418 research outputs found


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    This research describes Linda Arden's revenge on Agatha Christie's novel entitled Murder on The Orient Express. The method of data collection is descriptive qualitative research. Based on the analysis, the researcher gets some conclusions. First, the main motive of Linda Arden's revenge is the kidnapping case of her granddaughter, Daisy, who was not only kidnapped but also killed by Cassetti, followed by the death of her daughter, Sonia, and son-in-law, Colonel Armstrong and also the death of Susanne, Daisy's nursemaid. Second, the revenge that Linda Arden planned is to end Cassetti's life with the help of the others affected by Cassetti's crime

    Challenges and Strategies in Teaching English Speaking Skills to Young Learners: Perspectives of Teachers in Indonesia

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    This research explores the challenges and strategies associated with teaching English speaking skills to young learners in Indonesia, focusing on students learning English as a second or foreign language. The study aims to understand the specific obstacles faced by teachers in this context and to identify effective methods for overcoming these challenges. Employing a qualitative case study approach, the research involved five elementary English teachers selected through purposive sampling. Data collection was conducted through interviews and observations, followed by thematic analysis to interpret the findings. The study also emphasized ensuring data quality through the establishment of trustworthiness. The findings revealed five key issues impacting the teaching of English-speaking skills to young learners in Indonesia. Challenges stemming from the students included inhibition, negative attitudes towards learning English, and low participation rates. From the teachers' perspective, difficulties in classroom management and the lack of a supportive English learning environment were identified as significant obstacles. To address these challenges, the teachers employed various strategies, including individualized instruction, use of translation, repetition techniques, and integrating games into the learning process. These approaches aimed to enhance student engagement and facilitate a more effective learning environment for developing English speaking abilities in young learners. The study's insights contribute to a better understanding of the complexities involved in teaching English as a second language in the Indonesian educational setting and offer practical solutions for educators facing similar challenges

    Effective Physician Engagement Strategies for Improving Healthcare

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    Middle and senior-level healthcare managers lack physician engagement strategies to help avoid physician burnout. Many physicians leave the healthcare profession due to disengagement, which could cause a significant healthcare crisis. Grounded in the transformational leadership theory, the purpose of this qualitative single case study was to explore the engagement strategies healthcare middle and senior-level managers used to help avoid physician burnout. Participants comprised seven middle and senior-level healthcare managers with a minimum of five years of employee management experience who effectively used physician engagement strategies to help avoid physician burnout at a Central Pacific United States healthcare organization. Data were collected from semistructured interviews via telephone, reflective journal, and publicly available media and organizational documents. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the data. Three themes emerged: developing meaningful relationships, encouraging career progression and professional development, and fostering a culture of understanding. A key recommendation for middle and senior-level healthcare managers is to take the time initially to get to know the goals of each physician. The implication for positive social change includes implementing success strategies for increased physician engagement in helping to address socioeconomic disparities for patients within the community who can benefit from healthier lifestyle

    Parent Perspectives for Elementary Instrumental Music Participation

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    This hermeneutic phenomenological study was conducted to understand participation issues surrounding elementary instrumental music programs from a parent\u27s perspective. Many school districts’ elementary instrumental music programs have continued with a district-funded model with classes that meet during the school day. The school district in this study adopted an outside-the-school-day model that is tuition-based. The study utilized semi-structured interviews and observations from the researcher. A quality music education program should include the highest possible number of students. This study uncovers the motivating factors in elementary instrumental music participation. It also reveals potential barriers to entry. Music educators can use the results of this study to build participation numbers while removing barriers to entry and allowing equal access to quality music education

    Revenge Reflected In Agatha Christie’s Murder On The Orient Express Novel (1934): Psychoanalytic Approach

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    This research describes Linda Arden's revenge on Agatha Christie's novel entitled Murder on The Orient Express. This study aims to analyze the book based on the Psychoanalytic Approach. The researcher uses two data sources: primary and secondary. The primary data source of the study is Murder on the Orient Express novel by Agatha Christie. Secondary data of the study is the supporting data taken from literary books, articles and journals related to the study. The method of data collection is descriptive qualitative research. Based on the analysis, the researcher gets some conclusions. First, the main motive of Linda Arden's revenge is the kidnapping case of her beloved granddaughter, Daisy Armstrong, who was not only kidnapped but also killed by Cassetti, followed by the death of her daughter, Sonia, and son-in-law, Colonel Armstrong and also the death of Susanne, Daisy's nursemaid. She has her way of doing her revenge against those who killed her beloved ones. Second, the vengeance that Linda Arden planned to end Cassetti's life with the help of the others affected by Cassetti's crime


