Journal of Social and Administrative Sciences
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    171 research outputs found

    Corruptive intention and anti-citizenship behavior: A study of the impact of workplace dissatisfaction among personnel in the Cameroonian public health care sector

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    Abstract. This study focuses on the sociocognitive processes that generally affect actors in the public administration and undermine their values, ethics, and the sense of providing a free and equitable public service, as recognized in administrative bureaucracies. We started with the following research question: What are the direct underlying determinants of corruptible behavior among public health personnel? Through a dual analysis of correlation and mediation using structural equation modeling, a confirmatory figure was presented, demonstrating the mediating effect (Hayes, 2018) of workplace distress on Corruptive Behavioral Intention (CBI) on one hand, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) on the other.Keywords. Corruptive intention; Anti-citizenship behavior;  Workplace distress; Public health personnel.JEL. F13; F14; Q54

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    Global assessment of climate change and trade on food security

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    Abstract. The rise in global trade has led to improvements in the standard of living and lifted many out of poverty, but not all countries have been able to fully integrate into the world trading system due to lack of resources. Access to food supplies is critical for those with inadequate access to food for sustainable consumption. The evolving trade dynamics and climate change will result in winners and losers for the global food system, with some regions experiencing double exposure to economic and climate-related shocks and stressors. Trade openness can significantly reduce vulnerabilities and enhance food security, if necessary, infrastructure is in place. Although global trade can play a crucial role in ensuring that the global food system adapts to a changing climate, this potential will only be realized if trade is managed to maximize the benefits of broadened access to new markets and minimize the risks of increased exposure to international competition and market volatility. For regions like Africa, enhanced transportation networks, combined with greater national reserves of cash and enhanced social safety nets, could reduce the impact of double exposure on food security.Keywords. International trade; Food security; Climate change.JEL. F13; F14; Q54

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    Covid-19 in society between 2020 (without vaccinations) and 2021 (with vaccinations): A case study

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    Abstract. This study develops a comparative analysis of the effects of Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) between April-June 2020 (without vaccinations) and April-June 2021 (with vaccinations) in Italy. The findings reveal that the dynamics of COVID-19 is declining because of its seasonality that reduce the effects in summer season. Hence, this study provides critical lessons that could be of benefit to countries for crisis management of pandemic diseases, showing how seasonality can reduce the diffusion of airborne disease of novel viral agents in summer.Keywords. Pandemic diseases; Coronavirus; Vaccines; Vaccination campaigns; Health systems; Climate;  Seasonality.JEL. C52; L25; M14

    A brief perspective on globalization

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    The purpose of this paper is to examine globalization from a variety of perspectives relevant to the present day and time. We first examine what is globalization in present day context, then we examine the importance of financial flows from globalization. We further examine into how digitization is taking place across the globe and the consequences that it brings. We also look at the consequences of globalization on the environment and finally we come to the discussion of the importance of globalization in present day times and especially in regards to the Covid-19 pandemic. Is prudence in terms of globalization a better path rather than irrational exuberance.? Is stability better than volatility?Keywords. Globalization; Finance; Digitization; Environment; Sustainability; Covid-19; Public Health.JEL. C52; L25; M14

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    Determinants in the emergence of viral agents: the SARS-CoV-2

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    Abstract. The objective of this paper is to clarify, whenever possible, the determinants in the emergence of biological agents to improve aspects connected with public health and biosecurity. Case study of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is investigated to assess the likely emergence from a wildlife spillover and/or scientific research in labs with unexpected accident. Using a meta-analysis, results suggest that a natural spillover of SARS-CoV-2 that has generated more than 5.2 million of deaths, in analogy with natural disaster, seems to have a remote probability, instead a lab accident in the process of scientific research  has a probability of occurrence of about 15-30%. These results here are important to support  decision making of policymakers for global biosecurity strategies with  appropriate responses to prevent the future diffusion of vital agents similar to SARS-CoV-2 in environment and society.Keywords. Viral agent; Biological agent; SARS-CoV-2; Novel coronavirus; Zoonoses; Natural disaster; Lab accident; Laboratory biosafety; Biosecurity risks..JEL. C52; L25; M14

    Overestimates of the racial wealth gap and the case for reparations

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    Abstract. The racial wealth gap indicates relative wellbeing, but wealth differs for many reasons. For example, Black family heads are nine years younger. Adjusting for this reduces 2019 median white family wealth from 7.8 times as large to 4.6 times as large and the shortfall of overall Black wealth from 1.6trillionto1.6 trillion to 1.4 trillion. Second, it shows the difference from using averages instead of medians, the representative measure when wealth is not normally distributed. Using averages assumes wealth differs only due to race and raises the Black shortfall to $8.4 trillion. Regardless of the size of the wealth gap, however, this paper argues that there is a long history of analyses of the bases for reparations, whose potential amounts were unrelated to the existence or size of a racial wealth gap. Most of those hypotheses and estimates are inconsistent with recent proposals to eliminate the gap using reparations.Keywords. Wealth, Redistribution; Racial wealth gap; Reparations.JEL. D31; H13; N30


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