52 research outputs found

    Sistemas de teste automáticos para transceivers NG-PON2

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    Optical communications have had a fundamental role in conecting people worldwide. More than ever, there has been an incessant necessity to turn technology more ubiquitous With recent advancements in optical technology, it has become possible to keep up with the demand for higher transmission rates in upstream or downstream, higher bandwidth e still guaranteeing Quality of Service (QoS) among inumerous users This emerging necessity has taken telecommunication companies to inovate in the area of development regarding optical equipment and also dealing with the referred necessities. For this to happen, good quality control, calibration e testing of produced parts is of paramount importance. The work cut out for this dissertation is focused on the improvement and addition of funtionalities to a test-board designed to perform measurements of BER levels, calibration and maintenance of parts according to the newest optical standard(New Gigabit Passive Optical Network 2 (NGPON2)) that operates in maximum rates of 10Gb/s per channel. In the rst part of this work, emphasis is given to the development of a slave Inter Integrated Circuit (I2C) module that ensures connection between the test board and the user, supplying BER values measured through a block dedicated to measure BER levels. Later the same module will allow to access all micro-controlers of the test-board, ensuring calibration functions. On a second part, a characterization of different transceivers of different Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA)s is performed, consisting of an eye diagram analysis of the transceivers and if possible, to test 10Gb/s continuous mode through BER curves assessing their response. Finally, a comparison is made between all transceivers, the obtained response along with all the respective results, will contribute to the source project of the automatic test board developed at PICadvanced with the intent on evaluating 10 Gigabit Small Form Factor Pluggables (XFP) production.As comunicações têm vindo a ter um papel fundamental em interligar todas as pessoas do mundo. Mais do que nunca, tem havido uma incessante necessidade de tornar a tecnologia mais ubíqua. Com o recente avanço e desenvolvimento da tecnologia Optica, tem sido possível acompanhar a demanda por altas taxas de transmissão em upstream ou downstream, maior largura de banda e ainda garantir Quality of Service (QoS) entre ínumeros utilizadores, etc. . . Esta necessidade emergente tem levado empresas de telecomunicações a inovar na área de desenvolvimento de equipamento óptico e por consequente, comaltar as necessidades referidas. Para isto acontecer tem de haver um bom controlo, calibração e teste de peças produzidas. O trabalho desta dissertação dedica-se ao melhoramento e acrescento de funcionalidades a uma placa de testes desenhada para desempenhar medições de níveis de Bit Error Ratio (BER), calibração e manutenção de peças para o novo standard óptico (New Gigabit Passive Optical Network 2 (NGPON2)) que recorre ao uso de taxas máximas de transmissão de 10Gb/s por canal Na primeira parte do trabalho é dado foco ao desenvolvimento de um módulo escravo Inter Integrated Circuit (I2C) que visa estabelecer o contacto entre a placa de calibração e o utilizador fornecendo os valores de BER medidos através de um bloco dedicado a medir o nível de BER. Mais tarde este módulo servirá para poder aceder aos micro-circuitos da placa de testes podendo realizar funções de calibração. Numa segunda parte, é realizada uma caracterização de diferentes transceivers de diferentes Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA)s, a caracterização consiste numa análise do diagram de olho de transceivers e ainda sendo possível, testar o modo contínuo nas mesmas, através curvas de BER para avaliar a sua resposta. Por fim, é feita uma comparação entre os mesmos transceivers, além de que todos os resultados obtidos irão contribuir para a o projecto fonte da placa de testes automatizada desenvolvida pela PICadvanced com o intuito de avaliar a produção de 10 Gigabit Small Form Factor Pluggables (XFP).Mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica e Telecomunicaçõe

    High Performance Optical Transmitter Ffr Next Generation Supercomputing and Data Communication

