101 research outputs found

    Optimization of Electrical Validation and Debug Time in Reference Clocks

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    La Validación Eléctrica y depuración, a nivel de sistema, de las señales de reloj de referencia, requiere muchos conocimientos y habilidades de Integridad de Señal y Alta Frecuencia. La intención de este trabajo es mejorar la metodología de validación actual e incrementar el conocimiento técnico, de esta manera nuestro equipo de validación podrá encontrar defectos y causas raíz rápidamente. Estaremos analizando, modelando y simulando los principales cuatro casos de depuración vistos en los ciclos de validación anteriores, diseñando y utilizando búferes de reloj con impedancia controlada, así como líneas de transmisión. El resultado obtenido es que, aparte de haber creado habilidades y conocimiento, también estamos observando muy buena correlación entre la simulación y el comportamiento real de nuestros productos

    Design of Analog & Mixed Signal Circuits in Continuous-Time Sigma-Delta Modulators for System-on-Chip applications

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    Software-defined radio receivers (SDRs) have become popular to accommodate multi-standard wireless services using a single chip-set solution in mobile telecommunication systems. In SDRs, the signal is down-converted to an intermediate frequency and then digitalized. This approach relaxes the specifications for most of the analog front-end building blocks by performing most of the signal processing in the digital domain. However, since the analog-to-digital converter (ADC) is located as close as possible to the antenna in SDR architectures, the ADC specification requirements are very stringent because a large amount of interference signals are present at the ADC input due to the removal of filtering blocks, which particularly affects the dynamic range (DR) specification. Sigma-delta (ΣΔ) ADCs have several benefits such as low implementation cost, especially when the architecture contains mostly digital circuits. Furthermore, continuous-time (CT) ΣΔ ADCs allow elimination of the anti‐aliasing filter because input signals are sampled after the integrator. The bandwidth requirements for the amplifiers in CT ΣΔ ADCs can be relaxed due to the continuous operation without stringing settling time requirements. Therefore, they are suitable for high‐speed and low‐power applications. In addition, CT ΣΔ ADCs achieve high resolution due to the ΣΔ modulator’s noise shaping property. However, the in-band quantization noise is shaped by the analog loop filter and the distortions of the analog loop filter directly affect the system output. Hence, highly linear low-noise loop filters are required for high-performance ΣΔ modulators. The first task in this research focused on using CMOS 90 nm technology to design and fabricate a 5^(TH)–order active-RC loop filter with a cutoff frequency of 20 MHz for a low pass (LP) CT ΣΔ modulator. The active-RC topology was selected because of the high DR requirement in SDR applications. The amplifiers in the first stage of the loop filter were implemented with linearization techniques employing anti-parallel cancellation and source degeneration in the second stage of the amplifiers. These techniques improve the third-order intermodulation (IM3) by approximately 10 dB; while noise, area, and power consumption do not increase by more than 10%. Second, a current-mode adder-flash ADC was also fabricated as part of a LP CT ΣΔ modulator. The new current-mode operation developed through this research makes possible a 53% power reduction. The new technology also lessens existing problems associated with voltage-mode flash ADCs, which are mainly related to voltage headroom restrictions, speed of operation, offsets, and power efficiency of the latches. The core of the current-mode adder-flash ADC was fabricated in CMOS 90 nm technology with 1.2 V supply; it dissipates 3.34 mW while operating at 1.48 GHz and consumes a die area of 0.0276 mm^(2). System-on chip (SoC) solutions are becoming more popular in mobile telecommunication systems to improve the portability and competitiveness of products. Since the analog/RF and digital blocks often share the same external power supply in SoC solutions, the on-chip generation of clean power supplies is necessary to avoid system performance degradation due to supply noises. Finally, the critical design issues for external capacitor-less low drop-out (LDO) regulators for SoC applications are addressed in this dissertation, especially the challenges related to power supply rejection at high frequencies as well as loop stability and transient response. The paths of the power supply noise to the LDO output were analyzed, and a power supply noise cancellation circuit was developed. The power supply rejection (PSR) performance was improved by using a replica circuit that tracks the main supply noise under process-voltage-temperature variations and all operating conditions. Fabricated in a 0.18 μm CMOS technology with 1.8 V supply, the entire proposed LDO consumes 55 μA of quiescent current while in standby operation, and it has a drop-out voltage of 200 mV when providing 50 mA to the load. Its active core chip area is 0.14 mm2. Compared to a conventional uncompensated LDO, the proposed architecture presents a PSR improvement of 34 dB and 25 dB at 1 MHz and 4 MHz, respectively

