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    Propuesta de protocolo GIS y de utilización de un entorno 3d para la intervención arqueológica 2015 en cueva de la Cocina (Dos Aguas, Valencia)

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    Presentamos en este trabajo el protocolo seguido para la digitalización de la información de los trabajos de campo y la reconstrucción virtual de la estratigrafía en el yacimiento prehistórico de Cueva de la Cocina (Dos Aguas, Valencia). La implementación GIS se ha efectuado mediante el uso del programa OpenJUMP mientras que para la recreación del entorno 3D se han utilizado los programas de software libre Meshlab, Paraview, CloudCompare y R. Los resultados presentados corresponden a un avance de la digitalización de la estratigrafía de los sondeos efectuados en la intervención llevada a cabo entre los meses de Junio y Julio del año 2015.With this paper we mean to present our procedure for the digitalization of the field information, as well as the virtual stratigraphical reconstruction, of the site of Cueva de la Cocina (Dos Aguas, Valencia). The main tool for GIS implementation has been the OpenJUMP, whilst for the 3D recreation of the cave virtual environment Meshlab, Paraview, Cloud Compare and R open software have been used. According to the data recovered during the last intervention, accomplished between June and July 2015, we present a preview of the digitalization of the stratigraphy of the excavated sectors.http://ocs.editorial.upv.es/index.php/arqueologica20/arqueologica8/paper/view/4205, accessed December 16, 2016

