20 research outputs found

    OFDM para distribuição de dados de controlo em phased array antenas

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica e TelecomunicaçõesCurrently, all the control data behind the RF front-end modules in phased array radars is transmitted digitally and simultaneously by means of optical ber, resulting in a massive distribution network. The design of cheaper radars requires alternative ways of transmission to be explored. An intuitive and rather straight approach is to take advantage of the already existent RF layer used for the distribution of the radar pulse. The aim of this thesis work is to investigate OFDM as a modulation option for that approach and to determine whether or not it is a viable one. As proof of concept, experimental results are presented and discussed.Actualmente, toda a informa cão de controlo por detráas dos móodulos T/R (Transmit/ Receive) em radares com phased arrays e transmitida digital e simultaneamente atrav és de fi bra optica, resultando numa rede de distribuiçaõ massiva. Para que se possa reduzir o custo de produção e limitações no design, e fundamental a exploração de alternativas para a transmissão destes dados. Uma ideia intuitiva e que não implica grandes modi ca ções estruturais, e tirar vantagem da j a existente layer de RF (R adio Frequência) usada para distribuição do pulso de radar pelos m ódulos. O objectivo desta tese é investigar OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) como uma das opções para modulação do novo sinal de RF responsável pela informa ção de controlo e determinar se esta é ou não uma escolha vi ável. Como prova de conceito, resultados experimentais serão apresentados e discutidos

    Transceiver architectures and sub-mW fast frequency-hopping synthesizers for ultra-low power WSNs

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSN) have the potential to become the third wireless revolution after wireless voice networks in the 80s and wireless data networks in the late 90s. This revolution will finally connect together the physical world of the human and the virtual world of the electronic devices. Though in the recent years large progress in power consumption reduction has been made in the wireless arena in order to increase the battery life, this is still not enough to achieve a wide adoption of this technology. Indeed, while nowadays consumers are used to charge batteries in laptops, mobile phones and other high-tech products, this operation becomes infeasible when scaled up to large industrial, enterprise or home networks composed of thousands of wireless nodes. Wireless sensor networks come as a new way to connect electronic equipments reducing, in this way, the costs associated with the installation and maintenance of large wired networks. To accomplish this task, it is necessary to reduce the energy consumption of the wireless node to a point where energy harvesting becomes feasible and the node energy autonomy exceeds the life time of the wireless node itself. This thesis focuses on the radio design, which is the backbone of any wireless node. A common approach to radio design for WSNs is to start from a very simple radio (like an RFID) adding more functionalities up to the point in which the power budget is reached. In this way, the robustness of the wireless link is traded off for power reducing the range of applications that can draw benefit form a WSN. In this thesis, we propose a novel approach to the radio design for WSNs. We started from a proven architecture like Bluetooth, and progressively we removed all the functionalities that are not required for WSNs. The robustness of the wireless link is guaranteed by using a fast frequency hopping spread spectrum technique while the power budget is achieved by optimizing the radio architecture and the frequency hopping synthesizer Two different radio architectures and a novel fast frequency hopping synthesizer are proposed that cover the large space of applications for WSNs. The two architectures make use of the peculiarities of each scenario and, together with a novel fast frequency hopping synthesizer, proved that spread spectrum techniques can be used also in severely power constrained scenarios like WSNs. This solution opens a new window toward a radio design, which ultimately trades off flexibility, rather than robustness, for power consumption. In this way, we broadened the range of applications for WSNs to areas in which security and reliability of the communication link are mandatory

    Wide-band channel sounding in the bands above 2GHz

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    Modem telecommunication services require increasing data rates for both mobile and fixed applications. At frequencies in the range 2.5 GHz to 6 GHz physical constraints on the size of equipment result in antenna with moderate directivity typically with an antenna beam width of 20 degrees or greater. Thus building and ground clutter is present within the first Fresnel zones of the antenna system which gives rise to multi-path propagation. This multi-path propagation (average delay and RMS delay spread) has been investigated using a wideband FMCW channel sounder that is capable of operation at a number of frequencies. The channel sounder has been based upon a parallel architecture sounder operating within the 2 GHz band with a number of frequency conversion modules to translate operation to the new frequency bands under study. Two primary configurations have been explored. In the first of these, propagation has been measured simultaneously within the 2.5 GHz, 3.4 GHz and 5.7 GHz bands. This is believed to be novel and original. In the second configuration four parallel channels operating within the 5.7 GHz band may be operated simultaneously. This configuration supports multiple antennas at the receiver. To support the work in the bands from 2.5 GHz to 6 GHz wideband discone antenna have been designed and fabricated. A system to provide relative gain and phase calibration for up to four antennas has been developed and demonstrated. This is also believed to represent a novel method of performing antenna and array calibration. Finally, the frequency converters have been used in conjunction with additional components to provide an FMCพ sounder operating within the 60 GHz Oxygen absorption band. This work is novel in that up to 1 GHz of spectrum can be swept. To support this work a significant number of microwave components have been designed and developed. In particular a novel wide band balanced X3 multiplier and a novel impedance-matched amplitude-equaliser (to provide amplifier gain-slope equalisation) has been developed. Channel soundings have been performed at three frequencies simultaneously using band specific and common antenna. The average delay and RMS delay spread have been demonstrated to be essentially frequency independent for the environments evaluated

