353 research outputs found

    Seasonality of 7 Be concentrations in Europe and influence of tropopause height

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    This study aims at analysing the latitudinal variability of both the yearly and seasonal pattern of Be-7 surface activity concentrations, at addressing the impact of tropopause height (TPH) on Be-7 distribution and at evaluating the time lag between TPH and Be-7 at European level. With this aim, weekly Be-7 and daily TPH data at 17 sampling stations during 10 yr (2001-2010) are analysed. Be-7 shows a clear increasing tendency in the period and generally tends to increase with decreasing latitude. The seasonal pattern generally shows maxima during the warm period and minima during the cold one. The seasonal variogram analysis points out a good spatial correlation for TPH data while a weaker one is observed for Be-7, having TPH a larger influence on Be-7 during summer. The influence of TPH on Be-7 exhibits a large spatial variability, with a clear gap between south and north in the area of the polar front jet. The results identify the presence of two main groups, in particular separating between stations located in northern Europe (50 degrees N and higher) and stations in southern Europe (south of 50 degrees N). A similar behaviour for stations located in the same geographical area is also observed when looking at the day of maximum impact of TPH on Be-7 concentrations. The results suggest that Be-7 concentrations respond in different time ranges to changes in the TPH, observing seasonal differences in each group. These results represent the first European approach to the understanding of the TPH impact on Be-7 concentrations at surface levels

    The impact of biogenic VOC emissions on photochemical ozone formation during a high ozone pollution episode in the Iberian Peninsula in the 2003 summer season

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    Throughout Europe the summer of 2003 was exceptionally warm, especially July and August. The European Environment Agency (EEA) reported several ozone episodes, mainly in the first half of August. These episodes were exceptionally long-lasting, spatially extensive, and associated to high temperatures. In this paper, the 10$ndash;15 August 2003 ozone pollution event has been analyzed using meteorological and regional air quality modelling. During this period the threshold values of the European Directive 2002/3/EC were exceeded in various areas of the Iberian Peninsula. <br><br> The aim of this paper is to computationally understand and quantify the influence of biogenic volatile organic compound (BVOC) emissions in the formation of tropospheric ozone during this high ozone episode. Being able to differentiate how much ozone comes from biogenic emissions alone and how much comes from the interaction between anthropogenic and biogenic emissions would be helpful to develop a feasible and effective ozone control strategy. The impact on ozone formation was also studied in combination with various anthropogenic emission reduction strategies, i.e., when anthropogenic VOC emissions and/or NO<sub>x</sub> emissions are reduced. The results show a great dependency of the BVOC contribution to ozone formation on the antropoghenic reduction scenario. In rural areas, the impact due to a NO<sub>x</sub> and/or VOC reduction does not change the BVOC impact. Nevertheless, within big cities or industrial zones, a NO<sub>x</sub> reduction results in a decrease of the biogenic impact in ozone levels that can reach 85 μg/m<sup>3</sup>, whereas an Anthropogenic Volatile Organic Compound (AVOC) reduction results in a decrease of the BVOC contribution on ozone formation that varies from 0 to 30 μg/m<sup>3</sup> with respect to the contribution at the same points in the 2003 base scenario. On the other hand, downwind of the big cities, a decrease in NO<sub>x</sub> produces a minor contribution of biogenic emissions and a decrease in AVOCs results in greater contributions of BVOCs to the formation of ozone

    Campaniforme o no Campaniforme: una perspectiva sobre las cerámicas ‘pellizcadas’ en vasos con perfil en ‘s’ del Calcolítico en la Península Ibérica