    Genetic analysis of longevity in specialized lines of rabbits

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    [EN] The global objective of the present thesis was to study the functional longevity defined as length of productive life (LPL) in five Spanish specialized lines of rabbit (A, V, H and LP). Chapter 3, aimed to check the genetic heterogeneity for longevity between the five lines estimating the additive variance and the corresponding effective heritabilities. As well as to test the genetic importance of time-dependent factors such as positive palpation order (OPP), physiological status (PS) and number of kits born alive (NBA) on the genetics of longevity. This point has been assessed using four different Cox proportional hazard models; the first one (Model 1) included all the previous factors in addition to the year-season effect, the inbreeding coefficient effect and finally the animal effect as random factor. The remaining three models were the same as Model 1 but excluding OPP (Model 2), or PS (Model 3), or NBA (Model 4). The complete data set comprised 15,670 does with records 35.6 % having censoring data, and the full pedigree file involved 19,405 animals. The heritability estimates for longevity in the five lines were low and ranged from 0.02±0.01 to 0.14±0.09, and consequently, it is not recommended to include this trait as selection criteria in rabbit breeding programs. Despite of the large variation of the heritability estimates, the corresponding HPD95% always overlapped and consequently the hypothesis of all lines having the same heritability cannot be discarded. Comparing the additive variance estimates of the four models, it was observed that by correcting for PS 51, 39, 38, 83 and 75% of the additive variance in lines A, V, H, LP and R, respectively, was removed. The risk of death or culling decreases as OPP advanced. Non-pregnant-non-lactating females are those under the higher risk. The does which had zero NBA had the highest risk, apart for this special figure (zero NBA) the risk decreased as NBA increased. Chapter 4 intended to estimate the genetic and environmental correlations between longevity and two prolificacy traits (number of kits born alive (NBA) and number of kits alive at weaning (NW)). Furthermore, to estimate the genetic and environmental correlations between longevity and the percentage of days that the doe spent in the different physiological statuses with respect to its entire productive life. The complete pedigree file comprised 19,405 animals. The datasets included records on 15,670 does which had 58,329 kindlings and 57,927 weanings. In general the genetic correlations between NBA and NW, and the hazard were low to very low, and the only line for which it can be said these genetic correlation to be different from zero was the LP line. Regarding the correlations between longevity and the percentage of days the doe spent in each physiological status, there were evidences of non-negligible genetic correlations between the two traits. Chapter 5 purposed to compare the five lines at their foundation and at fixed time periods during their selection programs. The first comparison was done at the origin of the lines, involving the complete data set, and using a genetic model (CM) including the additive values of the animals, so the effect of selection was considered. For the second comparison the same model as the first comparison was used, but excluding the additive effects from the model of analysis (IM), and involving only the data corresponding to each period, so the differences between the lines included the additive values of the animals. The lines V, H and LP showed at foundation a substantial superiority over line A. The line R had higher risk of death or culling with relevant differences when compared to V, H and LP lines. The maximum relative risks were observed between the lines LP and R (0.239), and between LP and A (0.317). For the comparisons at fixed times, the pattern of the differences between the A line and the others was similar to those observed at foundation.[ES] El objetivo global de la presente tesis fue estudiar la longevidad funcional en cinco líneas españolas de conejos (A, V, H y LP), el carácter se definió como la longitud de la vida productiva. En el Capítulo 3, dirigido a comprobar la heterogeneidad genética de la longevidad entre las 5 líneas, se estimaron las varianzas aditivas y sus correspondientes heredabilidades efectivas. Y además se evaluó la importancia del orden de la palpación positiva (OPP), el estado fisiológico (PS) y el número de gazapos nacidos vivos (NBA) sobre el determinismo genético de la longevidad. Para ello se utilizaron 4 modelos de Cox de riesgos proporcionales; el primer modelo (Modelo 1) incluyó todos los factores anteriores, además del efecto del año-estación, el efecto de la consanguinidad y, finalmente, el valor aditivo de los animales como efecto aleatorio. Los otros tres modelos fueron igual que el Modelo 1 pero excluyendo OPP (Modelo 2), o PS (Modelo 3), o NBA (Modelo 4). Los datos de longevidad estaban referidos a 15,670 conejas y tuvieron una tasa de censura de 35.6%. La genealogía completa involucró a 19,405 animales. Las estimas de heredabilidad efectiva para la longevidad en las 5 líneas fueron bajas y variaron de 0.02±0.01 a 0.14±0.09. A pesar de la gran variación de las estimas puntuales de heredabilidad, los correspondientes intervalos HPD95% siempre se solaparon y por lo tanto la hipótesis de que todas las líneas tengan la misma heredabilidad no pudo descartase. Se observó que la exclusión de PS incrementó la varianza aditiva aproximadamente, en un 51, 39, 38, 83 y 75% en las líneas A, V, H, LP y R, respectivamente. El riesgo de muerte o eliminación disminuía a medida que avanzaba el OPP, observándose el riesgo más alto durante los primeros dos partos, partos en los que las conejas todavía están creciendo lo que sería un factor de riesgo importante. El nivel No-Gestante-No-Lactante de PS tuvo el mayor riesgo. Este nivel se interpreta como indicador de baja fertilidad y/o problemas de salud de la coneja. Las conejas que tenían cero NBA tuvieron el mayor riesgo de muerte o eliminación, aunque para el resto de niveles de NBA se apreció una disminución del riesgo a medida que aumenta la prolificidad. En el capítulo 4, se estimaron las correlaciones genéticas y ambientales entre la longevidad y dos caracteres de prolificidad [número de gazapos nacidos vivos (NBA) y el número de destetados (NW)]. El fichero de datos incluyó 58,329 partos y 57,927 destetes. También se estimaron las correlaciones entre longevidad y el porcentaje de días que la coneja pasó en los diferentes estados fisiológicos con respecto a la totalidad de su vida productiva. La única línea para la que se puede decir que la correlación genética entre NBA o NW y el riesgo fue significativamente diferente de cero fue la línea LP. Hubo evidencias de correlaciones genéticas no despreciables entre la longevidad y el porcentaje de días que la hembra pasó en cada estado fisiológico los dos caracteres. En el capítulo 5 se compararon las longevidades medias de las 5 líneas en su fundación y en períodos de tiempo determinados. La comparación de las líneas en el origen, utilizó todos los datos y un modelo genético (CM) que incluía los valores aditivos de los animales. Para la comparación en tiempos fijos se utilizó el mismo modelo, pero excluyendo los efectos aditivos del modelo de análisis (IM), utilizando sólo los datos correspondientes a cada período, por lo que las diferencias entre las líneas incluían los cambios debidos a la selección. Las líneas V, H y LP mostraron una superioridad sustancial sobre las líneas A y R. Los riesgos relativos máximos se observaron entre las líneas LP y R (0.239), y entre LP y A (0.317). Con respecto a las comparaciones en tiempos fijos, el patrón de las diferencias entre la línea de A y las otras líneas fue similar a los observados en la fundación.[CA] L'objectiu global de la present tesi va ser estudiar la longevitat funcional en cinc línies espanyoles de conills (A, V, H i LP), el caràcter es va definir com la longitud de la vida productiva. Al Capítol 3, dirigit a comprovar l'heterogeneïtat genètica de la longevitat entre les 5 línies, es van estimar les variàncies additives i les seues corresponents heretabilitats efectives. A més a més, es va avaluar la importància de factors dependents del temps, com l'orde de la palpació positiva (OPP) , l'estat fisiològic (PS) i el nombre de llorigons nascuts vius (NBA) sobre el determinisme genètic de la longevitat. Per a això es van utilitzar 4 models de Cox de riscos proporcionals; el primer model (Model 1) va incloure tots els factors anteriorment assenyalats, a més de l'efecte de l'any-estació, l'efecte de la consanguinitat i, finalment, el valor additiu dels animals com a efecte aleatori. Els altres tres models van ser igual que el Model 1 però excloent l'OPP (Model 2) , o PS (Model 3) , o NBA (Model 4) . Les dades de longevitat estaven referides a 15,670 conilles i van tindre una taxa de censura de 35.6%. La genealogia completa va involucrar a 19,405 animals. Les estimes d'heretabilitat efectiva (Model 1) per a la longevitat en les 5 línies van ser baixes i van variar de 0.02±0.01 a 0.14±0.09. A pesar de la gran variació de les estimes puntuals d'heretabilitat, els corresponents intervals HPD95% sempre es van solapar i per tant la hipòtesi que totes les línies tinguen la mateixa heretabilitat no va poder descartar-se. Es va observar que l'exclusió de PS va incrementar la variància additiva, aproximadament, en un 51, 39, 38, 83 i 75% en les línies A, V, H, LP i R, respectivament. El risc de mort o eliminació disminuïa a mesura que avançava l'OPP, observant-se el risc més alt durant els primers dos parts, en què les conilles encara estan creixent el que seria un factor de risc important. El nivell No-Gestant-No-Lactant de PS va tindre el major risc en comparació amb els altres nivells. Les conilles que tenien zero NBA van tindre el major risc de mort o eliminació, encara que per a la resta de nivells de NBA es va apreciar una disminució del risc a mesura que augmentà la prolificitat. Al Capítol 4, es van estimar les correlacions genètiques i ambientals entre la longevitat i dos caràcters de prolificitat [nombre de llorigons nascuts vius (NBA) i el nombre de deslletats (NW)]. El fitxer de dades va incloure 58,329 parts i 57,927 deslletaments. L'única línia per a la que es pot dir que la correlació genètica entre NBA o NW i el risc va ser significativament diferent de zero va ser la línia LP. Evidències de correlacions genètiques no menyspreables entre longevitat i els percentatge de dies que la femella va passar en cada estat fisiològic. Al Capítol 5 es compararen les longevitats mitges de les 5 línies en la seua fundació i en períodes de temps determinats. Per a la comparació de les línies a l'origen, es van utilitzar totes les dades i un model genètic (CM) que incloïa els valors additius dels animals, per la qual cosa es va considerar l'efecte de la selecció a partir de la fundació. En la comparació en temps fixos se va utilitzar el mateix model que en l'anterior, però excloent els efectes additius del model d'anàlisi (IM), utilitzant només les dades corresponents a cada període, per la qual cosa les diferències entre les línies incloïen els canvis deguts a la selecció. Les línies V, H i LP van mostrar una superioritat substancial sobre les línies A i R. Els riscos relatius màxims es van observar entre les línies LP i R (0.239), i entre LP i A (0.317). Respecte a les comparacions en temps fixos, el patró de les diferències entre la línia de A i les altres línies va ser semblant als observats en la fundació.El Nagar, AGF. (2015). Genetic analysis of longevity in specialized lines of rabbits [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/52390TESI

