438 research outputs found

    Efficient sketch-based 3D character modelling.

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    Sketch-based modelling (SBM) has undergone substantial research over the past two decades. In the early days, researchers aimed at developing techniques useful for modelling of architectural and mechanical models through sketching. With the advancement of technology used in designing visual effects for film, TV and games, the demand for highly realistic 3D character models has skyrocketed. To allow artists to create 3D character models quickly, researchers have proposed several techniques for efficient character modelling from sketched feature curves. Moreover several research groups have developed 3D shape databases to retrieve 3D models from sketched inputs. Unfortunately, the current state of the art in sketch-based organic modelling (3D character modelling) contains a lot of gaps and limitations. To bridge the gaps and improve the current sketch-based modelling techniques, this research aims to develop an approach allowing direct and interactive modelling of 3D characters from sketched feature curves, and also make use of 3D shape databases to guide the artist to create his / her desired models. The research involved finding a fusion between 3D shape retrieval, shape manipulation, and shape reconstruction / generation techniques backed by an extensive literature review, experimentation and results. The outcome of this research involved devising a novel and improved technique for sketch-based modelling, the creation of a software interface that allows the artist to quickly and easily create realistic 3D character models with comparatively less effort and learning. The proposed research work provides the tools to draw 3D shape primitives and manipulate them using simple gestures which leads to a better modelling experience than the existing state of the art SBM systems

    SHREC'16 Track: 3D Sketch-Based 3D Shape Retrieval

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    Sketch-based 3D shape retrieval has unique representation availability of the queries and vast applications. Therefore, it has received more and more attentions in the research community of content-based 3D object retrieval. However, sketch-based 3D shape retrieval is a challenging research topic due to the semantic gap existing between the inaccurate representation of sketches and accurate representation of 3D models. In order to enrich and advance the study of sketch-based 3D shape retrieval, we initialize the research on 3D sketch-based 3D model retrieval and collect a 3D sketch dataset based on a developed 3D sketching interface which facilitates us to draw 3D sketches in the air while standing in front of a Microsoft Kinect. The objective of this track is to evaluate the performance of different 3D sketch-based 3D model retrieval algorithms using the hand-drawn 3D sketch query dataset and a generic 3D model target dataset. The benchmark contains 300 sketches that are evenly divided into 30 classes, as well as 1 258 3D models that are classified into 90 classes. In this track, nine runs have been submitted by five groups and their retrieval performance has been evaluated using seven commonly used retrieval performance metrics. We wish this benchmark, the comparative evaluation results and the corresponding evaluation code will further promote sketch-based 3D shape retrieval and its applications

    Towards a data-driven object recognition framework using temporal depth-data

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    Object recognition using depth-sensors such as the Kinect device has received a lot of attention in recent years. Yet the limitations of such devices such as large noise and missing data makes the problem very challenging. In this work I propose a framework for data-driven object recognition that uses a combination of local and global features as well as time varying depth information

    Web3D learning framework for 3D shape retrieval based on hybrid convolutional neural networks

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    With the rapid development of Web3D technologies, sketch-based model retrieval has become an increasingly important challenge, while the application of Virtual Reality and 3D technologies has made shape retrieval of furniture over a web browser feasible. In this paper, we propose a learning framework for shape retrieval based on two Siamese VGG-16 Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), and a CNN-based hybrid learning algorithm to select the best view for a shape. In this algorithm, the AlexNet and VGG-16 CNN architectures are used to perform classification tasks and to extract features, respectively. In addition, a feature fusion method is used to measure the similarity relation of the output features from the two Siamese networks. The proposed framework can provide new alternatives for furniture retrieval in the Web3D environment. The primary innovation is in the employment of deep learning methods to solve the challenge of obtaining the best view of 3D furniture, and to address cross-domain feature learning problems. We conduct an experiment to verify the feasibility of the framework and the results show our approach to be superior in comparison to many mainstream state-of-the-art approaches

    Recognition of feature curves on 3D shapes using an algebraic approach to Hough transforms

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    Feature curves are largely adopted to highlight shape features, such as sharp lines, or to divide surfaces into meaningful segments, like convex or concave regions. Extracting these curves is not sufficient to convey prominent and meaningful information about a shape. We have first to separate the curves belonging to features from those caused by noise and then to select the lines, which describe non-trivial portions of a surface. The automatic detection of such features is crucial for the identification and/or annotation of relevant parts of a given shape. To do this, the Hough transform (HT) is a feature extraction technique widely used in image analysis, computer vision and digital image processing, while, for 3D shapes, the extraction of salient feature curves is still an open problem. Thanks to algebraic geometry concepts, the HT technique has been recently extended to include a vast class of algebraic curves, thus proving to be a competitive tool for yielding an explicit representation of the diverse feature lines equations. In the paper, for the first time we apply this novel extension of the HT technique to the realm of 3D shapes in order to identify and localize semantic features like patterns, decorations or anatomical details on 3D objects (both complete and fragments), even in the case of features partially damaged or incomplete. The method recognizes various features, possibly compound, and it selects the most suitable feature profiles among families of algebraic curves

    3D object retrieval and segmentation: various approaches including 2D poisson histograms and 3D electrical charge distributions.

