627 research outputs found

    When Women Migrate: Children and Caring Labor in Puebla, Mexico

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    This investigation concerns children and caregivers in Santa Ursula, a town in Puebla, Mexico from which many women have migrated to the United States in recent years. The expansion of female migration since the 1980s and children who remain behind in women\u27s poorer nations of origin, where households, communities and governments assume their care, are salient features of global economic restructuring (Hondagneu-Sotelo 2001). This study analyzes how children\u27s circumstances change when mothers migrate, and how family, community and state representatives understand and deal with these changes. Social reproduction in a community like Santa Ursula supports not only a source of cheap immigrant labor in the global economy, but also helps produce and reproduce transnational social hierarchies among individuals, households, communities and nations. Gendered, aged and intergenerational relations and obligations are central to care arrangements in Santa Ursula. Social reproduction is primarily women\u27s responsibility. Although men migrate in greater numbers, female migration most greatly affects care arrangements. Expectations and possibilities for childhood, a gendered and aged household division of labor, early marriage and childbearing, residence rules and in-law relations shape how family members understand and distribute carework when mothers migrate. Most often grandmothers are designated caregivers for children. However, eldest, unmarried, adolescent daughters usually shoulder the burden of reproductive labor. Girls\u27 reproductive responsibilities sometimes supplant educational and social activities, which is more common in poorer nations\u27 migrant-sending communities, than in wealthier receiving nations. Female migration also affects old-age care. Providing companionship and help, grandchildren-charges are often critical to grandparents\u27 well-being as kin networks shrink. Sometimes children cannot adequately or safely carry out domestic tasks. Nevertheless, children are usually well cared for, often with help from extended family. Rarely, children end up abandoned, in which case the state intervenes to reintegrate the family. Despite neoliberal restructuring, the Mexican state has expanded social spending since the mid-1990s and supports Santa Ursulan families through several programs and institutions. Given Mexico\u27s slow economic and job growth, increased social spending inadvertently contributes to a healthier and better educated transnational workforce, including young adults who were raised by caregivers

    Tropical Mudejar: Mosque-type chapels in Mexico and their role in early Spanish America.

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    Mudejar, the architectural style that emerged in Spain during the Reconquista, is relatively common in Spanish Colonial architecture in America, but it was merely an echo of the contemporary buildings constructed in Spain during the years of the colony. The presence of completely Islamic structures, however, such as the Mosque-type chapels, defy that observation, because the hypostyle plan had not been used in Spain for at least a hundred years. This research compares five chapels built in Mexico during the sixteenth century that follow a hypostyle plan, which resemble mosques in almost every aspect. It also proposes that these Mosque-type churches were a creative solution to accommodate the indigenous population, their patterns of worship and their number during the early years of the colony. These Islamic-inspired designs precede the open-air chapels, which became a common feature in sixteenth century Mexican architecture. An additional transcultural element given by the main users and builders of these chapels enrich the panorama of Mudejar art, mixing Native American religion and culture with an already rich Spanish Mudejar taste

    Tracing of ribbed vaults of the 16th century in Mexico

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    En este trabajo se estudiaron los templos conventuales mexicanos construidos en el siglo xvi, techados totalmente con bóvedas de nervaduras. El objetivo consistió en identificar sus características geométricas y el origen del trazo de los elementos estructurales que conforman estos templos. Para ello se eligieron cuatro iglesias conventuales en función de la relevancia de sus características geométricas y constructivas para su comportamiento estructural, y por su periodo de construcción. A partir de tratados de construcción de la época se identificó la geometría y el trazo de las bóvedas y algunos aspectos básicos del dimensionamiento de sus contrafuertes. Esto ha servido a fin de establecer una base para el estudio de los lineamientos seguidos por sus constructores en la búsqueda de garantizar la estabilidad de estas edificaciones, así como para estudios posteriores de su comportamiento estructural.In this paper were studied the Mexican conventual temples built in the xvi century, roofed totally with ribbed vaults. The objective consisted on identifying its geometric characteristics and the origin of the line of the structural elements that conforms these temples. For this were chosen four conventual churches in function of the relevance of their geometric and constructive characteristics for their structural behavior, and for their period of construction. Starting from treaties of construction of the time it was identified the geometry and the line of the vaults and some basic aspects of the dimensioning of their buttresses. This has served in order to establish a base for the study of the limits continued by their manufacturers in the search of guaranteeing the stability of these constructions, as well as it stops later studies of their structural behavior

