2,306 research outputs found

    Some aspects of numerical modeling of steel-concrete composite beams with prestressed tendons

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    Aspects about the numerical modeling of three-dimensional prestressed steel-concrete composite beams by using the finite element (FE) method are highlighted and commented in this work. Emphasis is given to the numerical treatment of bonded and unbonded tendons. The proposed modeling technique uses curved beam and catenary elements for simulating internal and external tendons, respectively. Other issues such as the constitutive model for shear connectors, steel beam and concrete are also discussed. Several numerical examples with experimental and numerical results are presented. It is encountered that a faster numerical convergence is achieved when the tendon stiffness is included in the overall stiffness of the structure, even when the unbonded internal situation is addressed. Moreover, omitting slipping at the deviator device may lead to inaccurate results in the evaluation of tendon forces for external prestressing. Favourable agreement is encountered for all studied examples

    Nonlinear finite element modeling of vibration control of plane rod-type structural members with integrated piezoelectric patches

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    This paper addresses modeling and finite element analysis of the transient large-amplitude vibration response of thin rod-type structures (e.g., plane curved beams, arches, ring shells) and its control by integrated piezoelectric layers. A geometrically nonlinear finite beam element for the analysis of piezolaminated structures is developed that is based on the Bernoulli hypothesis and the assumptions of small strains and finite rotations of the normal. The finite element model can be applied to static, stability, and transient analysis of smart structures consisting of a master structure and integrated piezoelectric actuator layers or patches attached to the upper and lower surfaces. Two problems are studied extensively: (i) FE analyses of a clamped semicircular ring shell that has been used as a benchmark problem for linear vibration control in several recent papers are critically reviewed and extended to account for the effects of structural nonlinearity and (ii) a smart circular arch subjected to a hydrostatic pressure load is investigated statically and dynamically in order to study the shift of bifurcation and limit points, eigenfrequencies, and eigenvectors, as well as vibration control for loading conditions which may lead to dynamic loss of stability

    Nonlinear analyses of composite aerospace structures in sonic fatigue

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    This report summarizes the semiannual research progress, accomplishments, and future plans performed under the NASA Langley Research Center Grant No. NAG-1-1358. The primary research effort of this project is the development of analytical methods for the prediction of nonlinear random response of composite aerospace structures subjected to combined acoustic and thermal loads. The progress, accomplishments, and future plates on four sonic fatigue research topics are described. The sonic fatigue design and passive control of random response of shape memory alloy hybrid composites presented in section 4, which is suited especially for HSCT, is a new initiative

    Static behavior of composite beams using various refined shear deformation theories

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    Static behavior of composite beams with arbitrary lay-ups using various refined shear deformation theories is presented. The developed theories, which do not require shear correction factor, account for parabolical variation of shear strains and consequently shear stresses through the depth of the beam. In addition, they have strong similarity with Euler–Bernoulli beam theory in some aspects such as governing equations, boundary conditions, and stress resultant expressions. A two-noded C1 finite element with six degree-of-freedom per node which accounts for shear deformation effects and all coupling coming from the material anisotropy is developed to solve the problem. Numerical results are performed for symmetric and anti-symmetric cross-ply composite beams under the uniformly distributed load and concentrated load. The effects of fiber angle and lay-ups on the shear deformation parameter and extension-bending-shear-torsion response are investigated

    Modeling and Design of Multi-Stable Composite Structures

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    Dynamic tailoring of beam-like structures. Application to High Aspect Ratio unitized box-beam and internal resonant structures

