457 research outputs found

    The b-quark mass from non-perturbative Nf=2N_f=2 Heavy Quark Effective Theory at O(1/mh)O(1/m_h)

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    We report our final estimate of the b-quark mass from Nf=2N_f=2 lattice QCD simulations using Heavy Quark Effective Theory non-perturbatively matched to QCD at O(1/mh)O(1/m_h). Treating systematic and statistical errors in a conservative manner, we obtain mbMS(2GeV)=4.88(15)\overline{m}_{\rm b}^{\overline{\rm MS}}(2 {\rm GeV})=4.88(15) GeV after an extrapolation to the physical point.Comment: 15 pages including figures and tables; as published in Phys.Lett.B / typo in table 4 corrected / footnote 1 expande

    Structural, Physical, Theoretical and Spectroscopic Investigations of Mixed‐Valent Eu2Ni8Si3 and Its Structural Anti‐Type Sr2Pt3Al8

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    Eu2Ni8Si3 and its anti-type representative Sr2Pt3Al8 were synthesized from the elements. They crystallize in the tetragonal crystal system with space group P42/nmc and with lattice parameters of a=997.9(1) and c=747.6(1) pm (Eu2Ni8Si3) as well as a=1082.9(2) and c=823.3(2) pm (Sr2Pt3Al8). Both compounds were investigated via single crystal X-ray diffraction, indicating slight Si/Ni mixing for the silicide. Sr2Pt3Al8 exhibits a temperature independent magnetic susceptibility, suggesting superimposed dia- and Pauli-paramagnetic contributions. The independent Al and Pt sites of the platinide were further characterized by 27Al and 195Pt solid-state NMR spectroscopy, which were assigned with the help of electronic structure calculations. ICOHP calculations and Bader charges were used to analyze the bonding situation. Eu2Ni8Si3 in contrast is paramagnetic with a ferromagnetic transition at TC= 46.9(2) K and exhibits an effective magnetic moment of μeff= 6.61(1) μB per Eu atom. The latter is in line with an intermediate valence that was further proven by 151Eu Mößbauer spectroscopic investigations. At 300 K, the refined Eu2+/Eu3+ ratios are 60%/40%, at 78 K 62% and 38% (Eu2+/Eu3+) are observed, being in line with the ratio deduced from the magnetic susceptibility. Finally, at 6 K a ratio of 68% Eu2+ and 32% Eu3+ was observed. Below the Curie temperature, the Eu2+ signal shows a full magnetic hyperfine splitting, with an internal magnetic field value of B0=28.4 T

    The layered iron arsenides Sr2CrO3FeAs and Ba2ScO3FeAs

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    Polycrystalline samples of the layered iron arsenides Sr2CrO3FeAs and Ba2ScO3FeAs were synthesized by high temperature solid state reactions and their crystal structures determined by the X-ray powder diffraction. Their structures are tetragonal (P4/nmm; Sr2CrO3FeAs: a = 391.12(1) pm, c = 1579.05(3) pm; Ba2ScO3FeAs: a = 412.66(5) pm, c = 1680.0(2) pm, Z = 2) and isotypic to Sr2ScO3CuS. Iron arsenide layers are sandwiched between perowskite-like oxide blocks and separated by ~1600 pm, which is much larger compared to the 1111 iron arsenide superconductors. The bond length and angles within the FeAs layers are adapted to the space requirements of the oxide blocks. Measurements of the magnetic susceptibility and electrical resistivity show no hint for a SDW-like anomaly in both compounds. Sr2CrO3FeAs shows Curie-Weiss paramagnetism above 160 K with an effective magnetic moment of 3.83(3) muB in good agreement with the theoretical value of 3.87 muB for Cr3+. Antiferromagnetic ordering was detected below TN ~ 31 K. 57Fe Moessbauer spectra of Sr2CrO3FeAs show a single signal that broadens below the magnetic ordering temperature due to a small transferred hyperfine field induced by the magnetic ordering of the chromium atoms. 57Fe-Moessbauer spectra of Ba2ScO3FeAs show single signals at 298, 77, and 4.2 K which are only subject to weak quadrupole splitting.Comment: substantial addititions and corrections, references updated 19 pages, 7 figure

    119Sn solid state NMR and M\"ossbauer spectroscopic studies of the intermediate-valent stannide CeRuSn

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    The ternary stannide CeRuSn is a static mixed-valent cerium compound with an or-dering of trivalent and intermediate-valent cerium on two distinct crystallographic sites. 119Sn M\"ossbauer spectra showed two electronically almost identical tin atoms at 323 K, while at 298 K and below (77 and 4.2 K) two tin sites can clearly be distinguished. 119Sn solid state NMR experiments are performed to probe the local hyperfine fields at the two different Sn sites. 119Sn NMR powder spectra are nicely fitted with two Sn sites with nearly the same magnetic anisotropy, but with different absolute shift values. Both Sn sites are strongly affected by crossover-like transitions between 100 and 280 K. This local-site study confirms the superstructure modulations found in previous investiga-tions. Towards lower temperatures the powder spectra are broadened giving strong evidence for the antiferromagnetically ordered ground state

    Systematic Review of Methodological Approaches for Designing, Assessing and Validating Business Analytics Maturity Models

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    Context: Applying maturity models to measure and evaluate Business Analytics (BA) in organisations is challenging. There is a lack of empirical studies on how BA maturity models are designed, assessed and validated to determine how BA contributes to business value. Objective: To report on state of research on BA maturity models (BAMMs) and identify how BAMMs can be empirically (1) designed, (2) assessed and (3) validated. Method: Systematic review of BA maturity model studies focuses on methodological approaches used in design, assessment and validation of BA maturity models. Results: (1) A systematic review resulted in nine papers included for analysis. (2) Within these papers the dominant methodological design approaches for maturity models are Rasch analysis and set theory; (3) assessment approaches are Cluster, Additive Logic, Minimum Constraints using Statistical Squared Distance and Euclidian Distance; and (4) validation approaches are variance techniques using regression, correlation coefficients with tests for statistical significance against self-reported maturity, perceived benefits or performance. Conclusion: This research contributes to a deeper understanding of how BAMMs can be designed, assessed and validated in a rigorous manner. Future research should involve more empirical studies that demonstrate the validity and usefulness of BAMMs in contributing to business value