    Integrated RF oscillators and LO signal generation circuits

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    This thesis deals with fully integrated LC oscillators and local oscillator (LO) signal generation circuits. In communication systems a good-quality LO signal for up- and down-conversion in transmitters is needed. The LO signal needs to span the required frequency range and have good frequency stability and low phase noise. Furthermore, most modern systems require accurate quadrature (IQ) LO signals. This thesis tackles these challenges by presenting a detailed study of LC oscillators, monolithic elements for good-quality LC resonators, and circuits for IQ-signal generation and for frequency conversion, as well as many experimental circuits. Monolithic coils and variable capacitors are essential, and this thesis deals with good structures of these devices and their proper modeling. As experimental test devices, over forty monolithic inductors and thirty varactors have been implemented, measured and modeled. Actively synthesized reactive elements were studied as replacements for these passive devices. At first glance these circuits show promising characteristics, but closer noise and nonlinearity analysis reveals that these circuits suffer from high noise levels and a small dynamic range. Nine circuit implementations with various actively synthesized variable capacitors were done. Quadrature signal generation can be performed with three different methods, and these are analyzed in the thesis. Frequency conversion circuits are used for alleviating coupling problems or to expand the number of frequency bands covered. The thesis includes an analysis of single-sideband mixing, frequency dividers, and frequency multipliers, which are used to perform the four basic arithmetical operations for the frequency tone. Two design cases are presented. The first one is a single-sideband mixing method for the generation of WiMedia UWB LO-signals, and the second one is a frequency conversion unit for a digital period synthesizer. The last part of the thesis presents five research projects. In the first one a temperature-compensated GaAs MESFET VCO was developed. The second one deals with circuit and device development for an experimental-level BiCMOS process. A cable-modem RF tuner IC using a SiGe process was developed in the third project, and a CMOS flip-chip VCO module in the fourth one. Finally, two frequency synthesizers for UWB radios are presented

    Advanced CMOS Integrated Circuit Design and Application

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    The recent development of various application systems and platforms, such as 5G, B5G, 6G, and IoT, is based on the advancement of CMOS integrated circuit (IC) technology that enables them to implement high-performance chipsets. In addition to development in the traditional fields of analog and digital integrated circuits, the development of CMOS IC design and application in high-power and high-frequency operations, which was previously thought to be possible only with compound semiconductor technology, is a core technology that drives rapid industrial development. This book aims to highlight advances in all aspects of CMOS integrated circuit design and applications without discriminating between different operating frequencies, output powers, and the analog/digital domains. Specific topics in the book include: Next-generation CMOS circuit design and application; CMOS RF/microwave/millimeter-wave/terahertz-wave integrated circuits and systems; CMOS integrated circuits specially used for wireless or wired systems and applications such as converters, sensors, interfaces, frequency synthesizers/generators/rectifiers, and so on; Algorithm and signal-processing methods to improve the performance of CMOS circuits and systems

    Detection of Microwave Emission of Extensive Air Showers with the CROME Experiment

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    This thesis reports on the design, calibration, and first data analysis of the CROME (Cosmic-Ray Observation via Microwave Emission) experiment searching for microwave radio emission from extensive air showers. The observations are consistent with a mainly forward-directed and polarised emission process in the GHz frequency range. The measurements show that microwave radiation offers a new means of studying air showers at energies above ~10^17 eV

    Advances in Solid State Circuit Technologies

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    This book brings together contributions from experts in the fields to describe the current status of important topics in solid-state circuit technologies. It consists of 20 chapters which are grouped under the following categories: general information, circuits and devices, materials, and characterization techniques. These chapters have been written by renowned experts in the respective fields making this book valuable to the integrated circuits and materials science communities. It is intended for a diverse readership including electrical engineers and material scientists in the industry and academic institutions. Readers will be able to familiarize themselves with the latest technologies in the various fields