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    The Bell Beaker phenomenon is the sum of several regional answers. Those are diluted into a reality with several shared characteristics. Nevertheless, and although being one of the most studied expressions of the European Recent Prehistory, more specific adaptations are still to be understood. This is the case of the paired fingernail imprints, or pinched motifs, that due to their scarceness are mostly unnoticed in Iberia. However, one was able to highpoint a scarceness of these standardised motifs in funerary contexts and a concentration in contexts dated from the last quarter of the IIIrd millennium BC, in the precise period of transition in the way of life of the peninsular human groups. Also, the regression in the communicative ability of the vessels, but at the same time dear links with other European Bell Beaker contexts seems to strengthen the hypothesis that this large-scale style must be understood as another agent in the ongoing identarian and social processes acting, as such, in the transition to the beginning of the Peninsular Bronze Age.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Fungal and Bacterial Biodeterioration of Outdoor Canvas Paintings: The Case of the Cloisters of Quito, Ecuador

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    The historic center of Quito, Ecuador, was one of the first World Cultural Heritage Sites declared by UNE-ISCO in 1978. here are numerous religious buildings built during the Spanish colonial period reflecting the cultural her- itage in this area. Between them, the cloisters of San Francisco, Santo Domingo, and Santa Clara should be highlighted. The specific problems of conservation of the outdoor canvas paintings are not well known at the moment. The objective of this paper is to achieve a conservation study of the canvas paintings exhibited in these three cloisters of the historic center of Quito in order to identify the microbial agents and the main bioclimatic parameters of deterioration. For this, a study of the state of conservation of five canvas paintings has been carried out, as well as a sampling and identification of the main microorganisms present on the obverse and reverse of the works, employing diverse techniques, traditional and biomolecular ones. An analysis of climatic conditions has also been achieved in the cloister of San Francisco. The results of the study indicate that the exhibition conditions in the cloisters are really problematic for the conservation of paintings. Important biodeteriorating agents have been isolated, including fungi and bacteria species belonging, among others, to the genera Bacillus, Penicillium, Alternaria, Mucor, and Aspergillus. We have also researched its relationship with the deterioration state of the artworks and the exhibi ion conditions in each case, proposing guidelines for the proper conservation of this important World Cultural Heritage

    Changing the day-ahead gate closure to wind power integration: a simulation-based study

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    ABSTRACT: Currently, in most European electricity markets, power bids are based on forecasts performed 12 to 36 hours ahead. Actual wind power forecast systems still lead to large errors, which may strongly impact electricity market outcomes. Accordingly, this article analyzes the impact of the wind power forecast uncertainty and the change of the day-ahead market gate closure on both the market-clearing prices and the outcomes of the balancing market. To this end, it presents a simulation-based study conducted with the help of an agent-based tool, called MATREM. The results support the following conclusion: a change in the gate closure to a time closer to real-time operation is beneficial to market participants and the energy system generally.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The deterioration of Circular Mausoleum, Roman Necropolis of Carmona, Spain

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    The Circular Mausoleum tomb in the Roman Necropolis of Carmona was carved on a calcarenite sequence in an ancient quarry located in the town of Carmona, Southern Spain. This rock-cut tomb, representative of Roman burial practices, currently suffers from serious deterioration. A detailed survey over several years permitted the identification of the main tomb's pathologies and damaging processes, which include loss of material (scaling, flaking, granular disintegration), surface modifications (efflorescences, crusts and deposits) and extensive biological colonization. The results obtained in this study indicated that anthropogenic changes were largely responsible and enhanced the main alteration mechanisms observed in the Circular Mausoleum. Based on the deterioration diagnosis, effective corrective actions were proposed. This study shows that any conservative intervention in the interior of the tomb should be preceded by accurate in situ measurements and laboratory analyses to ascribe the source of the deterioration damages and thus designing effective treatments.This research was funded by the Consejeria de Cultura, Junta de Andalucia, the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation project CGL2010-17183, and the program Torres Quevedo (PTQ 13-06296 and PTQ 12-05601)

    Olimpiada Internacional de Ciencias de la Tierra (IESO): Una oportunidad a la Geología

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    Olimpiada Internacional de Ciencias de la Tierra: Una oportunidad a la Geología