    Calorie intake, olive oil consumption and mammographic density among Spanish women

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    High mammographic density (MD) is one of the main risk factors for development of breast cancer. To date, however, relatively few studies have evaluated the association between MD and diet. In this cross-sectional study, we assessed the association between MD (measured using Boyd's semiquantitative scale with five categories: 75%) and diet (measured using a food frequency questionnaire validated in a Spanish population) among 3,548 peri- and postmenopausal women drawn from seven breast cancer screening programs in Spain. Multivariate ordinal logistic regression models, adjusted for age, body mass index (BMI), energy intake and protein consumption as well as other confounders, showed an association between greater calorie intake and greater MD [odds ratio (OR) = 1.23; 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.10-1.38, for every increase of 500 cal/day], yet high consumption of olive oil was nevertheless found to reduce the prevalence of high MD (OR = 0.86;95% CI = 0.76-0.96, for every increase of 22 g/day in olive oil consumption); and, while greater intake of whole milk was likewise associated with higher MD (OR = 1.10; 95%CI 1.00-1.20, for every increase of 200 g/day), higher consumption of protein (OR = 0.89; 95% CI 0.80-1.00, for every increase of 30 g/day) and white meat (p for trend 0.041) was found to be inversely associated with MD. Our study, the largest to date to assess the association between diet and MD, suggests that MD is associated with modifiable dietary factors, such as calorie intake and olive oil consumption. These foods could thus modulate the prevalence of high MD, and important risk marker for breast cancer.Grant sponsor: Spain’s Health Research Fund (Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria);Grant numbers:FIS PI060386 & FIS PIS09/01006; Collaboration Agreement between Astra-Zeneca and the Carlos III Institute of Health (Instituto de Salud Carlos III);Grant number: EPY 1306/06; Spanish Federation of Breast Cancer patients; Grant number: FECMA 485 EPY 1170-10S

