26 research outputs found

    Challenges in automatic forest change reporting through land cover mapping

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    Up-to-date knowledge about changes in forest resources and their spatial distribution is essential for sustainable forest management. Therefore, monitoring of forest evolution is increasingly demanded by national and international agencies to design forestry policies and to track their progress. Annually updated land cover maps based on open access satellite imagery may serve as a primary tool for monitoring forest surface evolution over time. Spatially detailed information about forest change might be obtained by comparing land cover maps over time. This study aims to better understand the processes underlying pixels whose land cover changes from 1 year’s map to the next and to understand why errors occur. In this study, two annual land cover maps were produced using Sentinel-2 images and afterwards they were compared. The comparison was performed in terms of total surface occupied in each map by each of the classes (net comparison) and in terms of spatial agreement, comparing the results pixel to pixel. The study was performed for the entire region of Galicia (in the Northwest of Spain) for the years 2019 and 2020. Land cover maps obtained had overall accuracies of 82 and 85 per cent. Differences in the total surface of change were encountered when performing the net comparison and spatial agreement comparison. The detailed analysis performed in this study helps to better understand the processes underlying the maps’ discrepancies revealing the processes leading to wrongly identified forest changes. Future studies could aim to integrate this knowledge into the monitoring system to improve the ultimate usability of land cover maps to retrieve information about forest changes.Ministerio de Universidades | Ref. FPU19/02054Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. PID2019-111581RB-I00Universidade de Vigo/CISUGXunta de Galici

    Urban Sprawl and COVID-19 Impact Analysis by Integrating Deep Learning with Google Earth Engine

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    Timely information on land use, vegetation coverage, and air and water quality, are crucial for monitoring and managing territories, especially for areas in which there is dynamic urban expansion. However, getting accessible, accurate, and reliable information is not an easy task, since the significant increase in remote sensing data volume poses challenges for the timely processing and analysis of the resulting massive data volume. From this perspective, classical methods for urban monitoring present some limitations and more innovative technologies, such as artificial-intelligence-based algorithms, must be exploited, together with performing cloud platforms and ad hoc pre-processing steps. To this end, this paper presents an approach to the use of cloud-enabled deep-learning technology for urban sprawl detection and monitoring, through the fusion of optical and synthetic aperture radar data, by integrating the Google Earth Engine cloud platform with deep-learning techniques through the use of the open-source TensorFlow library. The model, based on a U-Net architecture, was applied to evaluate urban changes in Phoenix, the second fastest-growing metropolitan area in the United States. The available ancillary information on newly built areas showed good agreement with the produced change detection maps. Moreover, the results were temporally related to the appearance of the SARS-CoV-2 (commonly known as COVID-19) pandemic, showing a decrease in urban expansion during the event. The proposed solution may be employed for the efficient management of dynamic urban areas, providing a decision support system to help policy makers in the measurement of changes in territories and to monitor their impact on phenomena related to urbanization growth and density. The reference data were manually derived by the authors over an area of approximately 216 km2, referring to 2019, based on the visual interpretation of high resolution images, and are openly available

    Vegetation characterization through the use of precipitation-affected SAR signals

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    Current space-based SAR offers unique opportunities to classify vegetation types and to monitor vegetation growth due to its frequent acquisitions and its sensitivity to vegetation geometry. However, SAR signals also experience frequent temporal fluctuations caused by precipitation events, complicating the mapping and monitoring of vegetation. In this paper, we show that the influence of a priori known precipitation events on the signals can be used advantageously for the classification of vegetation conditions. For this, we exploit the change in Sentinel-1 backscatter response between consecutive acquisitions under varying wetness conditions, which we show is dependent on the state of vegetation. The performance further improves when a priori information on the soil type is taken into account.1010FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP2013/50943-

    SAR and optical data applied to early-season mapping of integrated crop-livestock systems using deep and machine learning algorithms.

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    In this work, we explored the potential of three machine and deep learning algorithms (random forest, long short-term memory, and transformer) to perform early-season (with three-time windows) mapping of ICLS fields. To explore the scalability of the proposed methods, we tested them in two regions with different latitudes, cloud cover rates, field sizes, landscapes, and crop types. Finally, the potential of SAR (Sentinel-1) and optical (Sentinel-2) data was tested

    The Importance of Agronomic Knowledge for Crop Detection by Sentinel-2 in the CAP Controls Framework: A Possible Rule-Based Classification Approach

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    Farmers are supported by European Union (EU) through contributions related to the common agricultural policy (CAP). To obtain grants, farmers have to apply every year according to the national/regional procedure that, presently, relies on the Geo-Spatial Aid Application (GSAA). To ensure the properness of applications, national/regional payment agencies (PA) operate random controls through in-field surveys. EU regulation n. 809/2014 has introduced a new approach to CAP controls based on Copernicus Sentinel-2 (S2) data. These are expected to better address PA checks on the field, suggesting eventual inconsistencies between satellite-based deductions and farmers’ declarations. Within this framework, this work proposed a hierarchical (HI) approach to the classification of crops (soya, corn, wheat, rice, and meadow) explicitly aimed at supporting CAP controls in agriculture, with special concerns about the Piemonte Region (NW Italy) agricultural situation. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach, a comparison is made between HI and other, more ordinary approaches. In particular, two algorithms were considered as references: the minimum distance (MD) and the random forest (RF). Tests were operated in a study area located in the southern part of the Vercelli province (Piemonte), which is mainly devoted to agriculture. Training and validation steps were performed for all the classification approaches (HI, MD, RF) using the same ground data. MD and RF were based on S2-derived NDVI image time series (TS) for the 2020 year. Differently, HI was built according to a rule-based approach developing according to the following steps: (a) TS standard deviation analysis in the time domain for meadows mapping; (b) MD classification of winter part of TS in the time domain for wheat detection; (c) MD classification of summer part of TS in the time domain for corn classification; (d) selection of a proper summer multi-spectral image (SMSI) useful for separating rice from soya with MD operated in the spectral domain. To separate crops of interest from other classes, MD-based classifications belonging to HI were thresholded by Otsu’s method. Overall accuracy for MD, RF, and HI were found to be 63%, 80%, and 89%, respectively. It is worth remarking that thanks to the SMSI-based approach of HI, a significant improvement was obtained in soya and rice classification

