4,232 research outputs found

    Herschel photometric observations of the low metallicity dwarf galaxy NGC 1705

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    We present Herschel SPIRE and PACS photometeric observations of the low metallicity (Z ~ 0.35 Z_☉) nearby dwarf galaxy, NGC 1705, in six wavelength bands as part of the Dwarf Galaxy Survey guaranteed time Herschel key program. We confirm the presence of two dominant circumnuclear IR-bright regions surrounding the central super star cluster that had been previously noted at mid-IR wavelengths and in the sub-mm by LABOCA. On constructing a global spectral energy distribution using the SPIRE and PACS photometry, in conjunction with archival IR measurements, we note the presence of an excess at sub-mm wavelengths. This excess suggests the presence of a significant cold dust component within NGC 1705 and was modeled as an additional cold component in the SED. Although alternative explanations for the sub-mm excess beyond 350 ÎŒm, such as changes to the dust emissivity cannot be ruled out, the most likely explanation for the observed submillimetre excess is that of an additional cold dust component

    The dust morphology of the elliptical Galaxy M86 with SPIRE

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    We present Herschel-SPIRE observations at 250–500 Όm of the giant elliptical galaxy M 86 and examine the distribution of the resolved cold dust emission and its relation with other galactic tracers. The SPIRE images reveal three dust components: emission from the central region; a dust lane extending north-south; and a bright emission feature 10 kpc to the south-east. We estimate that ~10^6 M_☉ of dust is spatially coincident with atomic and ionized hydrogen, originating from stripped material from the nearby spiral NGC 4438 due to recent tidal interactions with M 86. The gas-to-dust ratio of the cold gas component ranges from ~20–80. We discuss the different heating mechanisms for the dust features

    Searches for Ultra-Compact Dwarf Galaxies in Galaxy Groups

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    We present the results of a search for ultra-compact dwarf galaxies (UCDs) in six different galaxy groups: Dorado, NGC1400, NGC0681, NGC4038, NGC4697 and NGC5084. We searched in the apparent magnitude range 17.5 < b_j < 20.5 (except NGC5084: 19.2 < b_j < 21.0). We found 1 definite plus 2 possible UCD candidates in the Dorado group and 2 possible UCD candidates in the NGC1400 group. No UCDs were found in the other groups. We compared these results with predicted luminosities of UCDs in the groups according to the hypothesis that UCDs are globular clusters formed in galaxies. The theoretical predictions broadly agree with the observational results, but deeper surveys are needed to fully test the predictions.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Cold Dust but Warm Gas in the Unusual Elliptical Galaxy NGC 4125

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    Data from the Herschel Space Observatory have revealed an unusual elliptical galaxy, NGC 4125, which has strong and extended submillimeter emission from cold dust but only very strict upper limits to its CO and Hi emission. Depending on the dust emissivity, the total dust mass is 2-5 x 10(6) M-circle dot. While the neutral gas-to-dust mass ratio is extremely low (= 10(4) K faster than the dust is evaporated. If galaxies like NGC 4125, where the far-infrared emission does not trace neutral gas in the usual manner, are common at higher redshift, this could have significant implications for our understanding of high redshift galaxies and galaxy evolution.Canadian Space AgencyNatural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of CanadaAgenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI) I/005/11/0BMVIT (Austria)ESA-PRODEX (Belgium)CEA/CNES (France)DLR (Germany)ASI/INAF (Italy)CICYT/MCYT (Spain)CSA (Canada)NAOC (China)CEA, (France)CNES (France)CNRS (France)ASI (Italy)MCINN (Spain)SNSB (Sweden)STFC (UK)NASA (USA)National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationAstronom

    Herschel spectral-mapping of the Helix Nebula (NGC 7293): Extended CO photodissociation and OH+ emission

