1,867,984 research outputs found

    Movin' On Up: Reforming America's Social Contract to Provide a Bridge to the Middle Class

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    This research brief summarizes recent findings by the Center for Economic and Policy Research on job quality and workers' economic security. Using a rigorous methodology that improves on other more standard measures of economic security, we find that one in five Americans in working families have income below a minimum middle-class budget standard for the area in which they live. The authors argue this is the result of a frayed social contract that must be updated so that more workers can move into the middle class. The report concludes with proposals that would strengthen labor market institutions, expand work supports for families in the middle and working classes, and provide workers, particularly those in low- and moderate-wage jobs, with more opportunities to improve their skills and education throughout their lifetimes

    Structural analyses of features in cultural landscapes based on historical cadastral maps and GIS

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    A landscape may appear to be ancient and to contain old man-made structures even if this is not the whole truth. Structures are moved, removed, replaced and added over the years. New users introduce new land use and management regimes. In Norway, information from land consolidation processes is crucially important in gaining a better understanding of the history, dynamics and development of farms, identifying older traces of human activity and selecting important areas for protection and management. When cadastral maps are transformed, common points are needed during the transformation process and for testing the accuracy of the final transformation. It is often difficult to find enough common points to satisfy statistical requirements. Paper I presents a simple method using buffers based on linear features to evaluate whether or not the accuracy of the transformation results is better than the known accuracy of the source. Papers II, III and IV show how digitised and geographically referenced historical cadastral maps can be used to reconstruct the situation at various dates back to the 19th century, and for some information back to the 16th century. The digitised cadastral map provides a snapshot of the situation at the time of the land consolidation process, and the information is considered to be very exact. Paper IV also demonstrates how a DEM (digital elevation model) can add significantly to an understanding of the information contained in the land consolidation material. The use of digitised cadastral maps reveals that many man-made structures generally perceived as old, because they are constructed using traditional techniques, in fact date from after the land consolidation process. One aim of the new European Landscape Convention is to promote landscape protection, management and planning. It therefore requires identification of landscapes and analysis of their characteristics and the forces and pressures transforming them. Using land consolidation material in a GIS makes it possible to document changes in a landscape and improve understanding of the pressures behind these changes

    A tentative step towards healthy public policy

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    More consistent attention to implementing healthy public policy, and amassing the evidence for it, are urgently required

    The effects of nonlocal impact ionization on the speed of avalanche photodiodes

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    The nonlocal enhancement in the velocities of charge carriers to ionization is shown to outweigh the opposing effects of dead space, increasing the avalanche speed of short avalanche photodiodes (APDs) over the predictions of a conventional local model which ignores both of these effects. The trends in the measured gain-bandwidth product of two short InAlAs APDs reported in the literature support this result. Relatively large speed benefits are predicted to result from further small reductions in the lengths of short multiplication regions

    The quality of district plans and their implementation: Towards environmental quality

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    Since inception of the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) the issue of sustainable management has dominated planning practice in New Zealand. Over the past decade, councils have wrestled with converting the concept of sustainable management into policy and practice. Implicit to the requirement that district councils develop plans for managing the environmental effects of the use and development of natural and physical resources is the assumption that good quality plans will result in improved environmental quality. The key question to be addressed in this paper is: Do good plans matter? Measuring the quality of plan implementation is a complex task, and little, if any, attempt has been made in councils to do it. The PUCM research is the first in New Zealand to attempt a quantitative analysis of the links between the quality of plans produced under the RMA and the quality of plan implementation. The purpose of this paper is to describe the methodology that we adopted for the research and to present some preliminary results from studying the implementation of plans through the resource consent process. Overall, we are trying to determine: how best to measure the quality of plan implementation and the effect that district plan quality has on implementation quality; and what factors influence the relationship between plan quality and implementation quality. This paper is structured into three main parts. The first is a description of the methodological approach taken to conduct the research. In the second part, the key preliminary results are presented. Finally the findings and the implications for achieving good environmental outcomes are discussed