    Deliverable D4.1: VLC modulation schemes

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    This report presents the analysis of different modulation schemes D4.1 for VLC systems of the VIDAS project. Considering the final prototype design and application, the deliverable D4.1 was projected. The detail analysis of various modulation schemes are carried out and a robust technique based on direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) is followed. DSSS technique though necessitates use of high bandwidth while minimizing the effect of noise. Since the final application does not require very high dat a rate of transmission but robustness against the noise (external lights) becomes necessary. The analysis is followed by model development using Matlab/Simulink. The performance of both of these systems are compared and evaluated. Some of the simulation results are presented

    Source-synchronous I/O Links using Adaptive Interface Training for High Bandwidth Applications

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    Mobility is the key to the global business which requires people to be always connected to a central server. With the exponential increase in smart phones, tablets, laptops, mobile traffic will soon reach in the range of Exabytes per month by 2018. Applications like video streaming, on-demand-video, online gaming, social media applications will further increase the traffic load. Future application scenarios, such as Smart Cities, Industry 4.0, Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communications bring the concepts of Internet of Things (IoT) which requires high-speed low power communication infrastructures. Scientific applications, such as space exploration, oil exploration also require computing speed in the range of Exaflops/s by 2018 which means TB/s bandwidth at each memory node. To achieve such bandwidth, Input/Output (I/O) link speed between two devices needs to be increased to GB/s. The data at high speed between devices can be transferred serially using complex Clock-Data-Recovery (CDR) I/O links or parallely using simple source-synchronous I/O links. Even though CDR is more efficient than the source-synchronous method for single I/O link, but to achieve TB/s bandwidth from a single device, additional I/O links will be required and the source-synchronous method will be more advantageous in terms of area and power requirements as additional I/O links do not require extra hardware resources. At high speed, there are several non-idealities (Supply noise, crosstalk, Inter- Symbol-Interference (ISI), etc.) which create unwanted skew problem among parallel source-synchronous I/O links. To solve these problems, adaptive trainings are used in time domain to synchronize parallel source-synchronous I/O links irrespective of these non-idealities. In this thesis, two novel adaptive training architectures for source-synchronous I/O links are discussed which require significantly less silicon area and power in comparison to state-of-the-art architectures. First novel adaptive architecture is based on the unit delay concept to synchronize two parallel clocks by adjusting the phase of one clock in only one direction. Second novel adaptive architecture concept consists of Phase Interpolator (PI)-based Phase Locked Loop (PLL) which can adjust the phase in both direction and achieve faster synchronization at the expense of added complexity. With an increase in parallel I/O links, clock skew which is generated by the improper clock tree, also affects the timing margin. Incorrect duty cycle further reduces the timing margin mainly in Double Data Rate (DDR) systems which are generally used to increase the bandwidth of a high-speed communication system. To solve clock skew and duty cycle problems, a novel clock tree buffering algorithm and a novel duty cycle corrector are described which further reduce the power consumption of a source-synchronous system

