72 research outputs found

    Supplier and retailer coordination under stochastic price-dependent demand and fast moving items

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    We consider a centralized supply chain system consisting of a one supplier and one retailer. The customers’ demand is a compound Poisson process with price-dependent intensity and continuous batch size distribution. The intensity of the customers’ arrivals is assumed to be sufficiently high to use a diffusion approximation of the demand process. We assume that the supplier has complete information about the rational retailer’s behavior in the framework of the newsvendor problem. The objective is to find a joint pricing and ordering policy so as to maximize the retailer’s expected profit and supplier’s profit. The equations for the optimal prices main parts are obtained and the example of the price-intensity dependence is considered

    Natural Disaster Post Location Determination System Analysis and Design

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    The use of appropriate technology is one important aspect in improving the quality of human life. The common technology will be used in this study, is also one of the use of technology that is useful to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the determination of the post when a disaster occurs. This is a second year of research that apply the algorithm of the first year into implementation. Expected result of performance is an information system that can be used together to search the best post when a disaster occurs. Implementation is expected to facilitate the distribution of aid and speed recovery following natural disasters

    Elicitation, evaluation and recommendation in multi-criteria decision making process

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    Traditionnally, multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) literature has devoted its effort to the evaluation and recommandation stage of decision analysis. A MCDM problem in this context is therefore completly determined by a table where the entry at a position of this table cor- responds to the value of a criterion for the corresponding action and the main purpose for the analyst is to design a procedure that derive an order or pre-order over the actions set from that data table. This framework does have some drawbacks in practice such as the necessity for actions to be evaluated through the same criteria and one objective to realize. In this communication we go further ahead to consider also elecitation and measurement stage and derive a framework that allows also inhomogeneity of attributes that will characterize actions with regard to pursued multi- objectives. A case study in infrastructures projects portfolio selection under fund constraints to enhance suistainable de- velopment is considered as an illustrative application of the developped approach

    Economic MPC-LPV control for the operational management of water distribution networks

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    This paper presents an Economic Model Predictive Control (EMPC) for the operational management of water distribution networks (WDNs) with periodic operation based on embedding the nonlinearity of the model to the Linear Parameter Varying (LPV) model of WDNs. The performance of the WDN is identified by a set of difference-algebraic equations while the relation of hydraulic head/pressure and flow in connected pipes is nonlinear. In particular, the WDN model consists of two sections of nonlinear algebraic equations for bidirectional and unidirectional flows in pipes, respectively. The proposed algorithm is embedded the nonlinear algebraic equations into the LPV model. The proposed control approach allows the controller to accommodate the scheduling parameters. By computing the prediction of the state variables along a prediction time horizon, the system model can be modified according to the evaluation of the estimated state at each time instant. This iterative approach improves the implementation efficiency and reduces the computational burden compared to the solution of a non-linear optimization problem. Finally, the proposed strategy is applied to a well-known benchmark of the Richmond WDN.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Model predictive control based on LPV models with parameter-varying delays

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.This paper presents a Model Predictive Control (MPC) strategy based on Linear Parameter Varying (LPV) models with varying delays affecting states and inputs. The proposed control approach allows the controller to accommodate the scheduling parameters and delay change. By computing the prediction of the state variables and delay along a prediction time horizon, the system model can be modified according to the evaluation of the estimated state and delay at each time instant. Moreover, the solution of the optimization problem associated with the MPC design is achieved by solving a series of Quadratic Programming (QP) problem at each time instant. This iterative approach reduces the computational burden compared to the solution of a non-linear optimization problem. A pasteurization plant system is used as a case study to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Fractional-order identification based on time domain methodology for hydraulic canal system