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    High speed optical interconnects consuming low power at affordable prices are always a major area of research focus. For the backbone network infrastructure, the need for more bandwidth driven by streaming video and other data intensive applications such as cloud computing has been steadily pushing the link speed to the 40Gb/s and 100Gb/s domain. However, high power consumption, low link density and high cost seriously prevent traditional optical transceiver from being the next generation of optical link technology. For short reach communications, such as interconnects in supercomputers, the issues related to the existing electrical links become a major bottleneck for the next generation of High Performance Computing (HPC). Both applications are seeking for an innovative solution of optical links to tackle those current issues. In order to target the next generation of supercomputers and data communication, we propose to develop a high performance optical transmitter by utilizing CISCO Systems®\u27s proprietary CMOS photonic technology. The research seeks to achieve the following outcomes: 1. Reduction of power consumption due to optical interconnects to less than 5pJ/bit without the need for Ring Resonators or DWDM and less than 300fJ/bit for short distance data bus applications. 2. Enable the increase in performance (computing speed) from Peta-Flop to Exa-Flops without the proportional increase in cost or power consumption that would be prohibitive to next generation system architectures by means of increasing the maximum data transmission rate over a single fiber. 3. Explore advanced modulation schemes such as PAM-16 (Pulse-Amplitude-Modulation with 16 levels) to increase the spectrum efficiency while keeping the same or less power figure. This research will focus on the improvement of both the electrical IC and optical IC for the optical transmitter. An accurate circuit model of the optical device is created to speed up the performance optimization and enable co-simulation of electrical driver. Circuit architectures are chosen to minimize the power consumption without sacrificing the speed and noise immunity. As a result, a silicon photonic based optical transmitter employing 1V supply, featuring 20Gb/s data rate is fabricated. The system consists of an electrical driver in 40nm CMOS and an optical MZI modulator with an RF length of less than 0.5mm in 0.13&mu m SOI CMOS. Two modulation schemes are successfully demonstrated: On-Off Keying (OOK) and Pulse-Amplitude-Modulation-N (PAM-N N=4, 16). Both versions demonstrate signal integrity, interface density, and scalability that fit into the next generation data communication and exa-scale computing. Modulation power at 20Gb/s data rate for OOK and PAM-16 of 4pJ/bit and 0.25pJ/bit are achieved for the first time of an MZI type optical modulator, respectively

    Toward realizing power scalable and energy proportional high-speed wireline links