    Developing Professional Project Managers: The use of practice-oriented learning

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    This paper will explore two post graduate subjects `Project Management Principles' and `Project Management Practicum'; identify uniquely aggregated material by combining theory with practice using `real-life projects involved with established clients from industry; and explain reflective, culturally diverse, team-oriented and collaborative learning environments. Subject-specific assessments are embedded to achieve Course Intended Learning Outcomes aligned to the required university Graduate Attributes. The Graduate Attributes that students develop in these subjects include: critical thinking and research skills; creativity and innovation; communications and interpersonal skills; attitudes and values, and practical and professional skills. The following criteria will be examined within these two project management subjects that students undertake as part of a Graduate Certificate or Masters of Project Management: 1.Approaches to teaching and learning and/or to teaching and learning support that influence, motivate and inspire students to learn 2.Development of curricula and resources that reflect a command of the field 3.Scholarly activities and service innovations that have influenced and enhanced learning and teaching. The paper will demonstrate how the two courses integrate and extend students' knowledge and skills, and also the student experience in managing dynamic intercultural relations

    Validation of the Spanish version of the five-item General Self-Efficacy (GSE) scale in a sample of nursing students: Evidence of validity, reliability, longitudinal invariance and changes in general self-efficacy and resilience in a two-wave cross-lagged panel model.

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    The aim of this study is to validate the Spanish version of the five-item General Self-Efficacy scale in a sample of nursing students, by: 1) offering evidence of validity and reliability; 2) studying the longitudinal measurement invariance of the scale; 3) providing evidence on the changes in the levels of self-efficacy that occur after one year of nursing education; and 4) offering longitudinal evidence on the relationship between nursing students' self-efficacy and resilience levels. Nurses' general self-efficacy has been related to both personal and organizational outcomes. In Spain, some competencies the students must acquire during the Degree in Nursing implicitly refer to self-efficacy. For the measurement of general self-efficacy, the General Self-Efficacy Scale is one of the most widely used in Europe. A longitudinal design was used. Research took place at the University of Valencia and the University of the Balearic Islands (Spain). Participants were 324 nursing students, in the first year of the Nursing Degree. The five-item General Self-Efficacy scale and the Brief Resilience Coping Scale were used. Analyses included descriptive statistics, reliability estimates, confirmatory factor analysis, a longitudinal measurement invariance routine and several competing cross-lagged models. Evidence of reliability shown by the scale was adequate and a one-factor solution for the structure was found. Additionally, the five-item GSE showed evidence of invariance over time. A causal effect of self-efficacy on nursing students' levels of resilience was found. The Spanish version of the five-item General Self-Efficacy scale is a brief instrument that can contribute to the assessment of some of the basic competencies of the Degree in Nursing, which improve during their education and how these changes are related to other skills important for the nursing profession, such as resilience

    Correlated response to selection for litter size environmental variability in rabbits' resilience

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    [EN] Resilience is the ability of an animal to return soon to its initial productivity after facing diverse environmental challenges. This trait is directly related to animal welfare and it plays a key role in fluctuations of livestock productivity. A divergent selection experiment for environmental variance of litter size has been performed successfully in rabbits over ten generations. The objective of this study was to analyse resilience indicators of stress and disease in the divergent lines of this experiment. The high line showed a lower survival rate at birth than the low line (-4.1%). After correcting by litter size, the difference was -3.2%. Involuntary culling rate was higher in the high than in the low line (+12.4%). Before vaccination against viral haemorrhagic disease or myxomatosis, concentration of lymphocytes, C-reactive protein (CRP), complement C3, serum bilirubin, triglycerides and cholesterol were higher in the high line than in the low line (difference between lines +4.5%, +5.6 mu g/ml, +4.6 mg/ml, +7.9 mmol/l, +0.3 mmol/l and +0.4 mmol/l). Immunological and biochemical responses to the two vaccines were similar. After vaccination, the percentage of lymphocytes and CRP concentration were higher in the low line than in the high one (difference between lines +4.0% and +13.1 mu g/ml). The low line also showed a higher increment in bilirubin and triglycerides than the high line (+14.2 v. +8.7 mmol/l for bilirubin and +0.11 v. +0.01 mmol/l for triglycerides); these results would agree with the protective role of bilirubin and triglycerides against the larger inflammatory response found in this line. In relation to stress, the high line had higher basal concentration of cortisol than the low line (+0.2ng/ml); the difference between lines increased more than threefold after the injection of ACTH 1 to 24, the increase being greater in the high line (+0.9 ng/ml) than in the low line (+0.4 ng/ml). Selection for divergent environmental variability of litter size leads to dams with different culling rate for reproductive causes and different kits' neonatal survival. These associations suggest that the observed fitness differences are related to differences in the inflammatory response and the corticotrope response to stress, which are two important components of physiological adaptation to environmental aggressions.This study is supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) with the Projects AGL2014-55921, C2-1-P and C2-2-P, and AGL2017-86083, C2-1-P and C2-2-P.Argente, M.; Garcia, M.; Zbynovska, K.; Petruska, P.; Capcarova, M.; Blasco Mateu, A. (2019). 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