    Change Detection of Selective Logging in the Brazilian Amazon Using X-Band SAR Data and Pre-Trained Convolutional Neural Networks

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    From MDPI via Jisc Publications RouterHistory: accepted 2021-12-01, pub-electronic 2021-12-05Publication status: PublishedIt is estimated that, in the Brazilian Amazon, forest degradation contributes three times more than deforestation for the loss of gross above-ground biomass. Degradation, in particular those caused by selective logging, result in features whose detection is a challenge to remote sensing, due to its size, space configuration, and geographical distribution. From the available remote sensing technologies, SAR data allow monitoring even during adverse atmospheric conditions. The aim of this study was to test different pre-trained models of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) for change detection associated with forest degradation in bitemporal products obtained from a pair of SAR COSMO-SkyMed images acquired before and after logging in the Jamari National Forest. This area contains areas of legal and illegal logging, and to test the influence of the speckle effect on the result of this classification by applying the classification methodology on previously filtered and unfiltered images, comparing the results. A method of cluster detections was also presented, based on density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise (DBSCAN), which would make it possible, for example, to guide inspection actions and allow the calculation of the intensity of exploitation (IEX). Although the differences between the tested models were in the order of less than 5%, the tests on the RGB composition (where R = coefficient of variation; G = minimum values; and B = gradient) presented a slightly better performance compared to the others in terms of the number of correct classifications for selective logging, in particular using the model Painters (accuracy = 92%) even in the generalization tests, which presented an overall accuracy of 87%, and in the test on RGB from the unfiltered image pair (accuracy of 90%). These results indicate that multitemporal X-band SAR data have the potential for monitoring selective logging in tropical forests, especially in combination with CNN techniques

    Local-scale mapping of tree species in a lower mountain area using Sentinel-1 and -2 multitemporal images, vegetation indices, and topographic information

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    IntroductionMapping tree species is an important activity that provides the information necessary for sustainable forest management. Remote sensing is a effective tool that offers data at different spatial and spectral resolutions over large areas. Free and open acces Sentinel satellite imagery and Google Earth Engine, which is a powerful cloud computing platform, can be used together to map tree species.MethodsIn this study we mapped tree species at a local scale using recent Sentinel-1 (S-1) and Sentinel-2 (S-2) time-series imagery, various vegetation indices (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index - NDVI, Enhanced Vegetation Index - EVI, Green Leaf Index - GLI, and Green Normalized Difference Vegetation Index - GNDVI) and topographic features (elevation, aspect and slope). Five sets of data were used, in different combinations, together with the Random Forest classifier in order to determine seven tree species (spruce, beech, larch, fir, pine, mixed, and other broadleaves [BLs]) in the studied area.Results and discussionDataset 1 was a combination of S-2 images (bands 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8a, 11 and 12), for which an overall accuracy of 76.74% was obtained. Dataset 2 comprised S-2 images and vegetation indices, leading to an overall accuracy of 78.24%. Dataset 3 included S-2 images and topographic features, which lead to an overall accuracy of 89.51%. Dataset 4 included S-2 images, vegetation indices, and topographic features, that have determined an overall accuracy of 89.36%. Dataset 5 was composed of S-2 images, S-1 images (VV and VH polarization), vegetation indices, and topographic features that lead to an overall accuracy of 89.68%. Among the five sets of data, Dataset 3 produced the most significant increase in accuracy, of 12.77%, compared to Dataset 1. Including the vegetation indices with the S-2 images (Dataset 2) gave an accuracy increase of only 1.50%. By combining the S-1 and S-2 images, vegetation indices and topographic features (Dataset 5) there was an accuracy increase of only 0.17%, compared with the S-2 images plus topographic features combination (Dataset 3). However, the input brought by the S-1 images was apparent in the increase in classification accuracy for the mixed and other BL species that were mostly found in hilly locations. Our findings confirm the potential of S-2 images, used together with other variables, for classifying tree species at the local scale

    Regional scale mapping of grassland mowing frequency with Sentinel-2 time series

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    Grassland use intensity is a topic of growing interest worldwide, as grasslands are integral in supporting biodiversity, food production, and regulating of the global carbon cycle. Data available for characterizing grasslands management are largely descriptive and collected from laborious field campaigns or questionnaires. The recent launch of the Sentinel-2 earth monitoring constellation provides new possibilities for high temporal and spatial resolution remote sensing data covering large areas. This study aims to evaluate the potential of a time series of Sentinel-2 data for mapping of mowing frequency in the region of Canton Aargau, Switzerland. We tested two cloud masking processes and three spatial mapping units (pixels, parcel polygons and shrunken parcel polygons), and investigated how missing data influence the ability to accurately detect and map grassland management activity. We found that more than 40% of the study area was mown before 15 June, while the remaining part was either mown later, or was not mown at all. The highest accuracy for detection of mowing events was achieved using additional clouds masking and size reduction of parcels, which allowed correct detection of 77% of mowing events. Additionally, we found that using only standard cloud masking leads to significant overestimation of mowing events, and that the detection based on sparse time series does not fully correspond to key events in the grass growth season