50 research outputs found

    The Cayley-graph of the queue monoid: logic and decidability

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    We investigate the decidability of logical aspects of graphs that arise as Cayley-graphs of the so-called queue monoids. These monoids model the behavior of the classical (reliable) fifo-queues. We answer a question raised by Huschenbett, Kuske, and Zetzsche and prove the decidability of the first-order theory of these graphs with the help of an - at least for the authors - new combination of the well-known method from Ferrante and Rackoff and an automata-based approach. On the other hand, we prove that the monadic second-order of the queue monoid's Cayley-graph is undecidable

    Uniformly automatic classes of finite structures

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    We investigate the recently introduced concept of uniformly tree-automatic classes in the realm of parameterized complexity theory. Roughly speaking, a class of finite structures is uniformly tree-automatic if it can be presented by a set of finite trees and a tuple of automata. A tree t encodes a structure and an element of this structure is encoded by a labeling of t. The automata are used to present the relations of the structure. We use this formalism to obtain algorithmic meta-theorems for first-order logic and in some cases also monadic second-order logic on classes of finite Boolean algebras, finite groups, and graphs of bounded tree-depth. Our main concern is the efficiency of this approach with respect to the hidden parameter dependence (size of the formula). We develop a method to analyze the complexity of uniformly tree-automatic presentations, which allows us to give upper bounds for the runtime of the automata-based model checking algorithm on the presented class. It turns out that the parameter dependence is elementary for all the above mentioned classes. Additionally we show that one can lift the FPT results, which are obtained by our method, from a class C to the closure of C under direct products with only a singly exponential blow-up in the parameter dependence

    The Well Structured Problem for Presburger Counter Machines

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    International audienceWe introduce the well structured problem as the question of whether a model (here a counter machine) is well structured (here for the usual ordering on integers). We show that it is undecidable for most of the (Presburger-defined) counter machines except for Affine VASS of dimension one. However, the strong well structured problem is decidable for all Presburger counter machines. While Affine VASS of dimension one are not, in general, well structured, we give an algorithm that computes the set of predecessors of a configuration; as a consequence this allows to decide the well structured problem for 1-Affine VASS

    What You Must Remember When Transforming Datawords

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    Streaming Data String Transducers (SDSTs) were introduced to model a class of imperative and a class of functional programs, manipulating lists of data items. These can be used to write commonly used routines such as insert, delete and reverse. SDSTs can handle data values from a potentially infinite data domain. The model of Streaming String Transducers (SSTs) is the fragment of SDSTs where the infinite data domain is dropped and only finite alphabets are considered. SSTs have been much studied from a language theoretical point of view. We introduce data back into SSTs, just like data was introduced to finite state automata to get register automata. The result is Streaming String Register Transducers (SSRTs), which is a subclass of SDSTs. We use origin semantics for SSRTs and give a machine independent characterization, along the lines of Myhill-Nerode theorem. Machine independent characterizations for similar models are the basis of learning algorithms and enable us to understand fragments of the models. Origin semantics of transducers track which positions of the output originate from which positions of the input. Although a restriction, using origin semantics is well justified and is known to simplify many problems related to transducers. We use origin semantics as a technical building block, in addition to characterizations of deterministic register automata. However, we need to build more on top of these to overcome some challenges unique to SSRTs

    Characterizing Omega-Regularity Through Finite-Memory Determinacy of Games on Infinite Graphs

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    We consider zero-sum games on infinite graphs, with objectives specified as sets of infinite words over some alphabet of colors. A well-studied class of objectives is the one of ?-regular objectives, due to its relation to many natural problems in theoretical computer science. We focus on the strategy complexity question: given an objective, how much memory does each player require to play as well as possible? A classical result is that finite-memory strategies suffice for both players when the objective is ?-regular. We show a reciprocal of that statement: when both players can play optimally with a chromatic finite-memory structure (i.e., whose updates can only observe colors) in all infinite game graphs, then the objective must be ?-regular. This provides a game-theoretic characterization of ?-regular objectives, and this characterization can help in obtaining memory bounds. Moreover, a by-product of our characterization is a new one-to-two-player lift: to show that chromatic finite-memory structures suffice to play optimally in two-player games on infinite graphs, it suffices to show it in the simpler case of one-player games on infinite graphs. We illustrate our results with the family of discounted-sum objectives, for which ?-regularity depends on the value of some parameters

    Minimising good-for-games automata is NP-complete

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    This paper discusses the hardness of finding minimal good-for-games (GFG) BĂĽchi, Co-BĂĽchi, and parity automata with state based acceptance. The problem appears to sit between finding small deterministic and finding small nondeterministic automata, where minimality is NP-complete and PSPACE-complete, respectively. However, recent work of Radi and Kupferman has shown that minimising Co-BĂĽchi automata with transition based acceptance is tractable, which suggests that the complexity of minimising GFG automata might be cheaper than minimising deterministic automata. We show for the standard state based acceptance that the minimality of a GFG automaton is NP-complete for BĂĽchi, Co-BĂĽchi, and parity GFG automata. The proofs are a surprisingly straight forward generalisation of the proofs from deterministic BĂĽchi automata: they use a similar reductions, and the same hard class of languages

    On Polynomial Recursive Sequences

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    We study the expressive power of polynomial recursive sequences, a nonlinear extension of the well-known class of linear recursive sequences. These sequences arise naturally in the study of nonlinear extensions of weighted automata, where (non)expressiveness results translate to class separations. A typical example of a polynomial recursive sequence is b_n = n!. Our main result is that the sequence u_n = n? is not polynomial recursive

    On the Boundedness Problem for Higher-Order Pushdown Vector Addition Systems

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    International audienceKarp and Miller's algorithm is a well-known decision procedure that solves the termination and boundedness problems for vector addition systems with states (VASS), or equivalently Petri nets. This procedure was later extended to a general class of models, well-structured transition systems, and, more recently, to pushdown VASS. In this paper, we extend pushdown VASS to higher-order pushdown VASS (called HOPVASS), and we investigate whether an approach Ă  la Karp and Miller can still be used to solve termination and boundedness.We provide a decidable characterisation of runs that can be iterated arbitrarily many times, which is the main ingredient of Karp and Miller's approach. However, the resulting Karp and Miller procedure only gives a semi-algorithm for HOPVASS. In fact, we show that coverability, termination and boundedness are all undecidable for HOPVASS, even in the restricted subcase of one counter and an order 2 stack. On the bright side, we prove that this semi-algorithm is in fact an algorithm for higher-order pushdown automata

    How to Play Optimally for Regular Objectives?

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    This paper studies two-player zero-sum games played on graphs and makes contributions toward the following question: given an objective, how much memory is required to play optimally for that objective? We study regular objectives, where the goal of one of the two players is that eventually the sequence of colors along the play belongs to some regular language of finite words. We obtain different characterizations of the chromatic memory requirements for such objectives for both players, from which we derive complexity-theoretic statements: deciding whether there exist small memory structures sufficient to play optimally is NP-complete for both players. Some of our characterization results apply to a more general class of objectives: topologically closed and topologically open sets