1,929,384 research outputs found

    Confinement from new global defect structures

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    We investigate confinement from new global defect structures in three spatial dimensions. The global defects arise in models described by a single real scalar field, governed by special scalar potentials. They appear as electrically, magnetically or dyonically charged structures. We show that they induce confinement, when they are solutions of effective QCD-like field theories in which the vacua are regarded as color dielectric media with an anti-screening property. As expected, in three spatial dimensions the monopole-like global defects generate the Coulomb potential as part of several confining potentials.Comment: RevTex4, 7 pages, 1 figure. Version to appear in Eur. Phys. J.

    Spectroscopic confirmation of the planetary nebula nature of PM1-242, PM1-318 and PM1-333 and morphological analysis of the nebulae

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    We present intermediate resolution long-slit spectra and narrow-band Halpha, [NII] and [OIII] images of PM1-242, PM318 and PM1-333, three IRAS sources classified as possible planetary nebulae. The spectra show that the three objects are true planetary nebulae and allow us to study their physical properties; the images provide a detailed view of their morphology. PM1-242 is a medium-to-high-excitation (e.g., HeII4686/Hbeta ~0.4; [NII]6584/Halpha ~0.3) planetary nebula with an elliptical shape containing [NII] enhanced point-symmetric arcs. An electron temperature [Te([SIII])] of ~10250 K and an electron density [Ne([SII])] of ~2300 cm-3 are derived for PM1-242. Abundance calculations suggest a large helium abundance (He/H ~0.29) in PM1-242. PM1-318 is a high-excitation (HeII4686/Hbeta ~1) planetary nebula with a ring-like inner shell containing two enhanced opposite regions, surrounded by a fainter round attached shell brighter in the light of [OIII]. PM1-333 is an extended planetary nebula with a high-excitation (HeII4686/Hbeta up to ~0.9) patchy circular main body containing two low-excitation knotty arcs. A low Ne([SII]) of ~450 cm-3 and Te([OIII]) of ~15000 K are derived for this nebula. Abundance calculations suggest that PM1-333 is a type I planetary nebula. The lack of a sharp shell morphology, low electron density, and high-excitation strongly suggest that PM1-333 is an evolved planetary nebula. PM1-333 also shows two low-ionization polar structures whose morphology and emission properties are reminiscent of collimated outflows. We compare PM1-333 with other evolved planetary nebulae with collimated outflows and find that outflows among evolved planetary nebulae exhibit a large variety of properties, in accordance with these observed in younger planetary nebula.Comment: Accepted in The Astronomical Journal, 23 pages, 6 figure


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    Saat ini mau tidak mau keterbukaan pasar membuat suatu orientasi baru bagi badan usaha untuk menang dalam persaingan, yaitu memberikan layanan dan menciptakan kepuasan pada pelanggan. Salah satu tugas terpenting dan tersulit bagi seorang manajer dalam rangka orientasi baru tersebut adalah melakukan pengendalian melalui performance appraisal terhadap para karyawan agar orientasi tersebut dapat tercapai, yang biasanya dilakukan dengan menggunakan rancangan performance appraisal pada umumnya. Badan usaha satu dengan lainnya memiliki orientasi yang berbeda satu sama lain, sehingga untuk menunjang tercapainya orientasi badan usaha tersebut perlu adanya performance appraisal yang lebih spesifik. Ketidakjelasan akan apa yang dinilai dan dengan apa karyawan akan dinilai membuat para karyawan merasa frustrasi dan kebingungan, demikian juga sebaliknya hasil penilaian yang tidak berdasar pada orientasi yang tepat akan membuat individu tidak suka mendengar hasilnya, dan para manajerpun juga tidak akan merasa nyaman untuk menyampaikan hasil, terlebih hasil negatif atas penilaian diri karyawan. Para manajer akan khawatir untuk mendapatkan serangan dari para karyawan sesudahnya. Penilaian atas kinerja yang obyektif dan efektif akan banyak gunanya. Dalam bidang pengembangan sumberdaya manusia, performance appraisal ini akan berdampak pada pemberian reward, promosi, memotivasi, pengembangan, pemberian feedback, dan pemenuhan aspek legalitas pemberhentian para karyawan oleh badan usaha apabila yang bersangkutan tidak berorientasi pada tujuan yang telah ditetapkan oleh badan usaha. Persyaratan performance appraisal yang efektif meliputi persyaratan obyektivitas pengukurannya serta pemilihan metode yang tepat. Badan usaha yang berorientasi pada layanan dan kepuasan pelanggan memiliki beberapa ciri. Oleh karena itu performance appraisal yang efektif untuk menunjang badan usaha yang berorientasi pada layanan dan kepuasan pelanggan secara spesifik sangat dibutuhkan untuk dirancang. Selama ini dikenal beberapa performance appraisal, yaitu performance appraisal orientasi hasil dan performance appraisal orientasi proses, di mana masing-masing mempunyai beberapa kelebihan dan kekurangan, serta dikenal beberapa cara penilaian, salah satu di antaranya adalah 360 degree appraisal. Pada kesempatan ini akan diperkenalkan cara merancang performance appraisal orientasi hasil dengan performance appraisal orientasi proses yang dikombinasikan dengan pcnilaian secara 360 degree appraisal, dan dinamakan rancangan performance appraisal yang efektif (EPA), dimana rancangan ini berguna untuk mengendalikan karyawan yang bekerja dalam badan usaha yang mementingkan layanan dan kepuasan pelanggan


