplexing scheme, the noise floor and the dynamic range of the receivers are investigated. Furthermore, sources of errors such as mutual coupling and array response dispersion are also investigated. Finally, utilizing this imaging system for various applications such as 2D electric field mapping, scatterer localization, and nondestructive imaging is demonstrated --Abstract, Page iii

    High Speed Dim Air Target Detection Using Airborne Radar under Clutter and Jamming Effects

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    The challenging potential problems associated with using airborne radar in detection of high Speed Maneuvering Dim Target (HSMDT) are the highly noise, jamming and clutter effects. The problem is not only how to remove clutter and jamming as well as the range migration and Doppler ambiguity estimation problems due to high relative speed between the targets and airborne radar. Some of the recently published works ignored the range migration problems, while the others ignored the Doppler ambiguity estimation. In this paper a new hybrid technique using Optimum Space Time Adaptive Processing (OSTAP), Second Order Keystone Transform (SOKT), and the Improved Fractional Radon Transform (IFrRT) was proposed. The OSTAP was applied as anti-jamming and clutter rejection method, the SOKT corrects the range curvature and part of the range walk, then the IFrRT estimates the target’ radial acceleration and corrects the residual range walk. The simulation demonstrates the validity and effectiveness of the proposed technique, and its advantages over the previous researches by comparing its probability of detection with the traditional methods. The new approach increases the probability of detection, and also overcomes the limitation of Doppler frequency ambiguity

    Microwave plasma diagnostics

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    Optimized techniques for real-time microwave and millimeter wave SAR imaging

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    Microwave and millimeter wave synthetic aperture radar (SAR)-based imaging techniques, used for nondestructive evaluation (NDE), have shown tremendous usefulness for the inspection of a wide variety of complex composite materials and structures. Studies were performed for the optimization of uniform and nonuniform sampling (i.e., measurement positions) since existing formulations of SAR resolution and sampling criteria do not account for all of the physical characteristics of a measurement (e.g., 2D limited-size aperture, electric field decreasing with distance from the measuring antenna, etc.) and nonuniform sampling criteria supports sampling below the Nyquist rate. The results of these studies demonstrate optimum sampling given design requirements that fully explain resolution dependence on sampling criteria. This work was then extended to manually-selected and nonuniformly distributed samples such that the intelligence of the user may be utilized by observing SAR images being updated in real-time. Furthermore, a novel reconstruction method was devised that uses components of the SAR algorithm to advantageously exploit the inherent spatial information contained in the data, resulting in a superior final SAR image. Furthermore, better SAR images can be obtained if multiple frequencies are utilized as compared to single frequency. To this end, the design of an existing microwave imaging array was modified to support multiple frequency measurement. Lastly, the data of interest in such an array may be corrupted by coupling among elements since they are closely spaced, resulting in images with an increased level of artifacts. A method for correcting or pre-processing the data by using an adaptation of correlation canceling technique is presented as well --Abstract, page iii

    1-D broadside-radiating leaky-wave antenna based on a numerically synthesized impedance surface

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    A newly-developed deterministic numerical technique for the automated design of metasurface antennas is applied here for the first time to the design of a 1-D printed Leaky-Wave Antenna (LWA) for broadside radiation. The surface impedance synthesis process does not require any a priori knowledge on the impedance pattern, and starts from a mask constraint on the desired far-field and practical bounds on the unit cell impedance values. The designed reactance surface for broadside radiation exhibits a non conventional patterning; this highlights the merit of using an automated design process for a design well known to be challenging for analytical methods. The antenna is physically implemented with an array of metal strips with varying gap widths and simulation results show very good agreement with the predicted performance

    Microwave Sensing and Imaging

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    In recent years, microwave sensing and imaging have acquired an ever-growing importance in several applicative fields, such as non-destructive evaluations in industry and civil engineering, subsurface prospection, security, and biomedical imaging. Indeed, microwave techniques allow, in principle, for information to be obtained directly regarding the physical parameters of the inspected targets (dielectric properties, shape, etc.) by using safe electromagnetic radiations and cost-effective systems. Consequently, a great deal of research activity has recently been devoted to the development of efficient/reliable measurement systems, which are effective data processing algorithms that can be used to solve the underlying electromagnetic inverse scattering problem, and efficient forward solvers to model electromagnetic interactions. Within this framework, this Special Issue aims to provide some insights into recent microwave sensing and imaging systems and techniques
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