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    Growing computational demand and proliferation of cloud computing has placed high-speed serial links at the center stage. Due to saturating energy efficiency improvements over the last five years, increasing the data throughput comes at the cost of power consumption. Conventionally, serial link power can be reduced by optimizing individual building blocks such as output drivers, receiver, or clock generation and distribution. However, this approach yields very limited efficiency improvement. This dissertation takes an alternative approach toward reducing the serial link power. Instead of optimizing the power of individual building blocks, power of the entire serial link is reduced by exploiting serial link usage by the applications. It has been demonstrated that serial links in servers are underutilized. On average, they are used only 15% of the time, i.e. these links are idle for approximately 85% of the time. Conventional links consume power during idle periods to maintain synchronization between the transmitter and the receiver. However, by powering-off the link when idle and powering it back when needed, power consumption of the serial link can be scaled proportionally to its utilization. This approach of rapid power state transitioning is known as the rapid-on/off approach. For the rapid-on/off to be effective, ideally the power-on time, off-state power, and power state transition energy must all be close to zero. However, in practice, it is very difficult to achieve these ideal conditions. Work presented in this dissertation addresses these challenges. When this research work was started (2011-12), there were only a couple of research papers available in the area of rapid-on/off links. Systematic study or design of a rapid power state transitioning in serial links was not available in the literature. Since rapid-on/off with nanoseconds granularity is not a standard in any wireline communication, even the popular test equipment does not support testing any such feature, neither any formal measurement methodology was available. All these circumstances made the beginning difficult. However, these challenges provided a unique opportunity to explore new architectural techniques and identify trade-offs. The key contributions of this dissertation are as follows. The first and foremost contribution is understanding the underlying limitations of saturating energy efficiency improvements in serial links and why there is a compelling need to find alternative ways to reduce the serial link power. The second contribution is to identify potential power saving techniques and evaluate the challenges they pose and the opportunities they present. The third contribution is the design of a 5Gb/s transmitter with a rapid-on/off feature. The transmitter achieves rapid-on/off capability in voltage mode output driver by using a fast-digital regulator, and in the clock multiplier by accurate frequency pre-setting and periodic reference insertion. To ease timing requirements, an improved edge replacement logic circuit for the clock multiplier is proposed. Mathematical modeling of power-on time as a function of various circuit parameters is also discussed. The proposed transmitter demonstrates energy proportional operation over wide variations of link utilization, and is, therefore, suitable for energy efficient links. Fabricated in 90nm CMOS technology, the voltage mode driver, and the clock multiplier achieve power-on-time of only 2ns and 10ns, respectively. This dissertation highlights key trade-off in the clock multiplier architecture, to achieve fast power-on-lock capability at the cost of jitter performance. The fourth contribution is the design of a 7GHz rapid-on/off LC-PLL based clock multi- plier. The phase locked loop (PLL) based multiplier was developed to overcome the limita- tions of the MDLL based approach. Proposed temperature compensated LC-PLL achieves power-on-lock in 1ns. The fifth and biggest contribution of this dissertation is the design of a 7Gb/s embedded clock transceiver, which achieves rapid-on/off capability in LC-PLL, current-mode transmit- ter and receiver. It was the first reported design of a complete transceiver, with an embedded clock architecture, having rapid-on/off capability. Background phase calibration technique in PLL and CDR phase calibration logic in the receiver enable instantaneous lock on power-on. The proposed transceiver demonstrates power scalability with a wide range of link utiliza- tion and, therefore, helps in improving overall system efficiency. Fabricated in 65nm CMOS technology, the 7Gb/s transceiver achieves power-on-lock in less than 20ns. The transceiver achieves power scaling by 44x (63.7mW-to-1.43mW) and energy efficiency degradation by only 2.2x (9.1pJ/bit-to-20.5pJ/bit), when the effective data rate (link utilization) changes by 100x (7Gb/s-to-70Mb/s). The sixth and final contribution is the design of a temperature sensor to compensate the frequency drifts due to temperature variations, during long power-off periods, in the fast power-on-lock LC-PLL. The proposed self-referenced VCO-based temperature sensor is designed with all digital logic gates and achieves low supply sensitivity. This sensor is suitable for integration in processor and DRAM environments. The proposed sensor works on the principle of directly converting temperature information to frequency and finally to digital bits. A novel sensing technique is proposed in which temperature information is acquired by creating a threshold voltage difference between the transistors used in the oscillators. Reduced supply sensitivity is achieved by employing junction capacitance, and the overhead of voltage regulators and an external ideal reference frequency is avoided. The effect of VCO phase noise on the sensor resolution is mathematically evaluated. Fabricated in the 65nm CMOS process, the prototype can operate with a supply ranging from 0.85V to 1.1V, and it achieves a supply sensitivity of 0.034oC/mV and an inaccuracy of ±0.9oC and ±2.3oC from 0-100oC after 2-point calibration, with and without static nonlinearity correction, respectively. It achieves a resolution of 0.3oC, resolution FoM of 0.3(nJ/conv)res2 , and measurement (conversion) time of 6.5μs

    Power-efficient high-speed interface circuit techniques

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    Inter- and intra-chip connections have become the new challenge to enable the scaling of computing systems, ranging from mobile devices to high-end servers. Demand for aggregate I/O bandwidth has been driven by applications including high-speed ethernet, backplane micro-servers, memory, graphics, chip-to-chip and network onchip. I/O circuitry is becoming the major power consumer in SoC processors and memories as the increasing bandwidth demands larger per-pin data rate or larger I/O pin count per component. The aggregate I/O bandwidth has approximately doubled every three to four years across a diverse range of standards in different applications. However, in order to keep pace with these standards enabled in part by process-technology scaling, we will require more than just device scaling in the near future. New energy-efficient circuit techniques must be proposed to enable the next generations of handheld and high-performance computers, given the thermal and system-power limits they start facing. ^ In this work, we are proposing circuit architectures that improve energy efficiency without decreasing speed performance for the most power hungry circuits in high speed interfaces. By the introduction of a new kind of logic operators in CMOS, called implication operators, we implemented a new family of high-speed frequency dividers/prescalers with reduced footprint and power consumption. New techniques and circuits for clock distribution, for pre-emphasis and for driver at the transmitter side of the I/O circuitry have been proposed and implemented. At the receiver side, new DFE architecture and CDR have been proposed and have been proven experimentally