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    Nowadays 3D models play an important role in many applications: viz. games, cultural heritage, medical imaging etc. Due to the fast growth in the number of available 3D models, understanding, searching and retrieving such models have become interesting fields within computer vision. In order to search and retrieve 3D models, we present two different approaches: one is based on solving the Poisson Equation over 2D silhouettes of the models. This method uses 60 different silhouettes, which are automatically extracted from different viewangles. Solving the Poisson equation for each silhouette assigns a number to each pixel as its signature. Accumulating these signatures generates a final histogram-based descriptor for each silhouette, which we call a SilPH (Silhouette Poisson Histogram). For the second approach, we propose two new robust shape descriptors based on the distribution of charge density on the surface of a 3D model. The Finite Element Method is used to calculate the charge density on each triangular face of each model as a local feature. Then we utilize the Bag-of-Features and concentric sphere frameworks to perform global matching using these local features. In addition to examining the retrieval accuracy of the descriptors in comparison to the state-of-the-art approaches, the retrieval speeds as well as robustness to noise and deformation on different datasets are investigated. On the other hand, to understand new complex models, we have also utilized distribution of electrical charge for proposing a system to decompose models into meaningful parts. Our robust, efficient and fully-automatic segmentation approach is able to specify the segments attached to the main part of a model as well as locating the boundary parts of the segments. The segmentation ability of the proposed system is examined on the standard datasets and its timing and accuracy are compared with the existing state-of-the-art approaches

    Digital Processing and Management Tools for 2D and 3D Shape Repositories

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    Active object recognition for 2D and 3D applications

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    Includes bibliographical referencesActive object recognition provides a mechanism for selecting informative viewpoints to complete recognition tasks as quickly and accurately as possible. One can manipulate the position of the camera or the object of interest to obtain more useful information. This approach can improve the computational efficiency of the recognition task by only processing viewpoints selected based on the amount of relevant information they contain. Active object recognition methods are based around how to select the next best viewpoint and the integration of the extracted information. Most active recognition methods do not use local interest points which have been shown to work well in other recognition tasks and are tested on images containing a single object with no occlusions or clutter. In this thesis we investigate using local interest points (SIFT) in probabilistic and non-probabilistic settings for active single and multiple object and viewpoint/pose recognition. Test images used contain objects that are occluded and occur in significant clutter. Visually similar objects are also included in our dataset. Initially we introduce a non-probabilistic 3D active object recognition system which consists of a mechanism for selecting the next best viewpoint and an integration strategy to provide feedback to the system. A novel approach to weighting the uniqueness of features extracted is presented, using a vocabulary tree data structure. This process is then used to determine the next best viewpoint by selecting the one with the highest number of unique features. A Bayesian framework uses the modified statistics from the vocabulary structure to update the system's confidence in the identity of the object. New test images are only captured when the belief hypothesis is below a predefined threshold. This vocabulary tree method is tested against randomly selecting the next viewpoint and a state-of-the-art active object recognition method by Kootstra et al.. Our approach outperforms both methods by correctly recognizing more objects with less computational expense. This vocabulary tree method is extended for use in a probabilistic setting to improve the object recognition accuracy. We introduce Bayesian approaches for object recognition and object and pose recognition. Three likelihood models are introduced which incorporate various parameters and levels of complexity. The occlusion model, which includes geometric information and variables that cater for the background distribution and occlusion, correctly recognizes all objects on our challenging database. This probabilistic approach is further extended for recognizing multiple objects and poses in a test images. We show through experiments that this model can recognize multiple objects which occur in close proximity to distractor objects. Our viewpoint selection strategy is also extended to the multiple object application and performs well when compared to randomly selecting the next viewpoint, the activation model and mutual information. We also study the impact of using active vision for shape recognition. Fourier descriptors are used as input to our shape recognition system with mutual information as the active vision component. We build multinomial and Gaussian distributions using this information, which correctly recognizes a sequence of objects. We demonstrate the effectiveness of active vision in object recognition systems. We show that even in different recognition applications using different low level inputs, incorporating active vision improves the overall accuracy and decreases the computational expense of object recognition systems

    Scene Image Classification and Retrieval

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    Scene image classification and retrieval not only have a great impact on scene image management, but also they can offer immeasurable assistance to other computer vision problems, such as image completion, human activity analysis, object recognition etc. Intuitively scene identification is correlated to recognition of objects or image regions, which prompts the notion to apply local features to scene categorization applications. Even though the adoption of local features in these tasks has yielded promising results, a global perception on scene images is also well-conditioned in cognitive science studies. Since the global description of a scene imposes less computational burden, it is favoured by some scholars despite its less discriminative capacity. Recent studies on global scene descriptors have even yielded classification performance that rivals results obtained by local approaches. The primary objective of this work is to tackle two of the limitations of existing global scene features: representation ineffectiveness and computational complexity. The thesis proposes two global scene features that seek to represent finer scene structures and reduce the dimensionality of feature vectors. Experimental results show that the proposed scene features exceed the performance of existing methods. The thesis is roughly divided into two parts. The first three chapters give an overview on the topic of scene image classification and retrieval methods, with a special attention to the most effective global scene features. In chapter 4, a novel scene descriptor, called ARP-GIST, is proposed and evaluated against the existing methods to show its ability to detect finer scene structures. In chapter 5, a low-dimensional scene feature, GIST-LBP, is proposed. In conjunction with a block ranking approach, the GIST-LBP feature is tested on a standard scene dataset to demonstrate its state-of-the-art performance