    Estudio y diseño de dos placas de intercambio de datos de inclinación y posición entre dos cubesats

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    El grupo de investigación DISEN con sede en el Campus de Terrassa de la UPC está intentando impulsar el proyecto de la implementación de una infraestructura de comunicaciones basada en el enlace óptico de CubeSats. Mediante este tipo de comunicación, se podría obtener un mayor data-rate y un menor consumo de potencia que en los actuales sistemas de radiofrecuencia. Para poder realizar este enlace óptico, es necesario que el rayo láser proveniente de uno de los satélites se centre de forma muy precisa en el foto-detector del otro satélite. Para realizar dicho centrado, ambos satélites deberán conocer a priori la posición e inclinación de ambos, información que deberán intercambiarse mediante radiofrecuencia. El presente TFG versa sobre el diseño del subsistema de intercambio de datos de posición e inclinación entre dos CubeSats. Concretamente, el diseño de dos placas PCB formadas por un módulo GPS, para obtener la posición de los CubeSats; un módulo IMU, para obtener sus actitudes; un módulo de radio UHF, para enviar datos entre los dos CubeSats por radiofrecuencia; y un módulo Bluetooth para poder enlazar el sistema con el ordenador de base. Además, las placas cuentan con un microcontrolador para procesar y almacenar la información de dichos módulos