    Design Techniques for High Performance Serial Link Transceivers

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    Increasing data rates over electrical channels with significant frequency-dependent loss is difficult due to excessive inter-symbol interference (ISI). In order to achieve sufficient link margins at high rates, I/O system designers implement equalization in the transmitters and are motivated to consider more spectrally-efficient modulation formats relative to the common PAM-2 scheme, such as PAM-4 and duobinary. The first work, reviews when to consider PAM-4 and duobinary formats, as the modulation scheme which yields the highest system margins at a given data rate is a function of the channel loss profile, and presents a 20Gb/s triple-mode transmitter capable of efficiently implementing these three modulation schemes and three-tap feedforward equalization. A statistical link modeling tool, which models ISI, crosstalk, random noise, and timing jitter, is developed to compare the three common modulation formats operating on electrical backplane channel models. In order to improve duobinary modulation efficiency, a low-power quarter-rate duobinary precoder circuit is proposed which provides significant timing margin improvement relative to full-rate precoders. Also as serial I/O data rates scale above 10 Gb/s, crosstalk between neighboring channels degrades system bit-error rate (BER) performance. The next work presents receive-side circuitry which merges the cancellation of both near-end and far-end crosstalk (NEXT/FEXT) and can automatically adapt to different channel environments and variations in process, voltage, and temperature. NEXT cancellation is realized with a novel 3-tap FIR filter which combines two traditional FIR filter taps and a continuous-time band-pass filter IIR tap for efficient crosstalk cancellation, with all filter tap coefficients automatically determined via an ondie sign-sign least-mean-square (SS-LMS) adaptation engine. FEXT cancellation is realized by coupling the aggressor signal through a differentiator circuit whose gain is automatically adjusted with a power-detection-based adaptation loop. In conclusion, the proposed architectures in the transmitter side and receiver side together are to be good solution in the high speed I/O serial links to improve the performance by overcome the physical channel loss and adjacent channel noise as the system becomes complicated