    Sincronização em sistemas integrados a alta velocidade

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia ElectrotécnicaA distribui ção de um sinal relógio, com elevada precisão espacial (baixo skew) e temporal (baixo jitter ), em sistemas sí ncronos de alta velocidade tem-se revelado uma tarefa cada vez mais demorada e complexa devido ao escalonamento da tecnologia. Com a diminuição das dimensões dos dispositivos e a integração crescente de mais funcionalidades nos Circuitos Integrados (CIs), a precisão associada as transições do sinal de relógio tem sido cada vez mais afectada por varia ções de processo, tensão e temperatura. Esta tese aborda o problema da incerteza de rel ogio em CIs de alta velocidade, com o objetivo de determinar os limites do paradigma de desenho sí ncrono. Na prossecu ção deste objectivo principal, esta tese propõe quatro novos modelos de incerteza com âmbitos de aplicação diferentes. O primeiro modelo permite estimar a incerteza introduzida por um inversor est atico CMOS, com base em parâmetros simples e su cientemente gen éricos para que possa ser usado na previsão das limitações temporais de circuitos mais complexos, mesmo na fase inicial do projeto. O segundo modelo, permite estimar a incerteza em repetidores com liga ções RC e assim otimizar o dimensionamento da rede de distribui ção de relógio, com baixo esfor ço computacional. O terceiro modelo permite estimar a acumula ção de incerteza em cascatas de repetidores. Uma vez que este modelo tem em considera ção a correla ção entre fontes de ruí do, e especialmente util para promover t ecnicas de distribui ção de rel ogio e de alimentação que possam minimizar a acumulação de incerteza. O quarto modelo permite estimar a incerteza temporal em sistemas com m ultiplos dom ínios de sincronismo. Este modelo pode ser facilmente incorporado numa ferramenta autom atica para determinar a melhor topologia para uma determinada aplicação ou para avaliar a tolerância do sistema ao ru ído de alimentação. Finalmente, usando os modelos propostos, são discutidas as tendências da precisão de rel ogio. Conclui-se que os limites da precisão do rel ogio são, em ultima an alise, impostos por fontes de varia ção dinâmica que se preveem crescentes na actual l ogica de escalonamento dos dispositivos. Assim sendo, esta tese defende a procura de solu ções em outros ní veis de abstração, que não apenas o ní vel f sico, que possam contribuir para o aumento de desempenho dos CIs e que tenham um menor impacto nos pressupostos do paradigma de desenho sí ncrono.Distributing a the clock simultaneously everywhere (low skew) and periodically everywhere (low jitter) in high-performance Integrated Circuits (ICs) has become an increasingly di cult and time-consuming task, due to technology scaling. As transistor dimensions shrink and more functionality is packed into an IC, clock precision becomes increasingly a ected by Process, Voltage and Temperature (PVT) variations. This thesis addresses the problem of clock uncertainty in high-performance ICs, in order to determine the limits of the synchronous design paradigm. In pursuit of this main goal, this thesis proposes four new uncertainty models, with di erent underlying principles and scopes. The rst model targets uncertainty in static CMOS inverters. The main advantage of this model is that it depends only on parameters that can easily be obtained. Thus, it can provide information on upcoming constraints very early in the design stage. The second model addresses uncertainty in repeaters with RC interconnects, allowing the designer to optimise the repeater's size and spacing, for a given uncertainty budget, with low computational e ort. The third model, can be used to predict jitter accumulation in cascaded repeaters, like clock trees or delay lines. Because it takes into consideration correlations among variability sources, it can also be useful to promote oorplan-based power and clock distribution design in order to minimise jitter accumulation. A fourth model is proposed to analyse uncertainty in systems with multiple synchronous domains. It can be easily incorporated in an automatic tool to determine the best topology for a given application or to evaluate the system's tolerance to power-supply noise. Finally, using the proposed models, this thesis discusses clock precision trends. Results show that limits in clock precision are ultimately imposed by dynamic uncertainty, which is expected to continue increasing with technology scaling. Therefore, it advocates the search for solutions at other abstraction levels, and not only at the physical level, that may increase system performance with a smaller impact on the assumptions behind the synchronous design paradigm

    5-Bit Dual-Slope Analog-to-Digital Converter-Based Time-to-Digital Converter Chip Design in CMOS Technology