    Novas arquiteturas para transmissores digitais flexíveis e de banda larga

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    Next generation of wireless communication (5G) devices must achieve higher data rates, lower power consumption and better coverage by making a more efficient use of the RF spectrum and adopting highly exible radio architectures. To meet these requirements, the development of new radio devices will be far more complex and challenging than their predecessors. The future of radio communications have a twofold evolution, being one the low power consumption and the other the adaptability and intelligent use of the available resources. Conventional approaches for the radio physical layer are not capable to cope with the new demand for multi-band, multi-standard radio signals and present an inefficient and expensive solution for simultaneous transmission of multiple and heterogeneous radio signals. Digital radio transmitters have been presented as a solution for a newer and more exible architecture for future radios. All-digital transmitters use a completely digital implementation of the entire radio datapath from the baseband processing to the digital RF up-conversion. This concept bene ts from the use of highly integrated hardware together with a strong radio digitalization, motivated by the exibility and high performance from cognitive and software defi ned radio. However, such devices are still far from a massive deployment in most of communication scenarios due to some limiting factors that hinder their use. This PhD thesis aims to the development of novel radio architectures and ideas based on all-digital transmitters capable of improving the adaptability and use intelligently the available resources for software de ned and cognitive radio systems. The focus of this thesis is on the improvement of some of the common limitations for all-digital transmitters such as power efficiency, bandwidth, noise-shaping and exibility while using efficient and adaptable digital architectures. In the initial part of the thesis a review of the state-of-the-art is presented showing the most common digital transmitter architectures as well as their major bene ts and key limitations. A comparative analysis of such architectures is made considering their power and spectral efficiency, exibility, performance and cost. Following this initial analysis, the work developed on the course of this PhD is presented and discussed. The initial focus is on the improvement of all-digital transmitters bandwidth trough the study and use of parallel processing techniques capable of greatly improve common bandwidth values presented in the state-of-the-art. The presented work has resulted in several publications where FPGA-based architectures use parallel digital processing techniques to improve the system's bandwidth by a factor higher than 10. Other fundamental contribution of this thesis is focused on the pulsedtransmitters coding efficiency. In this section of the thesis, a method is presented showing the reduction of the quantization noise created by low amplitude resolution digital transmitters using multiple combined pulsedtransmitters to cancel the noise in speci c frequencies. This work has resulted in two main publications that showed how to increase the coding efficiency of the pulse-transmitters as well as the overall efficiency of the transmission system. Lastly, new-noise shaping methods are presented in order to develop new and more exible architectures for all-digital transmitters. The methods presented use new quantization processes that allow for the shaping of the quantization noise produced in pulsed-transmitters while using very simple and adaptable architectures. With these new techniques, it is possible to adjust the noise frequency distribution and deliberately change the noise shape in order to change some of the transmitter's characteristics such as central frequency or bandwidth. The work presented on this thesis has shown promising improvements to the all-digital transmitters' state-of-the-art, either in simulations and laboratory prototype measurements. It has contributed to advance the state-of-the-art in agile and power efficient all-digital RF transmitters with multi-mode and multi-channel capabilities and the improvement of the transceiver's bandwidth enabling the development of true software de ned and cognitive radio systemsA próxima geração de comunicações sem os (5G) exigirá taxas de transmissão mais elevadas, maior efi ciência energética e uma melhor cobertura fazendo um uso mais efi ciente do espectro de radiofrequência e adotando o uso de arquiteturas rádio mais flexíveis. Para cumprir tais requisitos, o desenvolvimento de novos dispositivos rádio será substancialmente mais complexo do que nas gerações anteriores. O futuro das comunicações rádio depende maioritariamente de dois fatores; o baixo consumo de potência e o uso inteligente dos recursos e tecnologias disponíveis. As abordagens convencionais para a camada física dos sistemas rádio não são as mais adequadas para lidar com a necessidade de dispositivos multi-banda e que usem múltiplos standards, por serem soluções inefi cientes e demasiado caras para esse efeito. Os transmissores rádio completamente digitais têm vindo a ser apresentados na literatura como uma solução inovadora e mais flexível para a implementação dos futuros sistemas de rádio. Os transmissores completamente digitais apresentam uma implementação da cadeia de processamento rádio, desde a banda-base até à conversão para RF, completamente constituída por lógica digital. Este conceito tira partido da vasta integração alcançada nas arquiteturas digitais, juntamente com a flexibilidade proveniente da digitalização das arquiteturas rádio que já se encontra em curso com a evolução dos rádios cognitivos e definidos por software. No entanto, devido a algumas limitações inerentes à tecnologia, este tipo de transmissores ainda não é amplamente utilizado na maioria dos sistemas. Esta tese de doutoramento propõe e avalia novas arquiteturas para transmissores completamente digitais, bem como novas técnicas de processamento de sinal que possam beneficiar das tecnologias de implementação existentes (e.g. FPGAs) por forma a construir novos transmissores digitais de forma eficiente e flexível. O objetivo desta tese é reduzir as limitações atuais ainda presentes neste tipo de transmissores, nomeadamente as relacionadas com a eficiência, largura de banda, cancelamento de ruído e falta de flexibilidade. Na parte inicial desta tese é realizada a revisão do estado da arte das diversas topologias de transmissores digitais bem como as suas principais vantagens e limitações técnicas. É também feita uma análise comparativa das diversas técnicas apresentadas em termos da sua eficiência energética, flexibilidade, desempenho e custo. De seguida, é apresentado o trabalho desenvolvido no contexto desta tese de doutoramento, seguindo-se uma discussão focada na resolução das atuais limitações deste tipo de transmissores. A primeira parte foca-se no uso de técnicas de processamento paralelo de sinal, por forma a suportar sinais de largura de banda mais elevada que os reportados no atual estado da arte. O trabalho desenvolvido e publicado baseia-se no uso de arquiteturas implementadas em FPGA que contribuíram para um aumento da largura de banda num fator de aproximadamente dez vezes. Outra das contribuições fundamentais desta tese consiste no aumento da eficiência do sistema através da melhoria da eficiência de codificação do sinal pulsado produzido. Com base no uso de múltiplos transmissores pulsados, e apresentado um esquema de combinação construtiva e destrutiva de sinais para a redução do ruído de quantização proveniente das técnicas de processamento de sinal pulsado usadas. Este trabalho resultou em duas importantes publicações que mostram que a melhoria da eficiência de codificação do sinal pode ser utilizada de forma a obter uma maior eficiência energética do transmissor. Por ultimo, são apresentadas diversas técnicas para a conversão dos sinais banda-base em sinais RF pulsados. As propostas apresentadas permitem o uso de uma arquitetura de hardware simplista, mas configurável por software, o que a torna bastante flexível. Com o uso desta arquitetura e possível alterar em pleno funcionamento a frequência central bem como a largura de banda e resposta do conversor pulsado. O trabalho apresentado nesta tese demonstra alguns dos melhoramentos no estado da arte para transmissores r adio completamente digitais, baseando os resultados obtidos não apenas em simulações mas também na implementação e medidas realizadas sobre protótipos laboratoriais. O trabalho desenvolvido no âmbito desta tese contribuiu com avanços na implementação de transmissores ageis, eficientes, com maior largura de banda e capazes de transmissão em múltiplas bandas com recurso a múltiplos protocolos, abrindo caminho para o desenvolvimento de novos rádios cognitivos e definidos por softwareFCT, FSEPrograma Doutoral em Engenharia Eletrotécnic

    Advanced Radio Frequency Identification Design and Applications

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    Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a modern wireless data transmission and reception technique for applications including automatic identification, asset tracking and security surveillance. This book focuses on the advances in RFID tag antenna and ASIC design, novel chipless RFID tag design, security protocol enhancements along with some novel applications of RFID