    오프셋 제거기의 적응 제어 등화기와 보우-레이트 위상 검출기를 활용한 수신기 설계

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    학위논문(박사) -- 서울대학교대학원 : 공과대학 전기·정보공학부, 2021.8. 염제완.In this thesis, designs of high-speed, low-power wireline receivers (RX) are explained. To be specific, the circuit techniques of DC offset cancellation, merged-summer DFE, stochastic Baud-rate CDR, and the phase detector (PD) for multi-level signal are proposed. At first, an RX with adaptive offset cancellation (AOC) and merged summer decision-feedback equalizer (DFE) is proposed. The proposed AOC engine removes the random DC offset of the data path by examining the random data stream's sampled data and edge outputs. In addition, the proposed RX incorporates a shared-summer DFE in a half-rate structure to reduce power dissipation and hardware complexity of the adaptive equalizer. A prototype chip fabricated in 40 nm CMOS technology occupies an active area of 0.083 mm2. Thanks to the AOC engine, the proposed RX achieves the BER of less than 10-12 in a wide range of data rates: 1.62-10 Gb/s. The proposed RX consumes 18.6 mW at 10 Gb/s over a channel with a 27 dB loss at 5 GHz, exhibiting a figure-of-merit of 0.068 pJ/b/dB. Secondly, a 40 nm CMOS RX with Baud-rate phase-detector (BRPD) is proposed. The RX includes two PDs: the BRPD employing the stochastic technique and the BRPD suitable for multi-level signals. Thanks to the Baud-rate CDR’s advantage, by not using an edge-sampling clock, the proposed CDR can reduce the power consumption by lowering the hardware complexity. Besides, the proposed stochastic phase detector (SPD) tracks an optimal phase-locking point that maximizes the vertical eye opening. Furthermore, despite residual inter-symbol interference, proposed BRPD for multi-level signal secures vertical eye margin, which is especially vulnerable in the multi-level signal. Besides, the proposed BRPD has a unique lock point with an adaptive DFE, unlike conventional Mueller-Muller PD. A prototype chip fabricated in 40 nm CMOS technology occupies an active area of 0.24 mm2. The proposed PAM-4 RX achieves the bit-error-rate less than 10-11 in 48 Gb/s and the power efficiency of 2.42 pJ/b.본 논문은 고속, 저전력으로 동작하는 유선 수신기의 설계에 대해 설명하고 있다. 구체적으로 말하면, 오프셋 상쇄, 병합된 서머를 사용하는 결정 피드백 등화기 기술, 확률적 보우 레이트 클럭과 데이터 복원기, 그리고 다중 레벨 신호에 적합한 위상 검출기를 제안한다. 첫째로, 적응 오프셋 제거 및 병합된 서머를 사용하는 결정 피드백 등화기를 갖춘 수신기를 제안한다. 제안된 적응 오프셋 제거 엔진은 임의의 데이터 스트림의 샘플링 데이터, 에지 출력을 검사하여 데이터 경로 상의 오프셋을 제거한다. 또한 하프 레이트 구조의 병합된 서머를 사용하는 결정 피드백 등화기는 전력의 사용과 하드웨어의 복잡성을 줄인다. 40 nm CMOS 기술로 제작된 프로토타입 칩은 0.083 mm2 의 면적을 가진다. 적응 오프셋 제거기 덕분에 제안된 수신기는 10-12 미만의 BER을 달성한다. 또한 제안된 수신기는 5GHz에서 27 dB의 로스를 갖는 채널에서 10 Gb/s의 속도에서 18.6 mW를 소비하며 0.068 pJ/b/dB의 FoM을 달성하였다. 두번째로, 보우 레이트 위상 검출기가 있는 40 nm CMOS 수신기가 제안되었다. 수신기에는 두개의 보우 레이트 위상 검출기를 포함한다. 하나는 확률론적 기법을 사용하는 보우 레이트 위상 검출기이다. 보우 레이트 클럭 데이터 복원기의 장점 덕분에 에지 샘플링 클럭을 사용하지 않음으로서 파워의 소모와 하드웨어의 복잡성을 줄였다. 또한 확률적 위상 검출기는 수직 아이 오프닝을 최대화하는 최적의 위상 지점을 찾을 수 있었다. 다른 위상 검출기는 다중 레벨 신호에 적합한 방식이다. 심볼 간 간섭이 다중 레벨 신호에 매우 취약한 문제가 있더라도 제안된 다중 레벨 신호용 보우 레이트 위상 검출기는 수직 아이 마진을 확보한다. 게다가 제안된 보우 레이트 위상 검출기는 기존의 뮬러-뮐러 위상 검출기와 달리 적응형 결정 피드백 등화기가 있더라도 유일한 락 지점을 갖는다. 프로토타입 칩은 0.24mm2의 면적을 가진다. 제안된 PAM-4 수신기는 48 Gb/s의 속도에서 10-11 미만의 BER을 가지고, 2.42 pJ/b의 FoM을 가진다.CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 MOTIVATION 1 1.2 THESIS ORGANIZATION 5 CHAPTER 2 BACKGROUNDS 6 2.1 BASIC ARCHITECTURE IN SERIAL LINK 6 2.1.1 SERIAL COMMUNICATION 6 2.1.2 CLOCK AND DATA RECOVERY 8 2.1.3 MULTI-LEVEL PULSE-AMPLITUDE MODULATION 10 2.2 EQUALIZER 12 2.2.1 EQUALIZER OVERVIEW 12 2.2.2 DECISION-FEEDBACK EQUALIZER 15 2.2.3 ADAPTIVE EQUALIZER 18 2.3 CLOCK RECOVERY 21 2.3.1 2X OVERSAMPLING PD ALEXANDER PD 22 2.3.2 BAUD-RATE PD MUELLER MULLER PD 25 CHAPTER 3 AN ADAPTIVE OFFSET CANCELLATION SCHEME AND SHARED SUMMER ADAPTIVE DFE 28 3.1 OVERVIEW 28 3.2 AN ADAPTIVE OFFSET CANCELLATION SCHEME AND SHARED-SUMMER ADAPTIVE DFE FOR LOW POWER RECEIVER 31 3.3 SHARED SUMMER DFE 37 3.4 RECEIVER IMPLEMENTATION 42 3.5 MEASUREMENT RESULTS 45 CHAPTER 4 PAM-4 BAUD-RATE DIGITAL CDR 51 4.1 OVERVIEW 51 4.2 OVERALL ARCHITECTURE 53 4.2.1 PROPOSED BAUD-RATE CDR ARCHITECTURE 53 4.2.2 PROPOSED ANALOG FRONT-END STRUCTURE 59 4.3 STOCHASTIC PHASE DETECTION PAM-4 CDR 64 4.3.1 PROPOSED STOCHASTIC PHASE DETECTION 64 4.3.2 COMPARISON OF THE STOCHASTIC PD WITH SS-MMPD 70 4.4 PHASE DETECTION FOR MULTI-LEVEL SIGNALING 73 4.4.1 PROPOSED BAUD-RATE PHASE DETECTOR FOR MULTI-LEVEL SIGNAL 73 4.4.2 DATA LEVEL AND DFE COEFFICIENT ADAPTATION 79 4.4.3 PROPOSED PHASE DETECTOR 84 4.5 MEASUREMENT RESULT 88 4.5.1 MEASUREMENT OF THE PROPOSED STOCHASTIC BAUD-RATE PHASE DETECTION 94 4.5.2 MEASUREMENT OF THE PROPOSED BAUD-RATE PHASE DETECTION FOR MULTI-LEVEL SIGNAL 97 CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION 103 BIBLIOGRAPHY 105 초 록 109박