    Regional and urban evaluation of an air quality modelling system in the European and Spanish domains

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    El impacto de la contaminación del aire es un tema crítico para el medioambiente y el clima. Una mala calidad del aire es un tema de importancia para la salud pública, especialmente en ambientes urbanos. El material particulado (PM), el ozono (O3) y el dióxido de nitrógeno (NO2) son los contaminantes más problemáticos en Europa y España. La Comisión Europea ha mostrado una gran preocupación por desarrollar técnicas que permitan incrementar el conocimiento sobre la dinámica de los contaminantes atmosféricos para asegurar el cumplimiento de la legislación y para informar a la población acerca de sus niveles. Además, la directiva europea 2008/50/CE establece la posibilidad de usar técnicas de modelización para informar sobre calidad del aire. Esta tesis doctoral está desarrollada en el marco de dos proyectos: El proyecto CALIOPE y el proyecto CICYT CGL2006-08903, ambos basados en la necesidad de desarrollar un sistema de calidad del aire que permita informar y entender los niveles de contaminación en Europa y España, con el objetivo de obtener un preciso pronóstico de la calidad del aire. Con ese propósito, el sistema de modelización CALIOPE se ha desarrollado con alta resolución espacial y temporal sobre Europa (12 km x 12 km y 15 capas, 1 hora), dominio madre, y España (4 km x 4 km y 15 capas, 1 hora), dominio anidado. CALIOPE consiste en un conjunto de modelos que tienen en cuenta la contaminación tanto antropogénica como natural. La disponibilidad del supercomputador MareNostrum, alojado en el Barcelona Supercomputer Center- Centro Nacional de Supercomputación, ha permitido trabajar a tan alta resolución. El objetivo principal de esta tesis es aumentar la confianza científica en el sistema CALIOPE, identificando sus puntos fuertes y débiles con un nivel de detalle que contribuya a establecer necesidades de mejora en el proceso de modelización. Por tanto, el presente trabajo ha evaluado espacial y temporalmente las simulaciones de calidad del aire sobre Europa y España en términos de O3, NO2, SO2, PM2.5 y PM10 en superficie sobre el año completo 2004. Para identificar el origen de las incertidumbres en la modelización del PM, su composición química ha sido también evaluada en ambos dominios. Las evaluaciones han sido realizadas sobre más de 150 estaciones de calidad del aire (más de 2 millones de datos experimentales). Además, esta tesis ha usado el sistema CALIOPE para analizar los patrones de calidad del aire sobre 2004, identificando claramente las áreas de contaminación. Las ideas más importantes que se desprenden de esta tesis son tres. Primero, las condiciones de contorno químicas basadas en un modelo global, como el LMDz-INCA2, son esenciales para modelizar el O3 troposférico sobre los dominios de estudio. Segundo, para simular la concentración de PM en el sur de Europa, tanto a escala rural como urbana, la contribución de polvo procedente del desierto del Sahara deber ser considerada debido a la proximidad al continente africano. La contribución del polvo del desierto a través del modelo BSC-DREAM8b ayuda satisfactoriamente a modelizar los picos de PM10 observados. Tercero, para ser capaz de modelizar la calidad del aire a escala urbana sobre España es esencial (1) una alta resolución espacial y temporal que permita describir fenómenos mesoescalares en áreas de topografía compleja , (2) un modelo de emisiones altamente desagregado como HERMES; (3) unos modelos que representen el estado actual del conocimiento en meteorología y química atmosféricaThe impact of air pollution is a critical topic in environment and climate. Poor air quality is an important public health issue, especially in urban environments. Particulate matter (PM), tropospheric ozone (O3) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) are the main problematic pollutants in Europe and Spain. The European Commission has shown a great concern for developing actions that allow increasing the knowledge on dynamics of atmospheric pollutants to assure the accomplishment of legislation and to inform the population about their levels. The European directive 2008/50/EC establishes the possibility of using modelling techniques to assess air quality. This Ph.D. thesis is developed in the framework of two projects: the CALIOPE project and the CGL2006-08903 CICYT project, both based on the necessity to develop an air