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    This work is a journey into the dynamic tailoring of beam-like structures which aims to exploit unconventional couplings and nonlinearities to enlarge the design space and improving the performances of engineering systems. Particularly, two examples pertaining dynamic tailoring of aerospace and mechanical systems are investigated in depth. In the first case, the work aims to attain a desired structural performance exploiting typical nonlinear structural phenomena and unconventional couplings offered by the unitized structures. As for the unitized structures, the present work, derives two equivalent plate models of curvilinear stiffened panels namely, constant (or homogenized) stiffness model and variable stiffness model. The models are assessed through finite element analysis. In the spirit of CAS (Circumferentially Asymmetric Stiffness), the equivalent plate stiffness’s are used to determine the cross- sectional beam stiffness’s. The governing equations for the Euler-Bernoulli, anisotropic beam with variable stiffness are derived and then used to address the optimization problem. The objective of the optimization is to attain a desired static or dynamic performance of the unitized beam exploiting the enlarged design space which arises from the stiffness variability and the unconventional couplings. In the second type of system analyzed, the aim is synthesize meaningful topologies for planar resonators. The topology optimization is addressed using as initial guess a ground structure. Motivated by the results of the optimization, a generalized reduced order model is derived for multi-members beam structures. The generalized model have been then specialized for three cases namely, V- Y- and Z-shaped resonators. The analytical solution for the V-shaped resonator is also derived along with the electro-mechanical equations of motion. Different solutions are studied aiming at investigating the effect of the folding angle on to the performances of a V-shaped harvester. Beside the study of the static and dynamic behavior of the systems, the thesis presents two novel optimization algorithms namely, the Stud^P GA and the GERM. The Stud^P GA, is a population based algorithm conceived to enhance the exploration capabilities, and hence the convergence rate, of classical GA. The Stud^P GA has been preliminary assessed through benchmark problems for composite layered structure and then used for the optimization of the stiffeners' path aiming at attaining a desired static or dynamic performances. The GERM (Graph-based Element Removal Method), is a double filtering technique conceived for the topology synthesis of planar ground structures. The GERM has been used, in combination with a standard GA, to address the topology optimization problem of the two types of system namely, planar resonator and compliant structures. The work introduces also the concept of trace-based scaling for predicting the behavior of anisotropic structures. The effectiveness of the trace-based scaling is assessed through comparison between scaled and analytical performances of anisotropic structures

    Geometrically nonlinear analysis of thin-walled composite box beams

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    A general geometrically nonlinear model for thin-walled composite space beams with arbitrary lay-ups under various types of loadings has been presented by using variational formulation based on the classical lamination theory. The nonlinear governing equations are derived and solved by means of an incremental Newton–Raphson method. A displacement-based one-dimensional finite element model that accounts for the geometric nonlinearity in the von Kármán sense is developed. Numerical results are obtained for thin-walled composite box beam under vertical load to investigate the effect of geometric nonlinearity and address the effects of the fiber orientation, laminate stacking sequence, load parameter on axial–flexural–torsional response

    Analysis of Thin-Walled Beam and Flexible Plate Structures through the Unified Formulation

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    Large-deflection and post-buckling analyses of laminated composite beams by Carrera Unified Formulation

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    The Carrera Unified Formulation (CUF) was recently extended to deal with the geometric nonlinear analysis of solid cross-section and thin-walled metallic beams (Pagani and Carrera, 2017). The promising results provided enough confidence for exploring the capabilities of that methodology when dealing with large displacements and post-buckling response of composite laminated beams, which is the subject of the present work. Accordingly, by employing CUF, governing nonlinear equations of low- to higher-order beam theories for laminated beams are expressed in this paper as degenerated cases of the three-dimensional elasticity equilibrium via an appropriate index notation. In detail, although the provided equations are valid for any one-dimensional structural theory in a unified sense, layer-wise kinematics are employed in this paper through the use of Lagrange polynomial expansions of the primary mechanical variables. The principle of virtual work and a finite element approximation are used to formulate the governing equations in a total Lagrangian manner, whereas a Newton–Raphson linearization scheme along with a path-following method based on the arc-length constraint is employed to solve the geometrically nonlinear problem. Several numerical assessments are proposed, including post-buckling of symmetric cross-ply beams and large displacement analysis of asymmetric laminates under flexural and compression loadings