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    The steady three-dimensional stagnation-point flow of an electrically conducting micropolar fluid in the absence and in the presence of a uniform external electromagnetic field (E0,H0) is analyzed and some physical situations are examined. In particular, we proved that if we impress an external magnetic field H0, and we neglect the induced magnetic field, then the steady MHD three-dimensional stagnation-point flow of such a fluid is possible if, and only if, H0 has the direction parallel to one of the axes. In all cases it is shown that the governing nonlinear partial differential equations admit similarity solutions. Moreover in the presence of an external magnetic field H0, it is found that the flow of a micropolar fluid has to satisfy an ordinary differential problem whose solution depend on H0 through the Hartmann number M. Finally, the skin-friction components along the axes are computed

    AS/A level subject criteria for mathematics: consultation draft: for first teaching from September 2012

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    The Asian Conference on Psychology and the Behavioral Sciences 2015

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    Conference Note

    Laying hens in furnished cages

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    Concern for the welfare of laying hens housed in conventional cages has led to a change of the Animal Welfare Legislation in Sweden, implying that cages must provide possibilities for hens to lay eggs in a nest, to rest on a perch and to use litter. Such requirements are also being considered within the whole European Union. The purpose of this thesis is to contribute to the general knowledge of, and further development of, furnished cages, both as regards birds’ use of facilities and their welfare, as well as with regard to production. The furnished cages housed 6 to 16 birds and the genotypes included were the commercial hybrids Lohmann Selected Leghorn (LSL), Hy-Line White and Hy-Line Brown. Passive Integrated Transponders were used in order to record individual bird’s use of litter baths, nests and passages through pop holes in larger cages divided into two halves. With some exceptions, nest and perches were generally used by 80-90% of the birds, and nest use was affected by nest design. There was a very large variation in the number of days individual birds visited the litter bath, and almost 30% of the birds never entered the baths. Frequent use of litter affected neither a hen’s exterior appearance (feather cover, pecking wounds) nor her estimated level of stress. Providing cages for larger groups of hens with a partition with pop holes, in order to improve their escape possibilities, did not affect any of the measured welfare traits. However, the pop holes were frequently used and the cage proved to work in all practical aspects. Two different measures to reduce egg shell cracks, both reducing the speed of the eggs on their way out of the nest, proved to be very efficient. Egg production and mortality rates were normal and similar to levels recorded in conventional cages. Differences in behaviour, indicators of stress and fear, exterior egg quality and exterior appearance were identified between genotypes. In conclusion, most birds found nests and perches attractive, whereas litter was used to varying extents. With inexpensive measures to reduce egg cracks, the proportion of cracks can be reduced to the level found in conventional cages

    Low frequency radio-FIR correlation in normal galaxies at ~1 kpc scales

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    We study the radio--FIR correlation between the nonthermal (synchrotron) radio continuum emission at \lambda 90 cm (333 MHz) and the far infrared emission due to cool (~20 K) dust at \lambda 70\mu m in spatially resolved normal galaxies at scales of ~1 kpc. The slope of the radio--FIR correlation significantly differs between the arm and interarm regions. However, this change is not evident at a lower wavelength of \lambda 20 cm (1.4 GHz). We find the slope of the correlation in the arm to be 0.8 \pm 0.12 and we use this to determine the coupling between equipartition magnetic field (B_{eq}) and gas density (\rho_{gas}) as B_{eq} \propto \rho_{gas}^{0.51 \pm 0.12}. This is close to what is predicted by MHD simulations of turbulent ISM, provided the same region produces both the radio and far infrared emission. We argue that at 1 kpc scales this condition is satisfied for radio emission at 1.4 GHz and may not be satisfied at 333 MHz. Change of slope observed in the interarm region could be caused by propagation of low energy (~1.5 GeV) and long lived (~ 10^8 yr) cosmic ray electrons at 333 MHz.Comment: 8 Pages, 5 Figures, Accepted to be published in Ap

    Orchard\u27s Another day, Another Dali: A Serena Jones mystery (Book Review)

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    A review of Orchard, S. (2016). Another day, Another Dali: A Serena Jones mystery. Grand Rapids, MI: Revell. 333 pp. $14.99. ISBN 978080072671