    Design of High-Speed SerDes Transceiver for Chip-to-Chip Communications in CMOS Process

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    With the continuous increase of on-chip computation capacities and exponential growth of data-intensive applications, the high-speed data transmission through serial links has become the backbone for modern communication systems. To satisfy the massive data-exchanging requirement, the data rate of such serial links has been updated from several Gb/s to tens of Gb/s. Currently, the commercial standards such as Ethernet 400GbE, InfiniBand high data rate (HDR), and common electrical interface (CEI)-56G has been developing towards 40+ Gb/s. As the core component within these links, the transceiver chipset plays a fundamental role in balancing the operation speed, power consumption, area occupation, and operation range. Meanwhile, the CMOS process has become the dominant technology in modern transceiver chip fabrications due to its large-scale digital integration capability and aggressive pricing advantage. This research aims to explore advanced techniques that are capable of exploiting the maximum operation speed of the CMOS process, and hence provides potential solutions for 40+ Gb/s CMOS transceiver designs. The major contributions are summarized as follows. A low jitter ring-oscillator-based injection-locked clock multiplier (RILCM) with a hybrid frequency tracking loop that consists of a traditional phase-locked loop (PLL), a timing-adjusted loop, and a loop selection state-machine is implemented in 65-nm C-MOS process. In the ring voltage-controlled oscillator, a full-swing pseudo-differential delay cell is proposed to lower the device noise to phase noise conversion. To obtain high operation speed and high detection accuracy, a compact timing-adjusted phase detector tightly combined with a well-matched charge pump is designed. Meanwhile, a lock-loss detection and lock recovery is devised to endow the RILCM with a similar lock-acquisition ability as conventional PLL, thus excluding the initial frequency set- I up aid and preventing the potential lock-loss risk. The experimental results show that the figure-of-merit of the designed RILCM reaches -247.3 dB, which is better than previous RILCMs and even comparable to the large-area LC-ILCMs. The transmitter (TX) and receiver (RX) chips are separately designed and fab- ricated in 65-nm CMOS process. The transmitter chip employs a quarter-rate multi-multiplexer (MUX)-based 4-tap feed-forward equalizer (FFE) to pre-distort the output. To increase the maximum operating speed, a bandwidth-enhanced 4:1 MUX with the capability of eliminating charge-sharing effect is proposed. To produce the quarter-rate parallel data streams with appropriate delays, a compact latch array associated with an interleaved-retiming technique is designed. The receiver chip employs a two-stage continuous-time linear equalizer (CTLE) as the analog front-end and integrates an improved clock data recovery to extract the sampling clocks and retime the incoming data. To automatically balance the jitter tracking and jitter suppression, passive low-pass filters with adaptively-adjusted bandwidth are introduced into the data-sampling path. To optimize the linearity of the phase interpolation, a time-averaging-based compensating phase interpolator is proposed. For equalization, a combined TX-FFE and RX-CTLE is applied to compensate for the channel loss, where a low-cost edge-data correlation-based sign zero-forcing adaptation algorithm is proposed to automatically adjust the TX-FFE’s tap weights. Measurement results show that the fabricated transmitter/receiver chipset can deliver 40 Gb/s random data at a bit error rate of 16 dB loss at the half-baud frequency, while consuming a total power of 370 mW