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    The Helix Nebula (NGC 7293) is the closest planetary nebulae. Therefore, it is an ideal template for photochemical studies at small spatial scales in planetary nebulae. We aim to study the spatial distribution of the atomic and the molecular gas, and the structure of the photodissociation region along the western rims of the Helix Nebula as seen in the submillimeter range with Herschel. We use 5 SPIRE FTS pointing observations to make atomic and molecular spectral maps. We analyze the molecular gas by modeling the CO rotational lines using a non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (non-LTE) radiative transfer model. For the first time, we have detected extended OH+ emission in a planetary nebula. The spectra towards the Helix Nebula also show CO emission lines (from J= 4 to 8), [NII] at 1461 GHz from ionized gas, and [CI] (2-1), which together with the OH+ lines, trace extended CO photodissociation regions along the rims. The estimated OH+ column density is (1-10)x1e12 cm-2. The CH+ (1-0) line was not detected at the sensitivity of our observations. Non-LTE models of the CO excitation were used to constrain the average gas density (n(H2)=(1-5)x1e5 cm-3) and the gas temperature (Tk= 20-40 K). The SPIRE spectral-maps suggest that CO arises from dense and shielded clumps in the western rims of the Helix Nebula whereas OH+ and [CI] lines trace the diffuse gas and the UV and X-ray illuminated clumps surface where molecules reform after CO photodissociation. [NII] traces a more diffuse ionized gas component in the interclump medium.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Herschel SPIRE-FTS Observations of Excited CO and [CI] in the Antennae (NGC 4038/39): Warm and Cold Molecular Gas

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    We present Herschel SPIRE-FTS observations of the Antennae (NGC 4038/39), a well studied, nearby (2222 Mpc) ongoing merger between two gas rich spiral galaxies. We detect 5 CO transitions (J=4−3J=4-3 to J=8−7J=8-7), both [CI] transitions and the [NII]205ÎŒm205\mu m transition across the entire system, which we supplement with ground based observations of the CO J=1−0J=1-0, J=2−1J=2-1 and J=3−2J=3-2 transitions, and Herschel PACS observations of [CII] and [OI]63ÎŒm63\mu m. Using the CO and [CI] transitions, we perform both a LTE analysis of [CI], and a non-LTE radiative transfer analysis of CO and [CI] using the radiative transfer code RADEX along with a Bayesian likelihood analysis. We find that there are two components to the molecular gas: a cold (Tkin∌10−30T_{kin}\sim 10-30 K) and a warm (Tkin≳100T_{kin} \gtrsim 100 K) component. By comparing the warm gas mass to previously observed values, we determine a CO abundance in the warm gas of xCO∌5×10−5x_{CO} \sim 5\times 10^{-5}. If the CO abundance is the same in the warm and cold gas phases, this abundance corresponds to a CO J=1−0J=1-0 luminosity-to-mass conversion factor of $\alpha_{CO} \sim 7 \ M_{\odot}{pc^{-2} \ (K \ km \ s^{-1})^{-1}}inthecoldcomponent,similartothevaluefornormalspiralgalaxies.WeestimatethecoolingfromH in the cold component, similar to the value for normal spiral galaxies. We estimate the cooling from H_2,[CII],COand[OI], [CII], CO and [OI]63\mu mtobe to be \sim 0.01 L_{\odot}/M_{\odot}.WecomparePDRmodelstotheratioofthefluxofvariousCOtransitions,alongwiththeratiooftheCOfluxtothefar−infraredfluxinNGC4038,NGC4039andtheoverlapregion.Wefindthatthedensitiesrecoveredfromournon−LTEanalysisareconsistentwithabackgroundfar−ultravioletfieldofstrength. We compare PDR models to the ratio of the flux of various CO transitions, along with the ratio of the CO flux to the far-infrared flux in NGC 4038, NGC 4039 and the overlap region. We find that the densities recovered from our non-LTE analysis are consistent with a background far-ultraviolet field of strength G_0\sim 1000$. Finally, we find that a combination of turbulent heating, due to the ongoing merger, and supernova and stellar winds are sufficient to heat the molecular gas.Comment: 50 pages, 15 figures, 8 tables, Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Herschel/HIFI observations of spectrally resolved methylidyne signatures toward the high-mass star-forming core NGC6334I