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    [Abstract] This paper discusses the identification of hydraulic canal system with a fractional-order model. The identification procedure is carried out by using a time domain technique. A pseudorandom binary signal (PRBS) is considered, the auto-correlation of the input signal, as well as, the impulsive response of the system has been concluded, and the obtained model are discussed in order to show the effect of using the PRBS signal in comparison with a fundamental step signal. Finally, we put the accent into the improvisation of the fractional-order model of the considered prototype that has a significant impact on improving the performance of canal monitoring, control, and supervisory systems.[Resumen] Este artículo discute la identificación del sistema de canal hidráulico con un modelo de orden fraccional. El procedimiento de identificación se lleva a cabo utilizando una técnica de dominio de tiempo. Se considera una señal binaria pseudoaleatoria (PRBS), se ha concluido la autocorrelación de la señal de entrada y la respuesta impulsiva del sistema, y se analiza el modelo obtenido para mostrar el efecto del uso de la señal PRBS. En comparación con una señal de paso fundamental. Finalmente, ponemos el acento en la improvisación del modelo de orden fraccional del prototipo considerado que tiene un impacto significativo en la mejora del rendimiento de los sistemas de supervisión, control y supervisión del canal

    Methodological framework for implementation of a prediction reliability model of IGBT power modules used in railway applications

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    The control of critical electronic components reliability is one of the main issues in railway traction applications. Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBT) modules are part of these components. They are subjected to high stresses due to severe conditions of use of the train. The increase of requirements in terms of reliability and safety imposes to be able to assess these dependability measures. This paper introduces a methodological framework for predicting reliability of IGBT based on an innovative and structured Bayesian approach

    Моделирование компьютерных систем с FIFO-дисциплиной обработки прерываний

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    The FIFO (First In First Out) discipline of interrupt processing is widely used in Von Neumann type computers of informational and digital control systems. The goal of implementing such modes of operation - optimization time to data access - is achievable only when there is an adequate model, which describes data processing in the system. The analytical model is worked out with use the fundamental mathematical apparatus of Petri-Markov nets. The initial Petri-Markov model is divided into hierarchical levels in accordance with the number of interrupts in queue for processing. It is shown, that from the current level it is possible to switch both to the previous and to the next interrupt. Dependencies for determine the time of residence on the current level, and the probabilities of switching to conjugate levels are obtained. The method of Petri-Markov model transformation into the semi-Markov process is proposed. It is shown, that semi-Markov process obtained has the binary tree structure. Dependences for determining the time and probabilistic characteristics of wandering through a binary tree, are obtained.Дисциплина FIFO (First In First Out) обработки прерываний достаточно широко используется в ЭВМ Фон Неймановского типа, применяемых в информационных и цифровых управляющих системах. Цель реализации подобного режима работы — оптимизация времени доступа к данным — достижима только при наличии адекватной модели, описывающей систему. Аналитическая модель построена с использованием фундаментального математического аппарата сетей Петри-Маркова. Первичная Петри-Марковская модель разделена на иерархические уровни, соответствующие количеству заявок на обработку прерываний в очереди. Показано, что с текущего уровня возможно переключение, как на предыдущий, так и на последующий уровни прерываний. Получены зависимости для определения времени пребывания на текущем уровне и вероятностей переключения на сопряженные уровни. Предложен метод преобразования Петри-Марковской модели в полумарковский процесс. Показано, что структура подобного полумарковского процесса представляет собой бинарное дерево. Получены зависимости для определения временных и вероятностных характеристик блужданий по бинарному дереву

    Information Technology and Quantitative Management (ITQM 2017): An alternative calculation of the consensus degree in group decision making problems

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    In a problem of group decision-making it is desirable to obtain a solution with the highest possible degree of agreement – consensus- among the participants. For this aim, it is necessary to have tools that facilitate the calculation of the degree of consensus in a reliable way. This study proposes a consensus index based on a statistical measure of variability of the preferences expressed by the experts in a group decision-making process and performs a specific comparative study between this index and several known consensus measures. The analysis shows that in this specific situation the proposed measure behaves in a similar way to the previous ones and it could play their role in a process of decision making in group.The authors would like to acknowledge FEDER financial support from the Project TIN2016-75850-R