    통계적 주파수 검출기 기반 기준 주파수를 사용하지 않는 클록 및 데이터 복원 회로의 설계 방법론

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    학위논문(박사) -- 서울대학교대학원 : 공과대학 전기·정보공학부, 2022. 8. 정덕균.In this thesis, a design of a high-speed, power-efficient, wide-range clock and data recovery (CDR) without a reference clock is proposed. A frequency acquisition scheme using a stochastic frequency detector (SFD) based on the Alexander phase detector (PD) is utilized for the referenceless operation. Pat-tern histogram analysis is presented to analyze the frequency acquisition behavior of the SFD and verified by simulation. Based on the information obtained by pattern histogram analysis, SFD using autocovariance is proposed. With a direct-proportional path and a digital integral path, the proposed referenceless CDR achieves frequency lock at all measurable conditions, and the measured frequency acquisition time is within 7μs. The prototype chip has been fabricated in a 40-nm CMOS process and occupies an active area of 0.032 mm2. The proposed referenceless CDR achieves the BER of less than 10-12 at 32 Gb/s and exhibits an energy efficiency of 1.15 pJ/b at 32 Gb/s with a 1.0 V supply.본 논문은 기준 클럭이 없는 고속, 저전력, 광대역으로 동작하는 클럭 및 데이터 복원회로의 설계를 제안한다. 기준 클럭이 없는 동작을 위해서 알렉산더 위상 검출기에 기반한 통계적 주파수 검출기를 사용하는 주파수 획득 방식이 사용된다. 통계적 주파수 검출기의 주파수 추적 양상을 분석하기 위해 패턴 히스토그램 분석 방법론을 제시하였고 시뮬레이션을 통해 검증하였다. 패턴 히스토그램 분석을 통해 얻은 정보를 바탕으로 자기공분산을 이용한 통계적 주파수 검출기를 제안한다. 직접 비례 경로와 디지털 적분 경로를 통해 제안된 기준 클럭이 없는 클럭 및 데이터 복원회로는 모든 측정 가능한 조건에서 주파수 잠금을 달성하는 데 성공하였고, 모든 경우에서 측정된 주파수 추적 시간은 7μs 이내이다. 40-nm CMOS 공정을 이용하여 만들어진 칩은 0.032 mm2의 면적을 차지한다. 제안하는 클럭 및 데이터 복원회로는 32 Gb/s의 속도에서 비트에러율 10-12 이하로 동작하였고, 에너지 효율은 32Gb/s의 속도에서 1.0V 공급전압을 사용하여 1.15 pJ/b을 달성하였다.CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 MOTIVATION 1 1.2 THESIS ORGANIZATION 13 CHAPTER 2 BACKGROUNDS 14 2.1 CLOCKING ARCHITECTURES IN SERIAL LINK INTERFACE 14 2.2 GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR CLOCK AND DATA RECOVERY 24 2.2.1 OVERVIEW 24 2.2.2 JITTER 26 2.2.3 CDR JITTER CHARACTERISTICS 33 2.3 CDR ARCHITECTURES 39 2.3.1 PLL-BASED CDR – WITH EXTERNAL REFERENCE CLOCK 39 2.3.2 DLL/PI-BASED CDR 44 2.3.3 PLL-BASED CDR – WITHOUT EXTERNAL REFERENCE CLOCK 47 2.4 FREQUENCY ACQUISITION SCHEME 50 2.4.1 TYPICAL FREQUENCY DETECTORS 50 DIGITAL QUADRICORRELATOR FREQUENCY DETECTOR 50 ROTATIONAL FREQUENCY DETECTOR 54 2.4.2 PRIOR WORKS 56 CHAPTER 3 DESIGN OF THE REFERENCELESS CDR USING SFD 58 3.1 OVERVIEW 58 3.2 PROPOSED FREQUENCY DETECTOR 62 3.2.1 MOTIVATION 62 3.2.2 PATTERN HISTOGRAM ANALYSIS 68 3.2.3 INTRODUCTION OF AUTOCOVARIANCE TO STOCHASTIC FREQUENCY DETECTOR 75 3.3 CIRCUIT IMPLEMENTATION 83 3.3.1 IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROPOSED REFERENCELESS CDR 83 3.3.2 CONTINUOUS-TIME LINEAR EQUALIZER (CTLE) 85 3.3.3 DIGITALLY-CONTROLLED OSCILLATOR (DCO) 87 3.4 MEASUREMENT RESULTS 89 CHAPTER 4 CONCLUSION 99 APPENDIX A DETAILED FREQUENCY ACQUISITION WAVEFORMS OF THE PROPOSED SFD 100 BIBLIOGRAPHY 108 초 록 122박