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    In contrast to extensively studied dense star-forming cores, little is known about diffuse gas surrounding star-forming regions. We study molecular gas in the high-mass star-forming region NGC6334I, which contains diffuse, quiescent components that are inconspicuous in widely used molecular tracers such as CO. We present Herschel/HIFI observations of CH toward NGC6334I observed as part of the CHESS key program. HIFI resolves the hyperfine components of its J=3/2-1/2 transition, observed in both emission and absorption. The CH emission appears close to the systemic velocity of NGC6334I, while its measured linewidth of 3 km/s is smaller than previously observed in dense gas tracers such as NH3 and SiO. The CH abundance in the hot core is 7 10^-11, two to three orders of magnitude lower than in diffuse clouds. While other studies find distinct outflows in, e.g., CO and H2O toward NGC6334I, we do not detect outflow signatures in CH. To explain the absorption signatures, at least two absorbing components are needed at -3.0 and +6.5 km/s with N(CH)=7 10^13 and 3 10^13 cm^-2. Two additional absorbing clouds are found at +8.0 and 0.0 km/s, both with N(CH)=2 10^13 cm^-2. Turbulent linewidths for the four absorption components vary between 1.5 and 5.0 km/s in FWHM. We constrain physical properties of our CH clouds by matching our CH absorbers with other absorption signatures. In the hot core, molecules such as H2O and CO trace gas that is heated and dynamically influenced by outflow activity, whereas CH traces more quiescent material. The four CH absorbers have column densities and turbulent properties consistent with diffuse clouds: two are located near NGC6334, and two are unrelated foreground clouds. Local density and dynamical effects influence the chemical composition of physical components of NGC6334, causing some components to be seen in CH but not in other tracers, and vice versa.Comment: Accepted by A&A Letters; 5 pages, 1 figure; v2: minor textual and typographical change

    Why did British Electricity Prices Fall after 1998?

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    In an attempt to reduce high electricity prices in England and Wales the government has reduced concentration among generators and introduced New Electricity Trading Arrangements (NETA). Econometric analysis on monthly data from April 1996 to September 2002 implies support for two conflicting hypotheses. On a static view, increases in competition and the capacity margin were chiefly responsible for the fall in prices. If generators had been tacitly colluding before NETA, however, the impending change in market rules might have changed their behaviour a few months before the abolition of the Pool. That view implies that NETA reduced prices

    Herschel imaging of the dust in the Helix Nebula (NGC 7293)

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    In our series of papers presenting the Herschel imaging of evolved planetary nebulae, we present images of the dust distribution in the Helix nebula (NGC 7293). Images at 70, 160, 250, 350, and 500 micron were obtained with the PACS and SPIRE instruments on board the Herschel satellite. The broadband maps show the dust distribution over the main Helix nebula to be clumpy and predominantly present in the barrel wall. We determined the spectral energy distribution of the main nebula in a consistent way using Herschel, IRAS, and Planck flux values. The emissivity index of 0.99 +/- 0.09, in combination with the carbon rich molecular chemistry of the nebula, indicates that the dust consists mainly of amorphous carbon. The dust excess emission from the central star disk is detected at 70 micron and the flux measurement agree with previous measurement. We present the temperature and dust column density maps. The total dust mass across the Helix nebula (without its halo) is determined to be 0.0035 solar mass at a distance of 216 pc. The temperature map shows dust temperatures between 22 and 42 K, which is similar to the kinetic temperature of the molecular gas, strengthening the fact that the dust and gas co-exist in high density clumps. Archived images are used to compare the location of the dust emission in the far infrared (Herschel) with the ionized (GALEX, Hbeta) and molecular hydrogen component. The different emission components are consistent with the Helix consisting of a thick walled barrel-like structure inclined to the line of sight. The radiation field decreases rapidly through the barrel wall.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures, revised version A&A in pres