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    Childhood trauma continues to be a silent epidemic in South Africa. Institutional childcare centres do not have sufficient funding or resources to render daily therapeutic services for abandoned children. The first line of professional care for these children encompasses their daily interactions and relationships formed with the centre caregivers. This article advances a greater understanding of the views, perceptions and experiences of caregivers caring for abandoned infants and toddlers living in institutional care, on the basis of information obtained from 15 participants interviewed through semi-structured interviews in this qualitative study. Understanding their views, perceptions and experiences provides vital information to develop social work practices

    Mellem politik og administration: det kommunale topembedsværk

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    Studier viser, at kommunale topembedsmænd prioriterer den politiske betjening højt. Dette fund er i den eksisterende litteratur blevet brugt til at sige noget om den rolle, som de kommunale topembedsmænd på tværs af lande indtager over for politikerne. Hidtil er dette hovedsagelig blevet undersøgt gennem spørgeskemaer, der fokuserer på kontaktmønstre og omfanget af den politiske betjening. I denne artikel argumenterer jeg i stedet for at studere rolleopfattelsen gennem interviews, hvilket giver adgang til erfaringsnære beskrivelser af topembedsmændenes rolleopfattelse. Gennem 12 interviews viser jeg, at de kommunale topembedsmænd opfatter deres rolle som oversættere, bindeled og mediatorer, hvilket indebærer en vekslende bevægelse mellem det politiske og administrative niveau. Embedsmændene finder det vigtigt at betjene det politiske niveau samtidig med, at de opfatter deres rolle som partipolitisk neutral. Det skaber et krydspres, som topembedsmændene forsøger at balancere ved at benytte tre strategier, der skal skærme dem mod uhensigtsmæssig politisk indblanding: De rådfører, oplærer og adgangsbegrænser

    Digitalization of the Logistics Process in Short Food Supply Chains.:An online Viable System Model application during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    This paper reports an ongoing exercise concerning the design of a logistics App to support operations within Farmers’ Markets in Mexico. This exercise is part of a wider research agenda focused on ‘Supporting Alternative Food Networks’ (SAFeNET). This is a research agenda to conceive, build, implement, and develop better-informing decision-making processes that support effective and efficient AFNs (also known as Short Food Supply Chains) logistics operations in a digital environment, through smooth flows of goods and information among producers, AFNs coordinators, and consumers. This view calls for taking a systemic approach to help collectives of people to improve their autonomy and viability. Initial plans were to conduct this collaborative design exercise, using the Viable System Model (VSM) as a conversational tool. Accordingly, a series of face-to-face interviews and a focus group were planned. However, the lockdown due to COVID-19 forced researchers to abandon the face-to-face option and conduct the primary data collection online. The VSM intervention had to be adapted for its use on an online platform, in such a way that the platform would support knowledge building interactively, with a series of participants. This paper describes the format and visual appearance of the online VSM framework, its application, and the lessons learned through this exercise. Two points deserve to be highlighted: First, although the exercise outcome was very valuable for the next stage of the design, the participants’ capacity for collective and individual reflection during the workshop was limited. Second, participants continued adding comments via the adopted online visual collaboration platform after the workshop ended, showing an understanding of the process and commitment beyond the researchers’ expectations. The outcomes from this experiment are promissory, suggesting that online Systems Thinking interventions deserve further development


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    ABSTRACT Lexical cohesion could provide relationships between words in the text so that readers could easily understand the text and the meaning of the text. In addition, each type of lexical cohesion could play an important role in conveying the meaning of the text. The objectives of this study were to find out the kinds of lexical cohesion used and the most dominant type of lexical cohesion in Joe Biden’s speech on coronavirus pandemic. Descriptive qualitative method was applied in order to find out the result of data analysis. The data in this study was in the form of speech consisting of speech scripts, the speech from Joe Biden on coronavirus pandemic that consisting of 96 sentences in the script. The research was analyzed using theory from Halliday and Hasan to find out the types of lexical cohesion. The techniques of data analysis were done by data reduction, data display, and drawing conclusion. To see the dominant kind of lexical cohesion, this research used percentage and counted it manually. The results of this research showed that in the data, there were 5 types of lexical cohesion with the sum of the types of repetition that was 61 items or 53%, synonym with 15 items or 13%, superordinate there were 5 items or 4%, general word with 4 items or 3%, and the last was collocation with 31 items or 27%. The most dominant type of lexical cohesion used in the speech was repetition. Keyword: Cohesion, Lexical Cohesion, Speech, Qualitative Researc