    Design Techniques for Energy Efficient Multi-GB/S Serial I/O Transceivers

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    Total I/O bandwidth demand is growing in high-performance systems due to the emergence of many-core microprocessors and in mobile devices to support the next generation of multi-media features. High-speed serial I/O energy efficiency must improve in order to enable continued scaling of these parallel computing platforms in applications ranging from data centers to smart mobile devices. The first work, a low-power forwarded-clock I/O transceiver architecture is presented that employs a high degree of output/input multiplexing, supply-voltage scaling with data rate, and low-voltage circuit techniques to enable low-power operation. The transmitter utilizes a 4:1 output multiplexing voltage-mode driver along with 4-phase clocking that is efficiently generated from a passive poly-phase filter. The output driver voltage swing is accurately controlled from 100-200 mV_(ppd) using a low-voltage pseudo-differential regulator that employs a partial negative-resistance load for improved low frequency gain. 1:8 input de-multiplexing is performed at the receiver equalizer output with 8 parallel input samplers clocked from an 8-phase injection-locked oscillator that provides more than 1UI de-skew range. Low-power high-speed serial I/O transmitters which include equalization to compensate for channel frequency dependent loss are required to meet the aggressive link energy efficiency targets of future systems. The second work presents a low power serial link transmitter design that utilizes an output stage which combines a voltage-mode driver, which offers low static-power dissipation, and current-mode equalization, which offers low complexity and dynamic-power dissipation. The utilization of current-mode equalization decouples the equalization settings and termination impedance, allowing for a significant reduction in pre-driver complexity relative to segmented voltage-mode drivers. Proper transmitter series termination is set with an impedance control loop which adjusts the on-resistance of the output transistors in the driver voltage-mode portion. Further reductions in dynamic power dissipation are achieved through scaling the serializer and local clock distribution supply with data rate. Finally, it presents that a scalable quarter-rate transmitter employs an analog-controlled impedance-modulated 2-tap voltage-mode equalizer and achieves fast power-state transitioning with a replica-biased regulator and ILO clock generation. Capacitively-driven 2 mm global clock distribution and automatic phase calibration allows for aggressive supply scaling

    Equalization Architectures for High Speed ADC-Based Serial I/O Receivers

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    The growth in worldwide network traffic due to the rise of cloud computing and wireless video consumption has required servers and routers to support increased serial I/O data rates over legacy channels with significant frequency-dependent attenuation. For these high-loss channel applications, ADC-based high-speed links are being considered due to their ability to enable powerful digital signal processing (DSP) algorithms for equalization and symbol detection. Relative to mixed-signal equalizers, digital implementations offer robustness to process, voltage and temperature (PVT) variations, are easier to reconfigure, and can leverage CMOS technology scaling in a straight-forward manner. Despite these advantages, ADC-based receivers are generally more complex and have higher power consumption relative to mixed-signal receivers. The ensuing digital equalization can also consume a significant amount of power which is comparable to the ADC contribution. Novel techniques to reduce complexity and improve power efficiency, both for the ADC and the subsequent digital equalization, are necessary. This dissertation presents efficient modeling and implementation approaches for ADC-based serial I/O receivers. A statistical modeling framework is developed, which is able to capture ADC related errors, including quantization noise, INL/DNL errors and time interleaving mismatch errors. A novel 10GS/s hybrid ADC-based receiver, which combines both embedded and digital equalization, is then presented. Leveraging a time-interleaved asynchronous successive approximation ADC architecture, a new structure for 3-tap embedded FFE inside the ADC with low power/area overhead is used. In addition, a dynamically-enabled digital 4-tap FFE + 3-tap DFE equalizer architecture is introduced, which uses reliable symbol detection to achieve remarkable savings in the digital equalization power. Measurement results over several FR4 channels verify the accuracy of the modeling approach and the effectiveness of the proposed receiver. The comparison of the fabricated prototype against state-of-the-art ADC-based receivers shows the ability of the proposed archi-tecture to compensate for the highest loss channel, while achieving the best power efficiency among other works