quality modelling system that allows assessing and understanding the air pollution levels in Europe and Spain, with the aim of obtaining a precise air quality forecast. For that purpose, the CALIOPE air quality modelling system has been developed with high spatial and temporal resolution over Europe (12 km x 12 km, 1 h), as a mother domain; and Spain (4 km x 4 km, 1 h), as the nested domain. The CALIOPE system consists in a set of models that take into account both anthropogenic and natural pollution. The availability of the MareNostrum supercomputer, held in Barcelona Supercomputing Center- Centro Nacional de Supercomputación, has allowed such configuration of the CALIOPE system. The main objective of the present Ph.D. thesis is to increase the scientific confidence on the CALIOPE system, identifying skills and weakness with a degree of detail that contributes to establish necessities of improvements in the modelling process. Therefore, the present work has spatially and temporally evaluated CALIOPE air quality simulations over Europe and Spain in terms of O3, NO2, SO2, PM2.5, PM10 concentrations over the full year 2004. In order to identify the origin of uncertainties in PM modelling, PM chemical composition has been also evaluated in both target domains. Evaluations have been performed across more than 150 air quality-monitoring stations and over more than 2 million of experimental data. Furthermore, this Ph.D. thesis has used the CALIOPE system to assess air quality pattern over the year 2004, identifying clearly the areas of air pollution. There are three major thrusts of the present Ph.D. thesis. First, chemical boundary condition based on a global model, such as LMDz-INCA2, becomes essential to model O3 background concentrations in the target domains. Second, to simulate PM concentration in southern Europe, both regional and urban scales, the contribution of dust from the Saharan desert should be taken into account, since that region is frequently affected by dust outbreaks due to its proximity to the African continent. The contribution of desert dust through the BSC-DREAM8b helps to satisfactory model the observed episodic PM10 concentration peaks. Even more, the contribution of sea-salt aerosol is especially important over coastal areas. Third, to be able to model the air quality in urban scale over Spain it is essential (1) a high spatial (4 km x 4 km and 15 layers) and temporal (1h) resolution that allows describing mesoscale phenomena in very complex terrains; (2) a high disaggregated emission model to describe the sources, such as HERMES; and (3) an state-of-the-science meteorological and chemical models. This Ph.D. thesis has demonstrated that CALIOPE system applied over Europe and Spain is a useful tool which may contribute to (1) forecast air pollution in urban/suburban areas with a pervasive influence of anthropogenic emissions on a local scale and over very complex terrains and meteorology patterns; (2) assess about air pollution, discriminating between anthropogenic and natural episodes; and (3) manage air pollution, by means of modification of urban strategies or requirements of the legislation

    Practical Movements: Kinetic rituals in the Ancient Western Mediterranean

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    Scholars have studied the long-distance movements of people and goods in Phoenician and Punic society between the eighth and the second centuries bc in considerable depth. However, little attention has been paid to travelling, walking and sailing as common activities in their daily lives. It was through living in and moving through landscapes and seascapes that people constructed their sense of place. Sacred places may have been nodal points in these settings and everyday movements may well have become ritualized. This article develops the idea that journeys to shrines might be considered as pilgrimages and stresses the kinetic aspect of these practices. I suggest that trips to shrines were important elements in the ritualization of movements and landscapes. Equally, the movements performed by visitors both inside and outside the shrine have the same significance and are essential to achieving what are known as metaphoric movements. We explore these ideas in two settings, the Phoenician-Punic Western Mediterranean shrines in the cave of Es Culleram (Ibiza, Balearic Islands, Spain) and Gorham's cave (Gibraltar, United Kingdom), which date from the period between the eighth and the second centuries bc