    Trazo de las bóvedas de nervaduras mexicanas del Siglo XVI

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    En este trabajo se estudiaron los templos conventuales mexicanos construidos en el siglo xvi, techados totalmente con bóvedas de nervaduras. El objetivo consistió en identificar sus características geométricas y el origen del trazo de los elementos estructurales que conforman estos templos. Para ello se eligieron cuatro iglesias conventuales en función de la relevancia de sus características geométricas y constructivas para su comportamiento estructural, y por su periodo de construcción. A partir de tratados de construcción de la época se identificó la geometría y el trazo de las bóvedas y algunos aspectos básicos del dimensionamiento de sus contrafuertes. Esto ha servido a fin de establecer una base para el estudio de los lineamientos seguidos por sus constructores en la búsqueda de garantizar la estabilidad de estas edificaciones, así como para estudios posteriores de su comportamiento estructural.AbstractIn this paper were studied the Mexican conventual temples built in the xvi century, roofed totally with ribbed vaults. The objective consisted on identifying its geometric characteristics and the origin of the line of the structural elements that conforms these temples. For this were chosen four conventual churches in function of the relevance of their geometric and constructive characteristics for their structural behavior, and for their period of construction. Starting from treaties of construction of the time it was identified the geometry and the line of the vaults and some basic aspects of the dimensioning of their buttresses. This has served in order to establish a base for the study of the limits continued by their manufacturers in the search of guaranteeing the stability of these constructions, as well as it stops later studies of their structural behavior.</p

    Estudio de mercado para el desarrollo de una aplicación móvil turística para el Centro Histórico de Puebla, Pue.

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    "El siguiente trabajo de investigación es un estudio de mercado realizado en la ciudad de Puebla (México), con el fin de conocer si los visitantes de la zona del centro histórico (zona de monumentos) estarían dispuestos a utilizar una aplicación móvil para mejorar su experiencia de visita. Para la estructura de la investigación se incluyeron estudios sobre el turismo cultural en México, Puebla, e-turismo, así como los comportamientos de los usuarios en internet. El trabajo concluye con una propuesta de negocio en base a la aplicación móvil.

    Seismic behaviour and strengthening of barrel vaults of Augustinian churches in Mexico

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    Tese de doutoramento em Civil EngineeringOs conventos do século XVI são um exemplo significativo do rico e variado Património Cultural Mexicano, difundido em mais de metade do país. As construções agostinianas caracterizam-se por projetos muito ambiciosos, com naves únicas, atingindo até 70 m de comprimento e mais de 13 m de largura, cobertas por abóbadas de berço. Concebido maioritariamente para suportar cargas estáticas verticais, este sistema de cobertura demonstrou ser extremamente vulnerável a eventos sísmicos moderados. O México está localizado numa zona com elevada sismicidade e vários Estados estão em perigo sísmico constante. A maioria dos conventos mexicanos do século XVI estão situados nesses Estados. Recentemente, após os terremotos de Chiapas e Puebla em 2017, várias dessas estruturas, pertencentes à “La Ruta de los Conventos” (A Rota dos Conventos), foram severamente danificadas. O principal objetivo da presente tese é fornecer informações valiosas sobre o comportamento sísmico das igrejas agostinianas de nave única do período colonial e apoiar a sua preservação através da análise de técnicas de reforço adequadas para prevenir os danos causados por sismos. Assim, foi selecionado um caso de estudo relevante, nomeadamente o templo de Santo Agostinho, localizado no centro histórico da cidade de Morelia (Michoacan), reconhecida como Património Cultural pela UNESCO desde 1991. Foi realizada uma inspeção visual da igreja e ensaios de identificação dinâmica utilizando vibração ambiental. Foi desenvolvido um modelo numérico 3D FEM detalhado no programa DIANA, adotando uma abordagem de macro-modelação, e calibrado relativamente às frequências naturais identificadas experimentalmente. O Modal Assurance Criterion (MAC) validou a precisão do modelo calibrado. Por forma a avaliar o desempenho sísmico da igreja, foram realizadas análises dinâmicas não lineares (NLDA) e análises estáticas não lineares (POA). Após a determinação da capacidade da estrutura, foram definidas e analisadas seis configurações de reforço usando a POA, tendo por objetivo avaliar a melhoria da capacidade sísmica. A análise do edifício não reforçado demonstrou que a igreja suportaria o sismo de projeto, de acordo com o mapa de perigosidade sísmica produzido pelo INEEL, embora apresentando um fator de segurança baixo. A abóbada de berço, os arcos transversais, a cúpula, a fachada, o presbitério e a abóbada de aresta são os elementos mais vulneráveis, apresentando mecanismos de colapso característicos e semelhantes aos identificados durante os levantamentos pós-sismo. As técnicas de reforço adotadas produziram um incremento máximo na capacidade estrutural de 92% e 57% na direção transversal e longitudinal, respetivamente.Convents from the 16th century are a significant example of the rich and varied Mexican Cultural Heritage, widespread in more than half of the country. Among them, Augustinian constructions are characterised by very ambitious projects, with single naves, reaching up to 70 m in length and more than 13 m in width, covered by barrel vaults. Being conceived mostly to stand vertical static loads, this roofing system is particularly concerning and proved to be extremely vulnerable against moderate seismic events. Mexico is located in a highly seismic area known as the ring of fire and several states are under a constant seismic hazard. The majority of the Mexican convents from the 16th century is located in these states. Recently, after the earthquakes of Chiapas and Puebla of 2017, several of these structures, belonging to “La Ruta de los Conventos” (The Route of the Convents), were severely damaged. The main objective of the present thesis is to provide valuable insight into the seismic behaviour of Augustinian single-nave churches from the colonial period and support their preservation by analysing suitable strengthening techniques to prevent or reduce the damage caused by earthquakes. To achieve it, a relevant case study was selected, namely the temple of San Agustin, located in the historic city centre of Morelia (Michoacan), recognised as Cultural Heritage by UNESCO since 1991. An accurate visual inspection of the church and dynamic identification tests, using ambient vibration, were carried out. A detailed numerical 3D FEM model was developed in the environment of the DIANA software, adopting a macro-modelling approach, and calibrated to the experimentally identified natural frequencies. The Modal Assurance Criterion (MAC) validated the accuracy of the updated model. In order to evaluate the seismic performance of the church, nonlinear dynamic analyses (NLDA) and pushover analyses (POA) were performed. After determining the capacity of the structure, six strengthening configurations were defined and analysed using POA, aiming at improving the seismic capacity. The analysis of the unreinforced building demonstrated that the church would stand the expected earthquake, according to the hazard map by INEEL, although presenting a low safety factor. The barrel vault, transverse arches, dome, façade, presbytery and groin vault are the most vulnerable elements, presenting collapse mechanisms and damage scenarios similar to those identified during post-earthquake surveys. The strengthening techniques adopted produced a maximum increment in the structural capacity of 92% and 57% in transverse and longitudinal direction, respectively.The author acknowledges the economic support provided by CONACyT (Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología– Mexico), within the scope of the call CONACyT-Alianza FiiDEM 2016 (291111), fellowship 439857/268696, CVU 446408