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    Time-to-Digital Converters (TDC) have gained increasing importance in modern implementations of mixed-signal, data-acquisition and processing interfaces and are used to perform high precision time intervals in systems that incorporate Time-of-Flight (ToF) or Time-of-Arrival (ToA) measurements. The linearity of TDCs is very crucial since most Digital Signal Processing (DSP) systems require very linear inputs to achieve high accuracy. In this work, a TDC has been designed in the 0.5 μm n-well CMOS process that can be used for on-chip integration and in applications requiring high linearity. This TDC used a Dual-Slope-ADC-based architecture for the time-to-digital conversion and consists of the following three main sub-circuits: a time-to-voltage conversion part, an integrating part and digital circuitry. The design is operated with ±2.5V supply voltage and the digital circuitry, consisting of two digital counters and an adder, are operated with a clock frequency of 13MHz. The design of the TDC is discussed and simulated and experimental test results and linearity performance of the fabricated TDC are also presented

    Low-Power Slew-Rate Boosting Based 12-Bit Pipeline ADC Utilizing Forecasting Technique in the Sub-ADCS

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    The dissertation presents architecture and circuit solutions to improve the power efficiency of high-speed 12-bit pipelined ADCs in advanced CMOS technologies. First, the 4.5bit algorithmic pipelined front-end stage is proposed. It is shown that the algorithmic pipelined ADC requires a simpler sub-ADC and shows lower sensitivity to the Multiplying DAC (MDAC) errors and smaller area and power dissipation in comparison to the conventional multi-bit per stage pipelined ADC. Also, it is shown that the algorithmic pipelined architecture is more tolerant to capacitive mismatch for the same input-referred thermal noise than the conventional multi-bit per stage architecture. To take full advantage of these properties, a modified residue curve for the pipelined ADC is proposed. This concept introduces better linearity compared with the conventional residue curve of the pipelined ADC; this approach is particularly attractive for the digitization of signals with large peak to average ratio such as OFDM coded signals. Moreover, the minimum total required transconductance for the different architectures of the 12-bit pipelined ADC are computed. This helps the pipelined ADC designers to find the most power-efficient architecture between different topologies based on the same input-referred thermal noise. By employing this calculation, the most power efficient architecture for realizing the 12-bit pipelined ADC is selected. Then, a technique for slew-rate (SR) boosting in switched-capacitor circuits is proposed in the order to be utilized in the proposed 12-bit pipelined ADC. This technique makes use of a class-B auxiliary amplifier that generates a compensating current only when high slew-rate is demanded by large input signal. The proposed architecture employs simple circuitry to detect the need of injecting current at the output load by implementing a Pre-Amp followed by a class-B amplifier, embedded with a pre-defined hysteresis, in parallel with the main amplifier to boost its slew phase. The proposed solution requires small static power since it does not need high dc-current at the output stage of the main amplifier. The proposed technique is suitable for high-speed low-power multi-bit/stage pipelined ADC applications. Both transistor-level simulations and experimental results in TSMC 40nm technology reduces the slew-time for more than 45% and shorts the 1% settling time by 28% when used in a 4.5bit/stage pipelined ADC; power consumption increases by 20%. In addition, the technique of inactivating and disconnecting of the sub-ADC’s comparators by forecasting the sign of the sampled input voltage is proposed in the order to reduce the dynamic power consumption of the sub-ADCs in the proposed 12-bit pipelined ADC. This technique reduces the total dynamic power consumption more than 46%. The implemented 12-bit pipelined ADC achieves an SNDR/SFDR of 65.9/82.3 dB at low input frequencies and a 64.1/75.5 dB near Nyquist frequency while running at 500 MS/s. The pipelined ADC prototype occupies an active area of 0.9 mm^2 and consumes 18.16 mW from a 1.1 V supply, resulting in a figure of merit (FOM) of 22.4 and a 27.7 fJ/conversion-step at low-frequency and Nyquist frequency, respectively

    Low-Power Slew-Rate Boosting Based 12-Bit Pipeline ADC Utilizing Forecasting Technique in the Sub-ADCS