    Ratification quotas in international agreements

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    This paper analyses the role of ratification quotas in multilateral agreements over emission reduction. The higher is the quota, the lower is the level of emissions in case the agreement comes into force, but the higher is also the risk of failure. In a setting with incomplete information, two country types and a binary contribution to the provision, I examine the differences between simultaneous and sequential ratification. When the benefits from emission of both types are smaller than the social costs, the outcome in the simultaneous case is essentially identical to the sequential case. The optimal quota is 100% and achieves the first best. With the high type's benefits exceeding the social costs, I find that the optimal quota is as small as possible, if ratification is simultaneous. In the sequential ratification case, I cannot determine the optimal quota. However, I find that the aggregate expected surplus decreases with respect to the simultaneous case

    Autocratic opening to democracy: why legitimacy matters

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    As recent experiments in democratisation around the world show signs of achieving success, or failure, or more usually something in between, the attention of democracy promotion actors in the international community is turning to the world's remaining outstanding autocracies. This article identifies the autocracies, discusses the notion of autocratic opening, and explores how opening can come about, with particular reference to international intervention. The article argues that, for identifying the prospects for autocratic opening and determining the forms of constructive engagement available to international actors, it is useful to distinguish between the different grounds on which various autocracies claim legitimacy, and the specific vulnerabilities to which their principal legitimating base gives rise

    Inertial-Magnetic Sensors for Assessing Spatial Cognition in Infants

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    This paper describes a novel approach to the assessment of spatial cognition in children. In particular we present a wireless instrumented toy embedding magneto-inertial sensors for orientation tracking, specifically developed to assess the ability to insert objects into holes. To be used in naturalistic environments (e.g. daycares), we also describe an in-field calibration procedure based on a sequence of manual rotations, not relying on accurate motions or sophisticated equipment. The final accuracy of the proposed system, after the mentioned calibration procedure, is derived by direct comparison with a gold-standard motion tracking device. In particular, both systems are subjected to a sequence of ten single-axis rotations (approximately 90 deg, back and forth), about three different axes. The root-mean-square of the angular error between the two measurements (gold-standard vs. proposed systems) was evaluated for each trial. In particular, the average rms error is under 2 deg. This study indicates that a technological approach to ecological assessment of spatial cognition in infants is indeed feasible. As a consequence, prevention through screening of large number of infants is at reach

    Quasimodularity and large genus limits of Siegel-Veech constants

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    Quasimodular forms were first studied in the context of counting torus coverings. Here we show that a weighted version of these coverings with Siegel-Veech weights also provides quasimodular forms. We apply this to prove conjectures of Eskin and Zorich on the large genus limits of Masur-Veech volumes and of Siegel-Veech constants. In Part I we connect the geometric definition of Siegel-Veech constants both with a combinatorial counting problem and with intersection numbers on Hurwitz spaces. We introduce modified Siegel-Veech weights whose generating functions will later be shown to be quasimodular. Parts II and III are devoted to the study of the quasimodularity of the generating functions arising from weighted counting of torus coverings. The starting point is the theorem of Bloch and Okounkov saying that q-brackets of shifted symmetric functions are quasimodular forms. In Part II we give an expression for their growth polynomials in terms of Gaussian integrals and use this to obtain a closed formula for the generating series of cumulants that is the basis for studying large genus asymptotics. In Part III we show that the even hook-length moments of partitions are shifted symmetric polynomials and prove a formula for the q-bracket of the product of such a hook-length moment with an arbitrary shifted symmetric polynomial. This formula proves quasimodularity also for the (-2)-nd hook-length moments by extrapolation, and implies the quasimodularity of the Siegel-Veech weighted counting functions. Finally, in Part IV these results are used to give explicit generating functions for the volumes and Siegel-Veech constants in the case of the principal stratum of abelian differentials. To apply these exact formulas to the Eskin-Zorich conjectures we provide a general framework for computing the asymptotics of rapidly divergent power series.Comment: 107 pages, final version, to appear in J. of the AM

    Aportaciones al conocimiento florístico de la Sierra de Aracena (Huelva, España)

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    A check�list of the Sierra de Aracena (Huelva, Spain) is presented. A total of 900 vascular plants have been identificated.Se ha realizado un catálogo floristico de la Sierra de Aracena (Huelva, España), en el que se citan 900 táxones de plantas vasculares