    Time and the Ancestors

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    Time and the Ancestors: Aztec and Mixtec Ritual Art combines iconographical analysis with archaeological, historical and ethnographic studies and offers new interpretations of enigmatic masterpieces from ancient Mexico, focusing specifically on the symbols and values of the religious heritage of indigenous peoples.; Readership: Scholars and students working on the archaeology, art, history and anthropology of Mexico, as well as the general public interested in Mexican indigenous culture

    Un conjunto de documentos inéditos de los siglos XVI y XVII sobre Cholula: el "legajo Chimaltecuhtli-Casco", presentación, autenticación y estudio

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    Esta Tesis Doctoral pretende dar a conocer un legajo inédito que actualmente se encuentra en una colección privada. Dentro de este, encontramos diversos documentos de los siglos XVI y XVII, entre ellos varias pinturas que merecen el calificativo de códices mesoamericanos coloniales. Como ya hemos dicho, dos de estas pinturas las analizamos de manera independiente en nuestra Memoria de Licenciatura dirigida por el Dr. Juan José Batalla Rosado: Un códice cholulteca de mediados del siglo XVI: El Pleito entre Isabel Eçitzin y Mateo Chimaltecuhtli. Análisis de sus pinturas (Ruz 2006a). Son las que hemos denominado como: Pintura de las Posesiones de Mateo Chimaltecuhtli y Luisa Yectzin y Pintura de la Genealogía de Isabel Eçitzin. En dicho trabajo, únicamente estudiamos estos dos documentos. Ahora, sin embargo, vamos a presentar el conjunto completo donde se encuentran, incluyéndolas también y por tanto mejorando su estudio al ampliar su contextualización. La peculiaridad de este Legajo es que se encuentra actualmente en manos de un coleccionista privado y no se conocía su existencia hasta el momento. Nosotros hemos podido tener acceso al original para proceder a su estudio gracias a la colaboración por parte de su propietario, que nos ha dado muchas facilidades para el desarrollo de nuestra investigación. Esta característica va a ser lo que defina nuestro presente trabajo, tanto en lo que respecta a los objetivos como a los medios empleados. Por un lado, lo primordial es presentar la autenticación, la datación y el contenido. Por otro, debemos tener presente que la investigación se ha visto sometida a unas normas distintas al trabajo en un archivo público. Hemos decidido nombrar a este corpus documental como Legajo Chimaltecuhtli-Casco, debido a que la documentación que contiene se refiere a personajes relacionados con estos dos apellidos. Aparecen en él testamentos, ventas de tierras y pleitos, además de varias pinturas. Sus fechas abarcan desde mediados del siglo XVI hasta el siglo XVII. La mayor parte del texto está escrito en castellano, aunque hay algunos fragmentos en náhuatl. El total de folios que lo componen son ochenta y tres, más dos bifolios cosidos entre sí sueltos, donde se encuentra el fragmento de una pintura, de difícil interpretación por la escasa información que aporta