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    The dissertation presents architecture and circuit solutions to improve the power efficiency of high-speed 12-bit pipelined ADCs in advanced CMOS technologies. First, the 4.5bit algorithmic pipelined front-end stage is proposed. It is shown that the algorithmic pipelined ADC requires a simpler sub-ADC and shows lower sensitivity to the Multiplying DAC (MDAC) errors and smaller area and power dissipation in comparison to the conventional multi-bit per stage pipelined ADC. Also, it is shown that the algorithmic pipelined architecture is more tolerant to capacitive mismatch for the same input-referred thermal noise than the conventional multi-bit per stage architecture. To take full advantage of these properties, a modified residue curve for the pipelined ADC is proposed. This concept introduces better linearity compared with the conventional residue curve of the pipelined ADC; this approach is particularly attractive for the digitization of signals with large peak to average ratio such as OFDM coded signals. Moreover, the minimum total required transconductance for the different architectures of the 12-bit pipelined ADC are computed. This helps the pipelined ADC designers to find the most power-efficient architecture between different topologies based on the same input-referred thermal noise. By employing this calculation, the most power efficient architecture for realizing the 12-bit pipelined ADC is selected. Then, a technique for slew-rate (SR) boosting in switched-capacitor circuits is proposed in the order to be utilized in the proposed 12-bit pipelined ADC. This technique makes use of a class-B auxiliary amplifier that generates a compensating current only when high slew-rate is demanded by large input signal. The proposed architecture employs simple circuitry to detect the need of injecting current at the output load by implementing a Pre-Amp followed by a class-B amplifier, embedded with a pre-defined hysteresis, in parallel with the main amplifier to boost its slew phase. The proposed solution requires small static power since it does not need high dc-current at the output stage of the main amplifier. The proposed technique is suitable for high-speed low-power multi-bit/stage pipelined ADC applications. Both transistor-level simulations and experimental results in TSMC 40nm technology reduces the slew-time for more than 45% and shorts the 1% settling time by 28% when used in a 4.5bit/stage pipelined ADC; power consumption increases by 20%. In addition, the technique of inactivating and disconnecting of the sub-ADC’s comparators by forecasting the sign of the sampled input voltage is proposed in the order to reduce the dynamic power consumption of the sub-ADCs in the proposed 12-bit pipelined ADC. This technique reduces the total dynamic power consumption more than 46%. The implemented 12-bit pipelined ADC achieves an SNDR/SFDR of 65.9/82.3 dB at low input frequencies and a 64.1/75.5 dB near Nyquist frequency while running at 500 MS/s. The pipelined ADC prototype occupies an active area of 0.9 mm^2 and consumes 18.16 mW from a 1.1 V supply, resulting in a figure of merit (FOM) of 22.4 and a 27.7 fJ/conversion-step at low-frequency and Nyquist frequency, respectively

    Power efficient, event driven data acquisition and processing using asynchronous techniques

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    PhD ThesisData acquisition systems used in remote environmental monitoring equipment and biological sensor nodes rely on limited energy supply soured from either energy harvesters or battery to perform their functions. Among the building blocks of these systems are power hungry Analogue to Digital Converters and Digital Signal Processors which acquire and process samples at predetermined rates regardless of the monitored signal’s behavior. In this work we investigate power efficient event driven data acquisition and processing techniques by implementing an asynchronous ADC and an event driven power gated Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filter. We present an event driven single slope ADC capable of generating asynchronous digital samples based on the input signal’s rate of change. It utilizes a rate of change detection circuit known as the slope detector to determine at what point the input signal is to be sampled. After a sample has been obtained it’s absolute voltage value is time encoded and passed on to a Time to Digital Converter (TDC) as part of a pulse stream. The resulting digital samples generated by the TDC are produced at a rate that exhibits the same rate of change profile as that of the input signal. The ADC is realized in 0.35mm CMOS process, covers a silicon area of 340mm by 218mm and consumes power based on the input signal’s frequency. The samples from the ADC are asynchronous in nature and exhibit random time periods between adjacent samples. In order to process such asynchronous samples we present a FIR filter that is able to successfully operate on the samples and produce the desired result. The filter also poses the ability to turn itself off in-between samples that have longer sample periods in effect saving power in the process